北京市高中英语 Unit 4 Making the news Period 2 Language points课件 新人教版必修5

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1、conj. 如果,假设如果,假设 vt. 猜想,认为猜想,认为_ there were only a tree in the world, what would you do?Suppose如果他没有来,谁来做这项工作呢?如果他没有来,谁来做这项工作呢?你认为那是什么舞?你认为那是什么舞?Suppose he cant come, who will do the work?What do you suppose that dance is?_应该做某事应该做某事be supposed to doYou are supposed to helpyour parents at home._你应该在

2、家帮助父母。你应该在家帮助父母。adj. 高兴的高兴的, 快乐的快乐的The baby is_ tosee his mother.delightedbe delighted _/_由于由于而高兴而高兴be delighted _高兴的去做高兴的去做at byto docover v.1. A reporter is believed to come to cover the accident.2. The passage covered everything we learned last term.3. We covered about 30 miles a day. 4. The town

3、 covers 5 square miles.5. Mary covered her face with her hands. 报导,采访报导,采访涉及,包括涉及,包括行过路程行过路程占时间空间占时间空间覆盖覆盖cover 盖子盖子cover封面,封底封面,封底cover 掩蔽(处)掩蔽(处) 掩护(处)掩护(处)cover n.v. n. 援助,协助,出席援助,协助,出席assist sb. _ sth.assist sb. _ doingassistant _ _assistance _ withinc. n. 助手助手 售货员售货员u. n. 帮助帮助My father _ me _th

4、e switch.assistedwith a. 1. 热心的热心的, 热切的热切的 2. 渴望的渴望的, 急切的急切的 The panda _ delicious food.is eager forbe eager for sth.渴望某事物渴望某事物 be eager to do迫切的去做迫切的去做Be _ forbe _ to dobe _ forbe _ to doanxiousanxiousgreedygreedyconcentrate on/upon sth.集中(注意力等)于集中(注意力等)于 concentrate sth. on sth.把把 集中于集中于The boy is

5、 _ reading.concentrating onThe angry birds _ their anger _ the green pig. concentrateonconcentrated adj._concentration n._ (sth.) on _ (sth.) on_ (sth.) on把把 . 集中于集中于.全神贯注的,集中的全神贯注的,集中的专心,浓缩,集中专心,浓缩,集中concentratefocusfixShe has _ a good knowledge of English.她的英语已经她的英语已经学得学得很好了。很好了。The museum has jus

6、t _ a famous painting by Pablo Picasso. 该美术馆刚刚该美术馆刚刚获得获得一幅毕加索的名画。一幅毕加索的名画。 acquisition n. _acquiredacquired获得,得到获得,得到vt. 1. _ 2. _ 3. _取得取得, 获得获得 学到学到; 养成养成(雷达等雷达等)捕获捕获(目标目标)vt. _估计;评估;评估计;评估;评The value of this property was _ at one million dollars.这份财产的价值这份财产的价值估定估定为一百万美元。为一百万美元。assessedvt. _告知,通知告

7、知,通知你把工作情况告诉李明了吗?你把工作情况告诉李明了吗?_他们会随时通知你事情的变化。他们会随时通知你事情的变化。_Did you inform LiMing of the work?They will keep you informed of the changes.information n. _informed adj. _inform sb. _ sth. 通知某人通知某人keep sb. _ of 使某人被告知使某人被告知ofinformed信息信息有知识的有知识的vt. _控告,归咎控告,归咎accuse sb. _ sth./doing sth.控告某人某事控告某人某事The

8、 man was _ of corruption.accusedofaccuse sb. _ sth./doing sth.控告、指责某人某事控告、指责某人某事blame sb. _ sth./doing sth.因某事指责某人因某事指责某人charge sb. _ sth./doing sth.控告、指责某人某事控告、指责某人某事ofwithfor提醒某人某事提醒某人某事通知某人某事通知某人某事使某人信服某事使某人信服某事说服某人某事说服某人某事抢劫某人某物抢劫某人某物使某人摆脱某事使某人摆脱某事警告某人某事警告某人某事remind sb. of sth.inform sb. of sth.

9、convince sb. of sth.persuade sb. of sth.rob sb. of sth.rid sb. of sth.warn sb. of sth.You must _ my advice _.你一定要记住我的话。你一定要记住我的话。keepin mind_ to mind 使想起使想起_ to mind 想到想到_ ones mind 下决心下决心_ ones mind on 下决心要下决心要bringcomemake upsetWhether we can go to swim _on/upon the temperature of the water.depend

10、s_ depends. 看情况而定。看情况而定。_ depends. 看情况而定。看情况而定。_ _ depends. 看情况而定。看情况而定。_ _ depend on it. 你放心好了。你放心好了。ThatItIt allYou mayHe runs everyday _ weight.so as to loseso as to + 动词原形动词原形 =so as to + 动词原形动词原形 =_ + 从句从句_ + 从句从句为了做某事为了做某事(引引 _)如此如此.以致于做某事以致于做某事(引导引导_)so that目的状语目的状语sothat结果状语结果状语1. She saves

11、every penny so as to buy a house of her own. She saves every penny _ buy a house of her own.2. She was so foolish as to have believed what he said. She was _ she believed what he said.so that she canso foolish thatso as to doin order to doSo as to get a better job, he went abroadfor further study.In

12、 order to get a better job, he wentabroad for further study.He went abroad for further study in orderto get a better job.He went abroad for further study so asto get a better job.so as to 只能用于句只能用于句 _in order to 可以用于句可以用于句 _ 或句或句 _。中中首首中中 vt. _ _ _要求要求请求请求需要需要The master _ that Tom catches a mouse ev

13、eryday.demandsdemand _ sth. 要求做某事要求做某事demand + that 从句从句 + 主语主语 + _demand sb. _ sth. 要求某人某事要求某人某事 demand n. 要求要求 需求需求to do(should) + doof注意注意: 无无demand sb. _to doThe supply of baby-sisters falls short of _ this year. demandThe baby dog demands _ eighteen hours a day.to sleep1. He said he would start

14、 very early in the morning _ miss the train to Beijing. A. not so as to B. so not as to C. so as to not D. so as not to2. Once a neighbor accused me _ playing my radio too loudly. Oh, you had the right to defend yourself _ the charge. A. of; against B. for; of C. against; for D. for; against3. The BBC will _ all the major games of the tournament. A. tell B. give C. cover D. take4. Being a student, you are not _ to be late for school. A. believed B. thought C. considered D. supposed5. He asked us to _ him _ carrying through their plan. A. assist; with B. help; to C. assist; in D. help; with



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