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1、宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录形容词考点知识精讲考点知识精讲考点训练考点训练宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录形容词形容词1 1形容词用以修饰名词,表示人或事物的特征,在句中可以作定语、形容词用以修饰名词,表示人或事物的特征,在句中可以作定语、表语、宾语补足语。表语、宾语补足语。There are many _There are many _colourfulcolourful_coral_coral reefs under the sea.( reefs under the sea.(定语定语) )海底有许多色彩斑斓的珊瑚礁。海底有许多色彩斑斓的珊瑚礁。Mother looked Mother look

2、ed happyhappy when she received our presents.( when she received our presents.(表语表语) )妈妈收到我们的礼物时很高兴。妈妈收到我们的礼物时很高兴。You must keep your eyes You must keep your eyes closedclosed_when_when you do eye exercise.( you do eye exercise.(宾宾补补) )当你做眼保健操时,必须闭上眼睛。当你做眼保健操时,必须闭上眼睛。宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录2 2形容词作定语时,一般要放在被修饰的

3、名词前,不定代词或副词形容词作定语时,一般要放在被修饰的名词前,不定代词或副词后。但后。但enoughenough既可放在被修饰的名词前,也可放在被修饰的名词后。既可放在被修饰的名词前,也可放在被修饰的名词后。The boy is The boy is oldold_ _enoughenough to go to school. to go to school.这个男孩已足够大能去上学了。这个男孩已足够大能去上学了。He has He has somethingsomething_ _interestinginteresting to tell his mother. to tell his

4、mother.他有一些有趣的事要告诉他妈妈。他有一些有趣的事要告诉他妈妈。3 3基数词可与名词基数词可与名词( (用连字符相连用连字符相连) )构成复合形容词,用作定语。这构成复合形容词,用作定语。这时名词总用单数,而且这个复合形容词总是放在被修饰的名词前,常表示时名词总用单数,而且这个复合形容词总是放在被修饰的名词前,常表示时间、度量等。如:时间、度量等。如:a 5a 5 yearyear old girlold girl宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录4 4有些形容词只能用作表语,不能作定语。有些形容词只能用作表语,不能作定语。这类形容词主要有这类形容词主要有afraidafraid,alone

5、alone,asleepasleep,alivealive,awakeawake,illill等。等。5 5有些以有些以 lyly结尾的词是形容词而不是副词。如:结尾的词是形容词而不是副词。如:friendlyfriendly,livelylively,sillysilly,lovelylovely等。等。6 6以以 inging结尾的形容词通常修饰物,以结尾的形容词通常修饰物,以 eded结尾的形容词通常修饰人。结尾的形容词通常修饰人。如如: :interesting(interesting(有趣的有趣的) ),interested(interested(感兴趣的感兴趣的) )7 7“the

6、the形容词形容词”表示一类人或物。如:表示一类人或物。如:the poor(the poor(穷人穷人) )等。等。宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录8 8一些表示情感的表语形容词后可接动词不定式。如:一些表示情感的表语形容词后可接动词不定式。如:9 9常见形容词的近义词归类。常见形容词的近义词归类。largelargebigbig,gladgladhappy/pleasedhappy/pleased,clevercleverbrightbright,deardearexpensiveexpensive,brokenbrokenworn outworn out,hardharddifficultdi

7、fficult,finefinewellwell,illillsicksick,nicenicekind/fine/good/beautifulkind/fine/good/beautiful,alonealonelonelylonely宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录1010常见形容词的反义词归类。常见形容词的反义词归类。badbadgoodgood,bigbigsmallsmall,largelargesmallsmall,blackblackwhitewhite,busybusyfreefree,coldcoldhothot,coolcoolwarmwarm,deaddeadliving/al


9、t,cheapcheapdear/dear/expensiveexpensive,easyeasyhard/difficulthard/difficult,possiblepossibleimpossibleimpossible,happyhappyunhappy/sadunhappy/sad,earlyearlylatelate宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录1111形容词比较等级的构成:原级、比较级和最高级。形容词比较等级的构成:原级、比较级和最高级。(1)(1)规则变化规则变化宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录类 别构成方法构成方法原原级比比较级最高最高级单音音节词和少和少数双数双音音节词一般直接加一

10、般直接加er,estnew,tallnewer tallernewest tallest不不发音的音的e结尾尾时加加r,st late,finelater finerlatest finest辅音字母加音字母加y结尾尾时把把y变i,再加再加er,esteasy happyeasier happiereasiest happiest重重读闭音音节结尾并且只有一尾并且只有一个个辅音字母音字母时,双写最后的,双写最后的辅音字母,再加音字母,再加er,estthinhotthinner hotterthinnest hottest多音多音节词和部和部分双分双音音 节词在原在原级前加前加more,mos

11、tpopular importantmore popular,more importantmost popular,most important 宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录(2)(2)不规则变化不规则变化原原级比比较级最高最高级good/wellbetterbestmany/muchmoremostbad/illworseworstlittlelessleastfarfarther(较远) further(进一步一步)farthest(最最远)furthest(最大程度最大程度)oldolder elder(较年年长的的)oldest eldest(最年最年长的的)宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录1

12、2.12.形容词原级用法形容词原级用法(1)(1)说明人或事物自身的特征、性质和状态时用形容词原级。说明人或事物自身的特征、性质和状态时用形容词原级。The pictures on the wall are The pictures on the wall are nicenice. . 墙上的图片很漂亮。墙上的图片很漂亮。(2)(2)有表示绝对概念的副词有表示绝对概念的副词veryvery,soso,tootoo,enoughenough,quitequite等修饰时等修饰时用形容词原级。用形容词原级。The man is very tall. The man is very tall. 这

13、个人很高。这个人很高。(3)(3)表示表示A A与与B B在某一方面程度相同或不同时用形容词原级。在某一方面程度相同或不同时用形容词原级。肯定句中的结构:肯定句中的结构:“A.A.asas形容词原级形容词原级asasB B”English is as important as Chinese.English is as important as Chinese.宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录英语和语文一样重要。英语和语文一样重要。否定句中的结构:否定句中的结构:“A.A.notnotas/soas/so形容词原级形容词原级asasB B”I am not so fast as Lucy.I am

