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1、英语语法主要知识整理英语语法主要知识整理一、一般疑问句。一、一般疑问句。1.be1.be 动词、情态动词变一般疑问句。把动词、情态动词变一般疑问句。把 bebe 动词或情态动词(动词或情态动词(cancan、maymay、mustmust)提前。)提前。例:例:He can swim.He can swim. Can he swim Can he swim? 2. 2.实意动词变一般疑问句。在句首加实意动词变一般疑问句。在句首加 do do、doesdoes 或或 did did 后用动词原后用动词原形。形。二、反义疑问句。二、反义疑问句。前半个句子一般疑问句的前两个词,前半个句子一般疑问句的

2、前两个词,主语用人称代词。主语用人称代词。 (前肯后否)(前肯后否) The boy likes drwing The boy likes drwing,doesndoesnt het he?含有否定意义的词:含有否定意义的词:hardlyhardly、nevernever、fewfew、littlelittle、seldomseldom。三、三、当从句的主语与主句的主语相同或在前面提过时,去掉;从句中当从句的主语与主句的主语相同或在前面提过时,去掉;从句中有助动词、有助动词、bebe 动词或情态动词时去掉,去情态动词加“动词或情态动词时去掉,去情态动词加“toto” 。例:例:The boy

3、 is so young that he canThe boy is so young that he cant go to school.t go to school.The boy is too young to go to schoo.The boy is too young to go to schoo.四、四、表示前边所说情况同样适合后者,用表示前边所说情况同样适合后者,用 so+so+一般疑问语序。一般疑问语序。 I am a student I am a student,too.too.例:例:He is a studentHe is a student So am I. So

4、am I.MeMe,too.too.否定句中用否定句中用 neitherneither。HeHe doesntdoesnt like readily like readily,neither does his father.neither does his father.当主语指同一个人时,用陈述语序“的确如此”当主语指同一个人时,用陈述语序“的确如此” 。例:例:We are tiredWe are tired,so we are.so we are.We are tiredWe are tired,so are they.so are they.五、感叹句:五、感叹句:1 1、What/H

5、owWhat/How! !例:例:It is a beautiful flower.It is a beautiful flower.What a beautiful flower it isWhat a beautiful flower it is!How beautiful the flower isHow beautiful the flower is!2 2、冠词(、冠词(a a、anan、thethe)在形容词之前用)在形容词之前用 whatwhat;冠词在;冠词在 adj.adj.之后之后用用 howhow;没有冠词时,看;没有冠词时,看adj.adj.有无名词,有名词用有无名词,

6、有名词用whatwhat,没有名词用,没有名词用howhow。例:例:They are beautiful flowers.They are beautiful flowers.What beautiful flowers they areWhat beautiful flowers they are!3 3、SuchSuch 的用法与感叹句中的的用法与感叹句中的 whatwhat 相同。相同。六、现在完成时:六、现在完成时:have/has+ donehave/has+ done(v.+ edv.+ ed ) 1 1、表示从过去开始,一直持续到现在的一个动作或状态。常与表、表示从过去开始,一

7、直持续到现在的一个动作或状态。常与表示一般时间的时间状语连用:示一般时间的时间状语连用: for+for+时间段;时间段; since+since+时间点,时间点, thesethese daysdays、in the last four yearsin the last four years。 for ten years. for ten years.例:例:We have lived hereWe have lived heresince ten years ago.since ten years ago.有些动词不能够延续:有些动词不能够延续:buybuy、getget、leavelea

8、ve、manymany、diedie、beginbegin、joinjoin, 但可以用其状态。但可以用其状态。 2 2、过去发生的事对现在造成的影响。、过去发生的事对现在造成的影响。例:例:He lost his ticket.He lost his ticket. He He hashas lostlost hishis ticketticket,soso hehe cancant t getget intointo thethe cinema.cinema.常与常与 alreadyalready、yetyet、nevernever、everever、justjust 等连用。等连用。例:

9、例:I have already read it.I have already read it. Have you ever been to Hainan Have you ever been to Hainan?七、过去进行:七、过去进行:Was/Were+doingWas/Were+doing 1 1、当一个动作发生时,另一个动作正在进行。、当一个动作发生时,另一个动作正在进行。例:例:When I get homeWhen I get home,my brother was watching TV.my brother was watching TV.当一个动作正在进行时,另一个动作发生

10、了。当一个动作正在进行时,另一个动作发生了。例:例:While my brother was watching TVWhile my brother was watching TV,I got home.I got home. 2 2、当一个动作正在进行时,另一个动作也在同时进行。、当一个动作正在进行时,另一个动作也在同时进行。例:例:While my brother was watching TVWhile my brother was watching TV,I was cooking.I was cooking. 3 3、把过去的一个时间进一步具体时,用过去进行。、把过去的一个时间进一步

