高中英语 Module 5 Module Review同步课件 外研版必修1

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1、Module 5 A Lesson in a LabModule Review. 单词串记单词串记(根据构词法完成下面空格根据构词法完成下面空格)1. (元音元音)de (v. )(元音元音)sion (n. )conclude( v. )得出结论得出结论_(n. )结论结论【类记【类记】 decide( v. )_ ( n. ) 决定决定include( v. )_( n. ) 包括包括explode( v. )_( n. ) 爆炸爆炸expand( v. )_( n. ) 扩张扩张conclusiondecisioninclusionexplosionexpansion2. (v. ) +

2、-ment n. equip( v. )配备配备, 装备装备_( n. )设备设备, 装备装备【类记【类记】 achieve( v. )_( n. )成就成就; 完成完成amuse( v. )_( n. )娱乐娱乐; 消遣消遣move( v. )_( n. )活动活动; 移动移动agree( v. )_( n. )同意同意equipmentachievementamusementmovementagreementjudge( v. )_( n. )判断判断(力力)enjoy( v. )_( n. )享受享受; 乐趣乐趣encourage( v. )_( n. )鼓励鼓励; 激励激励astoni

3、sh( v. )_( n. )吃惊吃惊employ( v. )_( n. )雇用雇用; 职业职业disappoint( v. )_( n. )失望失望judgementenjoymentencouragementastonishmentemploymentdisappointment. 连词成句连词成句(用本模块的词汇完成句子用本模块的词汇完成句子, 每空一词每空一词)1. 固体像液体和气体一样也会膨胀和收缩。固体像液体和气体一样也会膨胀和收缩。Solids _ and _ as liquids and gases do. 2. 当你在本系的演讲厅里看见一些人不得不坐在窗台上时当你在本系的演讲

4、厅里看见一些人不得不坐在窗台上时, 别惊别惊讶。讶。Dont feel _ when you see that in some _ halls of the _ some people have to sit on the window sills. 3. 氢气氢气(hydrogen)与氧气反应产生电和水。与氧气反应产生电和水。The hydrogen _ with _ to produce _ and water. expandcontractastonishedlecturedepartmentreactsoxygenelectricity4. 关于这种混合物关于这种混合物, 我们还没有达

5、到可以得出最后结论的阶段。我们还没有达到可以得出最后结论的阶段。We havent reached the _ where we can come to a final _ about this _. 5. 当它们在水面浮起后当它们在水面浮起后, 继续用小火煮大约一分钟。继续用小火煮大约一分钟。When they _ on the water, continue to _ for about one minute with low _. 6. 两种物质都不溶于水。两种物质都不溶于水。Neither of the _ _ in water. stageconclusionmixturefloat

6、boilflamesubstances dissolves7. 这门课的目的是教给孩子们如何正确使用电子设备。这门课的目的是教给孩子们如何正确使用电子设备。The _ of the course is to teach children how to use _ _ correctly. 8. 水一沸腾水一沸腾, 蒸汽就形成了。蒸汽就形成了。Steam _ (is _) when water _. 9. 他成功的另一部分原因是他懂得如何平衡学习与娱乐他成功的另一部分原因是他懂得如何平衡学习与娱乐(entertainment) 的关系。的关系。Another _ reason for his s

7、uccess is that he knows how to _ study and entertainment. aimelectricalequipmentformsformedboilspartialbalance. 句式点拨句式点拨1. 地球是月球的地球是月球的49倍大。倍大。(True or False)(1)The earth is forty-nine times as larger as the moon. ( )(2)The earth is forty-nine times the size with the moon. ( )(3)The earth is forty-n

8、ine times larger than the moon. ( )FFT【思路点拨】【思路点拨】本题考查的是倍数表达法本题考查的是倍数表达法, 即:即: as +adj. 原级原级+as the +名词名词(size, weight, depth, width, height, length, etc. )+of adj. 比较级比较级+than套用该句式套用该句式, 可判断出上面哪个句子是正确的。可判断出上面哪个句子是正确的。倍数倍数+【句式训练【句式训练】我家距离学校比你家距离学校远三倍。我家距离学校比你家距离学校远三倍。My home is four times farther fr

9、om our school than yours. 2. 山上有座庙山上有座庙, 庙里有几个老和尚。庙里有几个老和尚。(True or False)(1)On the top of the mountain stands a temple, and in the temple live several old monks. ( )(2)On the top of the mountain stand a temple, and in the temple lives several old monks. ( )【思路点拨【思路点拨】本本题题考考查查完完全全倒倒装装句句中中的的主主谓谓一一致致问

10、问题题。完完全全倒倒装装句句中中, 其其谓谓语语动动词词的的单单复复数数要要依依其其后后的的主主语语而而定定。该该句句中中的的前前半半句句中中, 主主语语为为a temple, 故故谓谓语语动动词词应应该该用用stands; 后后半半句句中中, 主主语语为为several old monks, 故谓语动词应该用故谓语动词应该用live。TF【句式训练【句式训练】在墙上挂着一幅漂亮的画。在墙上挂着一幅漂亮的画。On the wall hangs a beautiful picture. 3. 我们到了应该坐下来和父母好好谈谈的阶段了。我们到了应该坐下来和父母好好谈谈的阶段了。(True or F

11、alse)(1)We got to the stage where we should sit down and have a good talk with our parents. ( )(2)We got to the stage which we should sit down and have a good talk with our parents. ( )TF【思路点拨】【思路点拨】考考查查定定语语从从句句。先先行行词词stage在在此此意意为为“状状态态, 阶阶段段”, 表表示示抽抽象象的的地地点点, 因因此此用用关关系系副副词词where引引导导定定语语从从句句。除除stage外外, 这种模式的地点词还有这种模式的地点词还有point, situation, case等。等。【句式训练【句式训练】我已经到了应该为自己做决定的那个时刻了。我已经到了应该为自己做决定的那个时刻了。I have reached the point where I am supposed to make a decision of my own.



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