14、not so fast as Lucy.我没有露西快。我没有露西快。表示表示“A A是是B B的的倍倍”时,用时,用“A.A.倍数倍数asas形容词原级形容词原级asasB B”结构。结构。( (两倍:两倍:twicetwice;三倍以上:数字;三倍以上:数字times)times)Our school is three times as big as his.Our school is three times as big as his.我们学校是他学校的三倍大。我们学校是他学校的三倍大。This table is twice as long as that one.This table i

15、s twice as long as that one.这张桌子是那张桌子的两倍长。这张桌子是那张桌子的两倍长。“half ashalf as形容词原级形容词原级asas”表示表示“是是的一半的一半”。宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录His apples are half as many as his sisters.His apples are half as many as his sisters.他的苹果是他妹妹的一半多。他的苹果是他妹妹的一半多。1313形容词比较级用法形容词比较级用法(1)(1)表示两者进行比较时用形容词比较级,其结构为表示两者进行比较时用形容词比较级,其结构为“A.A.比

16、较级比较级thanthanB B”。The oranges in this bag are bigger than those in that bag.The oranges in this bag are bigger than those in that bag.这个包里的橘子比那个包里的橘子大。这个包里的橘子比那个包里的橘子大。(2)(2)有表示程度的副词有表示程度的副词a littlea little,a bita bit,a fewa few,a lot, mucha lot, much,eveneven,stillstill,farfar,ratherrather,anyany等修

17、饰时,用形容词比较级。等修饰时,用形容词比较级。宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录It is much hotter in Guangdong than that in Jilin. It is much hotter in Guangdong than that in Jilin. 广东比吉林热得多。广东比吉林热得多。(3)(3)表示两者之间进行选择表示两者之间进行选择“哪一个更哪一个更”时,用句型时,用句型“Which/Who Which/Who isis形容词比较级,形容词比较级,A or BA or B?”表示。表示。Which book is newerWhich book is newer

18、,this one or that one?this one or that one?哪本书更新一些,这本还是那本?哪本书更新一些,这本还是那本?(4)(4)表示表示“几倍于几倍于”时,用时,用“倍数比较级倍数比较级thanthan”表示。表示。Her house is twice bigger than mine.Her house is twice bigger than mine.她的房子比我的大两倍。她的房子比我的大两倍。宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录(5)(5)表示表示“两者之间较两者之间较一个一个(of the two)(of the two)”时,常用时,常用“thethe比较比较级

19、级”结构。结构。Tom is the taller of the two boys.Tom is the taller of the two boys.汤姆是这两个男孩中较高的一个。汤姆是这两个男孩中较高的一个。(6)(6)表示表示“越来越越来越”,用比较级重叠结构,即,用比较级重叠结构,即“比较级比较级andand比比较级较级”,当形容词是多音节词和部分双音节词时用,当形容词是多音节词和部分双音节词时用“more and moremore and more形形容词原级容词原级”。Its getting Its getting warmerwarmer_ _andand_ _warmerwar

20、mer in spring. in spring.春天天气变得越来越暖和。春天天气变得越来越暖和。Our school is becoming Our school is becoming moremore_ _andand_ _moremore_ _beautifulbeautiful. .宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录我们的学校变得越来越漂亮了。我们的学校变得越来越漂亮了。(7)(7)表示表示“越越就越就越”时,用时,用“the the 比较级,比较级,thethe另一比较另一比较级级”结构。结构。TheThe_ _moremore we get together, we get togeth

21、er, thethe_ _happierhappier well be. well be.我们越聚在一起就越高兴。我们越聚在一起就越高兴。1414形容词最高级用法形容词最高级用法(1)(1)表示三者或三者以上的人或物进行比较时,用最高级形式。形容表示三者或三者以上的人或物进行比较时,用最高级形式。形容词最高级前必须加定冠词词最高级前必须加定冠词thethe,句末常跟一个,句末常跟一个in/ofin/of短语来表示范围。短语来表示范围。He is the youngest in our class.He is the youngest in our class.他是我们班年龄最小的。他是我们班年

22、龄最小的。Marys handwriting is the best of the three girls.Marys handwriting is the best of the three girls.宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录玛丽的字在三个女孩中是最好的。玛丽的字在三个女孩中是最好的。(2)(2)表示在三者或三者以上的人或物中进行选择时,用表示在三者或三者以上的人或物中进行选择时,用“Which/Who Which/Who isisthethe最高级,最高级,A A,B or CB or C?”结构。结构。Who is the oldestWho is the oldest,MaryMa

23、ry,Nancy or Lily?Nancy or Lily?谁的年龄最大,玛丽,南希还是莉莉?谁的年龄最大,玛丽,南希还是莉莉?(3)(3)表示表示“最最的的之一之一”时用时用“one of theone of the形容词最高级形容词最高级”结构,该形容词后面的名词要用复数形式。结构,该形容词后面的名词要用复数形式。The pen is one of the most beautiful pens.The pen is one of the most beautiful pens.这支钢笔是最漂亮的钢笔之一。这支钢笔是最漂亮的钢笔之一。(4)(4)形容词最高级前面可以加序数词,表示形容词最

24、高级前面可以加序数词,表示“第几最第几最”。宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.在中国,黄河是第二长河。在中国,黄河是第二长河。(5)(5)形容词最高级前面可以用物主代词、指示代词、名词所有格等修形容词最高级前面可以用物主代词、指示代词、名词所有格等修饰,但此时不能再用定冠词饰,但此时不能再用定冠词thethe。Tomorrow will be my busiest day.Tomorrow

25、 will be my busiest day.明天将是我最忙碌的一天。明天将是我最忙碌的一天。(6)(6)形容词比较级结构可以表示最高级含义。形容词比较级结构可以表示最高级含义。Li Lei is Li Lei is thethe_ _tallesttallest_student in his class._student in his class.李雷是班上最高的学生。李雷是班上最高的学生。Li Lei is Li Lei is tallertaller_ than any other student in his class._ than any other student in his

26、 class.宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录李雷比班上其他所有的学生都高。李雷比班上其他所有的学生都高。Li Lei is Li Lei is tallertaller_than the other students in his class._than the other students in his class.李雷比班上其他所有的学生都高。李雷比班上其他所有的学生都高。Li Lei is Li Lei is tallertaller_than anyone else in his class._than anyone else in his class.李雷比班上其他任何人都高。李雷比班上

