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1、Writing for MyselfXing Dexin1Warming upvA big black bug bit a big black bear and made the big black bear bleed blood. 2Para. 1vBorevIf someone or something bores you, you find them dull and uninteresting.vLife in the country/city bores me.vIf someone or something bores you to tears, bores you to dea

2、th, or bores you stiff, they bore you very much indeed. (INFORMAL)vYou describe someone as a bore when you think that they talk in a very uninteresting way.vYou can describe a situation as a bore when you find it annoying.360. The lecture which lasted about three hours was so _ that the audience cou

3、ldnt help yawning.A.TediousB.BoredC.ClumsyD.TiredE. (2004.6 CET-4)F.Tedious: 冗长乏味的;沉闷的G.Clumsy: 笨拙的4associatevIf you associate someone or something with another thing, the two are connected in your mind.v We always associate Yao Ming with Chinese basketball.vIf you are associated with a particular o

4、rganization, cause, or point of view, or if you associate yourself with it, you support it publicly.v Im associated with the “exam-free” English teaching.vYour associates are the people you are closely connected with, especially at work.v= colleague5Other examplesvan Associate in Arts.v艺术大专生van asso

5、ciate editor.v合作编者van associate member of the club.v俱乐部会员vassociate professorv美副教授638. Tomorrow the mayor is to _ a group of Canadian businessmen on a tour of the city.A.CoordinateB.CooperateC.AccompanyD.AssociateE. (2005.1 CET-4)F.Coordinate: 调整;整理;同等的 Cooperate: 合作;协作G.Accompany: 陪伴;伴奏7Turn outvco

6、me out or gather as for a meeting, public event, etc.vprove to bevshut offvproduce; makevMatch the above definitions with the sentences below.vA large group of protesters have turned out.vThe school has turned out some great scholars.vTurn out the light before you go to bed.vThe plan turned out a fa

7、ilure.858. I waited for him half an hour, but he never _.A.turned inB.turned downC.turned offD.turned upE. (2003.6 CET-4)vturn in: 上交;检举 turn down: 调低;拒绝vturn off: 关闭;使厌烦 vturn up: 调大;发现;出现961. The old paper mill has been _ to make way for a new shopping centre.A.held downB.kept downC.cut downD.turn

8、 downE. (2005.12 CET-4)F.Hold down: 压制;缩减;垂下G.Keep down: 卧倒;镇压;缩减H.Cut down: 砍倒;削减;删节10Para. 2vat (the) mostv至多, 不超过vat the very mostv至多; 充其量不超过vfor the most (part)v基本上, 多半, 通常vget the most out ofv最有效的使用; 发挥.最大功效vmake the most ofv充分使用; 极为重视; 把.形容尽致, 尽量向好处坏处描绘vthe most ofv大部分, 大多数11rigid60. The stati

9、stical figures in that report are not _. You should not refer to them.A.AccurateB.FixedC.DelicateD.RigidE. (2002.1 CET-4) F.Fixed: 固定的;固执的G.Delicate: 精巧的;脆弱的;棘手的1261. There is no _ evidence that people can control their dreams, at least in experimental situations in a lab.A.RigidB.SolidC.SmoothD.Har

10、shE. (2003.12)F.Solid: 固体的;可靠的 Smooth: 平滑的;流畅的G.Harsh: 粗糙的;苛刻的;刺耳/眼的13Excessive;extreme; unreasonablevExcessive 用来形容数量或程度超过了正当的、可用来形容数量或程度超过了正当的、可忍受的或想要的限度:忍受的或想要的限度: vexcessive speed; excessive drinkingv超速; 酗酒vExtreme 意思是超过了最大的限度的:意思是超过了最大的限度的: vextreme joy; extreme danger; extreme opinionsv极度高兴; 极

11、端危险; 偏激的观点vUnreasonable 指超过了合理的限度:指超过了合理的限度: van unreasonable rent; an unreasonable requestv不合理的租金; 不合理的要求1429. By law, when one makes a large purchase, he should have _ opportunity to change his mind.A.AccurateB.UrgentC.ExcessiveD.AdequateE. (2000.6 CET-4)F.Urgent: 急迫的;紧急的;G.Adequate: 适当的;足够的1565.

