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1、Dreams-Oral English PracticeQuestion:What do you usually do in your spare time to relax yourself2Copyrighttable tennis3Copyrightvolleyball4Copyrightbadminton5Copyrightfootball6Copyrightbasketball7CopyrightEnjoy a song, then you should try to speak out what it mainly wants to express.8CopyrightIbelie



4、readmywingsIcanfly10CopyrightDiscussion:1.Talk with your partners about your dreams. 2. Tell us your idea about how to realize your dreams? 11Copyrightachieve ones dreamself-confidencecourageperseverancestrong will diligence12CopyrightSeethefollowingpicturesandguesswhothemanwas.Readingaloud13Copyrig

5、ht14Copyright15Copyright16CopyrightListen to the following material, try to get what the speakers dream was, then read after the speaker. Pay attention to the stress, the pause and the tone of the speaker, and try your best to imitate the speaker.Practicemakesperfect.17Copyright18CopyrightI say to y

6、ou today my friends - so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed(信条)信条): “We hold these truths to be self-evide

7、nt(不证自明不证自明的)的), that all men are created equal.19Copyright20Copyright.when we allow freedom ring - when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet(小小村庄)村庄), from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of Gods children - black men and white men, Jews and Ge

8、ntiles, Protestants and Catholics - will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual(精神)精神): “Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty(全能的)全能的), we are free at last! 21CopyrightWhat should we pay attention to when reading aloud?1. We should pronounce the words clearl

9、y and correctly.2. We should try our best to speak in a native way and imitate the tone of the speaker .3. We should have the ability of learning the characteristics of the pronunciation and the intonation, such as stress ; rhythm etc.22Copyright1.掌握基本的语音语调特征知识。1)词汇的连读,如 辅音+ 元音,或/r/+元音,这两种是最常见、最易识别的

10、连读现象。Eg. We haveanEnglish friend. They looked forit here and there. 模仿朗读备考策略23Copyright2) 词汇的爆破英语语音中的爆破音有三组:/p/,/b/; /t/,/d/; /k/,/g/.如两个爆破音相邻,或一个爆破音与一个辅音相邻,前面的只做口型而不发音(或仅轻读)。如: peak park 读作pi: (k) pa:k. 24Copyright3)英语的语调英语的语调除了基本的升调和降调,还有降升调、升降调、升降升调、平调等。一个整体上自然的英语语调,必定是以上多种语调的组合。在朗读训练中,除了正确掌握升降调的

11、基本用途外,还必须注意其它语调的处理,才能锻造出有“洋味” 的语调。25CopyrightA.升调:疑问句,语气婉转的祈使句,以及用陈述句子形式表示疑问的各类句子句尾多用升调,表示“不肯定”和“未完结”的意思。降升调、升降升调表达同类意思。B. 降调:陈述句、特殊疑问句、命令句和感叹句句尾一般用降调,表示“肯定”和“完结”。26Copyright4)意群与停顿一个意群表达相对完整的意思, 在意群结尾部分一般稍作停顿,节奏放慢,而 一个完整的意群部分的朗读节奏相对较快。27CopyrightMendelstartedbycross-breeding/differentstrainsofgarde

12、npeas/,thenobservingthecharacteristicsoftheiroffsprings/.Mendelnoticed/thatwhenhecrossedaroundpeaseed/witharinkledone/,theoffspringwasround/,notamixofcharacteristics/ashehadexpected/.Yetwhenhebredtheroundpeaoffspring/,thenextgenerationhadbothroundandrinkledseeds.Have a try:28Copyright2. 模仿的原则与三大步骤:模

13、仿的三大原则:一要大声。大大方方、清清楚楚、准确到位模仿每一个细节。二要随时纠错。在模仿过程中,要特别留意自己的错误,不管是发音还是语调方面,一旦发现不一致,立刻纠正,不断完善。三要坚持不懈。切忌三天打鱼两天晒网,每天坚持10-15分钟,坚持越长久,你的发音就离“洋腔洋调”越接近。29Copyright模仿的三大步骤:第一步,模仿单词。通过模仿,力求准确、清晰、字正腔圆地读准每一个单词。第二步,模仿词组。读准词组单词间的连读、爆破、轻重读。第三步,模仿段落及篇章。通过仔细揣摩句子的语调、单词的轻重读、意群的停顿与节奏等方面来保证语调的正确与自然、达到提高朗读的流利度的目的。30CopyrightWish you success!Thank you.31Copyright



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