高三英语一轮复习(佳作晨读+基础梳理+考点探析+跟踪训练)第41讲 Module 5 Ethnic Culture课件 外研版

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高三英语一轮复习(佳作晨读+基础梳理+考点探析+跟踪训练)第41讲 Module 5 Ethnic Culture课件 外研版_第1页
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高三英语一轮复习(佳作晨读+基础梳理+考点探析+跟踪训练)第41讲 Module 5 Ethnic Culture课件 外研版_第2页
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高三英语一轮复习(佳作晨读+基础梳理+考点探析+跟踪训练)第41讲 Module 5 Ethnic Culture课件 外研版_第3页
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高三英语一轮复习(佳作晨读+基础梳理+考点探析+跟踪训练)第41讲 Module 5 Ethnic Culture课件 外研版_第4页
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高三英语一轮复习(佳作晨读+基础梳理+考点探析+跟踪训练)第41讲 Module 5 Ethnic Culture课件 外研版_第5页
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《高三英语一轮复习(佳作晨读+基础梳理+考点探析+跟踪训练)第41讲 Module 5 Ethnic Culture课件 外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高三英语一轮复习(佳作晨读+基础梳理+考点探析+跟踪训练)第41讲 Module 5 Ethnic Culture课件 外研版(46页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、基础梳理考点探析第第41讲讲 Module 5Ethnic Culture跟踪训练佳作晨读返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture佳作晨读 2013重庆卷 调查显示,中国长江江豚(finless porpoise)受人类活动影响而濒临灭绝,目前总数不足 1000只。假设你是李华,现请用英文给WWF(世界自然保 护基金组织)写一封信,请他们关注这一状况并提供帮 助。返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture佳作晨读 内容应包括: 说

2、明写信目的; 简述江豚现状; 希望WWF如何帮助 (比如:资助江豚保护项目等); 表示感谢并期待回复。返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture佳作晨读 精精精精 彩彩彩彩 美美美美 文文文文 Dear Sir or Madam, Im a student from Chongqing, China. I am writing to ask you to pay attention to the situation of finless porpoises. They are under threats of h

3、umans and as a result, the numbers have fallen to not more than 1,000. If the situation remains the same, within 10 years, Yangtze Finless Porpoises will become extinct forever. 返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture佳作晨读 In order to protect finless porpoises, we sincerely hop

4、e you can help take some measures. You can finance finless porpoise projects, in which way we can establish the finless porpoise conservation station and volunteer stations as soon as possible to carry out annual routine observation and investigation. Whats more, it is another effective way to appea

5、l to the news media along the middlelower reaches of the Yangtze River for a joint interview to publicize the importance of porpoise conservation. Besides, sewage emissions should be reduced as soon as possible. We hope that with your help, all people throw themselves into loving care for the fate o

6、f Yangtze finless porpoises.返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture佳作晨读 I am looking forward to your early reply. Yours sincerely,Li Hua返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture佳作晨读 名名名名 师师师师 点点点点 睛睛睛睛 1行文逻辑:写信目的行文逻辑:写信目的现状与希望现状与希望期待回复。期待回复。 2词汇短语:运用了较高级的词

7、汇和短语。如:词汇短语:运用了较高级的词汇和短语。如:pay attention to(注意注意),under threats(受到威胁受到威胁),as a result(结果结果), not more than(不超过不超过),extinct,take measures(采采取措施取措施),carry out(执行执行),whats more(此外此外),appeal to(呼吁呼吁),throw themselves into(投入到投入到),care for(关心关心)等等。 3句式句法:运用了多样化的句式结构。如:句式句法:运用了多样化的句式结构。如:非限非限制性定语从句:制性定语从句

8、:in which way; 含有情态动词的被含有情态动词的被动语态:动语态:should be reduced; 非谓语动词:非谓语动词:to ask you to pay attention to,to carry out, to publicize;条件状语条件状语从句:从句:If the situation remains the same等等。返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture基础梳理.单词荟萃 1_n少数民族majority n多数,大多数_adj.重要的,重大的,主要的 2diverse a