12、_ quantities of water are being used nowadays with the rapid development of industry and agriculture.A.ExcessiveB.ExtensiveC.ExtremeD.ExclusiveE. (2005.12 CET-4)F.Extensive: 广大的;广阔的;广泛的G.Exclusive: 排外的;独占的;唯一的16severe, stern & strictvsevere 作作“严厉严厉”解时,可以用来形容人(解时,可以用来形容人(severe father )面貌(面貌(severe l

13、ook)态度()态度(The teacher is severe with his students. 教师对学生很严厉。)教师对学生很严厉。)vstern 与与 severe 相近,但用途比较窄,一般用于人的容貌或相近,但用途比较窄,一般用于人的容貌或态度。态度。v例如:例如:a stern father 和和 a severe father 都可以用,但含义都可以用,但含义稍有不同:稍有不同:a severe father指对于子女有严厉的要求,积极指对于子女有严厉的要求,积极的意义较多;的意义较多;a stern father 则指对子女不含温情,要他们服则指对子女不含温情,要他们服从,

14、消极的意味较多。从,消极的意味较多。vstrict 相当于汉语的相当于汉语的 “严格的严格的”,须先假定有一种客观的标准,须先假定有一种客观的标准(如规章、纪律、定义、真理等)。例如:(如规章、纪律、定义、真理等)。例如:vThere is a strict regulation against smoking in the public.17Para. 3 Up tovOccupied with, especially devising or scheming:v忙于(尤其是策划和密谋)va bad egg up to no good.vAble to do or deal with:v能做

15、或处理(对付):vI dont feel up to a long run.vDependent on:v依靠:vThe future of the country is up to us.vAs long as:v长至:vStudents are allowed up to two hours to finish the test.vAs many as:v多至:vMany people in the world can live up to 130 years.18SpaghettiSpaghetti is the Italian-style thin noodle, cooked by

16、boiling and served with sauce. Unlike some Chinese noodles, it is not served in soup and will never taste pulpy (软乎乎、没软乎乎、没有嚼劲的有嚼劲的).19Para. 4 respectvcommand respectv令人肃然起敬vgive ones respects to;pay ones (last) respects to v向.致候 探望vhave respect forv尊敬重, 重视vin all respects (=in every respect)v无论在哪方面

17、哪一点来看, 在各方面vin many respectsv在许多方面vin no respectv无论在哪方面哪一点都不是.; 完全不是.vwith respect to/in respect of v关于20recall, remember & remind这三个词都与这三个词都与“记忆记忆”有关,前两个词有时可通用。有关,前两个词有时可通用。vrecall“想起想起”,把忘记的东西又想起来了,其动作包含,把忘记的东西又想起来了,其动作包含有意识的努力,因此常与有意识的努力,因此常与 can,could 等词连用,强调等词连用,强调一次的回忆。例如:一次的回忆。例如:vI remember

18、her face but I cannot recall where I met her.vremember “想起想起”,用处比较广泛,指事物自然在记忆,用处比较广泛,指事物自然在记忆中出现,不包含努力或意志。例如:中出现,不包含努力或意志。例如:vI suddenly remembered I had left the book in the library.v如果如果 remember 表示有意识的行动,常指表示有意识的行动,常指“记住记住”。例如:。例如:vYou must remember this phone number.21recall, remember & remindvr

19、emind 指指“使某人想起使某人想起”,“提醒提醒”,宾语是人。具体,宾语是人。具体用法如下:用法如下:v1) 接宾语;接宾语; v2) 接宾语接宾语+of+宾语;宾语;v3) 接宾语接宾语+不定式;不定式;v4) 接宾语接宾语+that-clause。 v例如:例如: vIf I forget it, please remind me. vThis reminds me of last year. vRemind me to write to my Mom.vThe sight of the clock reminded me that I was late.22Para. 6 turn

20、inv1. hand in; give overv2. deliver (a person or thing) to the policev3. give back; returnvMatch the above definitions with the sentences belowvThe criminal turned herself in.vFor your final grade, each of you must turn in a 7-page paper.vYou must turn in your uniform when you leave the army.vHave y

21、ou all turned in your homework for last night?23Para. 8 heartvIf you describe someone as big-hearted, you think they are kind and generous to other people, and always willing to help them. (WRITTEN)vSomeone who is broken-hearted is very sad and upset because they have had a serious disappointment.vA

22、 cold-hearted person does not feel any affection or sympathy towards other people. (/kindwarm-hearted)vIf someone does something in a half-hearted way, they do it without any real effort, interest, or enthusiasm.vIf you describe someone as kind-hearted, you mean that they are kind, caring, and gener

23、ous.v Someone who is light-hearted is cheerful and happy.24Hold backvprevent the expression of (feelings, tears, etc.)vIts difficult to hold back tears when comforted by those you care. vmake sb. or sth. stop moving forwardvThe men built banks of earth to hold back the rising flood water.vprevent th

24、e development ofvYou could become a good musician, but your lack of practice is holding you back.vkeep (sth.) secretvTell me about it dont hold anything back.25The American Educational SystemvIn the United States, education is the responsibility of individual states, not of the federal government, so requirements may vary from one state to another. The following is a generalization:vkindergarten: under 5 years oldvelementary / primary school (grades 16): 611 years oldvjunior high / middle school (grades 78): 1213 years oldvsenior / high school (grades 912): 1417 years old26



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