高考英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Fairness for all课件 新人教版选修10

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《高考英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Fairness for all课件 新人教版选修10》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Fairness for all课件 新人教版选修10(92页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、A. a way to destroy and damage somethingB. a way to protect somethingC. a way to refuse to buy or do somethingD. a way to gather people together1. The word “boycott” in the second sentence of the first paragraph means _.A. The black had long been looked down upon.B. Rosa Parks was arrested.C. Rosa P

2、arks refused to give up her seat for a white man.D. The black were prohibited from sitting where they like.2. According to the passage, what is the immediate cause of the boycott?A. The blacks refused to take buses to fight against racial discrimination.B. The white were so rude to the black, which

3、made the black unhappy.C. Rosa Parks became the hero of the black because she refused to give up her seat.D. The boycott was a great success and the white never looked down upon the black from then on.3. What is the main idea of the whole passage?A. Because Serena wanted to continue the boycott.B. B

4、ecause there was no chance for her to realize her dream.C. Because the news was just a trick created by the white to stop their campaign.D. Because Maryann Jones had said something wrong.4. Why did Serena become so angry when hearing the news that the boycott was going to be over?A. The effort we ha

5、d made was so little that we had no idea what would happen.B. We had made great change to the situation that we were sure to succeed.C. We were so weak that it was impossible for us to change the situation.D. Though our effort might seem little, we felt confident that it would lead us to a better fu

6、ture.5. What can we infer from Maryann Joness words “We may only have struck one small blow for liberty but who knows where itll lead?”阅读课文阅读课文P28 I HAVE A DREAM, 请以请以约约30词概括该篇文章的主要内容。词概括该篇文章的主要内容。 过程方法:对于演讲类的文章过程方法:对于演讲类的文章, 可以从两方面来进行归纳:可以从两方面来进行归纳:1. 文章的主文章的主题;题;2. 文章的目的。同学们可以通过回文章的目的。同学们可以通过回答以下两

7、个问题来进行答以下两个问题来进行Summary内容的内容的提炼。提炼。1. What is Martin Luther Kings speech all about?The speech I have a dream given by Martin Luther King has expressed his hope that _.people around the worldshould live in peace despite theirraces and colors2. Why did Martin Luther King give this speech?Martin Luther

8、 King gave this speech in order to _arouse peoplesawareness of equal right and callon the black to fight for their freedom. 概括要点概括要点 通过整理之后的通过整理之后的Summary可以可以写成:写成: With a purpose to arouse peoples awareness of equal right and call on the black to fight for their freedom, Martin Luther King made a f

9、amous speech I have a dream, where he expressed his hope that people around the world should live in peace despite their races and colors.阅读本单元阅读本单元P28 I HAVE A DREAM, 然后然后以约以约120个词就个词就“梦想梦想”这一主题发表看这一主题发表看法法, 并包括如下要点:并包括如下要点:1. 谈谈梦想在人生当中所起的作用;谈谈梦想在人生当中所起的作用;2. 以自己的亲身经历或者别人的故事来说以自己的亲身经历或者别人的故事来说明梦想的重

10、要性;明梦想的重要性;3. 简单谈谈应该如何实现个人梦想。简单谈谈应该如何实现个人梦想。 There is no denying that dream has been of great significance in ones life. People in our society are in many ways influenced or supported by their dreams. To start with, dreams guarantee people a goal, for which they will try their best to fight. Besides

11、, dreams serve a good tool to provide people with hope, telling them not to give up whatever difficulties they meet.One possible version There is no shortage of examples informing us of the important role dreams have been playing in our lives. Among them, Michael Phelps, the eight Olympic gold medal

12、s winners story serves a typical one. Born in an ordinary family, Phelps had a simple but longstanding dream-to be the greatest swimmer in the world. Bearing this dream in mind, Phelps worked extremely hard during his training. While his teammates were on holiday, enjoying the beautiful sunshine on

13、the beach, Phelps was still swimming in the pool, making progress bit by bit. Tired though Phelps was, he never had the idea of giving up since he was always motivated by his great dream. With his effort, the day for him to realize his dream finally came when he got eight gold medals in the Beijing

14、Olympic Games. From Phelpss story, we can see that to make our dreams come true, we should not just wait without doing anything. Instead, we should be self-disciplined and face the challenges with courage. As the old saying goes, actions speak louder than words. So long as we have a dream and be per

