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1、磨刀不误砍柴工磨刀不误砍柴工从草稿到成文Our SloganlDont be shy!lNever say die!lJust do it!lTry, try, try!Teaching aims:lLearning aims: l1. lead students to form a good habit of draftingl2. show students the process of a compositionlAbility aims:l1. how to make a draftl2. necessities for a good compositionlEmotional aim

2、s: l1. build up students confidencel2. get rid of the fear of writing1.1.总分总分2525分,分,5 5个档次。个档次。2.2.文章文章内容和语言内容和语言初步定其档次。初步定其档次。3.3.词数词数80120120的减的减2 2分。分。4.4.内容要点内容要点,应用,应用词汇词汇和和语法结构语法结构的丰的丰富性富性5.5. 和和准确性及上下文的准确性及上下文的连贯连贯性。性。拼拼写与标点符号写与标点符号视其对交际的影响程视其对交际的影响程度予度予7.7. 以考虑。以考虑。书书写较差影响交际

3、,降低一个档次。写较差影响交际,降低一个档次。高考作文命题组评分原则高考作文命题组评分原则l打草稿的四个关键步骤:打草稿的四个关键步骤:1.审:内容要点(瞻前顾后)审:内容要点(瞻前顾后)2. 选:动词或动词词组(精挑细选)选:动词或动词词组(精挑细选)3. 组:句式(灵活变化)组:句式(灵活变化)4. 连:关联词(恰如其分)连:关联词(恰如其分)5. 誊(扮):形容词,副词,插入语,变化语序誊(扮):形容词,副词,插入语,变化语序书面表达书面表达五五1.中秋节在中国农历的每年8月15日。2.我突然想到了一个好办法。3.骑自行车有利于身体健康。The Mid-Autumn festival f

4、alls on the 15th of the eighth month of our Chinese lunar calendar.Suddenly I thought out a good idea.A good idea occurred to/struck me.A good idea flashed in my mind.takes place/ isRiding a bike is beneficial to our health.Riding a bike is of great benefit to our health.Riding a bike benefits us a

5、lot.We can benefit a lot from riding a bike.动词的词性,搭配动词的词性,搭配(用过见过)(用过见过)l1. 晚词优先晚词优先: ldifficultchallenging, important-vitallbeautifulappealing, charmingl2. 短语优先短语优先:lmake full use of, be of great benefit toldo harm to, have a great effect onl3. “具体化具体化” 词优先词优先:lA good teacherkind, patient, consider

6、ate, knowledgeable 4. 大纲词汇的衍生词优先大纲词汇的衍生词优先:Undoubtedly, low-spirited, with gratefulnessWords failed me.Rules for Advanced Words/PhrasesAdvanced Sentences1.ClausesNoun clause(名词性从句)(名词性从句)Attributive clause(定语从句)(定语从句)Adverbial clause(状语从句)(状语从句)5.Inversion(倒装)(倒装)3. Emphasis(强调句)(强调句)4.Subjuntive Mo

7、od (虚拟语气)(虚拟语气)2.Structures doingdoneto dowith.6.Voices(语态语态)1.月亮当空,我们坐在一起吃月饼,水果,讲故事。月亮当空,我们坐在一起吃月饼,水果,讲故事。2. 汽车已经成为了一种受欢迎的交通工具,给我们生汽车已经成为了一种受欢迎的交通工具,给我们生活带来很多方便。活带来很多方便。With the beautiful moon up in the sky, We sit together to eat moon cakes and fruits, sharing our stories.With the improvement of p

8、eoples living standards, Cars have become a popular means of transport, bringing great convenience to our life.确定好确定好谓语动词谓语动词和和非谓语动词非谓语动词Sit together to share our stories, enjoying moon cakes and fruits.l母亲的健康每况愈下,我十分担心母亲的健康每况愈下,我十分担心。As my mothers health went from bad to worse, I got increasingly w

9、orried.My mothers health was breaking down day by day, which worried me most.What worried me most is that my mothers health was breaking down day by day.确定好确定好主句和主句和从句从句Concerned about my mothers terrible health, I got increasingly worried.No matter how busy we are, we should set aside some time to

10、keep our parents company.Only when we match our words with actions can we make a difference.Not only can it get us close to nature, relaxed from heavy stress, it also promote the friendship among us. What a wonderful time/ an unforgettable experience!It is what we do that matters, rather than what w

11、e say.If everyone devoted their bit of love, the world would become a better one.Effective measures should be taken immediately.Your timely reply will be highly appreciated.特殊句型模式化,要用就用最好。特殊句型模式化,要用就用最好。表递进关系的表递进关系的表转表转折关系折关系表列举表列举 表总结表总结 moreover, besides, in addition, whats more,furthermore, whats

