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1、 How to describe a place?1Location(位置)(位置)2Area(面积)面积)3Surroundings(周边环境)周边环境)4Transport(交通)交通)5population(人口)(人口)6History(历史)(历史)7Places of interest(名胜)(名胜) 8something special(特色)(特色)9climate(气候)(气候)What aspects should be included?1.Location (位置位置): 1) lies, 2) stands,3) is located / situated in1.L

2、ocation (位置位置): eg:丹霞山位于广东省北部。 Danxia Mountain stands/lies/is located in the north of Guangdong Province.1) covers, 2) take up, 3) has / with an area of, 4) the size of our city is 2.Area (面积面积):eg: 我们学校占地面积我们学校占地面积21000平方米。平方米。 Our school takes up/covers an area of 21thousand square kilometers. 2.A

3、rea (面积面积):1) stands, 2) be surrounded by, 3) faces4)withon its east/west/left/right5)at the back of在在的后面的后面6)in front of在在的前面的前面7)in the north of在在的北部的北部(内部内部)8)on the south of在在的南方的南方(接壤接壤)9)to the east of在在的东面的东面(相离相离)3.Surroundings (周边环境周边环境) eg:这个小村庄三面环山,在东面,面向一条清澈:这个小村庄三面环山,在东面,面向一条清澈的河流。的河流。

4、Surrounded by mountains on three sides, the small village faces a clear river on the east.3.Surroundings (周边环境周边环境) 1) It is very convenient for sb to do2) It takes sb time/money to do 3) The best way to experience is .4.Transport (交通交通) eg:乘车到广州要乘车到广州要6小时。小时。It will take 6 hours to reach Guangzhou

5、by bus.4.Transport (交通交通) 1) has / with a population of, 2) the population of is, 3) percent of the population are 5.Population (人口人口):eg:清远是一个发展中的城市,有约:清远是一个发展中的城市,有约400万人口。万人口。Qingyuan is a developing city with a population of about four million.eg:这里百分之八十的人口是农民。这里百分之八十的人口是农民。Eighty percent of the

6、 population here are farmers.5.Population (人口人口): has / with a (long )history of6.History (历史历史) 1.中国有着五千年的历史。中国有着五千年的历史。China has a history of over 5000 years.2.中国是一个有着很长历史的古老国家。中国是一个有着很长历史的古老国家。China is an old country with a long history.6.History (历史历史) 1)The places around our city are rich in na

7、tural resources.2)The city, known as, attracts millions of visitors from all over the world.3)The city is well-known / famous for its/as4)The city is home to 7.Places of interest (名胜名胜) 1.The cilmate here is (warm, dry, humid, cold, sunny, stormy, rainy) 2.The average temperature of Hong Kong is abo

8、ut 220C . The rainy season is between May and July.8.气候特征:气候特征:1)(The place) is famous for./ The special character of ( the place) is .2)You can enjoy the sights, taste the local food, explore the lively nightlife and learn about its history and culture.3) Wherever you go, there are plenty of activi

9、ties to choose from.9.Something special 特色特色 汕尾市位于广东省东部,是一个有很长历汕尾市位于广东省东部,是一个有很长历史的沿海城市。总面积史的沿海城市。总面积5271平方千米,总平方千米,总人口人口360万人。东临万人。东临汕头汕头,西接,西接惠州市惠州市、深、深圳、东莞市、圳、东莞市、广州市广州市,素有,素有“粤东桥梁粤东桥梁”之称。汕尾自然资源如矿产、森林、农产之称。汕尾自然资源如矿产、森林、农产品等非常丰富,气候宜人,冬不寒冷,夏品等非常丰富,气候宜人,冬不寒冷,夏不酷热。汕尾市著名的旅游胜地如不酷热。汕尾市著名的旅游胜地如凤山祖凤山祖庙庙Fe

10、ngshan Temple旅游景区旅游景区红海湾红海湾旅游旅游景区等,每年都吸引大量游客。景区等,每年都吸引大量游客。基础写作基础写作 Lets make preparations.汕尾市位于广东省东部,是一个有很长历史的沿海城市汕尾市位于广东省东部,是一个有很长历史的沿海城市1)位于位于 be located in/ stand/ lieShanwei is located/situated/lies in the east of Guangdong Province.2)沿海城市沿海城市 coastal city有很长的历史有很长的历史 with a long historyIt is a