27、其他任何人都高。特别注意:特别注意:(1)(1) inging形容词与形容词与 eded形容词形容词 inging形容词表示形容词表示“令人令人的的”,表示主动意义,多指事物对人的影,表示主动意义,多指事物对人的影响,一般修饰或说明事物。如:响,一般修饰或说明事物。如:surprisingsurprising“令人惊讶的令人惊讶的”,excitingexciting“令人兴奋的令人兴奋的”,interestinginteresting“有趣的有趣的”等。等。 eded形容形容宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录词表示词表示“感到感到的的”,表示被动意义,多指人对事物的感受,主语一般,表示被动意义,多指人

28、对事物的感受,主语一般是人,常用于是人,常用于“sb.sb.bebe eded形容词介词形容词介词”结构。如:结构。如:surprisedsurprised“感感到惊讶的到惊讶的”,excitedexcited“感到兴奋的感到兴奋的”,interestedinterested“感兴趣的感兴趣的”等。等。We are all excited about the exciting news.We are all excited about the exciting news.我们听到这令人兴奋的消息都感到很激动。我们听到这令人兴奋的消息都感到很激动。(2)(2)在同一范围内比较时,必须把主体排除在

29、被比较的范围之外。在同一范围内比较时,必须把主体排除在被比较的范围之外。( (在不同在不同范围内比较时,主体可以和其中任意一个对象进行比较范围内比较时,主体可以和其中任意一个对象进行比较) )。如:。如:China is larger than China is larger than anyany_ _otherother country in Asia. country in Asia.中国比亚洲其他任何一个国家都大。中国比亚洲其他任何一个国家都大。宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录6 6(2011(2011十堰十堰) )TerraTerra,you shouldnt be so _.You yo

30、u shouldnt be so _.You always leave your things here and there.always leave your things here and there.SorrySorry,mom.Ill put them away soon.mom.Ill put them away soon.A Aterrified Bterrified BcheerfulcheerfulC Ccareless Dcareless Dfrightenedfrightened【解析解析】本题考查形容词词义辨析。本题考查形容词词义辨析。terrifiedterrified

31、“恐怖的恐怖的”;cheerfulcheerful“振奋的振奋的”;carelesscareless“粗心的粗心的”;frightenedfrightened“害怕的害怕的”。由。由空格后面句子的句意空格后面句子的句意“你总是到处丢东西你总是到处丢东西”知知TerraTerra的妈妈在劝告的妈妈在劝告TerraTerra不不应该那么粗心,故选应该那么粗心,故选C C。【答案答案】C C宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录1 1(2011(2011宁波宁波) )Would you mind staying in such a noisy Would you mind staying in such a n

32、oisy room?room?No, but my son needs a _place to study in.No, but my son needs a _place to study in. A Acleaner Bcleaner Bquieter Cquieter Csafer Dsafer Dsmallersmaller【解析解析】本题考查形容词词义辨析。句意为本题考查形容词词义辨析。句意为“你介意待在一个如此吵你介意待在一个如此吵闹的房间里吗?闹的房间里吗?”“”“不,但我儿子需要一个更为安静的地方学习。不,但我儿子需要一个更为安静的地方学习。”因因noisynoisy与与qui

33、etquiet相对,故选相对,故选B B。【答案答案】B B宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录2 2(2011(2011陕西陕西)He has read many books on history)He has read many books on history,so its so its _for him to answer these questions._for him to answer these questions.A Ahard Bhard BimpossibleimpossibleC Ceasy Deasy Dseriousserious【解析解析】本题考查形容词的词义辨析。本题考查

34、形容词的词义辨析。hardhard“困难的困难的”;impossibleimpossible“不可能的不可能的”;easyeasy“容易的容易的”;seriousserious“严重的严重的”。句意为。句意为“他读了许多关于历史的书,因此对他来说回答这些问题很容易。他读了许多关于历史的书,因此对他来说回答这些问题很容易。”故选故选C C。【答案答案】C C宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录4343(2012(2012中考预测题中考预测题) )Did you watch the basketball match Did you watch the basketball match yesterday?y

35、esterday?Yes.WeYes.We were all _ about the _ match. were all _ about the _ match.A Aexciting; excitedexciting; excitedB Bexciting; excitingexciting; excitingC Cexcited; excitedexcited; excitedD Dexcited; excitingexcited; exciting【解析解析】修饰人常用形容词的修饰人常用形容词的eded形式,修饰物常用形容词的形式,修饰物常用形容词的inging形形式。式。【答案答案】D

36、 D宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录3 3(2011(2011广东广东) )Have you ever seen the movie called Have you ever seen the movie called LosLos AngelesAngeles 2011? 2011?YesYes,but I think its _.I fell asleep when I saw but I think its _.I fell asleep when I saw it.it. A Aexciting Bexciting Bboring Cboring Cbored Dbored Dexcited

37、excited【解析解析】本题考查分词形容词的用法。本题考查分词形容词的用法。 inging形式的形容词表示事物本形式的形容词表示事物本身具有某种性质及对人的影响;身具有某种性质及对人的影响; eded形式的形容词多指人对事物的感受。由形式的形容词多指人对事物的感受。由答语中第二句的句意答语中第二句的句意“当我看它时睡着了当我看它时睡着了”知那部电影对知那部电影对“我我”来说很无来说很无聊,故选聊,故选B B。【答案答案】B B宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录7 7(2011(2011福州福州) )We all like Miss Wang.We all like Miss Wang.I agree

38、 with I agree with you.Sheyou.She always makes her English classes always makes her English classes _._.A Ainterested Binterested Binterest Cinterest Cinterestinginteresting【解析解析】本题考查形容词的用法。本题考查形容词的用法。makemake后常接形容词作宾补,即后常接形容词作宾补,即“makemake宾语形容词宾语形容词”,故排除,故排除B B项;通常项;通常interestedinterested修饰人,修饰人,in

39、terestinginteresting修饰物。由空格所在句的句意修饰物。由空格所在句的句意“她总是使她的英语课有趣她总是使她的英语课有趣”可可知用知用interestinginteresting。【答案答案】C C宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录4 4(2011(2011广州广州)The actress is already 50)The actress is already 50,but she looks but she looks _than she really is._than she really is. A Ayoung Byoung Bmore youngmore young C