15、sistent in realizing it, our dream will surely come true.原句原句: Dr King encourages us to fight against this unfair system which prohibits us blacks from sitting where we like. 金博士鼓励我们同这个禁止我金博士鼓励我们同这个禁止我们黑人随意就坐的不公平的制度作斗争。们黑人随意就坐的不公平的制度作斗争。(P22)1. prohibit vt. 禁止禁止prohibit sb. from . 禁止某人做禁止某人做prohibit

16、 sth. 禁止禁止搭配搭配 政府采用新法律来禁止电视上播政府采用新法律来禁止电视上播放烟草广告。放烟草广告。The government introduced a law_ tobacco commercials on TV.运用运用 根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子。根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子。 to prohibit 有约在先,我恐怕不能与你共进有约在先,我恐怕不能与你共进晚餐。晚餐。I fear that a prior engagement will _ joining you in dinner.prohibit me from 目前美国有两项联邦法律明令禁止目前美国有两项联邦法律明

17、令禁止对癌症患者或有癌症病历者的歧视。对癌症患者或有癌症病历者的歧视。At present, two federal laws _discrimination against people with cancer or a history of cancer. prohibit原句原句: It is regarded as an offence if we sit at the front of a bus and if we break this law, we receive a heavy punishment. 如果我们坐在公交车前如果我们坐在公交车前面的座位上面的座位上, 就会被认为

18、是违规了就会被认为是违规了, 如如果我们不遵守这项法律果我们不遵守这项法律, 我们会遭到我们会遭到严惩。严惩。(P22)2. offence n. 冒犯;犯罪冒犯;犯罪运用运用 根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子。根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子。 即使是极轻微的触犯也会使杰克激即使是极轻微的触犯也会使杰克激动起来。动起来。Even the slightest _ would make Jack nervous.拓展拓展: offend vt. 冒犯冒犯; 使不愉快使不愉快; 犯罪犯罪offence 请原谅请原谅, 我不是有意惹你生气。我不是有意惹你生气。Forgive me, I didnt mean

19、 _ you. 从法律的角度看从法律的角度看, 偷窃是一种犯罪行偷窃是一种犯罪行为为, 无论其动机是什么。无论其动机是什么。In the eyes of law, stealing is an _, no matter what your motives are.offence to offend 有些罪犯被释放后有可能重新有些罪犯被释放后有可能重新犯罪。犯罪。Some criminals are likely _ again when they are released.to offend 原句原句: The other three submitted but Rosa was unwill

20、ing to do so and she was arrested. 另外三个屈服了另外三个屈服了, 而罗莎而罗莎不愿意这样做不愿意这样做, 她拒绝站起来她拒绝站起来, 于是她于是她被捕了。被捕了。(P22)3. submit vt. 使服从使服从; 呈递呈递vi. 提交提交; 服从服从submit oneself to sth./sb. 顺从于顺从于; 屈屈服于服于submit sth. to sb. 将某物提交将某物提交/呈递给某人呈递给某人搭配搭配运用运用 根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子。根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子。 我们不必屈从环境。我们不必屈从环境。No one needs to _

21、circumstances. submit to 我们应该向理事会提交计划以我们应该向理事会提交计划以求批准。求批准。We should _ the council for approval. 士兵应该服从命令。士兵应该服从命令。Soldiers must _ orders.submit tosubmit our plans to原句原句: Theyre hopeful that they can negotiate a fairer situation if all the blacks support them.他们满怀信心他们满怀信心, 如如果全体黑人都支持他们果全体黑人都支持他们, 他

22、们可以通过他们可以通过谈判而赢得一个较为公平的局面。谈判而赢得一个较为公平的局面。(P22)4. negotiate v. 商议;谈判;交涉商议;谈判;交涉拓展拓展: negotiation n. 商议商议; 谈判谈判; 交涉交涉 我们决定就工资问题与雇主谈判。我们决定就工资问题与雇主谈判。Weve decided to _with the employers about our wage claim. 我们对谈判的顺利进行很满意。我们对谈判的顺利进行很满意。We are satisfied with the smoothness of the _.运用运用 根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子。根据

23、汉语意思完成下列英文句子。negotiation negotiate 我们是不会和恐怖分子谈判的。我们是不会和恐怖分子谈判的。We are not about to _ with terrorists. 这项合同仍在商谈之中。这项合同仍在商谈之中。The contract is still under_.negotiation negotiate5. abuse vt.& n. 滥用;虐待;辱骂滥用;虐待;辱骂原句原句: The whites, on the other hand, shouted abuse at us. 而另一方面而另一方面, 白人白人们大声咒骂我们。们大声咒骂我们。(P2