9、dj.完全不同的; 各不相同的_n多样性 3_adj.各种各样的; 形形色色的vary v变化various adj.不同的; 各种各样的_n. 多样化; 变化 4firm n商行,公司 adj.结实的,坚固的,坚定的_adv.坚固地,稳固地 5_adv.看起来; 显然apparent adj. 表面上 的; 明显的; 显而易见的minoritymajordiversityvariedvarietyfirmlyapparently返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture基础梳理6_n珠宝,首饰(集合名词)jew

10、el n珠宝(个体名词)7furnish v为(房屋或房间)配备家具_n家具8bare adj.赤裸的_adv.仅够; 几乎没有; 赤裸裸bareness n赤裸裸9gatherer n采集者_v收集,采集jewelleryfurniturebarelygather返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture基础梳理.短语检测 1写日记 _ 2在使用_ 3拼凑,凑成_ 4(偶然)碰见_ 5喜欢上,迷恋_ 6仔细考虑_ 7有人口_ 8在远处_ 9出发,动身_ 10调整; 使适合_keep a diaryin usep

11、ut togethercome acrossfall forthink overhave a population ofin the distanceset offadjust to返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture基础梳理11房间里摆放着,被提供_12迷路 _13安排某人住宿 _14嫉妒_15渴望得到某物_be furnished withget lostput sb upgreen with envywish/hope for sth返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5

12、Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture基础梳理.佳句再现 1They sit in small circles in the square,with their babies on their backs,_! 她们围成小圈坐在广场上,身背孩子,对游客丝毫不感兴趣! 2_,the music has not changed for eight centuries 父子相传,那种音乐经过8个世纪都没有发生变化completely uninterested in the touristsPassed from father to son返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Modul

13、e 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture基础梳理3The old town is on the side of a mountain and _ the 5,500metre Yulong Xueshan Mountain,its peak covered with snow. 古城依山而建,对面是海拔5500米的玉龙雪山,山顶被积雪覆盖。4_, the old town is a maze that tourists get lost in. 从上面俯瞰,古城就是一座迷宫游人极易迷失 其中。5_ we may appear to be at first

14、,we are all the same, all equal. 无论起初我们看上去有多么不同,然而我们本质上都是一样的,每个人都是平等的。opposite it isSeen from aboveHowever different返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture基础梳理.单元语法 Ved form as adverbial and phrasal verbs返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture 单词点睛单词点睛 1

15、adjust v(to change sth slightly to make it more suitable for a new set of conditions or to make it work better)调整,调节;调整,调节; (to get used to a new situation by changing the way you behave and/or think)(使使)适应,适应,习惯习惯 (1)adjust (oneself) to sth/doing sth (使自己使自己)适应于适应于 (2)adjustment n. 调整,调节;调整,调节; 适应适

16、应 make an adjustment 作调整作调整 考点探析返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture【活学活用【活学活用】(1)2013浙江卷浙江卷自选模块自选模块 In contrast, many of the people who became disabled learned to adjust to their new disabilities. 与此相反,许多残疾人学会了适应他们的新残疾。与此相反,许多残疾人学会了适应他们的新残疾。(2)It took her a while to_after

17、the divorce. 离婚以后,她过了一段时间才适应了一个人生活。离婚以后,她过了一段时间才适应了一个人生活。adjust to living alone考点探析返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture(3)This kind of desk_ the height you need. 这种书桌的高低可以按照你的需要调节。这种书桌的高低可以按照你的需要调节。(4)The present situation forced us to_ this policy though it was not complet

18、ely reasonable. Aadapt Badmit Cadopt Dadjust 解析解析句意:目前的形势迫使我们采取这项政策,尽句意:目前的形势迫使我们采取这项政策,尽管它不是完全合理。管它不是完全合理。adapt 改编,改编,(使使)适应;适应; admit 承认;承认; adopt 采取,采纳;采取,采纳; adjust 调整。调整。can be adjusted to考点探析返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture2runn跑跑 v跑;跑; 管理,经营;管理,经营; 提供,开设;提供,开设; (

19、车、车、船定期地船定期地)行驶;行驶; 操作;操作; 持续;持续; 流动流动 (1)in the long run 从长远来看,终究从长远来看,终究 (2)run across 偶然发现;偶然发现; 偶遇偶遇 run after 追赶;追赶; 追求追求(异性异性) run into 偶然碰见,巧遇;偶然碰见,巧遇; 陷入;陷入; 经历经历 run out (of) 用完用完 run over (车车)碾过碾过 考点探析返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture【活学活用】【活学活用】 (1)It is reall

