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1、2024年双城记英文读后感三篇篇一:双城记英文读后感Recently I read a novel called A Tale of Two Cities. The novel is based on the French Revolution. It was 1775,both England and France were on the verge of Revolution .England's king ,George ,was having trouble with his American colonies .And France 's king ,Louis, w

2、as too concerned with his own wealth to worry about his people .Therefore, neither king noticed the changes taking place in his country .They didn't realize ,or care ,that the peasants were hungry and unhappy .They never thought that anything was wrong with the way things were .They were wealthy

3、 ,and they thought only of themselves.But the peasants were tired of being treated unfairly. They were tired of watching the kings waste money while their own children starved. So, in both London and Paris, the lower classes prepared to revolt .They were ready to force the kings to make a change.The

4、n one day in July of 1789, the Revolution began in France .Armed peasants ran through the streets of Saint Antoine .Their leader, Ernest Defarge continued to pass out weapons. The men cheered and waved their weapons in the air .Then, they marched toward the Bastille.The novel also talks the story of

5、 two men, Charles Darnay and Sydney Carton., who look similar but are very different in personality. Darnay is a romantic French aristocrat, his uncle is the Marquis St.Evremonde. The Marquis is infamous for his cruelty. While is a cynical English barrister. However, the two are in love with the sam

6、e woman, Lucie Manette.Charles Darnay is not cruel like his uncle has been. When he knew his servant is in danger, he went to France at once to defend him. He had promised his mother that he would help the peasants. He had a hard time traveling through France. When he finally reached Paris, he was t

7、aken prisoner. In my point of view, Charles Darnay is innocent, he is not cruel.The other one is Sydney Carton.In my opinion, he is a wonderful man. He once said,I am not worthy of your love, but I want you to know that I wish for your happiness. I hope that we will able to remain close friends. Mis

8、s Manette, I would give my life for you. Never forget that, Lucie. Eventually, he was to die in Charles Darnays place. Because Charles Darnay is Lucies husband, and they led a happy life. In order to help Lucie live a enjoyable life, he was to die in Charles Darnays place.From the novel 'A tale

9、of two cities '.I learn much ,not only the Revolution in two different cities ,but also the deep relationship between people .I'm impressed by Mr. Manette's tough spirit ,never give in to difficulties .Even though he had been imprisoned a long time ,he struggled to live. He was also an u

10、pright man .When his son -in -law was arrested by the Revolutionists, Dr.Manette strongly defended Charles Darnay ,hoped that the Revolutionists could release Charles Darnay .Lucie Manette gives me a deep impression .At the beginning of the novel, I learn that her father had passed, but then,Mr. Lor

11、ry told her that her father was still alive. Because Lucie 's father was imprisoned for a long time .Her mother begged the king to help her ,but he gave no reply .She suffered terribly when her husband disappeared ,so she told her daughter that her father had died .But she never stopped looking

12、for Lucie's father .The king was of no help ,and she never found even one clue .Two years after his disappearance ,she died .I am deeply impressed by the other characters in the novel.Mr.Lorry is also a good man ,at the first of the novel ,when he met Miss Lucie ,and told her that her father was

13、 still alive .Besides ,he helped herto find her father in Paris .On the way to Paris ,they experienced many difficulties .But Mr.Lorry didn't give up helping Miss Lucie and Lucie 's father .As far as I concerned ,it not only show his hospitality but also show his hatred to the European royal

14、.In Paris, the Marquis St. Evrmonde, Darnay's uncle, is returning from an audience with Monseigneur, one of the 'greatest lords in France', when his coach runs over and kills the son of the peasant Gaspard; he throws a coin to Gaspard to compensate him for his loss; in the assembled crow

15、d is the implacable tricoteuse, Madame Defarge. He throws the money back, enraging the Marquis and leading him to exclaim that he would willingly kill any of the peasants of France.If I were a peasant at that time in England or France,I would join in the revolution with no hesitation .All man are eq

16、ual .The king of country should concern his people whether they are starving or homeless .We can learn much from history in our country or in other countries ,only when the leader of the country cares much about his people's life can the country be stronger .People are the base of the country ,without people ,country can not be stronger and can not develop.篇二:双城记英文读后感A tale of two cities is one of Dicken



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