11、 coastal city with a long history.汕尾市位于广东省东部,是一个有很长历史的沿海城市汕尾市位于广东省东部,是一个有很长历史的沿海城市1) Located in the east of Guangdong province, Shanwei is a coastal city with a long history. 2)Shanwei, a coastal city in the east of Guangdong, has a long history .分词短语、同位语结构,分词短语、同位语结构,with结构等,使文章简洁,通顺结构等,使文章简洁,通顺总面积

12、总面积5271平方千米,总人口平方千米,总人口360万人。万人。1)面积面积 covers, take up, has / with an area ofIt takes up/ covers an area of 5271 square kilometers.2)人口人口 with/has a population ofIt has a population of about 3600 thousand.总面积总面积5271平方千米,总人口平方千米,总人口360万人。万人。It covers a total area of 5271 square kilometers with a popu

13、lation of about 3600 thousand.It has a population of 3600 thousand, covering an area of 5271 square kilometers.巧用介词短语巧用介词短语,with结构和非谓语结构。结构和非谓语结构。东临东临汕头汕头,西接,西接惠州市惠州市、深圳、东莞市、深圳、东莞市、广州市广州市,素有素有“粤东桥梁粤东桥梁”之称。之称。 1)东临东临 withon its east 西接西接 withon its westWith Shantou on its east and Huizhou, Shenzhen,

14、Dongguan and Guangzhou on its west2) 粤东粤东 eastern GuangdongIt is called “the bridge of eastern Guangdong ”.东临东临汕头汕头,西接,西接惠州市惠州市、深圳、东莞市、深圳、东莞市、广州市广州市,素有素有“粤东桥梁粤东桥梁”之称。之称。 With Shantou on its east and Huizhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Guangzhou on its west , Shanwei is also called the “bridge of eastern Gu

15、angdong”. 汕尾自然资源如矿产、森林、农产品等非常丰富,气汕尾自然资源如矿产、森林、农产品等非常丰富,气候宜人,冬不寒冷,夏不酷热。候宜人,冬不寒冷,夏不酷热。1)在在方面丰富方面丰富 be rich/abundant in2)自然资源自然资源 natural resources 3)矿产矿产 mine4)农产品农产品 farm produce/ farm products5)既不既不也不也不 neithernorIt is rich in natural resources, such as mine, forest, farmproduce and so on, besides,

16、the climate here is pleasant, neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter.巧用连词,如巧用连词,如and,用好并列句,用好并列句汕尾市著名的旅游胜地如汕尾市著名的旅游胜地如凤山祖庙凤山祖庙Fengshan Temple旅游旅游景区景区红海湾红海湾旅游景区等,每年都吸引大量游客。旅游景区等,每年都吸引大量游客。Every year, the famous places of interest such as Fengshan Temple, Red Bay attract many tourists from d

17、ifferent places for its beautiful scenery.There are many famous places of interest, among which is the Fengshan Temple and Red Bay, attracting lots of tourists from different places every year.尽量用复合句尽量用复合句,倒装倒装,状语从句,状语从句,there be句型等。句型等。 Located in the east of Guangdong province, Shanwei is a coasta

18、l city with a long history. It covers a total area of 5271 square kilometers with a population of about 240 thousand. With Shantou on its east and Huizhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Guangzhou on its west , Shanwei is also called the “bridge of eastern Guangdong”. Model Essay The climate here is pleasant,

19、neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter and it is rich in natural resources, such as mine, forest, farm produce and so on. There are many famous places of interest, among which is the Fengshan Temple, Red Bay whose scenery is very beautiful, attracts lots of tourists from different places e

20、very year.Conclusion课型:写作课教学目标:通过这节的讲授,让学生掌握如何用英语描写地点.重点:讲授描写地点的常用词汇及句型.难点:灵活运用所学词汇及句型写一篇短文.教学方法: 归纳演绎法Homework名称名称广州广州,有有“花城花城”的美誉的美誉历史历史 2200多年,是中国古代多年,是中国古代“海上丝绸海上丝绸”的发祥地的发祥地人口人口1100多万多万面积面积7434.4平方千米平方千米气候气候温暖湿润温暖湿润位置位置广东省中部,毗邻香港和澳门广东省中部,毗邻香港和澳门广州旅游资源丰富,有著名的广州旅游资源丰富,有著名的“羊城八景羊城八景”,现以其迷,现以其迷人的风采吸引了来自世界各地的游客。人的风采吸引了来自世界各地的游客。



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