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1、ChinaBritainVS1Britain VS China l Form of Government 政体政体l Legislative Branch 立法机构立法机构 l Executive Branch 行政机构行政机构l Judicial Branch 司法机构司法机构2.FormofGovernment政体31.Elizabeth II,her title in the United Kingdom is “Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nor

2、thern Ireland and Her Other Realms and Territories, Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.伊莉莎白二世,她的全称是“上帝神佑,大布列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国以及她的其他领土和领地的女王,英联邦元首,国教保护者伊莉莎白二世。”The Constitutional Monarchy 君主君主立宪立宪制制42.The Queen is the symbol of the whole nation. In law, She is head of the executive, an i

3、ntegral part of the legislature, head of the judiciary, the commander-in-chief of all the armed forces and the “supreme governor” of the Church of England. She gives Royal Assent to Bills passed by parliament.A女王是国家的象征。从法律上讲,她是行政首脑,立法机构的组成部分,司法首脑,全国武装部队总司令。B5Al3.The monarch actually has no real powe

4、r. The monarchs power are limited by law and Parliament. Constitutional monarchy began after the Glorious Revolution in 1688.Bl君主政体实际已无实权。它的权力受限于法律和议会。君主立宪制是从1688年的光荣革命后开始。6Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut

5、 enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.TheSystemofPeoplesCongress人民代表大会制度pThe system of peoples congress is the form of political organization of the Chinese peoples democratic dictatorship. It is the fundamental political system of C

6、hina.p人民代表大会制度是中国人民民主专政的政权组织形式,是中国的根本政治制度。7AAll power in the Peoples Republic of China belongs to the people. People exercise state power are the National Peoples Congress and local peoples congresses.The National Peoples Congress and local peoples congresses are elected by people democratically. Re

7、sponsible to the people, by the peoples supervision.B中华人民共和国的一切权力属于人民。人民行使国家权力的机关是全国人民代表大会和地方各级人民代表大会。全国人民代表大会和地方各级人民代表大会都由民主选举产生,对人民负责,受人民监督。8.Legislative Branch立法机构立法机构9Parliament议会l1.The United Kingdom is a unitary, not afederal, state. Parliament consists of theSovereign, the House of Lords and


9、ebatethemajorissuesoftheday.12n议会的主要作用是:n(1)通过立法;n(2)投票批准税为政府工作提供资金;n(3)检查政府政策和行政管理,包括拨款提议;n(4)当天的议题辩论。13TheHouseofLords(上议院)TheHouseofLordsismadeupoftheLordsSpiritual,includingarchbishopsandprominentbishops,andtheLordsTemporal, including hereditarypeersandlifepeers.贵族院(上议院)由上议院神职议员和世俗议员组成。14Themain


11、andconsistsof646MembersofParliament(MPs).ItisintheHouseofCommonsthattheultimateauthority.ThepartywhichholdsthemajorityofseatsintheHouseofCommonsformthegovernment,itsleaderactingasthePrimeMinister.p下议院(平民院)由成人普选产生,由646名议员组成。下议院拥有最终立法权。TheHouseofCommon(下议院)16National Peoples Congress全国人民代表大会全国人民代表大会Na

12、tional Peoples Congress isthehigheststatebodyandtheonlylegislativehouseinthePeoplesRepublicofChina.TheNationalPeoplesCongressisheldintheGreatHallofthePeople(人民大会堂),Beijing,capitalofthePeoplesRepublicofChina.TheNPCgatherseachyearalongwiththeChinesePeoplesPoliticalConsultativeConference(中国人民政治协商会议)who


14、fNational Peoples Congress全国人民代表大会的主要职权l(1)legislativepower.l立法权l(2)powerofappointmentandremovall任免权l(3)powertomakedecisionsl决定权l(4)powerofsupervisionl监督权19.ExecutiveBranch行政机构20n1. The Prime Minister presides over the Cabinet, is responsible for the allocation of functions among ministers and infor

15、ms the Queen at regular meetings of general business of the Government. Cabinet members hold meetings under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister for a few hours each week to decide Government policy on major issues.n首相主持内阁,负责分配大臣们的职能,在定期会见女王时向女王报告政府事务。内阁在首相的主持下,每周开会几小时,以决定在重大问题上政府的政策。TheCabinet(内阁

16、)21David Cameronu内阁的所有决定由大臣集体向议会负责,各大臣又为各自部门的工作向议会负责。u2. Ministers are responsible collectively to Parliament for all Cabinet decisions; individual Ministers are responsible to Parliament for the work of their department.22theStateCouncilofthePeoplesRepublicofChina中华人民共和国国务院pThestatecouncilofthePeop

17、lesRepublicofChina,namelythecentralpeoplesgovernment,Itisthehighestorganofstatepoweroftheenforcementauthoritiesandthehigheststateadministrativeorgan.p中华人民共和国国务院,即中央人民政府,是最高国家权力机关的执行机关,是最高国家行政机关。23uThe State Council is composed by the Prime Minister, ministers, vice premiers, state councilors, commis