40、Cmore younger Dmore younger Dmuch youngermuch younger【解析解析】本题考查形容词比较级的用法。由本题考查形容词比较级的用法。由thanthan知需要使用比较级。知需要使用比较级。youngyoung是普通的单音节形容词,直接加是普通的单音节形容词,直接加 erer构成比较级形式;构成比较级形式;muchmuch可以修饰可以修饰形容词的比较级,表示形容词的比较级,表示“得多得多”。故选。故选D D。【答案答案】D D宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录5 5(2011(2011内江内江) )What a hot day!What a hot day!Th

41、e weather report says it will be much _tomorrow.The weather report says it will be much _tomorrow. A Ahot hot B Bhotter hotter C Chottesthottest【解析解析】本题考查形容词比较级。由句中修饰比较级的标志词本题考查形容词比较级。由句中修饰比较级的标志词muchmuch知知空格处需用比较级,故选空格处需用比较级,故选B B。【答案答案】B B宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录8 8(2011(2011临沂临沂) )Im really _before the exam

42、.Im really _before the exam.Take it easy.You are the best.Take it easy.You are the best.A Asurprised Bsurprised BnervousnervousC Ccomfortable Dcomfortable Dconfidentconfident【解析解析】本题考查形容词在语境中的运用。由后句本题考查形容词在语境中的运用。由后句“放松点,你是最放松点,你是最好的好的”可知上句为可知上句为“我在考试之前非常紧张我在考试之前非常紧张”。故。故nervousnervous符合句意。符合句意。【答案答

43、案】B B宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录9 9(2011(2011潍坊潍坊) )Which city has _ populationWhich city has _ population,ShanghaiShanghai,Hong Kong or Qingdao?Hong Kong or Qingdao?ShanghaiShanghai,of course.of course.A Athe smallest Bthe smallest Bthe leastthe leastC Cthe most Dthe most Dthe largestthe largest【解析解析】本题考查形容词的最高级

44、。表示人口多用本题考查形容词的最高级。表示人口多用largelarge,人口少用,人口少用smallsmall,所以排除,所以排除B B、C C两项;由地理知识可知,上海、香港和青岛三个城市两项;由地理知识可知,上海、香港和青岛三个城市中,上海的人口最多,由答语中,上海的人口最多,由答语“当然是上海当然是上海”可知选可知选D D。【答案答案】D D宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录1010(2011(2011台州台州) )Its going to rain.Let me fetch an Its going to rain.Let me fetch an umbrella for you.umbrel

45、la for you.Thank you! You are so _.Thank you! You are so _.A Alucky Blucky BkindkindC Crelaxed Drelaxed Dinterestinginteresting【解析解析】本题考查形容词在语境中的运用。本题考查形容词在语境中的运用。luckylucky“幸运的幸运的”;kindkind“好心的好心的”;relaxedrelaxed“放松的放松的”;interestinginteresting“有趣的有趣的”。答语句。答语句意为意为“谢谢你!你真是太好了。谢谢你!你真是太好了。”B B项符合题意。项符合

46、题意。【答案答案】B B宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录1111(2011(2011苏州苏州)During this years Reading Week)During this years Reading Week,I read the I read the most books in our class.No one reads _books than I.most books in our class.No one reads _books than I. A Amany Bmany Bmore more C Cfew Dfew Dfewerfewer【解析解析】本题考查形容词的比较级。由句中

47、的本题考查形容词的比较级。由句中的thanthan可判断应用比较级可判断应用比较级形式,故排除形式,故排除A A、C C两项;由上句两项;由上句“在我们班我读的书最多在我们班我读的书最多”可知,没可知,没有人比有人比“我我”读的书更多,故用读的书更多,故用manymany的比较级的比较级more.more.【答案答案】B B宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录1212(2011(2011芜湖芜湖)Funtawild Adventure is very popular and )Funtawild Adventure is very popular and _tourists visit it year

48、by year._tourists visit it year by year.A Amore and more Bmore and more Bfewer and fewerfewer and fewerC Cless and less Dless and less Dmore or lessmore or less【解析解析】由前面的由前面的“非常受欢迎非常受欢迎”可知应是越来越多的游客参观它。可知应是越来越多的游客参观它。“比较级比较级andand比较级比较级”意为意为“越来越越来越”。【答案答案】A A宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录1313(2011(2011温州温州)After prac

49、ticing for several months, I can )After practicing for several months, I can swim much _now.swim much _now.A Aslower Bslower BslowestslowestC Cfaster Dfaster Dfastestfastest【解析解析】本题考查副词的比较级。根据句意本题考查副词的比较级。根据句意“在练习了几个月后在练习了几个月后”推知推知“现在我能游得更快了现在我能游得更快了”。muchmuch可修饰形容词或副词的比较级。故可修饰形容词或副词的比较级。故选选C C。【答案答

50、案】C C宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录2222(2010(2010中考变式题中考变式题)Study hard! _ you study, )Study hard! _ you study, _ results youll get._ results youll get. A AHarder; betterHarder; better B BThe harder; betterThe harder; better C CThe harder; the better The harder; the better D DHarder; the betterHarder; the better【解析解析

51、】考查形容词与副词比较级用法。固定结构考查形容词与副词比较级用法。固定结构“the the 比较级,比较级,the the 比较级比较级”表示表示“越越越越”。句意为。句意为“学习越认真,成绩就越学习越认真,成绩就越好。好。”【答案答案】C C宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录2323(2010(2010中考变式题中考变式题)Julia is very clever.In fact)Julia is very clever.In fact,I doubt I doubt whether anyone in the class has _ IQ.whether anyone in the class h

52、as _ IQ. A Aa high Ba high Ba higher a higher C Cthe higher Dthe higher Dthe highestthe highest【解析解析】考查形容词的比较级。句意为考查形容词的比较级。句意为“我怀疑班上是否有比她智商我怀疑班上是否有比她智商更高的学生了。更高的学生了。”用形容词比较级修饰名词。故选用形容词比较级修饰名词。故选B B。【答案答案】B B宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录4444(2012(2012中考预测题中考预测题)There was _ to weigh the )There was _ to weigh the ele

