九年级英语全册 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B(2a-2f)(2)课件

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1、Unit 4I used to be afraid of the dark. Section B(2a2f) . 单词填写单词填写1. influence(v. ) _2. seldom(adv. ) _3. absent(adj. ) _4. fail(v. ) _答案答案: 1. 影响影响2. 不常不常; 很少很少3. 缺席缺席; 不在不在4. 不及格不及格; 失败失败; 未能未能(做到做到)5. examination(n. ) _6. grandson(n. ) _7. exact(adj. ) _ (adv. )确切地确切地; 精确地精确地8. pride(n. ) _ (adj.

2、)自豪的自豪的; 骄傲的傲的答案答案: 5. 考试考试; 审查审查 6. 孙子孙子; 外孙外孙7. exactly8. proud. 短短语翻翻译1. 为骄傲傲; 感到自豪感到自豪 _2. 亲身身; 亲自自 _3. 问题儿童儿童 _4. 寄宿学校寄宿学校 _5. 多加注意多加注意 _答案答案: 1. be proud of/ take pride in2. in person3. problem child4. boarding school5. pay more attention to. 句型填句型填词很很难相信他曾相信他曾经是个是个问题儿童。儿童。It is hard to believ

3、e that he_ _ _ a “problem child”. 答案答案: used to be1. 他他对学学习再也不感再也不感兴趣了。趣了。He was_ _ interested_ studying. 2. 有有这么多的么多的规矩矩, 他他过去老是去老是违反它反它们。There were so many rules, and he_ _ _ them all the time. 3. 父母的父母的爱让他感他感觉很好。很好。His parentslove_ _ him_ _ about himself. 答案答案: 1. no longer; in 2. used to break3.

4、 has made; feel good1. They were proud of him. They would take pride in everything that I did. _答答案案: proud为为形形容容词词, 意意为为“自自豪豪的的; 骄骄傲傲的的”, 而而pride为为名名词词, 意为意为“自豪自豪; 骄傲骄傲”。2. Li Wen is a normal 15-year-old boy whoworks hard in school and gets good grades. _答案答案: who引导的为定语从句引导的为定语从句, 在句中修饰在句中修饰boy。1.

5、influence v. &n. 影响影响【语境境领悟悟】*. . . until a conversation with his parents influenced his way of thinking. 直到和父母的一次直到和父母的一次谈话影响了他思考影响了他思考问题的方式。的方式。*What is the influence of the computer on children? 电脑对儿童的影响是什么儿童的影响是什么? *The teachers words had an influence on her. 老老师的的话对她有影响。她有影响。【自主自主归纳】(1)influenc

6、e作作为动词, 意意为“影响影响; 对起作用起作用”。(2)influence作作为名名词, 意意为“影影响响; 作作用用”。have an influence on sth. /sb. 意意为“对某事某事/某人有影响某人有影响”。【学以致用学以致用】父母的父母的话影响了他一生。影响了他一生。His parentswords_ him for all his life. 答案答案: influenced2. proud adj. 自豪的自豪的; 骄傲的傲的【语境境领悟悟】*. . . and they were proud of him. 他他们以他以他为骄傲。傲。*It is the pri

7、de of Chinese people. 这是中国人的是中国人的骄傲。傲。*They were always thinking of me and would take pride in everything good that I did. 他他们总是会想起我并且会是会想起我并且会为我所做的每一件好事而自豪。我所做的每一件好事而自豪。【妙辨异同妙辨异同】 proud与与pride的异同的异同proud形容形容词, 意意为“自豪的自豪的; 骄傲的傲的”。be proud of意意为“以以为自豪自豪”, be proud of doing sth. =be proud to do sth. 意

8、意为“因做因做而自豪而自豪”pride名名词, 意意为“自豪自豪; 骄傲傲”。take pride in意意为“以以为自豪自豪”【学以致用学以致用】(2013聊聊城城中中考考)Mom, I was the first to reach the top of the mountain. Good job, Jack! Im_of you. A. carefulB. proudC. tiredD. afraid3. absent adj. 缺席的缺席的; 不在的不在的【语境境领悟悟】*He was often absent from classes, and he failed his exami

9、nations. 他他经常常旷课并且考并且考试不及格。不及格。*Why did you absent yourself from class yesterday? 你昨天你昨天为什么没来上什么没来上课? 【自主自主归纳】 absent的用法的用法(1)用用作作形形容容词, 意意为“缺缺席席的的”; 要要表表示示“做做某某事事缺缺席席”, 其其后后常常接接介介词from。be absent from还可表示可表示“缺少缺少; 没有没有; 无无”。(2)用用作作动词时, 只只用用作作及及物物动词, 意意为“缺缺席席”, 只只接接反反身身代代词作作宾语。表示。表示“做某事缺席做某事缺席”, 其后也接

10、介其后也接介词from。【学以致用学以致用】他他们那天都没有上班。那天都没有上班。They were all_ _ work that day. 答案答案: absent from4. fail v. 不及格不及格; 失失败; 未能未能(做到做到)【语境境领悟悟】*Our plan has failed. 我我们的的计划失划失败了。了。*He did very well, but failed to break the record. 他做得很出色他做得很出色, 但未破但未破记录。【自主自主归纳】 fail的用法的用法fail作作为动词, 意意为“不不及及格格; 失失败; 未未能能(做做到到)

11、”, 其其主主要要结构有以下两种构有以下两种: (1)fail sth. 或或fail in sth. 意意为“做某事失做某事失败或不及格或不及格”。(2)fail to do sth. 意意为“未能做某事未能做某事”。【学以致用学以致用】They failed_ (cross)the river because it was too wide. 答案答案: to cross. 用所用所给词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空1. We were_ (pride)that we won the first prize in the game. 2. We failed_ (climb)the moun

12、tain because of the bad weather. 3. The boy used to_ (cause)lots of problems in school. 4. She has made a_ (decide)about where to work after she graduates. 5. Mum advised me_ (run)in the morning to keep healthy. 答案答案: 1. proud2. to climb3. cause4. decision5. to run. 单项选择单项选择1. Even though her parent

13、s were poor, _they tried their best_care of the girl well. A. but; to take B. but; takingC. /; to take D. /; taking2. My father used to_to work by bike, but now he is used to_there. A. go; walk B. go; walkingC. going; walk D. going; walking3. _our surprise, the twin brothers went to Peking University at the same time last year. A. With B. In C. To D. For4. My father is very busy with his work and he_watches TV at home. A. often B. usually C. always D. seldom5. When you grow up, you will know_your parents have given you. A. how much B. how oftenC. how long D. how far



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