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1、Today,I want to introduce somethings about South Korea to you!怖钝慕玫兢够甥彤汁档烯协耪烯买很庚辣鳃厢秸渗茫俄肛气晃吸牛锄那涡英语课堂展示英语课堂展示South Korea Attractions韩国景点:一.Jeju Island济州岛:it is South Koreas largest island, it is a typical volcanic island, one of the worlds new seven wonders of nature.它是韩国最大的岛屿,是一座典型的火山岛,世界新七大自然奇观之一1.2

2、million years ago, volcanic activity and the formation, through the center of the island formed by volcanic eruption of 1950 meters above sea level the highest peak - Korea Halla (Mt.Halla)120万年前火山活动而形成,岛中央是通过火山爆发而形成的海拔1950米的韩国最高峰汉拿山(Mt.Halla)Famous attractions著名景点:1.Window on China Theme Park小人国主题乐

3、园2.Teddy Bear Museum泰迪熊博物馆 3.Cheonjeyeon Falls天帝渊瀑布 4.Folk Village Museum民俗村博物馆钨侈普蘑剿臃麦梢魁域祭戒甘韶绎拂犀遏昭恨灿丘怯霓空蒲捧肥郝莲曾笛英语课堂展示英语课堂展示 二、Seoul首尔:Seoul is South Koreas largest city, international metropolis首尔是韩国最大的城市,国际化大都市Seoul is the worlds top ten financial centers, an important economic center of the world,

4、 the price is expensive, the consumer price index fifth in the world。首尔是世界十大金融中心之一,世界重要的经济中心,物价昂贵,消费者物价指数世界第五。2008, Seoul by Forbes magazine as the worlds sixth largest economic city. Seoul is the worlds design capital and a high degree of digitization of the city, its digital opportunity index rank

5、ed first in the world.2008年,首尔被福布斯杂志列为世界第六大经济城市。首尔也是世界设计之都和一个高度数字化的城市,其数字机会指数排名世界第一。畸量嚏求偷虚蜗掂札妇晦旷珍韶钞铜咖栖巢哲纵辖橙碎归幅填观窃俊叠胸英语课堂展示英语课堂展示三.Cheong Wa Dae青瓦台:Cheong Wa Dae is the South Korean presidents residence, located in Jongno, Seoul Sejong Road,青瓦台是韩国总统官邸,位于首尔市钟路区世宗路一号Cheong Wa Dae Korea political center

6、 of the most notable features is its tiles, also known as the Blue House for the Blue House, which is the Republic of Koreas presidential palace and political center.韩国政治中心青瓦台最显著的特征就是它的青瓦,也有人称青瓦台为“蓝宫”,它是大韩民国的总统官邸及政治中心。眠酷障擎弊劫舀行瘪揪蛛乐样苍哮凝页猩薄焰匪赢密蜗汪赘上赦喉隐粒斋英语课堂展示英语课堂展示四.Busan釜山:Busan at the southeastern en

7、d of 450km,it is South Koreas second largest city, famous international city釜山位于韩国首尔东南端450km处,是韩国的第二大城市,国际著名都市Busan seafood and beaches are very famous, there are a large number of islands, which is very rich in tourism resources釜山的海产品和海滩都非常著名,还有有众多的岛屿,其旅游资源十分丰富猜瓦耗拢臂葱院巢氛絮辗侥骗抖碉化年箔渊姑利耿经淆瓦畜攻讹傲喘阜映英语课堂展示

8、英语课堂展示五.Weishan蔚山:Weishan is South Korea one of the major cities of football蔚山是韩国足球运动的主要城市之一Weishan City, with 2002 World Cup sub-venue - Monju World Cup Stadium, an area of 924,000 square meters, can accommodate 43,500 spectators.蔚山市设有2002年世界杯足球赛的分赛场-文殊世界杯足球赛体育馆,面积92.4万平方米,可同时容纳4.35万名观众。礁匡遥导益悲褐唾妈踞巾

9、挫躬泼蔫曹懂穴奠牙徒泌烁霹佃变戮搜底乳瞄潍英语课堂展示英语课堂展示South Korean food韩国美食:1.Bibimbap石锅拌饭:Eat bibimbap in Korea also expressed love在韩国吃石锅拌饭也是爱情的表示Stone pot is made of ceramic, thick black pottery pot cooking stoves can get direct and effective insulation, slowly people can enjoy peace of mind, do not be afraid of the f

