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1、It is a magical world.Mystery , beautiful & adventurous.We are fighting here.World Of WarcraftIntroduction Of WOW World of Warcraft is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game. An online game where players from around the world assume the roles of heroic fantasy characters and explore a virt

2、ual world full of mystery, magic, and endless adventure.TWO FACTIONSvsAllianceHordeAlliance (联盟)矮人矮人(Dwarf )狼人狼人(worgen )人类人类(Human )暗夜精灵暗夜精灵(Night elf)德莱尼人德莱尼人(Delaney )侏儒侏儒(Gnome) Recent discoveries have shown that humans are descended from the barbaric vrykul, half-giant warriors who live in Nort

3、hrend. Early humans were primarily a scattered and tribal people for several millennia, until the rising strength of the troll empire forced their strategic unification. Thus the nation of Arathor was formed, along with its capital, the city-state of Strom. 人类Human近期的研究显示人类是住在诺森德近期的研究显示人类是住在诺森德的野蛮维库

4、人的野蛮维库人半巨人战士的后半巨人战士的后代。几千年以来,早期的人类主要代。几千年以来,早期的人类主要是以分散的部落形式生活的,直到是以分散的部落形式生活的,直到逐渐增长的巨魔帝国势力迫使他们逐渐增长的巨魔帝国势力迫使他们统一起来。由此,阿拉索帝国和他统一起来。由此,阿拉索帝国和他的首都,激流城,诞生了。的首都,激流城,诞生了。 暗夜精灵暗夜精灵 Night elfThe ancient and reclusive night elves have played a pivotal role in shaping Azeroths fate throughout its history. Mo

5、re than ten thousand years ago, their heroics during the War of the Ancients helped stave off the demonic Burning Legions first invasion. When the scattered remnants of the Legion on Azeroth rallied together with the vile satyrs centuries later, the night elves again rose to meet the threat. The ens

6、uing War of the Satyr exacted a heavy toll from the night elves, but ultimately they vanquished the forces that had set out to wreak havoc on their world. 古老而与世隔绝的暗夜精灵古老而与世隔绝的暗夜精灵在艾泽拉斯历史的形成中扮在艾泽拉斯历史的形成中扮演着关键性的角色。远在一演着关键性的角色。远在一万年以前,远古战争期间他万年以前,远古战争期间他们的英勇行为击退了凶残的们的英勇行为击退了凶残的燃烧军团的第一次入侵。数燃烧军团的第一次入侵。数个

7、世纪后,当分散在艾泽拉个世纪后,当分散在艾泽拉斯的燃烧军团残部被邪恶的斯的燃烧军团残部被邪恶的萨特集结起来时,暗夜精灵萨特集结起来时,暗夜精灵再次开始面临威胁。随之而再次开始面临威胁。随之而来的萨特之战来的萨特之战 使暗夜精灵使暗夜精灵 付出了惨痛的代价,但付出了惨痛的代价,但 是最终他们还是战胜了是最终他们还是战胜了 这支残害他们家园的邪恶这支残害他们家园的邪恶力量。力量。 大胆而勇敢的矮人族大胆而勇敢的矮人族是一支古老的种族,是一支古老的种族,它起源于早期世界的它起源于早期世界的泰坦用具有活力的石泰坦用具有活力的石头创造的土灵。由于头创造的土灵。由于一种被称之为血肉诅一种被称之为血肉诅咒的

8、疾病,矮人们的咒的疾病,矮人们的土灵先祖们经历了一土灵先祖们经历了一次蜕变,他们的岩石次蜕变,他们的岩石兽皮变成了柔软的皮兽皮变成了柔软的皮肤。最终,这些血肉肤。最终,这些血肉之躯自称为矮人族,之躯自称为矮人族,并在被雪覆盖的卡兹并在被雪覆盖的卡兹莫丹顶峰开辟出强大莫丹顶峰开辟出强大的铁炉堡。的铁炉堡。矮人矮人 Dwarf 英音:英音:dw:f The bold and courageous dwarves are an ancient race descended from the earthenbeings of living stone created by the titans whe

9、n the world was young. Due to a strange malady known as the curse of flesh, the dwarves earthen progenitors underwent a transformation that turned their rocky hides into soft skin. Ultimately, these creatures of flesh and blood dubbed themselves dwarves and carved out the mighty city of Ironforge in