53、phant.elephant.A Anothing enough bignothing enough bigB Bbig nothing enoughbig nothing enoughC Cnothing big enoughnothing big enoughD Dbig enough nothingbig enough nothing【解析解析】修饰不定代词的形容词修饰不定代词的形容词/ /副词要后置,所以副词要后置,所以bigbig要放在要放在nothingnothing之后;之后;enoughenough修饰形容词修饰形容词/ /副词时也要后置,所以副词时也要后置,所以enoughe

54、nough放在放在bigbig后后面。故选面。故选C C。【答案答案】C C宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录2424(2010(2010中考变式题中考变式题) )Where would you like to go on your Where would you like to go on your summer holiday, Mike?summer holiday, Mike? Id like to go _.Id like to go _. A Anowhere interestingnowhere interesting B Binteresting anywhere interestin

55、g anywhere C Csomewhere interestingsomewhere interesting D Dinteresting somewhereinteresting somewhere【解析解析】本题考查形容词修饰不定代词的用法。形容词修饰不定代词本题考查形容词修饰不定代词的用法。形容词修饰不定代词要放在不定代词之后。本题是肯定的陈述句,故选要放在不定代词之后。本题是肯定的陈述句,故选C C。【答案答案】C C宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录4 4(2011(2011天津天津)Do you think maths is _than English?)Do you think ma

56、ths is _than English?A Adifficult difficult B Bas difficultas difficultC Cmore difficult more difficult D Dmost difficultmost difficult【解析解析】本题考查形容词的比较级。句中有本题考查形容词的比较级。句中有thanthan,说明要用比较级。,说明要用比较级。故选故选C C。【答案答案】C C宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录5 5(2011(2011铜仁铜仁)The story is _and all of us are )The story is _and all

57、of us are _in it._in it.A Ainterestinterest;interesting Binteresting Binterestinginteresting;interestinterestC Cinterestedinterested;interesting Dinteresting Dinterestinginteresting;interestedinterested【解析解析】本题考查本题考查 inging形容词与形容词与 eded形容词的区别。形容词的区别。 inging形容词的主形容词的主语是物;语是物; eded形容词的主语是人。形容词的主语是人。be

58、 interested inbe interested in“对对感兴趣感兴趣”。故。故选选D D。【答案答案】D D宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录6 6(2011(2011南京南京)Mr Smith, I dont think we can get there on )Mr Smith, I dont think we can get there on time by bike.time by bike.You mean its _for us to take a taxi?You mean its _for us to take a taxi?A Anecessary Bnecessary B

59、importantimportantC Cpossible Dpossible Ddifficultdifficult【解析解析】本题考查形容词在语境中的运用。本题考查形容词在语境中的运用。necessarynecessary“必要的必要的”;importantimportant“重要的重要的”;possiblepossible“可能的可能的”;difficultdifficult“困难的困难的”。由。由上句上句“史密斯先生,我认为我们骑自行车不可能按时到那儿史密斯先生,我认为我们骑自行车不可能按时到那儿”知答话者是知答话者是问:问:“你的意思是对我们来说乘出租车是有必要的吗?你的意思是对我们

60、来说乘出租车是有必要的吗?”【答案答案】A A宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录7 7(2011(2011重庆重庆)The more you smile)The more you smile,the_you will feel.the_you will feel.A Ahappy Bhappy BhappierhappierC Chappily Dhappily Dmore happilymore happily【解析解析】本题考查形容词比较级的用法。本题考查形容词比较级的用法。“thethe比较级比较级,thethe比较级比较级”结构表示结构表示“越越( (就就) )越越”;“feelfeel形容词

61、形容词”为系表为系表结构,结构,happyhappy的比较级形式是的比较级形式是happierhappier。【答案答案】B B宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录8 8(2011(2011武汉武汉) )I wore sports shoes to the ball yesterday I wore sports shoes to the ball yesterday evening by mistake!evening by mistake!OhOh,deardear,you must be very _at the ball!you must be very _at the ball!A Aemba

62、rrassed Bembarrassed BsatisfiedsatisfiedC Ctired Dtired Dsurprisedsurprised【解析解析】本题考查形容词辨析。本题考查形容词辨析。embarrassedembarrassed“窘迫的,尴尬的窘迫的,尴尬的”;satisfiedsatisfied“令人满意的令人满意的”;tiredtired“疲惫的疲惫的”;surprisedsurprised“吃惊的吃惊的”。由。由上句上句“昨晚舞会我错穿了运动鞋昨晚舞会我错穿了运动鞋”知知“你一定感到很难堪你一定感到很难堪”。故选。故选A A。【答案答案】A A宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录

63、9 9(2011(2011上海上海)Edward)Edward,you have grown up.You should learn to you have grown up.You should learn to make your own room _.make your own room _.A Aempty Bempty Bnoisy noisy C Cdirty Ddirty Dtidytidy【解析解析】本题考查形容词在语境中的运用。本题考查形容词在语境中的运用。emptyempty“空的空的”;noisynoisy“吵闹的吵闹的”;dirtydirty“脏的脏的”;tidytid

64、y“整洁的整洁的”。由句意。由句意“EdwardEdward,你已经长,你已经长大了,你应该学着使你自己的房间整洁。大了,你应该学着使你自己的房间整洁。”知选知选D D。【答案答案】D D宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录1010(2011(2011北京北京)We have a lovely )We have a lovely room.Itsroom.Its one of _in one of _in the hotel.the hotel.A Anice Bnice BnicernicerC Cnicest Dnicest Dthe nicestthe nicest【解析解析】本题考查形容词最高级

65、的用法。本题考查形容词最高级的用法。“one of theone of the形容词最高形容词最高级可数名词复数级可数名词复数”结构表示结构表示“中最中最之一之一”,本题省略了名词,本题省略了名词roomsrooms。【答案答案】D D宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录1111(2011(2011成都成都) )_scientific attitude is needed in _scientific attitude is needed in developing our city.developing our city.I agree with you.In this wayI agree with

66、 you.In this way,we can make mistakes.we can make mistakes.A AFewerFewer;less Bless BLessLess;more Cmore CMoreMore;fewerfewer【解析解析】本题考查形容词比较级的用法。本题考查形容词比较级的用法。attitudeattitude是名词,意为是名词,意为“态态度度”,为不可数名词。第一个说话者的意思是,为不可数名词。第一个说话者的意思是“在发展我们城市的过程中,在发展我们城市的过程中,需要更科学的态度。需要更科学的态度。”more scientificmore scienti

