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1、意大利文艺复新时期最负盛名的艺术大师,科学家。他生于佛罗伦萨郊区的芬奇镇,卒于法国。其父为律师兼公证人,母为农妇,他15岁来到佛罗伦萨,学艺于韦罗基奥的作坊,1472年入画家行会。70年代中期个人风格已趋成熟。1482-1499年间一直工作于米兰,主要为米兰公爵服务,进行了广泛的艺术和科学活动,岩间圣母是他在这段时期创作的最有名的代表作。leonardo da Vinci 达芬奇达芬奇(1452-1519)蒙娜丽萨蒙娜丽萨 Mona Lisa (达.芬奇 Leonardo Da Vinci)最后的晚餐最后的晚餐 (达.芬奇 Leonardo Da Vinci)Vincent Van Gogh文

2、森特文森特.梵高梵高( 1853 1890) 印象派人物代表印象派人物代表 静物静物 (凡高 Vincent Willem Van Gogh) 开花的栗树凡高 (Vincent Willem Van Gogh)向向日日葵葵(凡高Van Gogh) SunflowerPablo Picasso (1881-1973) 毕加索毕加索He was born on October 25, 1881 in Malaga, Spain, as the son of an art and drawing teacher. Picasso was the greatest art genius of the

3、twentieth century.坐着的女人坐着的女人 (Picasso毕加索)梦梦(Dream) (Picasso毕加索)Giotto di Bondone (1267-1337) He painted religious scenes in a more realistic style.意大利绘画之父意大利绘画之父Escape to Egypt 犹大之吻犹大之吻徐悲鸿,徐悲鸿,1895-1953,江苏宜兴屺亭桥人。江苏宜兴屺亭桥人。中国现代美术事业的奠中国现代美术事业的奠基者,杰出的画家和美基者,杰出的画家和美术教育家。术教育家。八骏图(徐悲鸿)法国工人法国工人马夫和马马夫和马Qi Ba

4、ishi(1864-1957)虾虾(齐白石)(齐白石)张大千阎立本 历代帝王图唐寅 陶谷赠诗清明上河图Match some new words in column A with the correct English meanings in column Bv A B a. realistic 1. accurate, minute b. abstract 2. state or fact of existing c. existence 3. being in thought but having a physical or practical exis- tence d. detailed

5、 4. lifelike, true to life e. religious 5. classical, of old beliefs f. traditional 6. sincere to believe in a god or godsv1. Would you rather have Chinese or Western-style paintings in your home?vGive your reasons.v2. Have you ever wished you would paint as well as a professional artist? If you wer

6、e an artist, what kind pictures would you paint?v3. What would you rather do- paint pictures, make sculptures, or design buildings? Why?Pre-reading vQuestions:v. Do you ever visit Art Galleries? 纽约现代艺术博物馆纽约现代艺术博物馆 New York Art Museum 中国美术馆中国美术馆 Chinese Art Gallery装修后的中国美术馆外观装修后的中国美术馆外观 维纳斯雕塑原作珍藏在卢浮宫

7、 卢浮宫内的雕塑作品 世界艺术的宝库卢浮宫 Louvre MuseumRead the passage as quickly as you can and get a general idea of the passage.1.What is this passage about?2.How many styles does the writer tell us?The short history of Western art.4 styles of the western art:The Middle Ages; The RenaissanceImpressionism; Modern ar

8、t.The Middle Ages (5th 15th century)During the middle ages , the main aim ofpainter was to represent religious themes.巴卡斯蒂伯爵像巴卡斯蒂伯爵像 拉斐尔拉斐尔The Renaissance(15th to 16th century)People became focused more on humans and less on religion.花园中的女人花园中的女人 莫奈莫奈Impressionism (late 19th to early 20th century)Th

9、e artists painted outdoors.Modern art (20th century to today)Nowadays,there are sores of modern art styles.Such as Cubism (立体派立体派),Surrealism(超超现实主义)现实主义)Expressionism(表现主义)(表现主义)vParagraph 1. Why has the style of western art changed many times, while Chinese art changed less often?vPara.2 What were

