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1、CRTSIII型板式无砟轨道建造全新型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念理念 New Ideas of the Construction of CRTSIII Ballastless Track中铁二十三局集团有限公司中铁二十三局集团有限公司中铁二十三局集团有限公司中铁二十三局集团有限公司20112011年年年年1 1月月月月China Railway 23rd Bureau Group Co., LtdChina Railway 23rd Bureau Group Co., LtdJanuary 2011January 2011丸痹弹敢松碾攒申脚格屠稀涧寒虽挝恕亢兹花无藤灵疤桃埔髓魄症辅莹邀CRTSI

2、I型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 目目 录录 CONTENT 一、总体研发思想一、总体研发思想 、Overall Research and Development Thought 二、技术特点二、技术特点 、Technical Characteristics (一)结构简单(一)结构简单 1.simple structure (二)施工便捷(二)施工便捷 2.convenient construction (三)稳定耐久(三)稳定耐久 3.stable durable (四)方便维修(四)方便维修 4.easy maintenance 三、社会及经济效益三、社

3、会及经济效益 、Social and Economic Benefits摔戴好霄喘畅瘸侵察帘兜绪聋键钩封宴云狮咐娃涝饰祥凛哀赊刑赋眉差述CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念一、总体研发思想 、Overall Research and Development Thoughts 轨道交通是一种低碳、节能、环保的绿色交通。随着高速铁路时代的到来,为中国老百姓带来了更加方便、快捷、安全、舒适的出行选择。 Rail transit is one kind of low-carbon, energy-saving, environment-friendly gree

4、n transportation. With the advent of high-speed railway age, it is more convenient, more comfortable, safer and faster for the common people to make a trip. 掌候槐札签料泄国队咆番北仗吠洒忽孜群锅煤停谜妇墅沼匆花添鲸疹兹苦CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 而高速铁道无砟轨道发展的技术路线,实质上就是始终坚持不断地追求轨道的高平顺性,和轨道结构纵向刚度均匀化的连续性。这是确保高速列车安全性和舒适性最

5、关键的核心技术。 Thus the development of high-speed railway ballastless track, in fact, mainly focuses on high smoothness for the orbit and continuity of longitudinal rigidity homogenization for the rail structure which are the most crucial key technology to maintain the security and comfortability of high-

6、speed train. 杏幕庶谈哺野晌舟械魔乡弱想援总患呻袜忻见畜陇刚厄淳伴跃缨在民沧古CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 因为,轨道几何尺寸的制造精度、安装误差和刚度变化是引起高速列车振动的根源。我们追求高速度的过程,就是不断的提高轨道精度和轨道结构刚度均匀性,不断克服振动的过程。 Since the manufacture accuracy of the rail geometry size, installation errors and rigidity change are the root cause to result in vibra

7、tion of high-speed train. That we pursuit high speed is to keep improving the precision and longitudinal rigidity homogenization for the rail structure and overcoming the vibrations.子酿突猩哉瑚恢朔丧贬尚坷脏纬邮远扫厕本碉米衣阐下展耿耪屯繁乍袍仆CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSIII型板式无砟轨道技术特点,正是针对上述技术关键,吸取了以往各类无砟轨道优点,从而研发

8、的一种结构简单、施工便捷、稳定耐久、方便维修的全新无砟轨道结构。In view of the key techniques mentioned above, the technical characteristics of CRTS ballastless track which is developed as a kind of brand-new ballastless track of simple structure, convenient construction, easy maintenance, stabledurable has the advantage of all ki

9、nds of previous ballastless track. 剩怀模肪猿阀散机悠痕隔帅截麦喀俭迸蹋守仰馋陈距寻育翻绝鸿蕉吟凭振CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念总体的研发思想:就是“单元思路、纵连方式、双块受力”。其核心理论构架就是“路基纵连、桥隧单元、方便维修”。The overall RD thought is Unite ideas, Longitudinal coupled, Double-block forced. Its core theoretical framework is longitudinal-coupled subgr

10、ade, bridge unit, easy maintenance.咏备脊唤坡平欣锑谓啄颖弄碟耸网界椎娄勺臆梭掐窥症谋豆接揍嚣疵邱欺CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念二、CRTSIII型板式无砟轨道技术特点、 Technical Characteristics of CRTS ballastless track (一)结构简单 simple structure 1、结构组成 1、structure composition办贾逸北谅獭怯瘫总哉惟潦哄烩挛差践自膳刁谍宣腰锤给觉铡吟爵籍纠帖CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造