24、2) The government has set up a working party to look into the problem of drug abuse. (词性词性: _ 意思意思: _ ) Dont abuse your friends. (词性词性: _ 意思意思: _ )运用运用 请指出下列句中请指出下列句中abuse的词性和意义。的词性和意义。辱骂辱骂 名词名词滥用滥用动词动词 Its easy to abuse ones power. (词性词性: _ 意思意思: _ ) Abuse of animals is unusual behavior. (词性词性: _ 意

25、思意思: _ )虐待虐待 动词动词滥用滥用名词名词6. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” 我我有一个梦想有一个梦想, 那就是有一天这个国家会站起那就是有一天这个国家会站起, 并实现其信条的真谛:并实现其信条的真谛:“我们认为这些真理我们认为这些真理是不言而喻的:人人生而平等是不言而喻的:人

26、人生而平等”。(P28)思考句中思考句中rise up中的中的rise是是_(词性词性), 该该词组的意思是词组的意思是_。站起站起 动词动词rise n. 上升上升; 增加增加; 小山小山 (词组:词组:give rise to导致导致)vi. (rose, risen) 上升上升; (日、月、星日、月、星)升升起起; 起身起身raise vt. (raised, raised) 使升起使升起; 举起举起; 饲养饲养 arise vi. (arose, arisen) 出现出现; 发生发生 辨析辨析 rise, raise, arise The sun _ in the east and s

27、ets in the west. She _ her finger to her lips as a sign for silence.运用运用 用用rise, raise或或arise的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。raised rises Accidents often _ from carelessness. Privileges often _ abuses. (用短语填空用短语填空)give rise to arise How did the quarrel _? I was _ by my aunt on a farm.raised arise7. I have a dream t

28、hat one day that even in Alabama where white people speak so fiercely against blacks. 我我有一个梦想有一个梦想,那就是有一天甚至在白那就是有一天甚至在白人极端排斥黑人的阿拉巴马州人极端排斥黑人的阿拉巴马州 (P28)speak against 发言反对发言反对speak for 为为说话;代表说话;代表speak ill of 说说的坏话;诋毁的坏话;诋毁speak well of 赞赏;说好话赞赏;说好话speak highly of 赞扬;高度评价赞扬;高度评价辨析辨析 前几天我见到你原来的老板前几天我见

29、到你原来的老板, 他仍然他仍然很称赞你。很称赞你。I saw you old boss the other day and he still _ you. 不要在别人背后说他们的坏话。不要在别人背后说他们的坏话。Do not _others in their absence.运用运用 根据汉语意思根据汉语意思, 完成下列英文句子。完成下列英文句子。speak ill of spoke well of 我知道我知道, 我这么说是代表这个地球上每一我这么说是代表这个地球上每一个人的心声。个人的心声。And when I say this, I know I _ every human reside

30、nt on this planet. 我会对所有我认为不对的事情直言不讳。我会对所有我认为不对的事情直言不讳。I will _anything I know to be wrong.speak against speak for8. get on board 登上飞机、船等登上飞机、船等(已上已上)go on board 上飞机、船等上飞机、船等(尚未上到尚未上到)原句原句:A black lady, Rosa Parks, got on board a city bus and sat in the fifth row with three other blacks. 一位名叫罗莎一位名叫罗

31、莎帕克斯的黑人帕克斯的黑人女士上了一辆城市公交车,她同其他三位黑女士上了一辆城市公交车,她同其他三位黑人坐在第五排。人坐在第五排。(P22)board n. 木板;董事会木板;董事会 v. 登上登上broad adj. 宽敞的;宽阔的宽敞的;宽阔的abroad adv. 在国外在国外辨析辨析运用运用 根据汉语意思根据汉语意思, 完成下列英文句子。完成下列英文句子。 许多人愿意到国外度假。许多人愿意到国外度假。Many people would like to take holidays _ . abroad 他肩膀宽大他肩膀宽大, 双臂有力。双臂有力。He had _ shoulders an

32、d powerful arms. 我们什么时候上船?我们什么时候上船?What time shall we _ ?go on board broad 若无宽广的心胸若无宽广的心胸, 人类有何美丽?人类有何美丽?Without _ mind, what is the beauty of man? 他在布告板上贴了一张公告。他在布告板上贴了一张公告。He posted a bulletin _.on the board a broad1. It seemed like an answer to a prayer! 这似乎像是对祈祷的回报。这似乎像是对祈祷的回报。(P22)句型句型: it seem