10、 the artists interested in from 5th to 15th century?vThey were interested in creating respect and love for God, so they painted many religious scenes.Art is influenced by the way of life and beliefs of people, but China has followed a similar way of life for a very long time.vPara.3 What did the art

11、ists paint in the Renaissance?v(they became focused more on humans and tried to paint people and nature.)vPara.4 how did Massaccio paint his paintings?v( He drew things in Perspective, which makes pictures very realistic.)vPara.5-6 What were the impressionists? Why did they have to paint very quickl

12、y?v(The impressionists were the first artists to paint outdoors. Because natural light changes so quickly, they had to paint quickly.)vPara.7 What is Modern art?v( There are scores of modern art styles. Some modern art is abstract; some is so realistic that it looks almost like a photograph.Comprehe

13、nding: True or False 1.Western art has changed very little over the last seventeen centuries.2.Painter in the Middle Ages painted mainly religious subjects.3.Paintings in the Middle Ages were very realistic.4.Renaissance painter tried to paint things in a realistic way. 5.Two important discoveries i

14、n the renaissance period were oil paints and drawing in perspective. 6.Impressionists painted their pictures mainly indoors.7.At first people did not like the impressionists paintings.8.Modern art began with the impressionists .complete the following chartName of AgesTimeArtistFeatureThe middle Ages

15、The RenaissanceImpressionismMonetVon GoghModern ArtPicasso5th to 15th Century ADGiotto di Bondonereligious,realistic15th to 16th CenturyMassaccioperspective, realisticLate 19th to early 20th Century20th Century to todaydetailed, ridiculouscontroversial, abstract, realisticPainting from the Middle Ag

16、es are full of _symbols. The period after the Middle Ages is called the_which lasted almost 100 years. Masaccio discovered how to make paintings look more real by using _. _ paints were developed which made colors look much richer. In the late _ century, the impressionists developed a new style of p

17、ainting. That was the beginning of_ painting. religiousRenaissanceperspectiveOil 19th modern . 1. belief n. 相信相信; 信心信心; 信任信任; 信仰信仰have belief in God 相信上帝相信上帝(1)It is _ that he is right. A. believing B. my belief C. believe D. believed in(2) He has lost _ (他对上帝的信任他对上帝的信任)Bhis belief in God2. conseque

18、nt adj. 作为结果的作为结果的; 随之发生的随之发生的 consequence n. 结果结果;影响影响;重要性重要性 consequently adv. 结果结果 consequent on/ upon 由由引起的引起的 in consequence of = as a result of 结果结果(1)If you behave so foolishly, you must be ready to _ _. (接受后果接受后果)(2) Its of _ (无重要性无重要性).(3) He may be a man _ (重要的重要的) in his own village.(4) T

19、he farmers face the failure of crops consequent _ the storm. A. in B. at C. on D. withtakethe consequenceno consequenceof consequenceC3. aim v. 瞄准,对准;致力于瞄准,对准;致力于, 打算打算 n. 瞄准;目标,目的瞄准;目标,目的 aim at 瞄准瞄准 aimless adj. 无目标的无目标的; 无目的的无目的的(1) He _ (把枪瞄准了敌人把枪瞄准了敌人)(2) The hunter took_ (瞄准瞄准) the young lion.

20、(3) He was _ (无目的地游逛无目的地游逛) about the town. (4) He was _(你的目标你的目标).aimed his gun at the enemyaim atwandering aimlesslyyour aim4. symbol n. (1) 象征象征 a symbol of . 的象征的象征 (2) 符号符号, 记号记号 ( 和和for 搭配使用搭配使用)(1)The branches of olive is the _ of peace. A. symbol B. sign C. signal D. syllable(2)is the symbol

21、_ female, and _ male. A. of; of B. for; for C. of; for D. for; ofAB5. value (1) n. 重要性重要性; 益处益处; 价值价值 (2) n. 估价估价; 评价评价 (3) v.估价估价; 评价评价; 重视重视 valuable adj. be of value(1)I dont think the old bowel is of _ (很高的价值很高的价值).(2) He doesnt know _ (阳光对健康的重要性阳光对健康的重要性).(3) 我看重他的能力我看重他的能力.great valuethe value

