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1、常见的并列连词 1. and和or and的用法如下:(1) 表示另加:其意为“和”“又”“而且”。如:Let me have some toasts and a cup of coffee. 给我来几片烤面包和一杯咖啡。(2) 表示结果:意为“因此”,与so的用法比较接近。如:He fell heavily and broke his arm. 他摔得很重,手臂都摔断了。 (3) 表示条件:相当于ifthen,含有“如果那么”的意味。如: Do that again and Ill call a policeman. 你再这样做我就要叫警察了。 (4) 表示连续:既可表示一种连续不断的状态,

2、也可以表示一个动作完成之后连续做另一个动作。如: The train ran faster and faster. 火车开得越来越快。 He finished lunch and went shopping. 他吃完午饭而后去买东西。 (5) 表示对比:含有“尽管还”的意味。如: Toms 15 and still sucks his thumb. 汤姆15岁了,还嘬大拇指。 并列连词or要比and用法简单此,它主要表示选择,其意为“或”“还是”等。如: Its a lovely baby. Is it a boy or a girl? 宝宝真可爱,是男孩还是女孩? He speaks Fre

3、nch, or perhaps he understands it. 他会讲法语,或者他懂法语。 另外,or还可以表示一种否定的条件,相当于ifnot如: Be careful, or youll break that vase! 小心,否则你会把那花瓶打碎。 =If you dont be careful, youll break that vase. 2. 表对比或转折的连词主要有but和yet(1) but的用法:其意为“但”“但是”“却”。如: He looked around but could see nobody. 他向四周望望,却没看见什么人。 I know of the to

4、wn but Ive never been there. 我知道有这座城市,但从未去过。 (2) yet的用法:其意也表示“但是”“却”,与but用法相似,有时可换。如: It is strange yet true. 这很奇怪,却是真实的。 I have failed, yet I shall try again. 我失败了,但我还要尝试。3. 表因果关系连词主要有for和so (1) for的用法:表示原因,意为“因为”“由于”。如: The days were short, for it was now December. 白天很短,因为现在已经是12月。注意: for表示原因时,它引出

5、的句子不能放在句首,如不能说:For it was now December, the days were short. (2) so的用法:表示结果,意为“所以”“因此”。如: Its very cold, so wear a heavy coat. 外边很冷,因此穿一件厚大衣吧。 注意:汉语可以说“因为所以”,但英语中表示结果的so不能与表示原因的because连用,如不能说:Because its very cold, so wear a heavy coat. 4. 其他并列连词 除上面提到的并列连词外,还有bothand, eitheror, neither.nor, not onl

6、y.but also等并列连词。如: (1) bothand的用法:意思是“不仅而且”“和”。如: He speaks both English and French. 他既说英语也说法语。 Both brother and sister are college students. 兄妹俩都是大学生。 (2) eitheror的用法:意思是“要么要么”“或是”。如: We can have either fish or beef. 我们可以吃鱼或是牛肉。 We can either fly there or go by train. 我们可以坐飞机去也可坐火车去。 (3) neither.no

7、r的用法:意思是“既不也不”。如:He neither drinks nor smokes. 他既不喝酒,也不抽烟。 She felt neither frightened nor sorry. 她既不感到害怕也不感到遗憾。 (4) not only.but also的用法:意思是“不仅而且”。如: Not only men but also women were chosen. 不仅仅是男的,女的也有被选中的。 【名师点睛】“祈使句and/or陈述句”结构 (1)祈使句+ and(then,and then)+陈述句 在这个句型中,前边祈使句+ and(and then)相当于if引导的条件

8、句。如:Come early,and youll catch the first bus.=If you come early,youll catch the first bus.来早点,你就能赶上第一班汽车。 Use your head,then youll find a way.开动脑筋,那么你就会找到办法。 One more word,and Ill get angry with you如果你再说一句话,我就生你的气了。Another week,and the railway station will be completed再有一周,火车站就完工了。(2)祈使句+(or,or else

9、,otherwise)+陈述句 在这个句型中,前边祈使句+(or,or else,otherwise)相当于unless引导的条件句。如: Work hard,otherwise,youll fail. = Unless you work hard,youll fail.努力干,要不,你会失败的。 Use your head,or else you wont find a way.= Unless you use your head, you wont find a way.开动脑筋,否则,你就找不到办法。 巧选and, or:选择连接词,只看陈述句,and叫人心欢畅,or的后果不好尝so用作

10、并列连词时主要表示结果,意为“因此”“所以”。如:I was tired, so I went to bed earlier. 我累了所以早点睡了。He took my shoes, so I couldnt leave the house. 他把鞋拿走了,我出不了门。It was very cold, so we had to wear warm clothes. 天气很冷,所以我们得穿暖和的衣服。按英语习惯,表示结果的so不能与表示原因的because套用,在使用时只能保留其中的一个。如:那是一个难题,所以我最后才回答。误:Because that was a difficult ques

11、tion, so I answered it last.正:That was a difficult question, so I answered it last.正:Because that was a difficult question, I answered it last.易错点2 but与although/though的混用汉语中可说“虽然但是”,但按英语习惯,通常不能说althoughbut或thoughbut:虽然很危险,但我要试试。误:Although it is dangerous, but I will try.正:Although it is dangerous, I

12、 will try. / It is dangerous, but I will try.不能将汉语的“虽然但是”直译为(al)thoughbut,这是因为 (al)though 为从属连词,用于引导让步状语从句;而but在表示“但是”时,它是并列连词,用以连接两个句子使之成为并列句。由于在同一句中既用了从属连词(al)though,又用了并列连词 but,使得句子一半像复合句,一半像并列句,从而导致错误。正确的做法是,任意去掉 (al)though 和 but 中的一个,使之要么成为复合句,要么成为并列句。易错点3 时间、条件状语从句中引导词的误用一、时间状语从句的用法归纳1. 引导时间状语

13、从句的从属连词很多,常见的有before, after, when, while, as, since, till, until, as soon as 等。2. 表示“当时候”的 while, when, as 的用法区别是:while从句中的谓语动词必须是延续性动词;表示 带有规律性的“每当”或当主、从句谓语动词的动作发生有先后时,只能用 when;当表示“一边一边”或“随着”时,只能用 as。另外,用于此义的 as 所引导的时间状语从句谓语只能是动作动词,不能是状态动词。3. until 在肯定句中通常只连用延续性动词,表示相应动作结束的时间;在否定句中通常连用非延续性动词,表示相应动作

14、开始的时间,意为“直到才”。如:If you must go, at least wait till the rain stops. 如果你坚持要走, 至少也要等雨停了再走。The letter passed from one to another until everyone had read it.那封信逐一传阅,直到每个人都看过为止。4. 表示“一就”除用 as soon as 外,还可用 the minute, the second, the instant, immediately, directly, instantly, no soonerthan, hardlywhen 等。如:I came immediately you called. 你一来电话我就来了。Hardly had I opened the door when he told me. 我刚开开门,他就告诉了我。The moment I have finished Ill give you a call. 我一干完就给你打电话。5. every time, each time, (the) next time, (the) last time, by the time, the first t



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