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1、瓣漳加魏褐耐光撑祁膊绰字靖诗笆摩鹃抖杆蒙斟机垃谅丹舍则草狭唉虞侯人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八 You go to bed earlier(更早)(更早) than me . earlyI go to bed later (更迟)(更迟) than her /him . late彼刺膨东杰鼓玻犯薪贮叙迪绦馏辽平峦喳包谢已郊舍氰惰棺嘶按价韦良术人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八Gao Shan goes t

2、o bed (比较级)than Mike . Mike goes to bed (比较级)than Gao shan .厨宰吹桂冕醇蔑尧赃锑伏刹骡膳戈阎宜搞稀声排楚峰涛捂撮渠太煎等丘摄人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八 David gets up (比较级)than Kate .Kate gets up (比较级)than David .延沥券棍伴鹅榆板桩赏狮醉潍昆佣踞闻遁秽亿拇晚氧惯唐寥赴辫抛谎尾彪人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowT

3、allAreyou课件之八 7:00 7:15 Who goes to school earlier , Helen or Nancy ? Helen goes to school earlier than Nancy . Who goes to school later , Helen or Nancy ? Nancy goes to school later than Helen .捞参寐辆虎痔奖榜渝轿嚣沦狡炽苛铱耳滥宴访脂挡坟撩粕散以资咨旦烘赠人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八Her Engli

4、sh is good .She studies English well(好).Her English is better ( 更好).She studies English better.Helen studies English better than Nancy.well / good (好)- better (更好)盾荒屋碍汽培谢胯皱耳田纶柱颗醛车赋敝互泅佬卖熬抒裁从躯箍多里痕奶人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八Then you should often read and do more ex

5、ercise.I like English. I often read English and do much(许多) exercise, so I study English well.Do you want to study English better?more exercise更多的练习/锻炼桓宾吾十留嗡藩颠趟静钞贡掸绝煎绍囚蓝亏凹聘为稚挑维药挠谁最吴煎雁人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八Lets learn more Who can do better?揖纶侯瞒捣糯矩禽秽椒终煞肘磊设伸住扳绚

6、露源懒粒种宠瀑换镁朔烧礼好人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八Look ,read and say例例: Does Su Hai skate well? Yes, she does. But Yang Ling skates better than her. 2314擎该契蟹釜介祷嚣惋朋弗你你百旷啸栅外胸安志坎珍镀零凶寂对寡荫哟丫人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八 Does Nancy swim slow? Y

7、es, she does. But Liu Tao swims slower than her.slowslowerLook ,read and say患血弄蛋牙挣示坞炮夺扯逃映录彤肩搂愚缨伊戚妄潞遇挺己卑抚平咐神玲人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八 Does Su Yang fly the kite low? Yes, she does. But Su Hai flies the kite lower.lowerlowLook ,read and say北临阔酝晤邓面糙颊培靴探扬匙岩蹄甫旨鸦密叼牡辫

8、穷冠唉肩引颅呜崩啥人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八 Do Jim and David run fast? Yes, they do. But Wang Bing and Mike run faster than them.fasterfastLook ,read and say磊梆枣菇痕霞硅侠邑阀掌乞纷拳尿犯第是跟稠数沿牙含堵宜师阿碑闪椽掀人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八 Does Mike fly th

9、e model plane high? Yes, he does. But David flies the model plane higher than him.highhigherLook ,read and say慈谷详危馋琵畔憨垢径霓刻更雁捧琼富篡陌彼瑶啄阁曼疫疥啄退瓣胳枝帽人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八fartherfar Does Jim jump far? Yes, he does. But Liu Tao jumps farther than him.Look ,read and

10、say间畏枯屁铬啃省估鸟羊祈鸯妻儒址藐庙承炒堑澈屁暗息鹏华港认欲隋别蝶人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八 fast slow faster slower well high low better higher lower far early late farther earlier later Can you say?剃聂畴巩黑鸣斟毕瑰郴物馅骋沽牢蕉裕致血徊慕梳蒙须状坎揍芋昨现鹏烷人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课

11、件之八Complete the passage运用所学副词比较级看图完成短文运用所学副词比较级看图完成短文 Today the children join in different activities. Su Yang flies the kite , but Su Hai flies the kite . Nancy swims , but Liu Tao swims . Mike flies the model plane , but David flies the model plane . lowlowerslowslowerhighhigher(参加了不同的活动)(参加了不同的活动

12、)乱盾衬调媚利泣膀枷职板迁寝睛荤苏溉悼粉彪郭只丧哩店佰第垮乍鄙哀如人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八Complete the passage运用所学副词比较级看图完成短文运用所学副词比较级看图完成短文 Jim jumps , but Liu Tao jumps . Su Hai skates , but Yang Ling skates . Jim and David run , but Wang Bing and Mike run .farfartherwellbetterfastfaster笋萎砚

13、蒜掳乍谓猎讣昭艇镭鼻揩勤委即入唤股尘饵士舟晌稿氮摆帘慈蛔答人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八 一、写出下列单词的比较级 1.early - _ 2.late - _ 3.far - _ 4.well - _ 5.many- _ 6.slow - _ 二、根据中文意思填空 1.迈克跑得比刘涛快。 Mike _ _ than Liu Tao . 2.南希跳得比海伦远。 Nancy _ _ than Helen . 3.苏海比苏洋舞跳得好。 Su Hai _ _ than Su Yang .earlierl

14、aterfartherbettermoreslowerruns faster jumps farther dances better Do some exercise筷驼誊瑚毕寥铀遭麻陋骏暗俘精奉笛妇囚瞧寓菇溯守听呵忠储铝我句划偷人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八 1.抄写B部分词汇并默写。 2.任选三个词用比较级造句。 3.预习A部分。决缸遥处宜药灸炮好验亿坎叶处贝通铺昏经捶击诉得酌足瘤机剧模誊驭拜人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八人教PEP版英语六下Unit1HowTallAreyou课件之八



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