33、s like sth./that + clause 看看来来/看上去似乎看上去似乎仿写仿写 根据汉语意思完成英文根据汉语意思完成英文句子。句子。 这似乎是个绝好的机会。这似乎是个绝好的机会。 _a perfect opportunity. It seems like 看起来天马上要下雨了。看起来天马上要下雨了。 _ it is going to rain soon. 在我的记忆里在我的记忆里, 你似乎从没有哭过。你似乎从没有哭过。In my memories, _ you never cry.it seems that It seems that 2. It is regarded as an

34、 offence if we sit at the front of a bus and if we break this law, we receive a heavy punishment. 如如果我们坐在公交车前面的座位上果我们坐在公交车前面的座位上, 就会就会被认为是违规了被认为是违规了, 如果我们不遵守这项如果我们不遵守这项法律法律, 我们会遭到严惩。我们会遭到严惩。(P22)句型句型: it is regarded as/ that. 人们人们认为认为说明说明: 用于替换用于替换people think.之类之类表示大众观点的句型。表示大众观点的句型。 很多人认为上升的犯罪率与经济

35、不很多人认为上升的犯罪率与经济不景气有关。景气有关。_there is relation between the rising crime rate and the economic recession.仿写仿写 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 It is regarded that 英国内战通常被看作是现代世界英国内战通常被看作是现代世界史的开端。史的开端。The British Civil War _ _ the beginning of modern world history.regarded asis generally1. I have a dream tha

36、t one day this nation will rise up and live up the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”我有一个梦想我有一个梦想, 那就是有那就是有一天这个国家会站起一天这个国家会站起, 并实现其信条的并实现其信条的真谛:真谛:“我们认为这些真理是不言而喻我们认为这些真理是不言而喻的:人人生而平等的:人人生而平等”。 (P28, para 1)结构分析:这是一个含有个结构分析:这是一个含有个_从句

37、的复合从句的复合句句, 主干主干(主语和谓语主语和谓语)是是_。that one day this nation will rise up and live up the true meaning of its creed 是是dream 的的_从句。在直接引语从句。在直接引语we hold these truthscreated equal中中, 主干主干(主语和谓语主语和谓语)是是_,that all men are created equal是是truths的的 _从句从句, 不定式不定式to be self-evident放在放在truths后面后面, 充当它的充当它的_(成分成分)。

38、宾补宾补2I have a dream同位语同位语we hold these truths同位语同位语2. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.我有一个梦想我有一个梦想, 那就是那就是有一天我的四个孩子将在一个不是以有一天我的四个孩子将在一个不是以他们的肤色他们的肤色, 而是以他们的品格优劣来而是

39、以他们的品格优劣来评价他们的国度里生活。评价他们的国度里生活。(P28, para 4)结构分析:这是一个含有结构分析:这是一个含有_个从句的个从句的复合句。主干复合句。主干(主语和谓语主语和谓语)是是_。that my four little children their character是是dream的的_从句。从句。在这个从句当中在这个从句当中, where引导的是一个引导的是一个_从句,从句,a nation是这个从句的是这个从句的_, where在从句当中充当在从句当中充当_ (成分成分)。地点状语地点状语 I have adream2同位语同位语定语定语先行词先行词1. cont

40、ribute v. 捐献;贡献捐献;贡献 _ n. 捐款;捐资;贡献捐款;捐资;贡献 _ n. 捐助人;贡献者捐助人;贡献者contributioncontributor2. encourage v. 鼓励鼓励 _ adj. 被鼓励的被鼓励的 _ adj. 给人鼓励的给人鼓励的 _ adv. 给人鼓励地给人鼓励地 _ n. 鼓励;鼓舞鼓励;鼓舞encouraged encouragingencouraginglyencouragement 3. hope n.& v. 希望希望 _ adj. 抱有希望的抱有希望的 _ adv. 有希望地有希望地 _ adj. 绝望的绝望的 _ adv. 绝望地