22、 of sunlight to healthI value his ability.6. focuson 集中(注意力)于集中(注意力)于focus ones attention on sth. 把注意力集中在上把注意力集中在上 (1)他把照相机的焦点对准了她他把照相机的焦点对准了她(2)老师正在集中精神看书老师正在集中精神看书(3)Only by _ your attention _ what you are learning can you learn it well. A. focus; on B. pay; on C. focusing; on D. paying; onHe focu

23、sed the camera on her.The teacher focuses her attention on the book.C7. possession n.占有,持有、拥有;占有,持有、拥有; 私人财产、私人财物私人财产、私人财物常用词组:常用词组:come into possession of sth 占有某物占有某物in possession of 主语是人,拥有某物主语是人,拥有某物in the possession of 主语是物,为某人拥有主语是物,为某人拥有possession n. 拥有者拥有者(1)You cant _ the house until all th

24、e papers have been signed.A.take possess of B. take possession of C. in possession of D. possession(2) He is _ possession of the house. A. in B. in the C. on D. on theBA8.convince vt. 使确信使确信; 使信服使信服 convince sb. ( of sth/that.) 使使( 某人某人) 信服信服; 使使( 某人某人) 明白明白(1)We couldnt convince him_ his mistake. A

25、. of B. with C. on D. at (2) I _ that he can do it A.convinced B. am convinced C. was convinced D. convinceAB9. a great deal 许多,大量(副词做状语)许多,大量(副词做状语) a great deal of 修饰名词修饰名词(1) He knew a great deal more than I did .(2) A great deal of their work is unpaid.many a great many + 复数名词复数名词 a number of sc

26、ores of dozens ofmuch a great deal of a large amount of + 不可数名词不可数名词 large amounts of a lot of lots of plenty of masses of a large quantity of + 可数不可数名词可数不可数名词 quantities of 10. ridiculous adj. 荒谬的荒谬的; 可笑的可笑的 ridiculously adv. 荒谬地荒谬地; 可笑地可笑地 ridiculousness n. 荒谬荒谬(1)You _ (看起来可笑看起来可笑) in those tight

27、 jeans. (2) What _(一个多么荒谬一个多么荒谬 的主意的主意)look ridiculousa ridiculous idea11. controversial adj. 争论的;争论的; 争议的争议的 controversially adv. 争论地争论地 controversialist n. 争论者争论者(1)The professor made _ ( 可能引起争议的演说可能引起争议的演说).(2) The man I visited yesterday is _ ( 一位善于争论者一位善于争论者).a controversial speecha controversi

28、alist12. attempt vt/n. 尝试尝试; 企图企图 attempt to do sth make an attempt to do sth 企图做某事企图做某事 at doing sth. try 也表示尝试也表示尝试, 企图企图, 是通俗用语是通俗用语attempt 为较正式用语为较正式用语 (1) Tom prepared for the computer test carefully so that he could be sure of passing it on his first_. A. attempt B. desire C. purpose D. intens

29、ion (2) He _ to get a high position in the company, but failed because of his carelessness. A. managed B. succeeded C. attempted D. thoughtAC13. on one hand. on the other( hand) for one thing. for another ( thing) 二者都表示二者都表示“一方面,另一方面一方面,另一方面”_ I wish to go to the party together with you, _ Ive got a

30、 report to finish tonight.A.Though; but B. However; butC. On one hand; but on the other handD. Although; butC14. predict vt. 预言预言; 预测预测; 预示预示 prediction n. 预言预言; 预测预测; 预示预示 predictable adj. 可预言的可预言的; 可预测的可预测的; 可预示的可预示的predict 预言预言; 预测预测. 是正式用语是正式用语, 具有科学具有科学 性性, 正确性正确性.fortell 预言预言, 常用词常用词, 不注重准确性不注

31、重准确性(1)The expert _ that there will be an earthquake in that area in the near future. A. tells B. predicts C. foretells D. speaks (2) Timely snow _ a bumper harvest. 瑞雪兆丰年瑞雪兆丰年 A. tells B. predicts C. foretells D. speaksBC The Frick Collection 弗里克收藏馆弗里克收藏馆 Henry clay Frick . 1.consider v. 考虑考虑, 认为认为

