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1、2024年关于食品安全的英文演讲稿关于食品安全的英文演讲稿1Food safety is an important issue under the background of globalization today.Millions illness due to consumption of unsafe food, and many people have lost their lives.Poor quality food for everyone on the planet is a potential danger, it is estimated that 2 billion cas

2、es of foodborne disease occur each year.Therefore, food safety issues have caused concern around the world.In May 1963, the 16th session of the World Health Assembly approved the establishment of the FAO/WHO joint food standards programme, the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) as its main institut

3、ions. In 1974 the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO) sounds the alarm bell to globe for the first time in the world food summit,first proposed the “food security” problem. In June 20xx, the FAO and the World Health Organization convened the global food safety Conference consumer a

4、ssociations from 25 countries, hoped to take the national consumers Association played a greater role in promoting food security, prompting the Government to focus on food safety issues.The Kingdom of Lesotho is one of the least developed countries, is located in southern Africa, is a landlocked cou

5、ntry. The amount of food can not be guaranteed due to the drought caused food shortages brought about a severe famine.Food security has become an important issue. .However, in Africa, there are many countries like my own country, peoples hunger becomes an important factor in food safety.On this issu

6、e, my Government believes that:First, all countries should attach great importance to food security in order to achieve the set at the United Nations Millennium goal of reducing poverty by half by 20xx.Second, both developing and developed countries there is a food safety problem.States should enhan

7、ce food safety management and supervision, establish and improve the food safety supervision system.Third,for the least developed countries, to solve the food safety problem should first ensure food supply, and improve agricultural production.In recent years, we yield reduction and food crisis in th

8、e country, identifying appropriate policy objectives to increase food and livestock production to ensure food security.First, the use of appropriate agricultural practices, agricultural inputs in a timely manner.To increase crop and livestock production, Food Safety Plan has been implemented first i

9、n some specific area, then in full swing in the country. Second, the effective management of land, the land lease system standardization, the establishment of a land information digital systems.Third, the increased production of livestock and feed. Fourth, the establishment of the market system, pro

10、mote the sales of agricultural products.We believe that in our efforts,the food security will be improved.So we hope that the whole world focus on the food safety issues,because the problems are associated with you, me, him.Food safety is the important safeguard in life.We hope that people all over

11、the world can have safe, nutritious food,and hope all the people in the world to have a healthy body!关于食品安全的英文演讲稿2good morning, my dear teachers and my friends.it is my great pleasure to stand here to have a speech, Today i am going to talk about”food safety”.Mention the food safety, peoples hearts

12、are unusual interest, concern. Because with economic and social progress, economic globalization continues, people food culture diversity, food hygiene and safetybecome much-talked-about hot topic. Food diversification development, various additives renovates ceaselessly, emerging, trimethoxysilane

13、cyanogen amine, Sudan red, red meat fine, no root agent, each report let a person, soul-stirring each report related to the general publics heart.Food safety problems, the persons health would be threatened. Although the food safety is social information asymmetry, but may be consumer heart default,

14、 considering our everyday eat food, think about the people around us, they also mostly agree out of sight, out of mind view. Many consumers listen to media advertising, find out that problem, they knew that they again become victims. The body is his own, some poison is a lifetime all away, or even a

15、ffect the next generation. Their own health, who is responsible for wrong will care about you1.Changing how we farmDifferent farming systems vary enormously in their reliance on mined phosphate. Organic farms are more resilient to the coming phosphorus rock shock, as it can only be used as a supplem

16、ent to nutrient recycling (including crop rotations, green manures, and composting), and not as a replacement. Organic crops generally have a lower fertiliser requirement than non-organic crops, with a greater capacity to scavenge for nutrients through denser and deeper root systems.2.Changing what we eatEating less meat can reduce the demand for mined phosphate. This is because vegetable-based production



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