18、sions, the Auditor-General, the Secretary-General , the prime minister takes responsibility for the state council.uThe Secretary-General of the State Council under the leadership of the Prime Minister is responsible for the daily work of the State Council.uThe State Council and National Peoples Cong

19、ress is responsible for reporting.u国务院由总理、副总理、国务委员、各部部长、各委员会主任、审计长、国务院秘书长组成,国务院实行总理负责制。u国务院秘书长在总理领导下,负责处理国务院的日常工作。u国务院对全国人民代表大会负责并报告工作。24.JudicialBranch司法机构25MinistryofJustice英国司法部uMinistry of Justice is a branch of Britishgovernment,ItwasestablishedonMay9,2007, It merged the constitutional affairs(

20、previously called the Ministry of Justice)and the interior responsible for EnglandandwalescriminalJusticepolicy,judgment, parole, prison and prevent thebackpartofthecrimeoftheMinistry.Thedepartment is located at No. 102 ofWestminsterlittleFrench.u司法部是英国一个政府部门,成立于2007年5月9日,合并了宪法事务部(过去被称为大法官部)和内政部负责英格


22、自己的法律体系,二者的法律体系相似,只在法律、组织、和实践上有细微的差别。u司法系统不统一。27lCriminal casesCriminal cases(刑事案件)(刑事案件): : lThe Magistrates CourtThe Magistrates Court(治安治安法院)法院)lThe Crown Court(The Crown Court(刑事法庭刑事法庭) ) lThe High Court(The High Court(高等法庭高等法庭) )lThe Court of AppealThe Court of Appeal(上诉法院)(上诉法院)lThe Supreme Co

23、urt(The Supreme Court(最高法院最高法院) )lCivil cases (Civil cases (民事案件)民事案件): :lThe Magistrates CourtThe Magistrates CourtlThe County Court(The County Court(郡法院郡法院) )lThe High CourtThe High CourtlThe Court of AppealThe Court of AppealDifferent types of cases are dealt Different types of cases are dealt wi

24、th in specific courts.with in specific courts.28nIn In British British criminal criminal trials, trials, the the accused accused is is presumed presumed innocent innocent until until proven proven guilty. guilty. Trials Trials are are in in open open court court and and the the accused accused is is

25、 represented represented by by a a lawyer lawyer .Most .Most cases cases are are tried tried without without a a jury jury .More .More serious serious cases cases are are tried tried in in higher higher courts courts before before a a jury jury of of 12(15 12(15 in in Scotland), Scotland), which whi

26、ch decides decides whether whether the the accused accused is is innocent innocent or or guilty.guilty.n在英国刑事审判在英国刑事审判中中, ,如果不能证明有罪那么被告无罪如果不能证明有罪那么被告无罪。审判审判是在公开法庭是在公开法庭中进行,被告有一名代理律师中进行,被告有一名代理律师。大多数情况下。大多数情况下都都没有陪审团。没有陪审团。在在高等法院高等法院中,中,更严重的案子会有由更严重的案子会有由1212人构成的陪审团(在苏格兰是人构成的陪审团(在苏格兰是1515人),人),决定是决定是

27、否被告无罪或有罪否被告无罪或有罪。Criminal trials英国刑事审判29TheSupremePeoplesCourt最高人民法院nTheSupremePeoplesCourtisappointedbytheNationalPeoplesCongress,Itsitsasthehighestcourtofappealforcivilorcriminalcases.nRole:tointerprettheConstitution;monitortheFederalgovernment;ensurethesupremeunbiasedjusticeisprotectedintheFedera

28、lRepublicoftheChineseNations.n由全国人民代表大会任命,作为民事或刑事案件的最高上诉法院。n角色:解释宪法,联邦政府监控,确保最高的正义是中国联邦共和国的国家保护。30Thetypesofthepeoplescourts人民法院的种类TheBasicPeoplesCourt基层人民法院TheIntermediatePeoplesCourt中级人民法院TheHigherPeoplesCourt高级人民法院TheSupremePeoplesCourt最高人民法院31Executive BranchLegislative BranchJudicial BranchThe

29、State CouncilThe State CouncilNational PeoplesCongressNational PeoplesCongressNational PeoplesCongressNational PeoplesCongressMinistry of JusticeMinistry of JusticeMinistry of JusticeMinistry of JusticeParliamentParliamentThe Supreme Peoples CourtThe Supreme Peoples CourtThe CabinetThe CabinetThe Ca

30、binetThe CabinetThe Constitutional MonarchyThe Constitutional MonarchyThe Constitutional MonarchyThe Constitutional MonarchyT T T The he he he S S S System of ystem of ystem of ystem of P P P Peoples eoples eoples eoples C C C Congressongressongressongress VS VS BritainBritainChinaChinaForm of Government32环科1401芦漪于浡沈晶晶THANK YOU33



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