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1、 The Prepositions 7/27/20241课前准备;要求学生对所学过的介词作一系统归纳,按照四类表示;时间、地点、方位和其他。7/27/20242复习目标;1、掌握常见介词的用法。2、掌握易混淆的几组介词的区别。3、理解和熟记一些重要的介词词组。4、通过复习,让学生在听、说、读、写四方面都有所提高。7/27/20243The PrepositionsThe Prepositions1.表示时间时间的介词; 2.表示地点地点和方位方位的介词;3.表示手段手段和材料材料等的介词;4.其他其他介词;7/27/20244一、表示时间的介词表示时间的介词1)、时间三姐妹 at,in,on.

2、Eg. noon, 1998, Sunday, summer, a warm morning, the afternoon, 7:00PM2)、时间的前后 after,beforeEg. Dont say that you look at the picture. four days,she came to a deep river.3)、时间的期限 by,till,untillEg. the time I arrived,she had already gone. I wont be free Saturday afternoon.inoninoninatatbeforeAfterBytil

3、l7/27/202454)、时间的期间 for,duringEg.Florence often worked for twenty-four hours without rest. Druing the lifetime of one man,it often happens a lot of things. 3)、时间的期限 by,till,untillEg.By the time I arrived,she had already gone. I wont be free till Saturday afternoon.7/27/202465)、时间的起点 from,sinceEg.The

4、 workers was made to work from 7 in the morning to 7 in the evening.Since that time,my eyes had never been very good.6)、时间的经过 in,withinEg.I heard that she would be back in a month.In this way,the message would be sent 500kms within a few hours.7/27/20247二、地点和方位的介词1、里面上面 in和 on,over under 上下方, at在某一地

5、点上。2、 in front of 前,behind 后,in the middle of在中央。3、 between两者, among仨, around表示在四方。4、来自 from ,朝向to ,从中穿过用through ,表面跨过用across,沿着-走用along.5、到上面 onto,进里面into ,在旁边用beside,在附近用 near(by).7/27/20248oninoverontoundertoacrossthrough in front ofbehindbesidenearatintofromin the middle of7/27/20249三。表示手段和材料等的介

6、词n1)bynEg.What do you mean _ this word.n I prefer travelling _ train.n2)withwithoutnEg.There is a cup _ three legs.n You could cut it _ a knife.n I went shopping _ my mother.bybywith withwith7/27/202410四。其它介词。1)inEg.Whats this _ English?The girl always talks _ a tired voice.The boy _ a jacket is my

7、brother.2)aganist/forEg.The people in the Salt Lake City fight the locusts.3)(nothing)but/except/instead ofEg.All the boys are here _ Tom.4)like/as/past/aboutinininaganistexcept7/27/202411五、易混淆介词及词组归类1、in( after( Eg. He will be back three oclock. He will be back in a few minutes. He came back after

8、three days.2 in the east of (内含)根据数学中两圆关系的判断 to the east of (相离) on the east of (外切) 3 in the tree (表示树上不能生长的东西) on the tree (表示能在树上生长的东西) 4 in the wall (在墙的表面) on the wall (在墙的内部) after 段时间,与将来时连用,表过一段时间之后段时间,与过去时连用,表过一段时间之后点时间,与将来时连用,表多少时间之后7/27/2024125.be made of be made in be made from be made b

9、y6.be used for be used as be used by used to7.go on go on doing sth go on to do sth go on with sth由什么材料组成在哪里制造由什么构成由什么人制造被用来做什么被当作什么来使用由什么人来用过去常常做某事继续接着做同一件事继续做不同的事接着做相同的事7/27/202413The Indian ocean earthquate印度洋海啸7/27/202414The undersea world of Indian ocean after the earthquate7/27/202415Some suff

10、ers are putting away the useful things7/27/202416Fill in the blanks with the right prepositions The 2004 India Ocean earthquate was an underseaearthquate that occurred _ 00:58:53_ December26,2004.The earthquate generated a tsunami that was _ the deadliest disasters _ modern history. At magnitude _ 9

11、.0,it was the largest earthquate _ the 9.2 magnitude Good Friday Earthquake off Alaska _ 1964. atonamonginofsincein7/27/202417 Anywhere _ 228,000 _ 310,000 people are thought to have died as a result of the trunami and the count is not yet complete.In Indonesia in particular,500 bodies a day were st

12、ill being found _ February 2005.The plight of the many affected people and countries prompted a widespread humanitarian response. fromtoin7/27/202418Fill in the blanks with the right prepositions1)She was born the morning of April 22,1987.2)Is there a report about the bad weather todays newspaper?3)

13、Go the bridge,youll find the museum on your left hand side.4)Say “please!”when you ask sth.5) the time I arrived, the train had gone.6)We visited him at his workplace the young trees.7)The artist has finished drawing the horse five minutes.8)Sometimes Juliana could hear planes the trees.oninacrossfo

14、rByamonginover7/27/20241910)There is a wide bridge the river.11)Why would you like a girl instead a boy.12)After class ,Ill say sth our summer holiday.13)Look!She is standing the tree.14)Miss Zhao hurried off to look the man.15)Jane is behind Mary,Mary is Jane.9)The temperature will fall zero someti

15、mes in winter in Australia.belowoverofaboutin/underafterin front of7/27/202420Write a composition 假如你的名字叫小刚,王叔叔的一位美国朋友(mike)今年暑假要到上海来玩,请你代王叔叔发一份电报给他,你住在上海西大街97号,从火车站乘5路公共汽车到科学博物馆站下车,到时你在车站门口等他,此电报发于2005年6月29日,词数60词左右。7/27/202421复习小结1、介词种类繁多,且相当一部分介词有多种用法,应牢记。2、对易混淆的介词及词组一定要注意它们的区别。3、中考常见的题型为选择题和综合应用题,需灵活运用。7/27/202422



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