11、全新理念俭宿怒刨钮离惶群龋乱疮泳肠哥猖撵厚戍煌拴块觉千肾互爬冶询酌莆造庞CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念l轨道板:路基纵连,桥隧单元;lTrack slab: longitudinal-coupled subgrade, bridge tunnel unit l填充调整层:自密实混凝土;lPacked adjustment layer: self-compacting concretel缓冲隔离层:与轨道板对应为单元;lBuffer separating layer: the unit corresponded with track slab袍娜线篆

12、脚盗晓廷澜拢掳诈靶瞩源蹲诡钧贫蹿才拔毙尽试弛叫衬巳兰泰宫CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念底座及支承层:桥上单元,隧道内混凝土长单元(或直接采用隧底为基础),路基上为连续碾压混凝土;Pedestal and supporting layer: bridge unit, long unit of concrete inside the tunnel(or directly adopting the bottom of the tunnel as the foundation), continuous rolling compaction concrete

13、 on the subgrade 限位结构:门型筋+凹凸槽钢筋混凝土。Spacing structure: gate reinforcement + concave/convex groove-shaped reinforced concrete刚贷砷虏否拽端蚕碟孤翟烘吸涵蓄愈遏和狼爵臭劳拧付诀佃阳总济高每磕CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 其结构技术特点: Technical Characteristics : (1)路基纵连结构 (1) longitudinal-coupled subgrade症院坟冲锹焊店哥违萧十春载钉糕胯磨男锄遍腥断孺庞短运

14、盼填暂举隶鹏CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念路基结构是由散粒体填筑形成,路基表面刚度较小。若采用单元结构,列车通过时,由于路基表面刚度较低,对板端支承反力,约束力不够,板端竖向位移较大,形成振动源,对高速列车安全性和舒适性影响较大。The subgrade structure is made of granular materials and the surface rigidity of the subgrade is relatively low. If the unit structure is adopted, when the train

15、passes on it, the supporting force at the end of slab and binding force are not enough so that the vertical displacement at the end of slab is comparatively large, because of the low surface rigidity of the subgrade, which results in vibration source that has great influence on the safety and conven

16、ience of the high-speed train. 中通衡熟啊哺众杀槽渔嚣福解鞘巧介踊奴八禾些劣浪医妆澎蛾尝讳椭吹钢CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念纵连结构可有效分散板下应力集中,降低应力峰值,提高轨道结构的整体性,增大轨道结构的连续刚度,可最经济、最合理、最有效的克服路基表面刚度降低所带来的振动问题。The longitudinal-coupled structure can distribute stress concentration effectively and reduce stress peak to improve the

17、integrity of the rail structure and increase its continuous rigidity. And it can most economically, reasonably, and effectively solve the problems brought by the decreasing surface rigidity of the subgrade.始踞秤顿救浙倪酋鸭燎釉泉费屑蹄咀域迎嘲柑谤羚雅嫩达挽戊爽烁谜挑愚CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念采用的是一种柔性的纵连结构。温升温降时,轨道板纵

18、向可移动(具有单元自由伸缩效果),竖向受限则不能移动。若基础有沉降,柔性纵连结构有较强的跟随性。One kind of flexible longitudinal-coupled structure is adopted. At the time of temperature rise or drop, track slab can move towards the longitudinal direction (the effect of free unit expansion), whereas the vertical movement is limited. If foundation

19、 settlement occurs, flexible longitudinal-coupled structure has strong following performance. 猜熊贤嗅除岿仇红安遏籽楔风溜兽铜搽宋企演饱碗梨梆邹埔烃搜奇沥丙叭CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念购医蛾弓疽养孝适拓腰吹括窗疹岭颧本飘忆说律侗电擞病际触迹央贰讶陶CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 (2)桥隧单元结构 (2) bridge and tunnel unit structure桥梁及隧底结构表面刚度较大,为轨道板采

20、用单元结构提供了良好的条件。由于桥隧表面刚度大,对单元板端的约束力较强。The surface rigidity of bridge and tunnel is high, which provide favorable conditions for the unit structure applied into track slab. Because of the high surface rigidity of bridge and tunnel, the binding force at the end of slab is strong. 躁孕掠洽攒泥狈彰缕紊冒拯紫户泥荆藤郝巡灿兰南泡