20、y a big waste leaving the tap running. 水龙头开了不关真是浪费。水龙头开了不关真是浪费。 (2)2013广东卷广东卷语法填空语法填空 Suddenly, he found that he had run out of salt. 突然,他发现他用完了盐。突然,他发现他用完了盐。考点探析返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture(3)根据语境选择下列句子中根据语境选择下列句子中run对应的英语释义。对应的英语释义。a. to be in charge of a business

21、, etc. b. to make a service, course of study, etc. available to peoplec. to travel on a particular routed. to operate or function; to make sth do thise. to move, especially quickly, in a particular directionBuses to Oxford run every half an hour._He has no idea how to run a business. _Could you run

22、the engine for a moment?_cad考点探析返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic CultureThe college runs summer courses for foreign students._When the play was over, tears ran down my face and I cried loudly._be考点探析返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture(4)根据语境用根据语境用run相

23、关短语的适当形式填空。相关短语的适当形式填空。I nearly_a bus when it stopped suddenly in front of me.Our beer is_Can you buy some?The cat came close to_ by a truck.ran intorunning outbeing run over考点探析返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture 3customn. 风俗,传统,习惯风俗,传统,习惯【易混辨析】【易混辨析】 custom“风俗,传统风俗,传统”,指

24、一个国家或民族多年,指一个国家或民族多年以以 来形成的传统和习俗;来形成的传统和习俗; habit “习惯习惯”,指个人的,指个人的 习惯;习惯; hobby爱好爱好考点探析返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture【活学活用】【活学活用】 用用custom, habit 和和hobby的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。 (1)It is a good _ to get up early to take exercise. (2)Its the _ for the brides father to pay for

25、the wedding in some Asian countries. (3)Fishing is one of my fathers _habitcustomhobbies考点探析返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture 短语储存短语储存 1 in use在使用中在使用中 (1)come into use 开始使用开始使用 go/be out of use 停止使用停止使用 bring sth into use 开始使用某物开始使用某物 make use _ 使用,利用使用,利用 put sth to go

26、od use 有效使用某物有效使用某物 (2)use up 用完,耗尽用完,耗尽of 【经典句式经典句式】 It is no use doing sth.做某事是没有用的。做某事是没有用的。考点探析返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture【活学活用】【活学活用】 (1)Seriously damaged,the bridge is no longer in use. 因受到严重损坏,这座桥不再使用了。因受到严重损坏,这座桥不再使用了。 (2)_ pretending you didnt know it. 你假装

27、不知道这件事是无济于事的。你假装不知道这件事是无济于事的。(3)Our time should_ 我们要充分利用时间。我们要充分利用时间。 (4)Ill_my experience_in the new job. 我会把以往的经验好好用到新工作中。我会把以往的经验好好用到新工作中。Its no use考点探析返回目录返回目录be made full use ofputto good use第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture2set off出发,动身;出发,动身; 燃放燃放(鞭炮等鞭炮等),使爆炸;,使爆炸; 引起引起(做

28、某事做某事); 使发火;使发火; 触发触发 set about 开始做开始做 set aside 放在一边,搁置;放在一边,搁置; 储蓄;储蓄; 留下留下 set down 记下,写下记下,写下 set out 出发,动身;出发,动身; 开始做开始做 set _ 建立,创办建立,创办 up【温馨提示温馨提示】 set about doing sth/set out to do sth 开开始做某事始做某事考点探析返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture【活学活用】【活学活用】(1)2013江西卷江西卷阅读阅读D

29、 In recent years, Nepal set out to attract foreign visitors to fund developments in health and education. 近年来,尼泊尔开始吸引外国游客资助健康和教育近年来,尼泊尔开始吸引外国游客资助健康和教育的发展。的发展。考点探析返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture(2)根据语境用根据语境用set相关短语的适当形式填空。相关短语的适当形式填空。In order to arrive at your destinati

