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1、( 广东) 39. School violence(暴力) _ much attention of the whole society and people are calling the government to make laws against it as early as possible.A. drew B. will draw C. has drawn D. was drawing 39. C考查时态。句意:学校暴力已经引起全社会关注,大家呼吁政府尽早地制定法律。结合and后句子“大家正呼吁政府尽也许早地制定法律”,可知该事件虽然发生在过去,但和目前有关,故用目前完成时。( 广东

2、)40. Unless the weather _, will have to cancel the picnic. A. improve B. improves C. improved D. will improve40. B考查时态。句意:除非天气改进,否则我们必需取消野餐。unless相称于if not,意为“除非;假如不”,引导是条件状语从句,该从句遵从“主将从现”标准,主句为一般将来时故该从句用一般目前时,故选B。( 河北)33. Grandpa _ glasses when he reads.A. wears B. wore C. has worn D. was wearing33

3、. A考查动词时态。句意:爷爷读书时戴眼镜。句子前后时态保持一致,由下句“when he reads. ”可知用目前时,由此判定本题选A。( 河北)35. Just go down this road and you _ the library next to the bank.A. see B. saw C. have seen D. will see35.D 考查动词时态。句意:沿着这条街走,紧挨着银行你会就看到图书馆。依据句意此时尚未看到图书馆故应当用将来时,故选D。( 河北)36.Our team _ another point! I am sure well win the game

4、.A. will get B. has got C. is getting D. was getting36.B考查动词时态。句意:我们队又得了一分!我肯定我们能赢这场比赛。 由下句“我肯定我们能赢这场比赛。”可知上句应当是已经得了一分,应当用完成时,故本题选B。( 湖北武汉)27. Who is that lady?Shes Miss Green. She _ us music, and she is so good.A. taught B. teaches C. will teach D. is teaching27. B 考查动词时态。句意:那位女士是谁?她是格林小姐,她教我们音乐,她是

5、那么好。 由答语后句句意及系动词is可知,“她教我们音乐”是一个常常性动作,因此应用一般目前时态。故选B。( 湖北武汉)28. Sorry, Tom. I cant find the book you _ me.Its OK. I dont need it any more.A. lend B. have lent C. will lend D. lent28. D 考查动词时态。句意:真抱歉,汤姆,我找不到你借给我那本书了。没关系,我不再需要它了。由上句句意可知,“你借给我那本书”是过去发生事情,因此此处只能用一般过去时态表示。故选D。( 湖北武汉)29. I dont feel very

6、well, Jack. Im afraid you _ me your cold.A. give B. had given C. have given D. would give29. C 考查动词时态。句意:我感觉很不舒适,杰克。恐怕你把感冒传给我了。“你把感冒传给我了”。此处是指过去发生事情对目前所导致影响,因此应用目前完成时。故选C。( 湖北黄冈)33. Where are you going, Bob? To go hiking. Eric _for me at the school gate! A. was waitingB.waitsC.waitedD.is waiting33.

7、D 考查动词时态。句意:鲍勃,你要去哪儿?去徒步旅行。埃里克正在校门口等我。由句意可知要用动词目前进行时。故选D。( 湖南株洲) 34. Dont enter the area. The students _ an English exam. A. takes B. are taking C. have taken34. B 考查时态。题干意为:不要进入这片区域,学生们正在进行英语考试。依据语境提示,学生考试为正在进行事情,故用目前进行时。故选B。( 湖北咸宁)37. Todays young people cant live without smart phones. They keep t

8、heir hands on the phones wherever they go, even while they _ meals. A. have B. are having C. were having D. will have37. B考查动词时态。句意:目前年轻人没有智能手机不能生活。无论她们去哪里,甚至吃饭也把手机保持在手上。A一般目前时;B目前进行时;C过去进行时;D一般将来时。依据句意可知是“在吃饭时”表示目前进行时。故选B。( 山东威海)8.I called you yesterday evening. But nobody answered. Oh, sorry. Mayb

9、e I _ in the bathroom at that time.A. take a shower B. took a shower C. was taking a shower8.C考查动词时态。句意:昨天晚上我给你打电话了,但没人接。对不起,或许那是我正在洗澡间_。空白处强调过去正在进行动作,故用过去进行时态。( 江西) 32. Mary I speak to Mrs. Black? Sorry, mum can t come to the phone now. She _ a shower.A. has B. had C. is having D. was having32.C 考查

10、目前进行时使用措施。句意为:请找布莱克夫人接电话好吗?对不起,母亲目前不能接电话。她在洗浴。由上文中now可判定:动作正在进行,故用目前进行时is having表示。( 湖北孝感)30. Alice, please turn down the music, I _ an important phone now.A. answerB. answeredC. have answeredD. am answering 30. D考查目前进行时使用措施。句意为:爱丽丝,把音乐音量调小点,我目前_接电话。由上句文意可判定出:“接电话“这个动作正在进行,由now可知用目前进行时,故选D。( 四川绵阳) 8

11、. Anita, where is your brother? He out in the garden with a group of kids. A. plays B. played C. is playing D. has played8. C 考查动词时态。句意:“Anita,你弟弟在哪里?”“她在花园外面和一群孩子们玩选项A一般目前时;选项B一般过去时;选项C目前进行时;选项D目前完成时。依据句意可知句子用目前进行时,故选C。( 湖南常德)30.How _ your school trip yesterday? Great. A. will be B. is C. was30. C

12、考查动词时态 句意:你们昨天学校旅行怎么样?很棒。依据yesterday用一般过去时态,故选C。( 四川绵阳) 9. Dont you see the sigh “No parking!” on the right? Sorry, I . But now I know parking here is not right. A. dont B. didnt C. hadnt D. doesnt9. B 考查动词时态。句意:“难道你没看见右边严禁停车那个标志吗?”“对不起我没看到。但目前我懂得停在这儿是不正确。”选项A一般目前时;选项B一般过去时;选项C过去完成时;选项D一般目前时第三人称单数形式

13、。依据句意,“没看到”是刚才过去事情,要用一般过去时态,故选B。( 甘肃白银)24. We _ have a picnic together with our teachers next Thursday. A. are going B. are going to C. will going D. may going to24. B考查时态。句意:下周四我们将要和我们老师一起吃野餐。be going to表示计划或计划做某事,故选B。( 广东)30. With the development of science and technology, robot cooks _ in our fam

14、ilies in the future. A. appear B. appearedC. will appear D. were appearing30. C考查动词时态。句意:伴随科技发展,将来机器人做饭将出目前我们家庭。结合句中in the future可知事情将发生在将来,故用一般将来时。( 江苏无锡)9. My mind wasnt on what he was saying so Im afraid I _ half of it.A. missedB. was missingC. will missD. would miss9. A 考查动词时态。句意:(当初)我并没有注意她说话,因此(目前)我以为她发言二分之一我所有没有听到。此处强调是过去没有听话导致成果,用一般过去时;missed恰好和前面wasnt时态一致,指是过去。had missed是过去完成时态,表示“过去过去”,一般要和一般过去时态连用,这里I am afraid是目前时态,因以背面不能用过去完成时态。故选A。( 湖北黄石)33. Many scienti



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