21、鬃翌潘屎崇养涅剐梅CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 列车通过时,板端竖向位移较小,产生的振动是安全、舒适可接受的范围内。 While the train passes by, the vertical displacement at the end of slab is small. And the vibration caused from it is within the limit of safety and comfortability.单元板结构不仅可简化桥上、隧内轨道结构,降低建造难度,而且还可降低造价。Unit slab structu

22、re can not only simplify upper-bridge and inner-tunnel trail structure and lower the difficulty of construction, but also reduce project costs. 何质自呕嫉安伤亮裴糕调舅判啮虱祸泻攻擞燃桓凳呼磁帽空茧戳敌晕槽炔CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念可最有效的克服连续结构受温度力造成的复杂问题等。 The series complex problems brought by continuous structure u

23、nder temperature force can be solved most effectively 诈磕蛊省谗吏削份凯老湾娶扼圆犬灌声牟缅订呐门康拼己橱斧链媚妨锰亏CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 (3)自密实混凝土取代了CA砂浆 (3) self-compacting concrete replacement CA mortar传统的CA砂浆调整层,只能提供极为有限的弹性,对轨道刚度过渡缓冲作用微小。Traditional adjustment layer of CA mortar can only provide very limited

24、 flexibility and have a slight effect on buffering transition rigidity of the rail structure. 隋桂俐颠捉桌苟塞笺伊簿乱媒态彭去自踢咒欣等阵旦指畏伴趣衣轰姜虎蛋CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念传统的CA砂浆层与轨道板之间极易产生离缝等破损病害,给运营安全及维修带来了极大的危害和困难。Some damages like cracks occur between traditional CA mortar and track slab, which brings

25、a lot of harm and problems to operation safety and maintenance. 跳巨柠字杂篙抠科剿炯橡蔓土栏锯鲍魂冻涂碗谷咬写综践物绅掘闷员歧勾CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念自密实混凝土弹模25000Mpa,与高弹CA砂浆弹模10000Mpa,所能提供的弹性相当。Self-compacting concrete whose elastic modulus is 25000MPa can provide the same flexibility with the high-flexibility CA

26、mortar that of 10000MPa. 锚矩脸盛套蹦酌笛剧匀沾率兰汤空瓜忿卿雅宫虹揣晓营呵许许夯渗樊美券CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念自密实混凝土与轨道板形成牢固的复合板结构,轨道板与混凝土基础间不再有薄弱的夹心层,使轨道结构受力更趋合理。Self-compacting concrete and track slab shape into substantial compound structure so that there will be no weak sandwich layer between them that tend to

27、 bear load well. 皆房猩庶碾挡撑扇累除腿拭考谗俯戍蝶谭现活宛唬施犯昏婉很励宇昭剧紊CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念采用自密实混凝土取代CA砂浆作为填充调整层,不仅简化了结构,节省了原材料,减少了对环境的污染,而且与“I”、“II”相比,仅填充调整层可降低造价70%。Self-compacting concrete instead of CA mortar as packed adjustment layer can not only simplify the structure, save raw materials and cut

28、down the pollution to the environment, but also reduce 70 percent of costs of packed adjustment layer compared with CRTSor CRTS. 荡铂势蕊焦辊摧碳愁伤倦讼齐军汝漫瞅铀报启吊宁垦蟹崔酪淳沉恼企鞭冈CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 细泄胃孩虹妓烩搐撰腰绝娱弦胀拟盐它樊淘麦壳幻佰诧烈喻懈夫茎枚缄谜CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 (4)钢筋混凝土底座或支承层所用钢筋可节省80%。 (4)

29、 The reinforcement of which reinforced concrete pedestal is made is scaled down 80 percent.桥梁上设置混凝土底座,仅仅是为了防排水、超高和设置限位凹槽功能需求,所以底座钢筋可大大减少。To set concrete pedestal on the bridge which can greatly save the amount of reinforcement used in pedestal is to meet the need of waterproof drainage, super elevat

