质量控制与质量管理:Kano curves

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《质量控制与质量管理:Kano curves》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《质量控制与质量管理:Kano curves(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、The meaning of Kano CurvesDepartment of Industrial EngineeringWu SuQuality and performance requirementslow fuel consumptionTIMEdynamic navigation systemThe requirement for characteristics which exciteairbagsFulfilment ofrequirementsBasic requirementsI、Basic quality characteristics Basic QC:these typ

2、e of QC are considered necessary in a product. The product will not be allowed to get into market without them, like airbag or the function of turning head lamp when ignited (in Canada), or not recognized by the customers (no air-condition in Gol produced by Volkswagan ShangHai).The investment on ba

3、sic QC will not increase customer satisfaction significantly, but will decrease it without them. II、High performance QC High performance QC:some important QC, the manufacturers will produce them with their own Know-How, such as gas consumption per 100 km, accelerating time 0-100km/hr., picture quali

4、ty of DC, noise under high ISO of DC, etc.The customer satisfaction will increase linearly as the performance of this type of QCs increase, or otherwise, the customer satisfaction will decrease.III、QCs exciting customers QCs exciting customers:different from their competitors product, with unique te

5、chnology leadership.Dynamic navigation system;Anti-shaking (vibrating reduction, image stabilizer, etc.) function.This kinds of QCs is only a temporary competition advantage. One has to make continuous technology innovation to keep the advantage.So the meaning of Kano curvesThe customer requirements

6、 are at different levels;Different QCs to meet different Customer requirements;Different level of QCs to get different customer satisfaction;The category of QC level is temporary and will change as time passes. Higher level of QC will change to lower level of QCs gradually as technology advances. Ev

7、ery product for a specific customer group has its three-level QCs. In order to assure his competing ability, one has to make perfect type II QCs and give out innovation QCs when meeting the type I QCs.Example of Canon Digital Camera(1)segmentation of customer group普通使用的方便机型普通使用的方便机型普通摄影爱好者普通摄影爱好者摄影发

8、烧友和准专业人士摄影发烧友和准专业人士专业机型专业机型摄影师专用摄影师专用记者专用记者专用EOS 1DsEOS 1Ds Mark IIEOS 1D, EOS 1D Mark IIEOS 1D Mark II N准专业准专业摄影发烧友摄影发烧友EOS 5DEOS 20D,EOS 30DEOS 300D EOS 350DPower shot Pro-1Power shot S系列系列Power shot A系列系列Digital IXUS系列系列20005000500080008000210003300060000Price range(2)Product lineProfessionalQuas

9、i-professionalPhoto fansGeneral purposeS80A610IXUS60 S3 ISPro1350D30D20D10D1D Mark II N1Ds Mark II5DDistribution of product type(3)different levels of Canon camerascustomerIIIIIIMarket resultGeneral Purposecustomer足够的像素坚固的机身紧凑的设计易操作性高素质镜头高图像质量高兼容性L豪华镜头(Pro1 )高兼容性大光圈(G系列)时尚外观(IXUS i系列)超广角(S系列)光学稳定器(S

10、 IS系列)丰富的选择(A 系列)面对尼康、富士、欧林帕斯、卡西欧、索尼、柯达、三星、宾得、理光、松下等众多对手,仍能大幅度市场领先Photofans庞大的镜头群,先进图像处理系统,丰富的附件品牌效应较轻的重量,金属外观可靠性高感光度范围真实色彩还原比同档次高的像素,增加了S系列镜头尼康D70,索尼100,欧林帕斯E500,宾得*istDs、KM-5D皆为对手,略领先于对手Quasi-professional庞大的镜头群,先进图像处理系统,丰富的附件金属外观,点测光真实色彩还原高像素的全幅传感器尼康D200 为强劲对手Professional庞大的镜头群,先进图像处理系统,丰富的附件高可靠性,

11、金属外观,点测光,真实色彩还原,技术先进性来保证生命周期较长极高像素,全幅面的图像传感器大感光度范围高连拍速度同档次无竞争对手Quality conditions of leading its competitors在量大面广的普及性产品内,以较好的基本质量特性,和宽广的产品线以及一个左右的兴奋特性/每机型 来满足顾客各类不同需求,以量制胜;在相同价格档次内,有足够基本特性的情况下,高性能特性多余对手,这一方式基本用于量大、利润高的产品: 如佳能EOS 350D,其对手包括尼康D70, 欧林帕斯E-330,柯尼卡美能达-5D,宾得*istDs等,但一直领先对手 有着对手没有而令顾客兴奋的特性:

12、如果这样,则价格可以远远高出对手,如佳能EOS 1Ds Mark II,约是对手尼康最高机型D2x的两倍,在数码相机飞速降价的时代,一直保持该价格约两年时间了。这一方式主要用于最高档产品。Change of levels of QC让我们看看数码相机重要质量特性的变化过程使用者希望易携带和在许多场合不能使用三脚架,但是数码相机由于手的易抖动而使图像模糊。顾客自然对这一情况提出了需求,即防止手的抖动带来的图像模糊。佳能最早提出用镜头防抖动技术(IS),成为吸引专业顾客的兴奋质量特性(一支70200/2.8L有无IS的价格比是9700/15200),其后尼康也出现该类技术(VR),柯尼卡美能达更是提出了机身防抖,松下的OIS技术,使这一类技术成为数码相机的标准技术,今天无论单反还是便携机、卡片机,防抖技术已成为高质量特性的标志。目前,CCD或CMOS的超声清理技术成为单反机器的使顾客兴奋的质量特性。



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