10、 the snowy peaks of Khaz Modan. 聪明、生机勃勃并且聪明、生机勃勃并且阴晴不定的侏儒在艾阴晴不定的侏儒在艾泽拉斯文明的种族中泽拉斯文明的种族中代表了一个独特的矛代表了一个独特的矛盾体。这个种族是杰盾体。这个种族是杰出的发明家,并有一出的发明家,并有一种无法抑制的乐观性种无法抑制的乐观性格,但是它也遭受过格,但是它也遭受过背叛、迁徙甚至是接背叛、迁徙甚至是接近种族灭绝。在面对近种族灭绝。在面对这种灾难时他们具有这种灾难时他们具有一种非同寻常的乐观一种非同寻常的乐观精神,象征着侏儒们精神,象征着侏儒们真正不可动摇的精神。真正不可动摇的精神。 侏儒侏儒 Gnome 英音

11、:英音:num The clever, spunky, and oftentimes eccentric gnomes present a unique paradox among the civilized races of Azeroth. Brilliant inventors with an irrepressibly cheerful disposition, this race has suffered treachery, displacement, and near-genocide. It is their remarkable optimism in the face of

12、 such calamity that symbolizes the truly unshakable spirit of the gnomes. 德莱尼人德莱尼人 Draenei 早在堕落的泰坦萨格拉斯对艾泽拉斯释放其邪恶燃烧军团之前,他已将他邪恶的目光转向了阿古斯世界以及那里的高智商居民艾瑞达人。由于确信具有魔法天赋的种族将会在其摧毁所有生物的黑暗任务中发挥决定性的作用,萨格拉斯约见了艾瑞达人的三位领导者基尔加丹,阿克蒙德和维伦,并用知识和力量来换取他们的忠诚。Long before the fallen titan, Sargeras, unleashed his demonic Leg

13、ion on Azeroth, he turned his baleful gaze upon the world of Argus and its highly intelligent inhabitants, the eredar. Believing that this magically gifted race would be a crucial component in his dark quest to undo all of creation, Sargeras contacted the eredars three leaders Kiljaeden, Archimonde,

14、 and Velen and offered them knowledge and power in exchange for their loyalty. 在可怕的格雷迈恩之墙在可怕的格雷迈恩之墙后面,有一个可怕的诅后面,有一个可怕的诅咒已在吉尔尼斯这个独咒已在吉尔尼斯这个独立的人类国家中蔓延,立的人类国家中蔓延,许多健壮的居民被转化许多健壮的居民被转化成可怕的野兽,他们被成可怕的野兽,他们被称为称为狼人狼人。这个诅咒的。这个诅咒的起源一直受到激烈争论,起源一直受到激烈争论,但直到最近才有惊人的但直到最近才有惊人的事实被曝光。事实被曝光。 Worgen狼人狼人Behind the formi

15、dable Greymane Wall, a terrible curse has spread throughout the isolated human nation of Gilneas, transforming many of its stalwart citizens into nightmarish beasts known as worgen. The origins of this curse have been fiercely debated, but only recently has the startling truth come to light. Horde(部

16、落部落)牛头人牛头人(Tauren) 巨魔巨魔(Troll) 兽人兽人(Orc) 地精地精(Goblin )血精灵血精灵(Blood elf) 被遗忘者被遗忘者(forsaken )For the horde!和部落的其他种族不同的是,兽人不是艾泽拉斯原住民。起初,他们以萨满部族的身份居住在苍翠繁茂的德拉诺世界。当燃烧军团的恶魔领主基尔加丹腐化了兽人并且在筹划复仇阴谋,利用他们对抗从基尔加丹的家园流亡者德莱尼人时,兽人抛弃了他们原本和平生活的文化。Orc 兽人兽人Unlike the other races of the Horde, orcs are not native to Azerot

17、h. Initially, they lived as shamanic clans on the lush world of Draenor. They abandoned their peaceful culture when Kiljaeden, a demon lord of the Burning Legion, corrupted the orcs and used them in his vengeful plot against the draenei, who were exiles from Kiljaedens homeworld. 艾泽拉斯野蛮的巨魔因艾泽拉斯野蛮的巨魔