67、fic“更科学的更科学的”。make mistakesmake mistakes“犯错误犯错误”,mistakemistake为可数名词,故用为可数名词,故用fewfew修饰,意为修饰,意为“少数的,不多的少数的,不多的”,其比较级为,其比较级为fewerfewer。最后一句句意为。最后一句句意为“这样,我们会犯更少的错误。这样,我们会犯更少的错误。”【答案答案】C C宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录1212(2011(2011河南河南) )What do you think of the dress?What do you think of the dress?Wonderful.I dont t

68、hink I can find a _one.Wonderful.I dont think I can find a _one.A Agood Bgood Bbetter better C Cbad Dbad Dworstworst【解析解析】本题考查形容词比较级的用法。由对裙子的评价本题考查形容词比较级的用法。由对裙子的评价wonderfulwonderful知知“没有比这件更好的了没有比这件更好的了”故故B B项符合题意。项符合题意。【答案答案】B B宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录1313(2011(2011芜湖芜湖) )_do you clean your room?_do you clea

69、n your room?Every day.Every day.A AHow long BHow long BHow manyHow manyC CHow often DHow often DHow soonHow soon【解析解析】本题考查疑问副词短语的辨析。本题考查疑问副词短语的辨析。how longhow long“多长多长”,提问一,提问一段时间或物体的长度;段时间或物体的长度;how manyhow many“多少多少”,提问可数名词的数量;,提问可数名词的数量;how how oftenoften“多久一次多久一次”,提问频率;,提问频率;how soonhow soon“多久以

70、后多久以后”,提问,提问“inin一段一段时间时间”。由答语。由答语“Every day.Every day.”可知提问频率。故选可知提问频率。故选C C。【答案答案】C C宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录1414(2011(2011青岛青岛)In the piano contest)In the piano contest,my brother didnt play my brother didnt play well and I did_.well and I did_.A Avery well Bvery well Bmuch bettermuch betterC Cvery good Dve

71、ry good Deven worseeven worse【解析解析】本题考查副词的比较级。由题干中的本题考查副词的比较级。由题干中的my brothermy brother和和I I可以看可以看出是两者进行比较;又由并列连词出是两者进行比较;又由并列连词andand可知前后是顺承关系,即可知前后是顺承关系,即“哥哥弹得哥哥弹得不好,我弹得更不好不好,我弹得更不好”,故选,故选D D。【答案答案】D D宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录1515(2011(2011新疆新疆)Lucy is not good at dancing, but she can )Lucy is not good at dan

72、cing, but she can sing _.sing _.A Agood Bgood Bbad bad C Cwell Dwell Dnicenice【解析解析】本题考查副词的用法。本题考查副词的用法。goodgood,badbad和和nicenice都是形容词,都是形容词,wellwell可作形容词或者副词。修饰动词要用副词,故选可作形容词或者副词。修饰动词要用副词,故选C C。【答案答案】C C宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录1616(2011(2011安徽安徽)Jack is good at drawing.I think no one draws )Jack is good at dr

73、awing.I think no one draws _._.A Abetter Bbetter Bbest best C Cworse Dworse Dworstworst【解析解析】本题考查副词比较级的用法。句意为本题考查副词比较级的用法。句意为“杰克擅长绘画。我认杰克擅长绘画。我认为没有一个人画得比他更好。为没有一个人画得比他更好。”wellwell作副词修饰动词作副词修饰动词drawdraw,其比较级形式,其比较级形式为为betterbetter。【答案答案】A A宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录1717(2011(2011黄冈黄冈) )Did Kate do best in the fin

74、al exam?Did Kate do best in the final exam?NoNo,but of all the students she did_.but of all the students she did_.A Athe most careful Bthe most careful Bmore carefulmore carefulC Cmost carefully Dmost carefully Dmore carefullymore carefully【解析解析】本题考查副词最高级的用法。本题考查副词最高级的用法。of all the students(of all t

75、he students(所有的所有的学生中学生中) )是最高级的比较范围:由是最高级的比较范围:由diddid知用副词修饰动词。知用副词修饰动词。carefully(carefully(细心细心地地) )为多音节词,故前面加为多音节词,故前面加mostmost构成最高级。构成最高级。【答案答案】C C宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录1818(2011(2011吉林吉林)Of all the girls)Of all the girls,Lisa danced _.She Lisa danced _.She won the first prize.won the first prize.A Agood

76、 Bgood Bwell Cwell Cbest Dbest Dbetterbetter【解析解析】本题考查副词的最高级。本题考查副词的最高级。of all the girlsof all the girls意为意为“在所有的在所有的女孩中女孩中”,表示三者或三者以上进行比较,故用,表示三者或三者以上进行比较,故用wellwell的最高级的最高级bestbest。句意。句意为为“在所有的女孩中,莉萨跳舞最好。她得了一等奖。在所有的女孩中,莉萨跳舞最好。她得了一等奖。”【答案答案】C C宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录1919(2010(2010中考变式题中考变式题) )The cake is too

77、 expensive.Would you The cake is too expensive.Would you like to show me a _ one?like to show me a _ one?Sure.Here you are.Sure.Here you are.A Acheap Bcheap Bcheaper Ccheaper Ccheapestcheapest【解析解析】考查形容词比较级的用法。根据句意考查形容词比较级的用法。根据句意“你能给我看一个便宜你能给我看一个便宜点的吗?点的吗?”知形容词比较级作定语,故选择知形容词比较级作定语,故选择B B。【答案答案】B B宇

78、轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录2020(2010(2010中考变式题中考变式题)I can _ be a nurse.Im not a very )I can _ be a nurse.Im not a very patient person.patient person.A Aseldom seldom B BevereverC Cnever never D Dalwaysalways【解析解析】考查副词的用法。句意为考查副词的用法。句意为“我不可能成为护士,因为我不是我不可能成为护士,因为我不是一个有耐心的人。一个有耐心的人。”nevernever是否定副词,故选是否定副词,故选C C。【答案答

79、案】C C2121(2010(2010中考变式题中考变式题)Dear students, please read every)Dear students, please read every宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录sentence carefully._ you are, _ mistakes youll sentence carefully._ you are, _ mistakes youll make.make.A AThe more carefully; the fewerThe more carefully; the fewerB BThe more careful; the le

