(湖北专用)【优化方案】高中英语 Unit 5 Section Ⅲ速效提能演练 新人教版选修10

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1、(湖北专用)【优化方案】高中英语 Unit 5 Section 速效提能演练 新人教版选修10.词汇知识.arrogant (adj.)傲慢的;自大的_(n.)傲慢;自大.rejoice (v.)欣喜;高兴;喜悦_(n.)喜庆,欢庆.initial (adj.)最初的;初始的_(adv.).匆忙的_(adj.)_(adv.)_(n.)_(v.).有感觉的;明智的_(adj.)_(adv.)有识别力地_(n.)识别力.敏感的_(adj.)_(adv.)_(n.)感觉_(n.)敏感性;灵敏度_(v.)使敏感.询问_(v.)_(adj.)爱打听的_(adj.)好打听别人事情的_(n.)询问_(n.)


3、ect;inspection;inspector;inspectorateroof;roofs;roofromance;romantic;romantic;romanticism;romanticize.重点短语._ones will违心的._length 最后;详细地.be sensitive_ 对敏感._vain 徒劳.find fault_sb. 找某人的错,找茬._marriage_sb. 向某人求婚.straight_ 立即;马上.pull oneself_ 立起身来.think ill_ 对评价不高.do everything_ones power_ 竭尽全力做某事答案:again

4、stattoinwithpropose;toawayupofin;to.必背句型._,I had to climb a pine tree close by so that I could reach the top of it.答案:The wall being high and steep.He spoke of his anxiety,but_he felt sure of her answer.答案:it was evident from his face that.And_he hastily left the room.答案:with these words.完成句子I _ whe

5、n I learnt that.(help)当我听说那事时,禁不住高兴得跳起来。答案:couldnt help jumping with joy/couldnt help jumping happilyWhen _,he tossed his head.(enquire)当被询问迟到的理由,他只是甩了下头。答案:(he was) enquired his reason for being late_,the manager felt like a cat on hot bricks.(settle)有许多难题要解决,经理像热锅上的蚂蚁。答案:With a lot of difficult pr

6、oblems to settleThe burglars _ by the police,all the villagers went back home to sleep.(catch)由于夜贼已经被警察抓住,所有的村民都回家去睡觉了。答案:having been caught_,she told me,was her family.(important)她告诉我对她来说最重要的是她的家庭。答案:What was most important to her.多项选择The traffic police were searching for evidence to prove the accu

7、sed mans_but in vain.AmistakeBguiltCfault Ddefect解析:选B。句意:交警一直在寻找证据以证明被告有罪,但未能找到。四个词都表示“错误”,mistake是统称词,表示一般概念;guilt罪责,道德方面的过失;fault指“过错,毛病”;defect指“过失,缺点”。His efforts to raise money for his program were_because no one showed any intention to take a cent out of their pockets.Ain place Bin sightCin e

8、ffect Din vain解析:选D。in place在适当的位置;in sight在视力所及范围之内;in effect实际上;in vain徒劳。由状语从句中的no one showed any intention可知,他筹钱的努力失败了。Your brother is very careful and honest.I agree.What he has just done_itself.Aspeaks of Bthinks ofCspeaks for Dthinks for解析:选C。考查固定短语,speak for itself本身就说明问题。These beautiful old

9、 Georgian houses are being_to make way for a new road.Atorn down Btorn atCtorn up Dtorn into解析:选A。句意:这些漂亮的乔治王朝时代的老房子正在被拆毁,以便修建新道路。tear down拆迁。He described _ what had happened.Aat least Bat mostCat length Dat last解析:选C。句意:他详细地描述了发生的一切。at length详细地。His ideas didnt quite_our aims. Afit in Bfit in withC

10、fit with Dfit on解析:选B。句意:他的主意同我们的目标并不一致。fit with表达法不正确。fit in后无宾语,如:Mary joined the local drama club but didnt seem to fit in,so she left.(玛丽参加了当地的戏剧俱乐部,但她似乎不适应那里的环境,因此就退出了。)fit on作“试穿”讲,如:He fitted on the shoes to see whether they fitted him.(他试穿了那双鞋,看是否适合他。)Although cats can not see in complete da

11、rkness,their eyes are much more_to light than human eyes.Aglowing BbrilliantCsensitive Dgloomy解析:选C。句意:尽管猫在完全黑暗的情况下也看不见东西,可猫眼对光的敏感程度比人眼要强得多。be sensitive to对敏感。glowing炽热的;热烈的;brilliant辉煌的,才华横溢的;gloomy阴暗的;忧郁的,都不能与to构成形容词短语。 The _ of the cellphone is poor here.Thats why I cant communicate with you.Ames

12、sage BspaceCsignal Dservice解析:选A。句意:手机信号非常不好,这就是为什么我没与你联系的原因。signal信号。His _ reaction was one of shock but later he became excited.Ainitial BlatterClater Dlast解析:选C。句意:他最初的反应是一种震惊但随后他便兴奋起来。initial开始的;最初的。The visiting president _ the troops.Arespected BexpectedCinspected Dexamined解析:选C。inspect视察。respe

13、ct尊敬;expect期盼;examine检查;调查。.完形填空Learn and EarnCharlie and Jackie worked together in a whole sale company just after graduation.They were both hardworking.Several years later,the boss made Jackie sales manager,but Charlie_1_a salesman.One day Charlie could not _2_up with it any more.He handed in his resignation letter(辞职信) to the boss and complained that the boss did not_3_hardworking employees,



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