18、因其残忍、邪恶的神秘主其残忍、邪恶的神秘主义以及对其他种族的强义以及对其他种族的强烈仇恨而臭名昭著。但烈仇恨而臭名昭著。但是暗矛部族和它精明的是暗矛部族和它精明的首领沃金是巨魔中的一首领沃金是巨魔中的一个例外。当酋长萨尔和个例外。当酋长萨尔和他强大的部落军队在狂他强大的部落军队在狂风暴雨中前往南海里的风暴雨中前往南海里的荒岛定居时,这个骄傲荒岛定居时,这个骄傲的部族被屈从和放逐的的部族被屈从和放逐的历史折磨着,濒临灭绝历史折磨着,濒临灭绝的边缘。的边缘。 。巨魔巨魔 Troll 英音:英音:trul美音:美音:trol The savage trolls of Azeroth are infa

19、mous for their cruelty, dark mysticism, and seething hatred for all other races. Yet one exception among the trolls is the Darkspear tribe and its cunning leader, Voljin. Plagued by a history of subservience and exile, this proud tribe was on the brink of extinction when Warchief Thrall and his migh

20、ty Horde forces were driven to the trolls remote island home in the South Seas during a violent storm. 爱好和平的牛头爱好和平的牛头人长期居住在卡人长期居住在卡利姆多,在他们利姆多,在他们的女神大地母亲的女神大地母亲的命令下,他们的命令下,他们努力保护大自然努力保护大自然的平衡。遍布整的平衡。遍布整个贫瘠地区,以个贫瘠地区,以分散游牧为生的分散游牧为生的牛头人,直到最牛头人,直到最近才开始狩猎来近才开始狩猎来自干旱区域的大自干旱区域的大型科多兽。型科多兽。Tauren 牛头人牛头人The pe

21、aceful taurenknown in their own tongue as the shuhalohave long dwelled in Kalimdor, striving to preserve the balance of nature at the behest of their goddess, the Earth Mother. Until recently, the tauren lived as nomads scattered throughout the Barrens, hunting the great kodo beasts native to the ar

22、id region. 被遗忘者被遗忘者 ForsakenDeath offered no escape for the scores of humans killed during the Lich Kings campaign to scour the living from Lordaeron. Instead, the kingdoms fallen were risen into undeath as Scourge minions and forced to wage an unholy war against everything and everyone that they on

23、ce held dear. 巫妖王发动在洛丹伦残害生灵的战争期间,许多人类都难逃一死。然而,王国的亡者却被转变成亡灵,成为天灾军团的爪牙,被迫,摧毁他们曾经拥有的珍贵的一切杀害所有人 血精灵血精灵 blood elf英音:英音:bld elf For nearly 7,000 years, high elven society centered on the sacred Sunwell, a magical fount that was created using a vial of pure arcane energy from the first Well of Eternity. No

24、urished and strengthened by the Sunwells potent energies, the high elves enchanted kingdom of QuelThalas prospered within the verdant forests north of Lordaeron. 近7000年来,高等精灵社会一直集中在神圣的太阳之井周围,而太阳之井是用一瓶来自永恒之井的纯奥术能量创造出的魔法泉。受太阳之井高效能的滋养,高等精灵居住的魔法奎尔萨拉斯王国在洛丹伦王国北部一片青翠的森林中变得日益繁荣。起初是科赞岛上丛林巨魔的奴起初是科赞岛上丛林巨魔的奴隶,地

25、精们被迫在卡加矿洞所隶,地精们被迫在卡加矿洞所在的卡亚罗火山内部挖掘矿石。在的卡亚罗火山内部挖掘矿石。丛林巨魔使用这些矿石来进行丛林巨魔使用这些矿石来进行他们的伏都祭奠,然而这对于他们的伏都祭奠,然而这对于常常接触这些矿石的奴隶们有常常接触这些矿石的奴隶们有着意想不到的影响:卡加矿石着意想不到的影响:卡加矿石使得地精种族变得令人吃惊的使得地精种族变得令人吃惊的狡猾和聪明。狡猾和聪明。 地精地精 Goblin英音:英音:gblin Originally the slaves of jungle trolls on the Isle of Kezan, goblins were forced to