11、具体时,用过去进行。例:例:He playing baseball yesterday.He playing baseball yesterday.He was playing baseball at 9He was playing baseball at 9:00 yesterday.00 yesterday.八、直接引语变间接引语八、直接引语变间接引语(一)(一) 1 1、原句(引号内)是陈述句用、原句(引号内)是陈述句用 thatthat 引导(可以省)引导(可以省)例:例:He saidHe said, “I will go to BeijingI will go to Beijing

12、”He saidHe said(told ustold us) that he would go to Beijing. that he would go to Beijing. 2 2、原句是一般问句用、原句是一般问句用 whetherwhether 或或 ifif 引导,后用陈述。引导,后用陈述。例:例:They asked,They asked,“Are you a doctorAre you a doctor?”?”They asked me if/whether I was a doctor.They asked me if/whether I was a doctor. 3 3、原

13、句是特殊问句,保留特殊疑问词,后用陈述。、原句是特殊问句,保留特殊疑问词,后用陈述。例:例:I asked himI asked him, “Where is your homeworkWhere is your homework?”?”I asked him where his homework was.I asked him where his homework was. 4 4、原句是祈使句时,借助动词不定式(、原句是祈使句时,借助动词不定式(to doto do) 。(去掉主语(去掉主语 youyou,和情态动词),和情态动词)例:例:He saidHe said, “DonDont

14、play in the street.t play in the street.” He told/asked us not to play in the street. He told/asked us not to play in the street.(二)(二)1 1、当主语的谓语动词是过去时态,从句也要改用过去的某种形、当主语的谓语动词是过去时态,从句也要改用过去的某种形式。式。例:例: HeHe saidsaid,“I I amam readingreading”HeHe saidsaid thatthat hehe waswas reading.reading.2 2、真理不变。

15、、真理不变。(三)一随主,二随宾,第三人称不改变。(三)一随主,二随宾,第三人称不改变。(四)时间状语、地点状语改变。(四)时间状语、地点状语改变。nownowthen herethen heretherethere九、主动被动九、主动被动 be+ done be+ done例:例:He speaks EnglishHe speaks EnglishHe went to the store with her.He went to the store with her. English is spoken by him. English is spoken by him.1 1、找到原句的宾语变

16、成新句子的主语。找到原句的宾语变成新句子的主语。2 2、找到、找到 bebe 的适当形式要根据原句的事态,新句子的主语。的适当形式要根据原句的事态,新句子的主语。3 3、将原句动词变为过去分词。、将原句动词变为过去分词。十、对划线部分提问:十、对划线部分提问:用特殊疑问词代替划线部分,将剩余部分变为一般疑问句。用特殊疑问词代替划线部分,将剩余部分变为一般疑问句。1 1、问动作用问动作用 whatwhatdo(do(随原动词形式随原动词形式) )。2 2、问时间问时间 whenwhen、what timewhat time、how longhow long、how soonhow soon。3

17、3、问人用问人用 whowho(主)(主) 、whomwhom(宾)(宾) 、whosewhose(形容词性物主代词)(形容词性物主代词) 。4 4、问物、事,一组数字用问物、事,一组数字用 whatwhat。5 5、问地点用问地点用 wherewhere。6 6、问原因用问原因用 whywhy。7 7、问年龄用问年龄用 how oldhow old、whatwhats the age ofs the age of? ?8 8、问长度用问长度用 how longhow long ,距离用,距离用 how farhow far,频率用,频率用 how oftenhow often。十一、十一、冠

18、词冠词(a a、anan、thethe) 、指示代词指示代词(thisthis、thatthat、thesethese、thosethose) 、形容词性物主代词(形容词性物主代词(mymy、youryour、herher、hishis、itsits) 、名词所有格(、名词所有格(BobBobs s、KateKates s )只用其中一个。)只用其中一个。当名词前有了冠词时,不再用指示代词、形容词性物主代词或名当名词前有了冠词时,不再用指示代词、形容词性物主代词或名词所有格。词所有格。十二、虚拟语气:十二、虚拟语气:不可能实现的愿望或与事实相反的一种假设。不可能实现的愿望或与事实相反的一种假设

19、。例:例:If it rains todayIf it rains today,I will stay at home.I will stay at home. If it rained money If it rained money,I would go out.I would go out. If I were you If I were you,I would have have a party.I would have have a party.从句用过去式,主句用情态动词的过去式从句用过去式,主句用情态动词的过去式+ +动词原形。动词原形。十三、定语从句。十三、定语从句。对第二个句

20、子相同的名词对第二个句子相同的名词/ /代词画线提问代词画线提问 (问物用(问物用 that/whichthat/which) 。十四、十四、人人称称代代词词主格主格主语主语宾格宾格宾语宾语形容词形容词性物代性物代名词性名词性物代物代I Iyouyouheheshesheititwewetheytheymemeyouyouhimhimherherititususthemthem物物主主代代词词mymyyouryourhishisherheritsitsourourtheirtheirminemineyoursyourshishishershersitsitsoursourstheirstheirs形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词+ +名词名词= =名词性物主代词名词性物主代词



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