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1、第三章第三章 句句 型型第四节第四节 祈使句祈使句 知识梳理知识梳理一、祈使句的概念祈使句是用于表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等的句子。祈使句因对象(主语)是第二人称,通常省略主语。祈使句的时态都为一般现在时,句末可以用感叹号来表达比较强烈的语气,也可以用句点结尾。如:命令:Go and wash your hands!请求:Be quiet, please. / Please be quiet. 劝告:Be kind to your friends. 警告:Watch your steps. 禁止:Keep off the grass! 二、祈使句的结构1. 动词原形+其他成分。如:Sit

2、 down, please.【注】有的祈使句在意思明确的情况下,可省略动词。如: Go this way, please. =This way, please.2. Be+名词短语或形容词+其他成分。如:Be careful!Be a good boy!3. Let+宾语+动词原形+其他成分。如: Let me help you.Lets clean our classroom. 【注】有时为了加强语气,可在动词之前加do。如:Do be careful! Do let Mary water the flowers. 三、祈使句的否定形式1 以动词原形和be 动词开头的祈使句,都是在句首加do

3、nt。如: Dont forget me! Dont be late for school! 2 let开头的祈使句的否定形式有两种:(1)Dont+let+宾语+动词原形+其他成分。(2)Let+宾语+not+动词原形+其他成分。如: Dont let him go. =Let him not go.3. No开头的祈使句表示禁止。如: No smoking!四、祈使句的反义疑问句形式1 一般情况下,简略问句用will you或 wont you。如:Have a rest, will you? Stand up, will(wont) you? 2. lets开头的祈使句,表示说话人向对方

4、提出建议时,简略问句用shall we。如:Lets have a cup of tea, shall we?3. let me或 let us表示向听话人提出请求,简略问句用will you。如:Let me have a rest, will you? Let us know your name, will you? 考点精析考点精析考点考点 考查祈使句的运用考查祈使句的运用【例1】给下列标志选择适当的标志语。(填字母编号) 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 解析:本题考查根据图片选择适当的祈使句。祈使句最常见的用法就是用在警示牌上。本题三个选项代表三种祈使句形式。答案:1. C 2. B 3

5、. A【例2】根据所提供的场景写出正确的祈使句。 1. 有几个孩子在马路上踢足球,你会对他们说:_2. 有小朋友在无人监管的河里游泳,你会对他们说:_ 解析:本题考查祈使句的日常用法。注意口语表达的时候,禁止类祈使句多用Dont 形式。答案: 1. Dont play football on the road. 2. Dont swim in the river. 举一反三 1. 判断下列句子是否是祈使句, 是的打“ ”,不是的打“”。 (1) Look out!( ) (2) How nice!( ) (3) Lets go hiking.( ) (4) What a lovely girl

6、!( ) (5) Wash your hands before meals.( ) 2. 将下列句子改为祈使句。 (1) You must not look out of the window. _ the window. (2) You may let the children play the piano. _ play the piano. (3) You shouldnt drive too fast. _ too fast. Dont driveDont look out ofLet the children3. 根据所提供的场景写出正确的祈使句。(1) 邀请朋友做客,你想请他吃苹果

7、,你会说: _ (2) 你想邀请朋友一起下棋,你会说: _ (3) 你让一个想要进入草坪的小朋友别践踏草坪,你会说: _ Keep off the grass.Have an apple, please!Lets play chess together.过关检测过关检测一、看图,根据图片选出相应的祈使句。(填字母编号)1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _CAEBD二、将下列句子改为祈使句。1. You mustnt play on the road._2. You cant eat in the computer room._3. You must stop at a red li

8、ght. _4. You mustnt be late for school. _5. Everyone mustnt smoke here. _Dont play on the road!Dont eat in the computer room!Stop (Do stop) at a red light!Dont be late for school!Dont smoke here. /No smoking here!三、单项填空。( )1. If you are tired, _a rest. A. have B. having C. to have( )2. He is not hon

9、est(诚实). _ believe him. A. Not B. Dont C. Do( )3. _ in the street. Its dangerous. A. Not play B. Not to play C. Dont play( )4. Please_ me some money, will you? A. lend B. lending C. be lend( )5. _ the boxes. You may use them later. A. Keep B. Keeping C. To keepABCAA四、根据汉语意思翻译下列句子。1.请打开门。_2.不要跑那么快!_3.下次别迟到!_4.不要坐在书包上。_5.请看黑板。_Please open the door.Dont run so fast!Dont be late next time!Dont sit on the schoolbag.Please look at the blackboard.同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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