26、 mine kajamite ore out of the volcanic bowels of Mount Kajaro. The trolls used this potent mineral for their voodoo rituals, but it had an unexpected effect on the slaves who were in constant contact with it: kajamite generated a startling new cunning and intelligence in the goblin race. They may be

27、 the enemy, may also be friends.他们是敌人,可能也是朋友他们是敌人,可能也是朋友 Ten classes of World Of Warcraft捍卫自然和谐的德鲁伊捍卫自然和谐的德鲁伊(Druid)A nature-oriented class capable damage-dealer, tank, or healer The druid can shape-shift into many animal forms humanoid form.与野兽相伴的猎人与野兽相伴的猎人(Hunter)A combination of a marksmanarcher

28、and animal specialist, the hunter specializes in ranged damage dealt by means of a bow, crossbow, or gun with the help of an animal pet. The hunter also employs a series of traps for damaging or disabling enemies.施展魔法的法师施展魔法的法师(Mage)The wizard-esque damage-dealer of World of Warcraft,the mage employ

29、s spells of the arcane, fire, and frost elements. They have minimal armor. Mages can also conjure food and water to replenish group members, and teleport themselves and others to most major cities.追随圣光的圣骑士追随圣光的圣骑士(Paladin)A heavily armored Holy warrior. Like druids, paladins can specialize to fulfil

30、l each of the three major rolesin World of Warcraft.信仰坚定的牧师信仰坚定的牧师(Priest)A lightly armored class that can protect and heal allies (with Holy spells) or bring harm to enemies (with Shadow spells).隐藏在阴暗中的盗贼隐藏在阴暗中的盗贼(Rogue)A shadowy assassin that can stealth to avoid being seen by enemies (providing n

31、ear-invisibility). The rogue deals damage by dual-wielding small melee weapons, and also provides traditional thief skills like lock-picking, pickpocketing, and poisoning.召唤元素的萨满召唤元素的萨满(Shaman)Unlike other hybrid classes (paladins and druids), the totem-wielding shamans tanking abilities are quite l

32、imited. However, they can specialize to become effective healers, or damage dealers using either melee weapons or spells.受到恶魔诱惑的术士受到恶魔诱惑的术士(Warlock)A sinister combination of the mage and the hunter, the warlock deals magical damage like a mage, but also has demonic pets (called minions) like hunters

33、. Depending on their specialization, the warlocks damaging spells can come chiefly in the form of damage over time spells that, after being placed on an enemy, slowly deal damage, or in the form of direct damage spells that deal damage all at once, as those of a mage or shaman do.骁勇善战的战士骁勇善战的战士(Warr

34、ior)A heavily armored class, the warrior is a general melee fighter who can wield any non-magical weapon in the game. The Paladin class was previously only available to the Alliance, and the Shaman only available to the Horde. Now, with the release of The Burning Crusade, the Draenei (Alliance) are

35、able to be shamans and the Blood Elves (Horde) are able to be paladins, removing the previous faction exclusivity. When the Lich Kings control of his death knights was broken, his former champions sought revenge for the horrors committed under his command. After their vengeance was won, the death kn

36、ights found themselves without a cause and without a home. One by one they trickled into the land of the living in search of a new purpose.死亡骑士死亡骑士(Death Knight)They are wower ! !健康游戏忠告健康游戏忠告抵制不良游戏,抵制不良游戏,拒绝盗版游戏。拒绝盗版游戏。注意自我保护,注意自我保护,谨防上当受骗。谨防上当受骗。适度游戏益脑,适度游戏益脑,沉迷游戏伤身。沉迷游戏伤身。合理安排时间,合理安排时间,享受健康生活。享受健康

37、生活。 Of course:We need pay attention to thisNo addicting is very important!Dota destroy you a lifetimeWOW makes your grandson poorNo playing any of themMust be the “Tall Rich Handsome”Dota毁一生魔兽穷三代二者皆不沾必成高富帅Chinese MeaningWorld of Warcraft is not only gives us a visual impact, but also gives us a legendary story .From the game ,we can get a better awareness of Western Mythology.In China,a large amount of young people are lost in it ,and they creat a kind of culture called WOW cultue.Only did you experience the game ,you can get the excellent feeling .Welcome to WOW!



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