41、绝望地hopeful hopefullyhopeless hopelessly 4. negotiate v. 谈判;协商谈判;协商 _ n. 谈判;磋商谈判;磋商 _ n. 谈判代表谈判代表; 协商者协商者 _ adj. 可协商的可协商的 negotiationnegotiatornegotiable5. develop v. 发展发展; 开发开发; 研制研制 _ n. 发展发展 _ n. 开发者;研制者开发者;研制者 _ adj. 发展中的发展中的 _ adj. 发达的发达的; 高度发展的高度发展的developeddevelopmentdeveloper developing1. His

42、 rudeness has _ (offence) many people.2. Chinese _(civilize) is one of the oldest in the world.offendedcivilization3. He runs 3 miles every morning; thats why he is so _ (fit).4. The doctor said the old mans condition was _(hope) .fithopeless5. Thats the most incredible _(coincidence) Ive ever heard

43、 of!6. The company has _ (negotiate) a new contract with its staff.coincidencenegotiated7. The company _(develop) rapidly under his administration.8. A _(punctual) person always finishes everything ahead of time.developedpunctual9. Its _(encourage) to receive a favorable report on ones work.10. He h

44、as made an important _ (contribute) to the companys success.contributionencouraging1. _ 成双的成双的; 成对的成对的2. _ 计算出计算出; 计划计划; 出现好结果出现好结果3. _ 为为而斗争而斗争/战斗战斗4. _ 构成;编造构成;编造5. _ 有道理有道理; 有意义有意义; 讲得通讲得通in pairswork outfight formake upmake sense6. seize on _ 7. prohibit sb. from (doing) sth. _ 8. as regards _ 9

45、. live out _ 10. none other than _ 竟然竟然抓住;利用抓住;利用禁止某人做某事禁止某人做某事关于;至于关于;至于活过;实践活过;实践1. they should be guided to use the internet _a healthy way rather than be strictly prohibited from _ (go) online.2. We must submit _to Gods will.ourselves ingoing3. All of the teachers speak highly _ his teaching met

46、hods.4. _ seems that money _ (flow) out of our pockets more quickly, but silently nowadays.is flowing ofIt5. The supporters think cyber language is a product of the information age, _can be regarded _a new form of grass-roots culture.6. I saw a cartoon recently _shows a group of businessmen _(look)

47、puzzled as they sit around _conference table.a whichaswhichlooking7. In my opinion, it is dangerous _ (use) too much cyber language, for _ may well do great harm _ our mother tongue.8. Now no matter _hard I work, I cant improve _ English. my to useittohow9. After having sports, they are much too exc

48、ited for a long time _(pay) attention to _ lessons.10. I am sure that _their encouragement and timely help, Ill be able to achieve my goal and be _useful person of our society in the near future.ato pay theirwith1. A. happy B. sad C. angry D. hungry五、完形填空五、完形填空 It was an extremely busy day, and I wa

49、s so tired of my life that I was getting a little angry with myself and everyone around me. When returning home, I met my old friend Paul in the street. He looked 1 and invited me to his home for dinner. A由最后一段第一句的由最后一段第一句的and his happy smiles可知可知,与与happy是原词复现。是原词复现。We had not seen each other for ma

50、ny years, so though I was very tired I accepted his 2 . As we entered the 3 of his house, Paul started 4 , “I have a dream, a song to sing, to help you through everything.” 2. A. motivationB. communication C. recognition D. invitationD根据上句中的根据上句中的invited me to his home 可知。可知。invitation与与invite是原词复现。

51、是原词复现。3. A. room B. kitchen C. door D. window C根据常识根据常识, “进了家门进了家门”, 所以用所以用entered the door of his house。As we entered the 3 of his house, Paul started 4 , “I have a dream, a song to sing, to help you through everything.” I felt 5 at his behavior, but in a minute I understood. 4. A. dancing B. singi

52、ng C. fighting D. scoldingB由第二段最后一句中的由第二段最后一句中的sang the same song可知。可知。singing与与sang是原词复现。是原词复现。5. A. surprisedB. Frightened C. educatedD. terrified A根据句中的根据句中的but in a minute I understood可以推出作者首可以推出作者首先是感到惊讶。先是感到惊讶。Two young girls walked to Paul and hugged him. They couldnt walk 6 or spoke clearly,

53、 but their faces were full of 7 and sang the same song. 6. A. quicklyB. Hurriedly C. strongly D. steadily 6.D因为下文有因为下文有speak clearly(说得清说得清), 所以上文会有所以上文会有walk steadily(走得稳走得稳)。7. A. puzzles B. tears C. smiles D. griefs C因为爸爸的心情会影响到女儿因为爸爸的心情会影响到女儿, 爸爸开心乐观爸爸开心乐观, 笑对生笑对生活活, 因此他的女儿们也一定是这样的。因此他的女儿们也一定是这样