32、 (1) consider + n/ doing sthWould you consider working in Australia ?(2) consider +宾语宾语+ as + nHe always considered her as his real mother.(3) consider + 宾语宾语+ to be + n/ adjI consider him to be the finest baseball player alive today(4) consider + how/ where/ what/who to doHe was considering who to

33、invite to the party(1)We are considering _ (去伦敦去伦敦) for our holiday.(2) Have you considered _ (什么时候出发什么时候出发) ?(3) I consider _ (他是个诚实的人他是个诚实的人).(4) We consider that_(他是对的他是对的).going to Londonwhen to starthim to be/ as honesthe is right2. worth, worthy 与与 worthwile be worth + n ( 表示价钱或代价) doing be wo

34、rthy + of sth of being done to be done It is worthwhile doing sth(1)这件晚礼服值这件晚礼服值100 元钱元钱.(2) 他的建议值得考虑他的建议值得考虑.(3) 这个地方值得参观这个地方值得参观.(4) 这个问题值得再讨论一次这个问题值得再讨论一次.The evening dress is worth 100 yuan.His suggestion is worth considering.This place is worthy of a visit.This place is worthy of being visited.

35、This place is worthy to be visited.Its worthwhile to discuss the question again.Its worthwhile discussing the question again.Guggenheim Museum 古根海姆博物馆古根海姆博物馆3. feel like + n / doing 想要想要 would like + to do(1)你想要一杯咖啡吗你想要一杯咖啡吗?(2)我现在不想吃任何东西我现在不想吃任何东西.(3)我想去花园散步我想去花园散步.Do you feel like a cup of coffee?

36、I dont feel like eating anything now.Id like to go for a walk in the garden.Metropolitan Museum Of Art 大都会博物馆大都会博物馆4. more than 不仅仅不仅仅, 不止不止冬眠不仅仅是睡觉冬眠不仅仅是睡觉.Hibernation is more than sleep.(1)more than + 数词数词 多于多于; 超过超过(2)more than one 不止一个不止一个; 许多许多(3)morethan 与其说与其说倒不如说倒不如说(4)no more than 仅仅仅仅; 和和一

37、样不一样不(5)not more than 至多至多; 不超过不超过(1)不止一个学生看过这部电影不止一个学生看过这部电影.(2)与其说她是一位歌手与其说她是一位歌手, 倒不如说她是一位作家倒不如说她是一位作家.(3)他和你一样跳得不高他和你一样跳得不高.More than one student have seen the film.She is more like a writer than a singer.He can jump no higher than you .Museum Of Modern Art 现代艺术博物馆现代艺术博物馆5. contain vt. 包含包含, 含有含

38、有The fruit contains viamin A and vitamin C.contain 侧重包含的内容或成分侧重包含的内容或成分.include 侧重作为整体的一部分或要素侧重作为整体的一部分或要素.hold 侧重指侧重指 “ 能装能装, 能盛能盛, 能容纳能容纳.”(1)My collection_ 100 stamps, _ some used ones A. include; containing B. contains; including C. is containing; including D. contains; included(2) Sea water_ (含

39、有) salt.(3) A foot_ ( 包含) 12 inches.(4) The hall can _ ( 容纳) 2000 people.(5) Everyone laughed, _ (包括) me.(6) Ten members were present at the meeting,me _ ( 包括).Bcontainscontainsholdincludingincluded Whitney Museum Of American Art 惠特尼美国艺术博物馆惠特尼美国艺术博物馆Complete the chart with the information from the r

40、eading passageName AddressType of ArtWhich centuries? What countries? Museum of Modern Art From Ancient to modern timesGuggenheim western countriesMuseumThe Frick Museum western countries AmericaWhitney museum of American Art945 Madison Avenue (near 75th St.)Contemporary (mainly art by living artists)53rd Street (between 5th and 6th Avenue)Late 19th century to the 21st centuryWestern countriesMetropolitan Museum of Art5th Avenue and 82ndStreetAll over the world5th Avenue and 88th StreetModern (from late 19th century onwards)5th and Madison AvenueBefore the 20th centuryThank you!



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