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1、学做职场邮件达人圆木菠萝头1你是否曾经在邮件上遇到过很多麻烦?2如果你是职场新人。cc? bcc?ASAP? FYI?。呃,第一句话怎么写?先。然后。邮件太多。上个月的报告在哪里?3那么,接下来的时间。让我们各个击破。4初级篇中级篇高级篇新人入职两年突破三年之痒5初级篇中级篇高级篇两年突破三年之痒新人入职6为什么写邮件?写好第一封邮件邮件潜规则管理好你的收件箱初级篇新人入职7为什么写邮件?写好第一封邮件邮件潜规则管理好你的收件箱初级篇新人入职8初级篇新人入职为什么写邮件?VS正式交流随意交流VS9初级篇新人入职为什么写邮件?VS可保存/追溯无法保存/追溯VS10初级篇新人入职为什么写邮件?VS


3、篇新人入职写好第一封邮件邀请函为什么要密送?目的:N/A可以是自己参加行业峰会的所有人保护隐私-不是每个人想公布自己的邮件地址单独回复-避免收信人“回复全部”留下悬念-谁还会被邀请?17初级篇新人入职写好第一封邮件你到底要写什么内容?18初级篇新人入职写好第一封邮件压缩成一句话主题(subject)19初级篇新人入职写好第一封邮件只看这些书名,你想看哪本?20初级篇新人入职写好第一封邮件邮件标题原则:简明Hi All,We will hold a weekly meeting by tomorrow 4PM, room 303.Main topic:1.XXX.2.XXXX.3.XXXXXX.

4、Please attend on time, let me know if you have any issue in advance.Thanks,KennyWeekly meeting on 6/20, 4PM, room 303 时间,地点,事情21初级篇新人入职写好第一封邮件邮件标题原则:扼要Hi Nena,I found a very strange issue when testing the application.This issue happens when blah, blah, blah, if you did blah, blah, blah, the app show

5、s blah, blah, blah, then it will crash.Please help to investigate this issue and then give feedback, now we are blocked by it.Thanks,KennyNeed help: A very strange issue blocks us.快帮忙吧,紧急22初级篇新人入职写好第一封邮件邮件标题技巧:标签(Tag)Hi Customer,Enclosed is the ProjectName app version 1.1, please check it out.This d

6、elivery includes the following changes:1.XXX.2.XXXX.3.XXXXX.Please review the package and let me know if any issue.Thanks,Kennyapp version 1.1.ProjectNameDeliverable23初级篇新人入职写好第一封邮件加标签(Tag)有什么好处?方便检索方便分类方便识别ProjectADeliverableAppversion1.1.搜索邮件标题含有Deliverable便可以找到所有的deliverable了ProjectADeliverableQu

7、estionlist.所有关于ProjectA的邮件都可以被分类整理到独立文件夹ProjectANeedhelp:Astrangeissueblocksus.接收方不看内容就知道ProjectA现在被block了24初级篇新人入职写好第一封邮件你到底懂不懂邮件礼仪?25初级篇新人入职写好第一封邮件Hi All,We will hold a weekly meeting by tomorrow 4PM, room 303.Main topic:1.XXX.2.XXXX.3.XXXXXX.Please attend on time, let me know if you have any issu

8、e in advance.Thanks,Kenny你到底懂不懂邮件礼仪?有称谓有内容有签名26初级篇新人入职写好第一封邮件称谓一般怎么写?Hi Colleen,Hi, ColleenDear Colleen,要诀:保持一致性(Consistent)27初级篇新人入职写好第一封邮件写内容应该注意什么?We found a bug, please see description below:1. When user enters this screen.有木有很丑?要诀:字体要统一英文推荐:ThisisArialfont.This is Calibri font.28初级篇新人入职写好第一封邮件不

9、要忘了签名。Regards,KennyThanks,Kenny随意场合-Regards,Kenny LiuAugmentum, Inc简单商务-Regards,Kenny Liu复杂个人29初级篇新人入职写好第一封邮件设置自己的名字。12330初级篇新人入职写好第一封邮件孔乙己说:你知道名字有N种写法吗?kennyliukennykenny.liukenny liuKennyLiukennyLiukenny liuKennyXXXXXXXXKenny Liu31初级篇新人入职写好第一封邮件你到底懂不懂该怎么写?32初级篇新人入职写好第一封邮件One day, Jim go back home