80、ssThe more careful; the lessC CThe more carefully; the lessThe more carefully; the lessD DThe more careful; the fewerThe more careful; the fewer【解析解析】本题考查形容词比较级。本题考查形容词比较级。“thethe比较级比较级.the.the比较级比较级”,表,表示示“越越越越”。“你越细心你越细心”这个句子是系表结构,故用形容词这个句子是系表结构,故用形容词carefulcareful。fewerfewer是是few few 的比较级,修饰可数名词,

81、故选的比较级,修饰可数名词,故选D D。【答案答案】D D宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录2222(2010(2010中考变式题中考变式题)Many Chinese students think science )Many Chinese students think science subjects are _ foreign languages.subjects are _ foreign languages.A Amore difficult as Bmore difficult as Bless difficult thanless difficult thanC Cmuch difficu

82、lt than Dmuch difficult than Dso difficult asso difficult as【解析解析】本题考查形容词比较级的用法。本题考查形容词比较级的用法。A A和和D D的结构不对,应用的结构不对,应用as.as.as.as.的句型。的句型。C C中中muchmuch用来修饰比较级,不能用来构成比较级。故本用来修饰比较级,不能用来构成比较级。故本题选题选B B。【答案答案】B B宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录2323(2010(2010中考变式题中考变式题)She is very good at painting.She can )She is very good

83、 at painting.She can paint _ her teacher.paint _ her teacher.A Aas better as Bas better as Bas well asas well asC Cas good as Das good as Dso well asso well as【解析解析】as.as as.as 中间用形容词或副词原级,答案中间用形容词或副词原级,答案A A和和D D可以排除;再可以排除;再则副词修饰动词,故答案选则副词修饰动词,故答案选B B。【答案答案】B B宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录2424(2010(2010中考变式题中考变式题)

84、It is _ to teach a kid the way to )It is _ to teach a kid the way to solve a problem than tell him the solution directly.solve a problem than tell him the solution directly.A Ahelpful helpful B Bmore helpfulmore helpfulC Cthe most helpfulthe most helpful【解析解析】本题考查形容词比较级的用法。本句中有本题考查形容词比较级的用法。本句中有than

85、than,故本句应是,故本句应是一个含比较级的句子,一个含比较级的句子,helpfulhelpful的比较级是的比较级是more helpfulmore helpful。【答案答案】B B宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录2525(2010(2010中考变式题中考变式题) )Who did English homework better, Leo Who did English homework better, Leo or Nick?or Nick?Leo was more careful.I think Leo did _ Nick.Leo was more careful.I think Leo

86、 did _ Nick.A Aas good as Bas good as Bas well asas well asC Cbetter than Dbetter than Dworse thanworse than【解析解析】根据句意根据句意LeoLeo更仔细,推知他做的比更仔细,推知他做的比NickNick好,故答案选好,故答案选C C。【答案答案】C C宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录2626(2010(2010中考变式题中考变式题)China is developing _ of all the )China is developing _ of all the countries in t

87、he world.countries in the world.A Afast Bfast BfasterfasterC Cfastest Dfastest Dthe most fastthe most fast【解析解析】考查副词最高级的用法。根据句意考查副词最高级的用法。根据句意“中国是世界上所有的国中国是世界上所有的国家中发展最快的。家中发展最快的。”可以得知此处应用副词最高级来修饰可以得知此处应用副词最高级来修饰developingdeveloping,fastfast的最高级为的最高级为fastestfastest。【答案答案】C C宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录2727(2010(20

88、10中考变式题中考变式题) )Youve done a nice job!Youve done a nice job!Thanks.I always do everything _.Thanks.I always do everything _.A Acare care B Bcareful careful C Ccarefullycarefully【解析解析】考查副词的用法。修饰动词考查副词的用法。修饰动词dodo要用副词,故选要用副词,故选C C。【答案答案】C C宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录2828(2010(2010中考变式题中考变式题) )Waiter, $20 for dinner,

89、 right?Waiter, $20 for dinner, right?Im afraid $25, sir, for drinks are _.Im afraid $25, sir, for drinks are _.A Aextra Bextra BfreefreeC Chigh Dhigh Dsparespare【解析解析】句意为句意为“服务员,晚餐服务员,晚餐2020美元,对吗?美元,对吗?”“”“恐怕是恐怕是2525美元,美元,因为饮料是另外收费的。因为饮料是另外收费的。”从句意上看,多出了从句意上看,多出了5 5美元,所以应当用形容词美元,所以应当用形容词extraextra,表

90、示为,表示为“另外收费的另外收费的”,其他选项不符合题意,故答案为,其他选项不符合题意,故答案为A A。【答案答案】A A宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录2929(2010(2010中考变式题中考变式题)The Internet is very useful for us.We )The Internet is very useful for us.We can _ find information.can _ find information.A Aeasy Beasy BeasilyeasilyC Chard Dhard Dhardlyhardly【解析解析】根据句意知是很容易地查到信息。根据句

91、意知是很容易地查到信息。easilyeasily是副词修饰动词是副词修饰动词findfind。【答案答案】B B宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录3030(2010(2010中考变式题中考变式题) )Ive been fixing the computer for over Ive been fixing the computer for over three hours, but it still doesnt work.three hours, but it still doesnt work.Why dont you take a rest and try _Why dont you take

92、a rest and try _? Maybe youll Maybe youll do better then.do better then.A Aearly Bearly BfinallyfinallyC Claterlater D Donceonce【解析解析】句意为句意为“你为什么不休息一会儿,稍后再试呢?你为什么不休息一会儿,稍后再试呢?”laterlater“晚些时候晚些时候”符合题意。符合题意。【答案答案】C C宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录3131(2010(2010中考变式题中考变式题)Look)Look,your clothes are wet through.It your

93、clothes are wet through.It must be raining _.must be raining _.A Aloudly loudly B BheavilyheavilyC Cclearly clearly D Dnormallynormally【解析解析】雨下得大,用雨下得大,用heavilyheavily。【答案答案】B B宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录3232(2010(2010中考变式题中考变式题)Listening is just as _ as )Listening is just as _ as speaking in language learning.sp