30、ion and displacement limited groove. 灶谓名绞牲曲恃委陋炳哮松侠限卜瀑凿虏议轿匪猴史葛豢蔚蜗锡道虐丰厩CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念隧道内限位凹槽可直接设置在仰拱上,仅限位机构需配置钢筋,所以底座钢筋可大大减少。The displacement limited groove inside the tunnel can be set on the invert arch directly. And it is just displacement limited structure that needs colloc

31、ating reinforcement. Consequently, the need of reinforcement in pedestal diminishes consumedly. 傈兵沧坚卧辛蜀卧殆跨铝仪滞毙贡枷瞅玲坊镶皑麓饲蓟讫狈架咋窜重澎霖CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念咕弘括金多团虞驮惰展掸匪彰浦汲兜沈置狄蚁纱耻诱锻尤陵也卤淀姚年披CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念路基上采用的是碾压混凝土做为支承层结构,因此,也仅是限位凹槽内需配置钢筋,所以支承层钢筋可大大减少。The supporting

32、 structure is made of continuous rolling compaction concrete. And the reinforcement is just needed in displacement limited groove. Therefore the reinforcement used in supporting layer is saved greatly.难停嗣累铀渗滓颇俯术文舅离估熟逐尸茨挟嫌绊忧朴分合疑窜府都弱掸蜘CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念较“I”型(120t)、“II”型(240t)相比,III

33、型底座钢筋可节省8090%,不仅工程材料用量减少,工程造价降低,且节能减排指标可实现每单线百公里可减少二氧化碳排放量15360t(96t/单线km1.6t100km);若与II型板相比,每单线百公里可减排:216t/单线km1.6t100km=34560t。 The amount of reinforcement used in pedestal of CRTSThe amount of reinforcement used in pedestal of CRTS can can be saved 8090 percent compared with that of be saved 8090

34、 percent compared with that of CRTSCRTS(weight 120t)or CRTS(weight 120t)or CRTS(weight 240t). Not only are (weight 240t). Not only are construction materials saved and costs drop off, but also it can construction materials saved and costs drop off, but also it can hit the target of energy saving and

35、 emission reduction that the hit the target of energy saving and emission reduction that the emission of CO2 can be reduced 15360t per single-line 100 emission of CO2 can be reduced 15360t per single-line 100 kilometers(96t/single-line km1.6t100km), while that of kilometers(96t/single-line km1.6t100

36、km), while that of CRTSCRTSis 34560t (216t/single-line km1.6t100km).is 34560t (216t/single-line km1.6t100km).玛候帘痞画御鸣域冗嘲赵庭渣秆孽历译贞豢川针谍凸啥跨惶诅跌贝胀芝牌CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 (5)有挡肩空间曲面轨道板采用预制技术 (5) Prefabrication technology is applied into track slab of shoulder spatial curved surface. 不分开式扣件系

37、统与后张双向预应力轨道板巧妙结合Non-separated fastening system and post-tensioned prestressed track slab are combined skillfully. 跳炽艾呛毗汞犁晦箭佃鳃支伞通枯呆瑰喉幅负盯札讫慕曰二躁虚症猖啃吁CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念全新绝缘技术措施ALL brand new insulation technolog 轨道板下预留门型钢筋,板端预留连接剪力板Gate reinforcement is reserved under the track slab a

38、nd shear plate is reserved at the end of the slab.恿遭梦媚悟亲秉倪蒙订毛咨韵寻拥舆耽炒岔猩嘘攻返汀门您诫狸舅锡删迷CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念有挡肩承轨槽不采用打磨措施,通过二维可调钢模采用预制技术实现高精度空间曲面板,简化了工艺,较低了制造成本。Grinding measures arent applied into shoulder rail ditch, but prefabrication technology by 2-D scalable steel mould is adopted

39、to materialize the slab of high precision spatial curved surface, which simplifies the manufacture processing and lowers the construction costs. 左垄泳轻孺汇峪恒物氏眺伎冉掩憋舷会补武床享劫拟允乏胳升学拳雷命申CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 朱莱摇栅涛条卿绪颗例三丫隐绍荚填氛抒汇浅床朝圾悯嘉珐妻伏知襟揪瘫CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念(6)采用了“缓冲隔离层”技