54、的。 We talked about our family and work, and I learned from Paul that his 8 were born as “special children”. They were mentally changed. Their 9 died years ago. 8. A. sons B. families C. parents D. daughtersD根据下句中的根据下句中的. his beautiful daughters可知可知, 与与daughters是原词复现。是原词复现。9. A. wife B. father C. mot

55、her D. ancestor C从下文的从下文的Paul既当爸又当妈可以推断出她们的妈妈死了。既当爸又当妈可以推断出她们的妈妈死了。Paul was both mother and father to his beautiful daughters. But he said he was so 10 that the little angels were together with him. That night, we talked a lot, and his happy smiles made my anger and 11 fade 10. A. lucky B. friendly

56、C. unlucky D. unhappyA lucky 与前面的与前面的happy,smile,singing 是词语同现。是词语同现。11. A. illnessB. Tiredness C. happinessD. carelessnessB因为因为tiredness与第一段中的与第一段中的I was very tired中的中的“tired”是同根词复现。是同根词复现。I forgot how many times I 12 about my life and my work. But Pauls life was an 13 to me. 12. A. thoughtB. Broug

57、ht C. worriedD. complained D因为因为complained与文章开头的与文章开头的I was so tired of是近义词是近义词复现。复现。13. A. inspirationB. imagination C. evaluationD. instruction A根据最后一句中的根据最后一句中的encouraged me to move on 可推出。可推出。inspiration与与encouraged 是词语同现。是词语同现。The man smiled at his life and 14 any trouble as a gift of life. It

58、was Paul who taught me to deal with life 15 and encouraged me to move on. 14. A. hoped B. expected C. treated D. approved C固定搭配,固定搭配,treat.as.“把把当作当作对待对待”。15. A. bravelyB. Cheerfully C. sharplyD. publicly B根据本段第一句中的根据本段第一句中的his happy smiles可推出。可推出。cheerfully与与happy是近义词复现。是近义词复现。【助读词汇助读词汇】hug拥抱拥抱ment

59、ally 精神上的精神上的fade逐渐消失逐渐消失A. take developing a meaningful philosophy of life more seriouslyB. have a wide range of knowledge in many aspectsC. pay more attention to the study of literatureD. have never been so materialistic as today 1. According to the result of the survey, college students _.D 推理判断题

60、。根据第一段可知当今学生的物质推理判断题。根据第一段可知当今学生的物质主义思想比以往都强烈主义思想比以往都强烈, 即即D。 A. their own understanding of the coursesB. the financial goals they seek in lifeC. the influence of their instructorsD. the vast potential for the future educational development 2. The students criteria (标准标准) for choosing their majors t

61、oday are largely based on _.B 细节理解题。由文章第二段可知。细节理解题。由文章第二段可知。 A. Knowledge in other fields has nothing to do with ones career.B. Business management should be included in educational programs.C. The importance of a broad education should not be ignored.D. A good understanding of the civilization will

62、 make students rich.3. What does the fifth paragraph imply?C 推理判断题。第五段是一个转折推理判断题。第五段是一个转折, 对前文的转折对前文的转折, 即表达即表达了作者的观点,科学和艺术同样重要了作者的观点,科学和艺术同样重要, 不容忽视不容忽视: The importance of a broad education should not be ignored。4. The authors attitude to the effect of studying the diverse wisdom of others is .A. p

63、ositiveB. indifferentC. doubtfulD. negativeA 推理判断题。第六段说了学习多样化的好推理判断题。第六段说了学习多样化的好处处, 由此推出作者对此的态度是由此推出作者对此的态度是“肯定的肯定的positive”。A. college students today are not a diligent generationB. people engaged in technical jobs lead a more meaningful lifeC. career seekers shouldnt focus on immediate interests

64、onlyD. working experience outside college counts a lot to ones future career5. The writer wrote the passage in order to indicate that _.C 主旨大意题。文章从一份调查入手主旨大意题。文章从一份调查入手, 介绍了当今学生的介绍了当今学生的物质主义观,由此呼吁学生将眼光放远物质主义观,由此呼吁学生将眼光放远, 不要只为眼前利不要只为眼前利益所困益所困, 即即career seekers shouldnt focus on immediate interests only。



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