94、eaking in language learning.A Aimportant Bimportant Bmore importantmore importantC Cmost important Dmost important Dthe most importantthe most important【解析解析】本题考查本题考查as.as.asas的用法。的用法。as.as.asas意为意为“像像一样一样”,其中间必须是形容词或副词的原级,故选,其中间必须是形容词或副词的原级,故选A A。【答案答案】A A宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录3333(2010(2010中考变式题中考变式题)Is Wi

95、lliams life style _ Davids?)Is Williams life style _ Davids?A Athe same Bthe same Bsame as Csame as Csame to Dsame to Dthe same asthe same as【解析解析】考查固定短语考查固定短语the same asthe same as的用法。的用法。【答案答案】D D3434(2012(2012中考预测题中考预测题)We should not eat _ meat.)We should not eat _ meat.A Atoo many Btoo many Bmuc

96、h toomuch tooC Ctoo much Dtoo much Dmany toomany too【解析解析】meatmeat是不可数名词,故用是不可数名词,故用muchmuch修饰,先排除修饰,先排除A A、D D项,项,much much tootoo后跟形容词或副词,也排除,故选后跟形容词或副词,也排除,故选C C。【答案答案】C C宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录3535(2012(2012中考预测题中考预测题) )Mum, could you buy me a dress like Mum, could you buy me a dress like this?this?Certai

97、nly, we can buy _ one than this, but _ this.Certainly, we can buy _ one than this, but _ this.A Aa better; better thana better; better thanB Ba worse; as good asa worse; as good asC Ca cheaper; as good asa cheaper; as good asD Da more important; not as good asa more important; not as good as【解析解析】句意

98、是句意是“妈妈,你能给我买件像这样的裙子吗?妈妈,你能给我买件像这样的裙子吗?”“”“当然可当然可以,我们能买件比这便宜点,但质量一样好的。以,我们能买件比这便宜点,但质量一样好的。”故选故选C C。【答案答案】C C宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录3636(2012(2012中考预测题中考预测题) )Miss Gao is very popular with her Miss Gao is very popular with her students.students.Yes.Her classes are _ lively and interesting.Yes.Her classes are

99、_ lively and interesting.A Aseldom Bseldom BneverneverC Csometimes Dsometimes Dalwaysalways【解析解析】句意为句意为“她的课总是生动有趣。她的课总是生动有趣。”seldomseldom“很少很少”;nevernever“决不,从不决不,从不”;sometimessometimes“有时,偶尔有时,偶尔”;alwaysalways“总是;一直总是;一直”。故选。故选D D。【答案答案】D D宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录3737(2012(2012中考预测题中考预测题)Of the two shirts, Id

100、 choose the )Of the two shirts, Id choose the _ one to save some money for a book._ one to save some money for a book.A Acheapest cheapest B BcheapercheaperC Cmore expensive more expensive D Dmost expensivemost expensive【解析解析】因句中有因句中有of the two shirtsof the two shirts,故用比较级。,故用比较级。【答案答案】B B宇轩图书宇轩图书目

101、目 录录3838(2012(2012中考预测题中考预测题)The boy doesnt speak _ his )The boy doesnt speak _ his sister, but his written work is very good.sister, but his written work is very good.A Aas well as as well as B Bso good asso good asC Cmore better than more better than D Dmore worse thanmore worse than【解析解析】因句中的谓语动词

102、因句中的谓语动词speakspeak是实义动词,修饰实义动词应用副是实义动词,修饰实义动词应用副词,再根据句意,排除词,再根据句意,排除B B、C C、D D。【答案答案】A A宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录3939(2012(2012中考预测题中考预测题) )_ do you go to the gym?_ do you go to the gym?Twice a week.Twice a week.A AHow long BHow long BHow soonHow soonC CHow many DHow many DHow oftenHow often【解析解析】由答句中的由答句中的twi

103、ce a weektwice a week可知问句中提问的是可知问句中提问的是“频率频率”,对,对频率提问,应用频率提问,应用how oftenhow often。【答案答案】D D宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录4040(2012(2012中考预测题中考预测题) )The cake looks _.The cake looks _.Yes, and it tastes even _.Yes, and it tastes even _.A Awell; good Bwell; good Bnice; betternice; betterC Cgood; worse Dgood; worse Dbet

104、ter; bestbetter; best【解析解析】looklook和和tastetaste均为系动词,其后都跟形容词,排除均为系动词,其后都跟形容词,排除A A;而;而eveneven后跟形容词的比较级,再排除后跟形容词的比较级,再排除D D。再根据句意,只能选。再根据句意,只能选B B。【答案答案】B B宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录4141(2012(2012中考预测题中考预测题)After the rebuilding our school is )After the rebuilding our school is becoming _.becoming _.A Amore and m

105、ore beautifulmore and more beautifulB Bmore beautiful and beautifulmore beautiful and beautifulC Cbeautiful and beautifulbeautiful and beautifulD Dthe more beautifulthe more beautiful【解析解析】此题考查多音节形容词比较级的并列,此题考查多音节形容词比较级的并列,more and moremore and more多多音节形容词意为音节形容词意为“越来越越来越”。【答案答案】A A宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录4242

106、(2012(2012中考预测题中考预测题)I find this computer game _ to )I find this computer game _ to play.play.A Aenough easy Benough easy Beasy enougheasy enoughC Cenough easily Denough easily Deasily enougheasily enough【解析解析】enoughenough修饰形容词、副词时应放在其后,而修饰形容词、副词时应放在其后,而find find sthsth. .后跟后跟形容词作宾补,故选形容词作宾补,故选B B。【

107、答案答案】B B宇轩图书宇轩图书目目 录录4545(2012(2012中考预测题中考预测题) )What do you think of the car?What do you think of the car?It looks beautiful.I like it but I cant afford it.Its It looks beautiful.I like it but I cant afford it.Its _ than I expected._ than I expected.A Acheap Bcheap Bcheaper cheaper C Cexpensive Dexpensive Dmore expensivemore expensive【解析解析】本题考查形容词比较级。由本题考查形容词比较级。由thanthan可知此处应用比较级,结合可知此处应用比较级,结合句意可知,说话人觉得车比期望的贵。故选句意可知,说话人觉得车比期望的贵。故选D D。【答案答案】D D



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