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1、Unit 6 词汇篇_纯熟掌握本模块基础的单词,短语,句子。 It is said that a Chinese ruler called Shen Nong first discovered tea as a drink. 据说一个叫做神农的中国统治者初次发觉了茶作为一个饮料。 基本使用方法本句中包括两个非常重要的结构:1. It is +过去分词+that.,常用到的动词有:say, report, believe, think等。 It is said/believed/reported/thought/hoped.that.据说/以为/报道. 本句中it是形式主语,that引导的主语从

2、句是真正的主语。 It is believed that tea was brought to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries. 人们以为茶是在6、7世纪被带到韩国和日本的。 2. called Shen Nong 做a Chinese ruler 的后置定语,翻译成:一个名叫做神农的中国统治者。 初中常考的尚有named也能够做后置定语。如: a boy named Tom一个名叫汤姆的男孩 Basketball was invented by a Canadian doctor named James Naismith, w

3、ho was born in 1861. 篮球是由一位名叫詹姆斯奈史密斯的加拿大博士创造的,他出生于1861年。提议:搜索called/named做后置定语的题目时,选择知识点为:done做定语,同时在核心词中输入: call或name。 In England, tea didnt appear until around 1660, but less than 100 years later, ithad become the national drink. 在英格兰,茶大约在1660年才出现,不过不到1后,它就已经成为了国际性的 饮料。 基本使用方法 本句中包括了两个比较重要的结构: 1.

4、not. until 直到.才 She didnt go to bed until her mum came back. 直到她妈妈回来,她才去睡觉。 2. .it had become the national drink的时态为过去完成时,其结构为:had+过去分词, 过去完成时的含义:表示在过去某一时刻或动作之前已经完成的动作,即”过去的过去。” By the time he was 14, Mozart had composed many pieces for the harpsichord, piano and violin,as well as for orchestras. 到1

5、4岁的时候,莫扎特已经为管弦乐和大键琴、钢琴、小提琴作了许多乐曲。 In China, you can sometimes see people playing basketball in parks, schools and even in factories. 在中国,你能看见人们有时候在公园、学校,甚至是工厂里打篮球。 基本使用方法本句中,包括see sb doing 的结构,表示“看见某人正在做某事”。 1. see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事。 When I pass the window I see him drawing a picture. 当我通过窗口时

6、,看到他正在画画。 2. 除此以外,尚有see sb. do sth. 的结构,表示“ 看见某人做过某事” I often see him draw a picture. 我常常看到他画画。 When he was at college, his teacher asked the class to think of a game that can be played in the winter. 当他在大学的时候,他的老师让同学们想出一个能够在冬天玩的游戏。 基本使用方法 1. 这句话中包括“ask sb. to do sth.”的结构,表示“让某人做某事”。 类似的接双宾语的词尚有:wan

7、t/tell/allow/ permit /force/forbid /encourage/persuade.sb. to do sth. 意思是: 想/告诉/允许/强迫/严禁/激励/劝阻某人做某事等。She wanted him to sing for her friends 她想让他为她的朋友唱歌。The policeman told the boys not to play in the street 警察告诉孩子们别在街上玩耍。 My mother allows to watch TV only after I have finished my homework. 我妈妈允许我完成作业

8、后看电视。 2. 句中“that can be played in the winter”是定语从句修饰先行词a game. 关系代词that在从句中作主语。 Doyouknowthegentlemanthat spokejustnow? 你懂得刚才发言的男士吗? Players on the same team must work together to help each other get the ball in the other teams basket. 在同一个队的选手们必须一起努力来协助彼此把球投到另一个队的篮筐里。 基本使用方法 本句中包括的重要知识点有: 1. 介词短语on

9、 the same team 做players的后置定语,翻译成在同一个队伍里的选手们 The boy in blue is Tom.穿蓝色衣服的男孩是汤姆。 2. 不定式“to help each other get the ball ”作目标状语, I went there to see my uncle. 我去那儿想看望我的叔叔。 3. “help each other get the ball .采取了”help sb. (to) do sth. “的结构,意为:协助某人做某事。 They try to help me (to) pass the examination. 他们尽力协助

10、我通过考试。 Basketball has not only become a popular sport to play, it has also become a more popular sport to watch. 篮球不但成为一个人们喜欢从事的体育活动,并且更成为受人们爱慕观看的一个体育 运动。 基本使用方法本句中采取了”not only.but also的结构,意为:“不但.并且.”,用于连接两个表示并列关系的成份, 着重强调后者,其中also有时能够省略。1. 连接主语: Not only I but also Tom and Mary are fond of watching

11、 television. 不但我,并且汤姆和玛丽都喜欢看电视。 2. 连接谓语动词 The Americans and the British not only speak the same language but also share a large number ofsocial customs. 英国人和美国人不但语言相同,并且有诸多相同的风俗习惯。 3. 连接宾语: Danny is good at not onlymusic but alsoart. 丹尼不但擅长音乐,还擅长美术。 4. 连接宾语补足语: Light and bright colors make people no

12、t only happier but more active. 浅色和鲜艳的颜色不但使人看了高兴,也会使人愈加活泼。 5连接表语:Shakespeare was not only a writer but (also) an actor. 莎士比亚不不过一位剧作家,并且是一位演员。 6连接状语: She can speak English not only correctly but also clearly. 她说英语不但正确无误,还很清楚。 7. 连接定语: Man has become master not only of the sky but also of the space. 人

13、类不但征服了天空,并且征服了太空。 Its difficult to be a famous basketball player because. 极难成为一个知名的篮球运动员,因为. 基本使用方法 这句话的句型结构为:It +be+adj+(for sb) to do sth.意为“做某事(对某人来说)”。如: It is possible for him to win the game. 对于他来说赢得比赛是有也许的。 It is interesting for the students to organize the art festival by themselves. 学生们自己组织艺术节对他们来说是很有趣的。1. Sunglasses are used protecting eyes.A. from B. for C. to D. with2. He took my English-Chinese dictionary _ mistake.A. to B. by C. about D. on3. Have you seen the film coming home directed by Zhang Yimou?Not yet. Im _seeing it . Its said the film is great!A. looking down o



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