30、on, you should _ early in the morning.Its very difficult for a graduate to _his own company as soon as he graduates from university.I _ to prepare meals in the kitchen and my husband _ cleaning the house when we got home.Youd better _half an hour every night to walk after supper.The lawyer asked Cha

31、rlie to _ the facts just as he remembered them.set offset upset outset aboutset asideset down考点探析返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture 句型透视句型透视 (1)Over the hills beyond was the most beautiful rainbow. 山的那边是最美的彩虹。山的那边是最美的彩虹。 (2)Out of the jungle came an old woman. 从丛林里走出来一个老太

32、太。从丛林里走出来一个老太太。【要点解读】【要点解读】介词短语或方位名词介词短语或方位名词(短语短语)作地点状语位于句首或以作地点状语位于句首或以here,there,away,in,out,down,up,off,now,then等开头的句子里,若谓语是表示方位或位移的不及等开头的句子里,若谓语是表示方位或位移的不及物动词物动词lie,live,sit,stand,be,come,go,run,rise等词,且主语是名词时,要构成全部倒装。等词,且主语是名词时,要构成全部倒装。考点探析返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic

33、 Culture【活学活用】【活学活用】 (1)In front of the building stand several tall trees, under which people like to cool themselves in summer. 在大楼的前面有几棵大树,夏天人们喜欢在下面在大楼的前面有几棵大树,夏天人们喜欢在下面 乘凉。乘凉。 (2)South of the city_ 城南有一家钢厂。城南有一家钢厂。stands/lies/is a steel factory考点探析返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureE

34、thnic Culture2The old town is on the side of a mountain and opposite it is the 5,500metre Yulong Xueshan Mountain, its peak covered with snow. 古城依山而建,对面是海拔古城依山而建,对面是海拔5500米的玉龙雪山,山顶被米的玉龙雪山,山顶被积雪覆盖。积雪覆盖。考点探析返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture考点探析返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Mod

35、ule 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture【温馨提示【温馨提示】 (1)当名词当名词/代词与其后的动词构成逻辑上的主动代词与其后的动词构成逻辑上的主动 关系,且动作尚未发生,用关系,且动作尚未发生,用to do; 当名词当名词/代词与其后的动词构成逻辑上的主动关代词与其后的动词构成逻辑上的主动关 系,且动作正在进行,用系,且动作正在进行,用doing; 当名词当名词/代词与其后的动词构成逻辑上的被动关代词与其后的动词构成逻辑上的被动关 系,且动作已经发生,用系,且动作已经发生,用done。 (2)with复合结构也是独立主格结构。复合结构也是独立主格结构。考点探析返回目

36、录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture【活学活用】【活学活用】(1)He fell asleep on the sofa, _ 门开着,他在沙发上睡着了。门开着,他在沙发上睡着了。(2)He left the office_ 开着电脑,他离开了办公室。开着电脑,他离开了办公室。(3)The teacher came into the classroom, _ 老师走进了教室,手里拿着一本书。老师走进了教室,手里拿着一本书。(with)the door open(with)the computer onbook in

37、 hand/with a book in his hand考点探析返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture(4)_, I cant go to the cinema tonight. 有那么多的作业要做,我今晚不能去看电影了。有那么多的作业要做,我今晚不能去看电影了。(5)_, we went through the forest quickly. 在向导的引领下,我们很快穿越了那片树林。在向导的引领下,我们很快穿越了那片树林。(6)We climbed to the mountain, _ 我们登上了那座山顶

38、被雪覆盖的山。我们登上了那座山顶被雪覆盖的山。(With)a lot of homework to do(With)the guide leading us (with)its peak covered with snow 考点探析返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture跟踪训练 单项填空单项填空 1My camera can be_to take pictures in cloudy and sunny conditions. Aadapted Badjusted Cadopted Dadmitted 解析解

39、析 B考查动词辨析。考查动词辨析。adapt适应;适应;adjust调整,调调整,调节;节;adopt采纳,收养;采纳,收养;admit承认。这里指承认。这里指“照相机照相机可以被调节可以被调节”,因此选,因此选B。返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture跟踪训练2Dont leave the water_ while you brush your teeth. Arun Brunning Cbeing run Dto run 解析解析 B考查非谓语动词。考查非谓语动词。leave sb/sth doing表示

