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1、Philosophers of Ancient China Confucius (551BC-479BC)The family is important. We are members of a group. Treat others in the way you want to be treated.家天下家天下己所不欲己所不欲, 勿施于人。勿施于人。Mencius (372BC-289BC)People are more important than rulers.Man is born good.民为贵民为贵 君为轻君为轻人性本善人性本善Mozi (376BC-390BC) All hu

2、man beings are equal.We should love all human beings.众生平等众生平等兼爱兼爱Fast ReadingChoose the correct answers.1.1.Confucius stressed the importance of Confucius stressed the importance of the following aspects except _. the following aspects except _. A. kindness B. friendship A. kindness B. friendship C.

3、 order D. duty C. order D. duty2. “If the government was kind, then 2. “If the government was kind, then people would be good.” is the teaching people would be good.” is the teaching of _. of _. A. Mencius B. Confucius A. Mencius B. Confucius C. Mozi D. C. Mozi D. XunziXunzi3. Which shows the right

4、order of time 3. Which shows the right order of time when the three great thinkers lived? when the three great thinkers lived? A. Confucius- Mencius -Mozi A. Confucius- Mencius -Mozi B. Mencius- B. Mencius- MoziMozi- Confucius - Confucius C. Confucius-Mozi-Mencius C. Confucius-Mozi-Mencius D. Mozi-

5、Mencius-ConfuciusD. Mozi- Mencius-Confucius1. States were often at peace with each other in ancient China.2. Confucius ideas have the greatest influence on China.3. Mencius resigned from the government, because the first ruler didnt respect him.TFwarFfollow his advice.True or false questions4. Menci

6、us spent all his life preparing a book of his teachings called The Book of Mencius.5. Mozis beliefs were the same as those of Confucius.6. Mencius is the oldest among the three.FFFhis last years similar toConfuciusPara. 1 Introduction about _._ - 479BCgreatest influence (more than _ years)importance

7、 of _, _ and _ in societyConfucius551BCkindnessdutyorder2000Fill in the chart.Para. 2Introduction about _born in _ BC and brought up by _ _at an important _ in the _ first and later _The Book of _Man was _._ were more important than _.Mencius372his motherpositiongovernmentMenciuskindPeople rulersres

8、ignedPara. 3Introduction about _ - 390 BC_ was most important.All men are _.Love all _ _ and look after the weak.hate the idea of _Mozi476BC Governmentequalhuman beingswar1. What have you learnt from this passage? 2. What is the contemporary value of the three philosophers ideas?DiscussionConfuciusC

9、onfucius is a great _ whose ideas have greatly _ Chinese society for more than 2000 years.He _ the importance of _, _ and _ in society.Chinese society was _ by these ideas for more than _ years.philosopherinfluencedstressedkindness dutyorder Retell the passage.influenced2,000MenciusMencius was a _ w

10、hose teachings were very _ _ those of Confucius.Mencius believed that man is _, and people were more important than _. He suggested that the government should not treat people _.thinkersimilar torulersgoodbadlyMoziMozi founded the _. Born in a poor family, he became famous for his unusual clothes an

11、d _. Though his beliefs were _ to those of Confucius, his idea of love was _ _ Confucian idea of kindness. He taught that we should love all _ _. He believed that all men were _, and he was against the idea of _. Mohismbehavioursimilardifferent fromhuman beingsequalwarPara1:1. 同同 处于战争状态处于战争状态 2. 是一段

12、是一段. 的时间的时间 3. 强调强调 . 的重要性的重要性 4. 受受影响影响at war withit is/was a time whenstress the importance ofbe influenced byImportant phrasesbe similar tobring uptravel from state to statean adviser to the rulertake/follow ones advicePara2: 1. 与与相似相似2. 抚养抚养 培育培育3. 听从某人建议听从某人建议4. 周游列国周游列国5. 统治者的军师统治者的军师, 谋士谋士Para 3:1. 出生于出生于 2. 因为因为 以以 而闻名而闻名 3. 在某些方面在某些方面 某种程度上某种程度上 4. 结果结果 5. 照顾照顾, 照料照料be born inbe famous forin some waysas a resultlook after1.Choose one person who you like most. 2. Give your reason why you like him/ 3. her most.2. Whose ideas do you agree with most? why?Discussion



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