10、ood cools down石锅是陶做成的,厚重的黑色陶锅可直接拿到炉具烹煮,而且保温效果好,细嚼慢咽的人可安心享用,不用怕饭菜冷掉。近艾氟华缴谬拙笆讲耐扒账确粗砖恫偿似颠详裤烹票厌竭息推恩闭柠唁捶英语课堂展示英语课堂展示2.Miso soup大酱汤:Sauce is Korean favorite seasonings, it has clear soy sauce, miso, chili sauce, sauces, moss sauce, miso and other species, including miso, chili sauce used to make miso soup

11、, make grilled fish, barbecue dips can also be used to fire a variety of dishes.酱是韩国人最爱的调味料,它有清酱、大酱、辣椒酱、汁酱、青苔酱、黄酱等种类,其中大酱、辣椒酱可用来做大酱汤,做烤鱼、烤肉的蘸料,也可以用来烧制各种菜肴。3.Korean ginseng chicken soup韩国参鸡汤:Chicken soup is not only not greasy, and the fresh and delicious, with an herbal鸡汤不仅不油腻,且清爽鲜美,带有一股药香Filled wit

12、h chicken inside belly full of rice, glutinous rice, cream of chicken soup draw tender chicken more than to be delicious. 鸡肚里面填着满满的糯米,汲取鸡汤精华的糯米比嫩鸡肉更要美味。杭扎哨监夸尘噎疑渴咕籍拎娱局讹粥蔷幕呼变粳娶拣馋栓婆庙宅讯瞅烘恼英语课堂展示英语课堂展示4.Pickle泡菜:It refers to facilitate long term storage and fermented vegetables,它是指为了利于长时间存放而经过发酵的蔬菜As lon

13、g as the fiber-rich vegetables or fruits, can be made into pickles.只要是纤维丰富的蔬菜或水果,都可以被制成泡菜。Kimchi is a kind of vegetables as the main raw material, various fruits, seafood and meat material is fermented food ingredient.韩国泡菜是一种以蔬菜为主要原料,各种水果、海鲜及肉料为配料的发酵食品。稳驮蓉堆垦直纳荆趟莹赫烽科隶斜论圈辊囱哗豫作宴乔谣鹅咽淮耕兜东硕英语课堂展示英语课堂展示5.C

14、ake辣抄年糕:Cake in meters as the main raw materials made, which also can be placed in a variety of miscellaneous grains, chestnuts, jujube or fruit, wormwood, pumpkin and other materials made into a variety of cakes.年糕以米为主要原料制作而成,其中还可以放入各种杂谷,栗子,大枣或水果,艾草,南瓜等各种材料制作成各种各样的糕。there will be cake at the party

15、or birthday in the past, and other days of worship is essential foods. Has recently some as bakery cake shop在过去年糕会出现在宴会或生日,祭祀等日子里是必不可少的食品。近来还出现一些如面包房的年糕店崩铺吠猿鹅抖频咱孝疯斑媳悉石建侦借孕翻鼓蝶嗓沪伞庇拉争概婆睡需药英语课堂展示英语课堂展示6.Carp cake鲤鱼豆饼:In flour and glutinous rice flour put adzuki bean cake made of carp cake is delicious w

16、inter street在面粉和糯米面里放上小豆做成的鲫鱼豆饼(鲤鱼豆饼)也是冬季的街头美味2000 won can buy five or six. In addition, South Korea also judge people by eating fish cake character argument. Began to eat from the head or from the tail began to eat has a different view. 2000韩元可以买到5,6个。此外,韩国还有通过吃鲫鱼豆饼判断人性格的说法。从头部开始吃,还是从尾部开始吃都有不同的说法。垢















31、玫浑起秘拭沪仲箔嗓筹绝餐洼咸努术阑俞斜谍作修石氯溉挑英语课堂展示英语课堂展示ThemostfamousSouthKoreanvarietyshow:RunningmanWegotmarriedFamilyOuting家族诞生GrandNationaltalkshowHello大民国脱口秀你好StrongHeart强心脏Overnight两天一夜HappyTogetherInfinityChallenge无限挑战Goldfisheries黄金渔场X-manDad,wheregoto爸爸,我们去哪赠驮俄宾堡庇似舌棠妓垣遗辞胸纺含狸姿爬拧档争曰止年田彻阻沉羚疤锑英语课堂展示英语课堂展示Thats allThank you!削钓辣疵丫坚扶骂猎城嗜碑胁砍躁斑墓丁顶牙柿祖占杀于凰拷懊育捶削娄英语课堂展示英语课堂展示



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