10、from school. When he walk by a river, suddenly he heard a voice, “Help! Help!”. Jim look through the voice and found a little girl is struggling in the river and water almost cover her head. At that very critical moment, Jim drop his bag and jump to the river then save the girl up to the land.Jim s

11、brave is appreciated by his headmaster.先看一个故事:如果你是这个学校的校长,请试图给Jim的父母发封邮件,告诉他们情况。33初级篇新人入职写好第一封邮件Dear Jim s mother,One day, Jim go back home from school. When he walk by a river, suddenly he heard a voice, “Help! Help!”. Jim look through the voice and found a little girl is struggling in the river an

12、d water almost cover her head. At that very critical moment, Jim drop his bag and jump to the river then save the girl up to the land. I am very appreciate your son s brave, thank you.Regards,Headmaster当Jim父母读到这段话时:校长又来发一些无聊邮件了怎么回事?我儿子被水淹了喊救命?神马情况?最后还谢谢我儿子的勇敢?34初级篇新人入职写好第一封邮件Dear Jim s mother,Congra

13、tulations! Your son did a very good job that he saved a girl s life today.Today, Jim go back home from school. When he walk by a river, suddenly he heard a voice, “Help! Help!”. Jim look through the voice and found a little girl is struggling in the river and water almost cover her head. At that ver

14、y critical moment, Jim drop his bag and jump to the river then save the girl up to the land.I am appreciate your work and home education to Jim, thank you very much.Regards,Headmaster总分总开门见山,先说结果有条有理,详细叙述重申主题,收尾有力35初级篇新人入职写好第一封邮件写好内容的技巧:列表(List)36初级篇新人入职写好第一封邮件用List的好处有很多,比如格式会很清晰,逻辑条理会很清晰,可以方便的加Com

15、ments,可以方便的Mark信息。用list的好处:1.格式清晰2.逻辑条理清晰3.可以方便加commentComment:这是个好培训4.可以方便的markFixed37初级篇新人入职写好第一封邮件Hi Candy,The attachment is the bug list, please check it out.Thanks,Kenny Liu附件预览总体印象一目了然38初级篇新人入职写好第一封邮件能否让邮件看起来专业一点?39初级篇新人入职写好第一封邮件听听专业人士怎么说?我喜欢被动。 语态40初级篇新人入职写好第一封邮件Today we tested 7 screens. 主被7

16、 screens were tested today. Today I have found 12 bugs and I assigned all of those to Alan.主被12 bugs have been found today and all of those were assigned to Alan.Customer requires us that we need to fix all the bugs before leaving home.主被It is required that all the bugs need to be fixed before leavi

17、ng home.When I opened login screen, I found a debug message popup.主被When login screen is initialized, a debug message popup.41初级篇新人入职写好第一封邮件初级篇新人入职写好第一封邮件一封邮件不要讲两件事情Hi Ada,Please investigate the following issues and give feedback to me:A). The item cannot be scanned in project A, blah, blah, blah.B)

18、. The device storage card will cause a problem, blah, blah.C). Please hand in performance report of project B.D). Please remind Ethan to give feedback to my invitation to US.Regards,Hemanth当Ada将邮件转给其他人的时候:-我只负责ProjectA,BCD是什么东东?也让我做吗?-糟糕,这下Hemanth邀请我去US的消息大家都知道了。42写好第一封邮件邮件潜规则管理好你的收件箱初级篇新人入职为什么写邮件?4


20、.工作和生活分开做好玩好47初级篇新人入职管理你的收件箱技巧:收件箱手动清空l你清空的不是收件箱,是你身上的猴子l你清空的不是收件箱,是解放你的大脑l将看过的邮件存档到对应的文件夹l将需要继续跟踪的邮件存档到TODO文件夹太好了,没有邮件需要处理48初级篇新人入职Q & A49初级篇中级篇高级篇新人入职两年突破三年之痒50如果你需要经常跟客户,上司,下属发邮件。你自己客户上司下属问项目业务逻辑你到底要问什么?现在给您汇报工作,blah,blah.说了一大堆,重点在哪里?你今天要做blah,blah,并且blah,blah,还要。您到底要我做什么?到底哪项工作优先?51初级篇新人入职Thank you刘怡功圆木菠萝头52



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