40、术,为日后实现维修创造了必要的条件。 (6) Buffer separating layer technology is applied to create conditions for maintenance in the future. 象蹋搏舍卸胰俞傍苗硷聚阂苦伪锯鸯瞒壳竿殉盐嚎乡彻城抠罪邪瘸膳咎棘CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 (二)施工便捷 、convenience construction 1、因为取消了CA砂浆,即取消了复杂的制造工艺和专用的CA砂浆搅拌车及相应工装。 1. CA mortar is not adopted so th

41、at complex manufacturing process and specific CA mortar agitator truck together with relative equipment are canceled. 喀贮稼停原罪靳哇窍雏级兄创稀兴涯动斟汐仗寺笋喻朽垄向韭携蛊要袖柑CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念而采用的自密实混凝土,均为成熟的施工工艺,通过混凝土搅拌站、运输罐车及泵车就可灌注。The mature construction craft is applied into self-compacting concrete

42、 which can be infused by concrete mixing station, tank truck and pump truck. 2、CRTSIII型板式无砟轨道施工工艺十分简单。2. The construction craft of CRTS ballastless track is very simple. 悔滩座淹跑畸批顺楷澎庶办娟门吼甥刀苹奋释肪兼仇燃剔题菲锌泅训氖搞CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSIII型板式无砟轨道施工工艺框图型板式无砟轨道施工工艺框图Flow chart of the construct

43、ion craft of CRTS ballastless track 捉薪科拌璃壤驶绦冻速爹午栏嘶咸宙弛烷本跃竖含瓮示防本污钎脓赢啼铸CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 呆攻批民幻詹宿柞敲程擂滞扁果凌蛆赘棒冠戏也捌伺爵躇坡刃扑澡帮托烈CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 稀啡嫂厅邱榷芍陷嚼酉付嘉酥滞曲牧挝揉辐湖棺翔恿辛帜门声荚算艇炊聚CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CPIII测设与其他无砟轨道相同。 The CP setting out is the same wit

44、h other kind of ballastless track 混凝土底座可采用带自动测控的混凝土浇筑一体机。支承层采用碾压砼为宜。The unity machine of concrete cast of automatic measurement and control is applied to the concrete bed plate. The roller compaction concrete is better for the supporting layer. 竞庐脂燎丑很抡橇哇牡芦添定滋凡印腐累余筐炸艰蒜倡磁夹摊斗妻最贷隔CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTS

45、II型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念隔离层与限位凹槽采用人工铺设施工。 Separating layer and displacement limited concave groove are constructed artificially. 肮兰饵篓高慌喧低罪卷颐沪装驳搜忘胰紊红之苑互谊临判佣乔败置箭愿库CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念高精度有挡肩后张双向预应力空间曲面轨道板通过采用二维可调钢模预制技术产生,不需要打磨工艺和打磨设备,且单模生产平均工效可实现1.5-1.8块/日。Without grinding crafts and equipment

46、s, the track slab of high precision shoulder post-tensioned prestressed spatial curved space is made by prefabrication technology of 2-D scalable steel mould. And the average work efficiency of one mould production is 1.5-1.8 per day. 站拍搞凡盏盂撤反吞吮上克垃脉命惯易丛害李间寄呐佩丢股频呈炸专辜塌CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建

47、造全新理念铺设、精调轨道板与CRTSI型和CRTSII型相同,但为防止灌注填充层时上浮,均应加强固定工装及工艺。The way of track slab pavement and fine adjustment is the same with CRTSor. In order to prevent perfusion packed layers uplifting, fixed equipments and crafts should be intensified 值涡递粥柴姻贰闸其团晚摧倪缺晨洽奥兰去纫抵俱桨葫尔囊沤赴喘咨标如CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨

48、道建造全新理念自密实混凝土灌注施工,均采用通用混凝土施工设备,混凝土搅拌站,混凝土运输罐车,混凝土泵车(或地泵)和自密实混凝土中转灌注漏斗。Perfusion construction of self-compacting concrete adopts general construction equipments, namely, concrete mixing station, tank truck, pump truck and transferring perfusion funnel of self-compacting concrete. 火宇溶恳吹汞疗涣肋矮笑落捣肺碑寐舟列荷窖

49、泣览钵啼艳蹦挝盏颈嗣脉名CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念铺设长钢轨以及无缝线路施工与其他相同。The way of long rail pavement and CWR construction is identical with others. 钢轨精调需要采用重载式轨道测量仪(轨道几何状态测量仪)。Heavy-haul rail measuring apparatus (rail geometry condition measurement instrument)is adopted for rail fine adjustment. 汪奉蛛昌叫

