语言学 3.Entailment & Presupposition I

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1、Entailment and Presupposition关于术语Entailment: 衍推 蕴涵 蕴含Presupposition: 预设 先设 前提Entailment is not a pragmatic concept, and is considered a purely logical concept. An entailment relationship logically follows from what is asserted in the utterance.蕴涵关系蕴涵关系1. I bought a dog today. P I bought an animal to

2、day. QEntailment指一列命题关系:在所有情况下,P为真Q也为真,Q为假P也为假,P蕴涵Q。反之:如果P是假的,则Q或真或假;如果Q是真的,则P或真或假。简言之:当且仅当A为真时B也为真,B为假时A也为 假,A蕴涵/蕴含/衍推B。2. Its been an amazing year for Tom over the past 12 months.3. So you are a house wife and a mother. Do you have any children?4. A.我有一匹白马。 B. 我有一匹马。5. A. 她有三个孩子。 B. 她有孩子。6. A 小张和小

3、王结婚了。 B. 小张结婚了。Entailment的语义关系 蕴涵总是表现出一定的语义关系:上下位、对立或比较关系。不表现语义关系的蕴涵是不存在的。反之,词语之间的上下位关系、对立关系、比较关系也可以激活蕴涵,不激活蕴涵的语义关系也是不存在的。7.我买了一本外文书。 我买了一本书。 我买的不是中文书。 8.今天比昨天热。 昨天比今天凉。 昨天没有今天热。 9. Annie ruined the sweater. E1. Someone ruined the sweater. Focus: Annie E2. Annie did something to the sweater. Focus:

4、ruinedE3. Annie ruined something. Focus: sweater作为动态语境句可以有多种不同的对比焦点。对比焦点不同, 蕴涵也相应不同, 二者构成一定的对应关系。Entailment & FocusRecursiveness蕴涵的另一个重要特征是传递性,即:若A命题蕴涵B命题,B命题蕴涵C命题,C命题蕴涵D命题,则A命题蕴涵C命题也蕴涵D,B命题蕴涵D命题。10. Mary had to have him drive her home. a. Mary had him drive her home. b. He drove her (Mary) home. c.

5、 She (Mary) went home.Noncancellability /Defeasibility不可消除性 蕴涵/蕴含/衍推是一种逻辑语义的内部关系,不可消除。11. ?我有一匹白马,但我没有一匹马。12. ?她有三个孩子,但她没有孩子。13. ?Annie baked a cake, but she didnt bake anything.One-way vs. Two-way Entailment14. I saw1 it was raining, but I didnt see2 it was raining.15. 他写1了一封信给我,但他没有写2给我一封信。16. Its

6、 a dog1, but it isnt a dog2.17. 小张结婚了,但小张没有和小王结婚。特征:A蕴涵B,但B并不必然蕴涵A。18. A. Baby bear cried. B. Baby bear wept. A. He is an orphan. B. He has no father or mother. 双向蕴涵又称互为蕴涵(mutual entailment),可以被认为是一种语义重复。Entailment 的语用意义19. Tom! You ate all the cookies! No mom, I only ate some of the cookies. (单向蕴涵的利用)20. Tom: Whats your stepmother like? Bob: Well shes a woman and she married my father. (双向蕴涵的利用)21. She is a mother, but she doesnt have any children. (蕴涵悖论的利用)



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