40、表示“使使处于处于状态状态”。run在此处意为在此处意为“流淌,流动流淌,流动”。返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture跟踪训练3All the streets were _ with flags to welcome the Chinese delegation. Adecorated Bfurnished Csupplied Dprovided 解析解析 A考查动词辨析。考查动词辨析。decorate装饰;装饰;furnish配备配备(家具家具);supply供应;供应;provide提供。句意:所有的街

41、提供。句意:所有的街道都用旗帜装饰了以迎接中国代表团。根据句意可知道都用旗帜装饰了以迎接中国代表团。根据句意可知选选A。返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture跟踪训练 4I thought she had retired, but _ she hasnt. A. eventually B. exactly C. apparently D. fortunately 解析解析 C考查副词辨析。句意:我本以为她已经退休考查副词辨析。句意:我本以为她已经退休了,但很显然,她还没退休。了,但很显然,她还没退休。 eve

42、ntually最后,终于;最后,终于;exactly精确地,确切地;精确地,确切地;apparently显然地;显然地;fortunately幸运地。幸运地。返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture跟踪训练 5There was a(n)_ silence in the live interview, when no one knew what to say to the audience. A. ashamed B. disappointed C. desperate D. awkward 解析解析 D考查形

43、容词辨析。考查形容词辨析。ashamed羞愧的;羞愧的;disappointed失望的;失望的;desperate绝望的;绝望的;awkward尴尬尴尬的。的。 语境中表示语境中表示“令人尴尬的沉默令人尴尬的沉默”,因此选,因此选D。返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture跟踪训练 6In front of our school _, which is about 400 metres high. Adoes a TV tower lie Ba TV tower lies Clies a TV tower Da

44、 TV Tower does lie 解析解析 C考查倒装句。介词短语位于句首,句子需考查倒装句。介词短语位于句首,句子需 用完全倒装,故答案为用完全倒装,故答案为C。句意:我们学校的前面有。句意:我们学校的前面有 一座电视塔,大约有一座电视塔,大约有400米高。米高。返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture跟踪训练 7Life is a journey, _ with hardships, joys and special moments. Afilling Bto fill Cto be filled Df

45、illed 解析解析 D考查非谓语动词。根据固定搭配考查非谓语动词。根据固定搭配sth be filled with可知答案为可知答案为D。本句是过去分词短语作后置定语。本句是过去分词短语作后置定语。句意:生活是一次旅程,充满了痛苦,快乐和特殊的句意:生活是一次旅程,充满了痛苦,快乐和特殊的时刻。时刻。返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture跟踪训练 8_a lift on her way, Jane finally managed to get to the railway station in time.

46、AOffering BTo offer COffered DHaving offered 解析解析 C考查非谓语动词。句子的主语考查非谓语动词。句子的主语Jane与与offer之之间构成逻辑上的被动关系,故用过去分词。句意:在间构成逻辑上的被动关系,故用过去分词。句意:在路上有人主动让她搭车,简最终设法及时到达了火车路上有人主动让她搭车,简最终设法及时到达了火车站。站。返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture跟踪训练 9Not _with the quality of your goods, I will ce

47、rtainly not advise others to buy them. Asatisfied Bsatisfying Cto be satisfied Dbeing satisfied 解析解析 A考查非谓语动词。根据固定搭配考查非谓语动词。根据固定搭配be satisfied with可知用过去分词。句意:因为对你的货物质量不满可知用过去分词。句意:因为对你的货物质量不满意,我当然不建议别人买它们了。意,我当然不建议别人买它们了。返回目录返回目录第第4141讲讲 Module 5 Module 5Ethnic CultureEthnic Culture跟踪训练 10Most compa

48、nies marketing effort is focused on getting customers, with little attention _ on keeping them. Afixing Bfixed Cto fix Dhaving fixed 解析解析 B考查非谓语动词。根据考查非谓语动词。根据fix ones attention on可知可知attention是是fix的宾语,将其提前,动词的宾语,将其提前,动词fix用过去用过去分词。句意:许多公司的市场努力都放在顾客身上,分词。句意:许多公司的市场努力都放在顾客身上,很少把注意力放在维持顾客上。很少把注意力放在维持顾客上。返回目录返回目录



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