人教版高中英语课件: Book 2Unit 3 computers Reading & Language points

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1、课题课题Book 2 Unit 3 computers Reading & Language points Unit 3 Computers Free talkWhat can we do on a computer and through the Internet? ComputersReading read the passage and finish the following form1642: _ : The Analytical Machine was made by Charles Babbage.1936: _1940s:_:The first family of comput

2、ers was connected to each other.1970s: _Now: _1642: The computer began as a calculating machine._1822 : The Analytical Machine was made by Charles Babbage.1936: _Alan Turing wrote a book to describe how computers could be made._1940s:The computer had grown as large as a room._1960s :The first family

3、 of computers was connected to each other.1970s: Computers were used in offices and homes. Now: _Computers connected people all over the world together._skimming1. Which type / style does the text belong to ?2 . Why does the writer use the title WHO AM I ? What kind of literary devices (修辞修辞)does th

4、e text use? A. Description(描写描写) B. Narration(叙述叙述)C. Exposition(说明说明) D. Argumentation(议论议论)Personificationthe first person simple, vivid, interesting, understandable.2) Whats the main idea of the text? A. The computer wants to find “who he is”. B. The functional change of the computer. C. The comp

5、uter becomes popular around the world. D. The history and development of the computer.1)The machine is introducing itself mainly according to _? A. function B. time C. size S SummaryummaryFill in the blanks according to the ill in the blanks according to the t text.ext. 1 1 history of computer began

6、 in history of computer began in 1642 in France. 1642 in France. 2 2 was the first was the first built only as a calculating machine, and only as a calculating machine, and later as an Analytical Machine that could later as an Analytical Machine that could “thinkthink” 3 3 (logic) and produce an (lo

7、gic) and produce an answer quicker than any person. answer quicker than any person. Still later, till later, the the “universal machineuniversal machine” is built is built 4 4 (solve) mathematical problems, (solve) mathematical problems, 5 5 made computer huge! made computer huge! 6 6 the years the

8、years have gone by, computer has been made have gone by, computer has been made smaller, quickersmaller, quicker 7 7 cleverer. cleverer. Later, computers were connected by ater, computers were connected by network and brought network and brought 8 8 common peoplecommon peoples homes to deal with s h

9、omes to deal with information and help communication information and help communication 9 9 people around the world. people around the world. Since ince 10 10 birth, computer has always been birth, computer has always been designed to serve the human race.designed to serve the human race.Keys :1.The

10、 2.It 3. logically 4. to solve 5. which 6. As 7. and 8. into 9.between 10. its1. In pairs discuss what they have in common ( warming up, Page 17)have something in common 有共同之处有共同之处have nothing in common无共同之处无共同之处have a lot in common 有许多共同之处有许多共同之处Language points2. As time went by, I was made smaller

11、. 此句中,此句中,as 是连词,引导一个时间状是连词,引导一个时间状语从句,表示随时间的推移,可译为语从句,表示随时间的推移,可译为“随随着着”,注意和,注意和with 结构的区分,结构的区分,with 也也可以表达可以表达“随着随着”的意思,不过它的后面的意思,不过它的后面要跟名词或名词短语。要跟名词或名词短语。(1) 随着经济的发展,越来越多的家庭买随着经济的发展,越来越多的家庭买了小汽车。了小汽车。 (用(用as) (用用with) As the economy develops, more and more families have bought cars. With the de

12、velopment of the economy, more and more families have bought cars. (2) 随着科技的进步,人们登上月球的愿随着科技的进步,人们登上月球的愿望将不再是梦想。望将不再是梦想。 (用(用as) (用用with) (2)As the science and technology improve, it will not be a dream for people to go to the moon any more.With the progress of the science and technology, it will not

13、 be a dream for people to go to the moon any more.4 As a result I totally changed my shape. 因此,我完全改变了形状。(L16)People polluted the environment today and one day, as a result, they will get punishment in return. 人们今天破坏环境,结果/因此总有一天会遭到惩罚的 as a result of sth = because of sth 作为的结果,因为.因为战争,石油的价格迅速上升。As a r

14、esult of the war, the oil price increases greatly. as a result 结果,因此。结果,因此。 常位于句首,用逗号常位于句首,用逗号与后面的句子隔开。与后面的句子隔开。战争爆发了。因此,石油的价格迅速上升。战争爆发了。因此,石油的价格迅速上升。The war broke out. As a result, the oil price increases greatly. 5 Anyhow my goal is to provide humans with a life of high quality (L32) 不管怎样不管怎样,我的目标

15、是给人类提供高品质的生活。我的目标是给人类提供高品质的生活。 anyhow=anyway=in spite of that=in any case 不管怎样,无论如何不管怎样,无论如何(1)Anyhow, my goal is to persuade you to give up smoking.(2)The school provides us with classrooms to study in.(3)The hotel provides the customers with the access接入接入 of internet.2 By the 1940s, I had grown as large as a room. (L14) 到二十世纪四十年代到二十世纪四十年代,我已,我已发展到一间房间那么大。发展到一间房间那么大。 by 到到为止为止,常与,常与完成时态完成时态连用。连用。 到去年为止,我们买了到去年为止,我们买了100多台电脑。多台电脑。 到明年我们就学了到明年我们就学了8年英语年英语By last year, we had bought more than 100 computers. By next year, we will have learnt English for 8 years



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