12、 worse, to make matters worsehowever,on the contrary,though, butfirstly,secondlylast but not leastfor one thing for anotheron the whole, in short, all in all, in general, in a word, to sum up in brief Transitional Words作文随身贴作文随身贴誊写前对号入座,请勿受伤l1. 单词拼写错误 l2. 冠词错误 l3. 时态错误l4. 主谓一致错误 l5. 动词用法错误 l6. 句法结构错

13、误高频上榜:高频上榜:unforgetable luckly teached advices activetake a active part a important.时空穿越时空穿越第三人称单数(第三人称单数(can, will)that的代价的代价 which泛滥泛滥go to your city for a meeting wear a blue jacket Wear glasses.我的叔叔我的叔叔要到要到你所你所在的城市开会,在的城市开会,穿穿蓝色的夹克,蓝色的夹克,戴戴一一副眼镜。副眼镜。pay a visit tobe dressed inthe city where you

14、liveMy uncle who is dressed in a blue jacket and wearing glasses will go to the city where you live for an important conference.My uncle will pay a visit to the city where you live for an important meeting. In order to be easily recognized, then, he will be dressed in a blue jacket, wearing glasses

15、. 1.实验楼实验楼坐落坐落在校园中心在校园中心2. 校园广场的西面校园广场的西面是是教学楼。教学楼。3.学生宿舍的学生宿舍的对过是对过是我们学校的操场我们学校的操场4.图书馆被一个小花园图书馆被一个小花园包围着包围着。5.环境优美,环境优美,是是学习生活的理想学习生活的理想之处之处。6.乘乘9,13路公交。路公交。假如你是武安三中学生李华,假如你是武安三中学生李华,你的美国笔友想了解一下你你的美国笔友想了解一下你就读学校的情况,请你写一就读学校的情况,请你写一份电子邮件作简要介绍。内份电子邮件作简要介绍。内容要点:容要点:1. 学校布局和校园环境。学校布局和校园环境。2. 到学校的乘车路线。

16、到学校的乘车路线。Be in front of/behind/on the leftstand lie in be situated /located inAcross the playground lies inSurrounded by, the libraryIts a pleasant place, whereTake No. 9, 13 buses, which are accessible 审审(自己熟悉的表达)(自己熟悉的表达)假设你是武安三中的学生李华,假设你是武安三中的学生李华,上周你和爸爸去看望了你们资上周你和爸爸去看望了你们资助了两年的贫困学生小明。下助了两年的贫困学生小

17、明。下面四幅图描述了事情的全过程,面四幅图描述了事情的全过程,请根据图片的先后顺序,为校请根据图片的先后顺序,为校刊刊“英语园地英语园地”写一篇短文。写一篇短文。我和爸爸驱车去乡下看小明我和爸爸驱车去乡下看小明 小明正在帮爷爷做农活小明正在帮爷爷做农活我们给小明赠送学习用品,他向我们给小明赠送学习用品,他向我们介绍他的学习情况我们介绍他的学习情况4. 小明和爷爷和我们送别小明和爷爷和我们送别0. 事件背景介绍(瞻前)事件背景介绍(瞻前)6. 我对此事的个人感想(顾后)我对此事的个人感想(顾后)(drive, visit,)(help, do farm work)(give, introduce

18、)(see sb off)along with, drive to visit, remotebe engaged in doing farm work, seateddonate, showwave goodbye toXiao Ming who lives with his grandpa seatedgrateful and moved, Xiao Ming , promising come again.What impressed most is thatOn a Sunday morningOn our arrival,afterwardsAt duskl Early in the

19、morning we drove to Xiaomings home. Two hours later, when we arrived, xiaoming was working attentively in his yard with his grandfather sitting in the sun. They gave us a warm welcome and invited us to rest in their house. Then we gave him some books and a schoolbag . Grateful and moved , xiaoming s

20、howed us his excellent school work ,which impressed us greatly . We talked a lot before we realized it was time to leave. l I really felt happy about what we did that day ,by helping others ,we ourselves actually gained a lot.语境合情合理,过渡自然;语境合情合理,过渡自然;语句有简有繁,随语句有简有繁,随“意意”而安;而安;语法结构正确,无懈可语法结构正确,无懈可击;击;语语言地道言地道,书,书写写规范。规范。l高级词汇的选秀l多种句式的推演l关联词的关口从草稿到成文每天只要洗脸,每天只要洗脸,就要练好书写。就要练好书写。lRather than shouting empty slogans, its more meaningful to take immediate and practical measures.Actions speak louder than words!



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