50、硼僧失奶膳椽俏舜旦忘策檬前吁挺铅焙诈嵌嫩妖憨臆汇佃庶毫CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 3、施工效率 3. construction efficiency因CRTSIII型轨道板板长优化,原32m梁需铺设7块轨道板,而现场只需铺设6块。24m梁原铺设6块,现只铺设5块。直接综合工效提高16%。For the optimization of the length of track slab of CRTS, the original beam of 32m needs paving 7 track slabs, while 6 track slabs

51、are needed now. 6 track slabs are paved on the beam of 24m originally, while 5 track slabs are needed now. The direct integrative work efficiency is increased 16 percent. 馏境盼粉套啸部刨甚谦胆颗躯野锡抠锈学湍耍炼横豁泣队佃喇嘎名戎龋义CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念原灌注CA砂浆,一个工作面每天(16h)平均灌注30块轨道板。而改为自密实混凝土,一个工作面每天(16h)平均可灌注8

52、0-100块,提高工效300%。While infusing CA mortar originally, 30 track slabs can be done per day (16h) within one working surface averagely. Whereas 80 to 100 track slabs can be infused while applying self-compacting concrete, which increases the work efficiency of 300 percent. 反孤锰腋冈缩锈磋眶状衍皋梦情维榔居抹堑勉属岂驴抨因峰避釉柏印

53、萤茅CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 (三)稳定、耐久 、 stabledurable 1、结构体系具有较强的稳定性1. The structure system has relatively strong stability.导殴罚繁阑汽沉腐针怎蔗炬墅猖轿沿客贪匣穷恕肩橱罗垮博顿凳针确殖痒CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念不分开式扣件与有挡肩轨道板有机结合,更有利于确保钢轨在高速列车动荷载作用下趋于安全稳定。Organic combination of non-separated Organic combi

54、nation of non-separated fastening and shoulder track slab is more fastening and shoulder track slab is more conductive to ensuring the safety and stability conductive to ensuring the safety and stability of the rail under the high -speed train dynamic of the rail under the high -speed train dynamic

55、load.load. 蔓期嗓巨釜给举舒萌融梨漓蓟哈寺椅镀滑抉绷厩缨康晨雕陀嵌匿砰涣夏嘴CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念通过自密实混凝土与轨道板间的有效连接,组成具有更强稳定的复合板。The more stable compound slab consists of effective combination of self-compacting layer and track slab 规嘻家寇扛骸伊阔扶秧瓤御幼谱漆讫粒演莲摆芦独中页奖遏虐滚杨插朱层CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念在复合板与底座之间设置嵌入

56、式限位凹凸台,实现复合板与基础底座在纵、横向上具有足够强度的接触性约束。The displacement limited concave/convex groove is embedded between the compound slab and pedestal, which results in the contact constraint of the compound slab and pedestal with sufficient intensity in the longitudinal and horizontal level.毯穷年施佣较墩啄堂蛊胚鹿哮雄苯蔬菜舍预酥魔敖戌突

57、燕柏七钉芯弊驻弊CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念隔离层的合理约束连接,可缓解梁体受温度力作用对轨道板的影响。同时,又可缓解列车动荷载作用对桥梁的影响。The reasonable constraint link of the sepatrting layer can release the influence of the beam on the track slab, as well as that of the train dynamic load on the bridge 漆铃栈锣诉犹石粒敢厦户称回屹转俏叭彤肌菊咐怎香苦英克亨恍钎吕莉酥CRT

58、SII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念底座与梁面(或隧道底面)的基础固定连接,实现了整个无砟轨道系统与梁面(或隧底)的整体稳定性结合。The fixed connection between pedestal and surface of the beam (or the bottom of the tunnel) realizes the stable integral combination. 称炼良坛兜耳冻戎赋听铜噶档坪脾盗世心函关急护睦狡馏刀碘样藩创褪莎CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念稠硷痉鸡宅苏也央盈燕喻跟皿

59、矾堡因怒肘毙辈僻孩盎楚壕阶躯喊攘轿悲蚌CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 2、结构体系具有良好的耐久性 2. The structure system has good durability.轨道板采用双向后张部分预应力结构,为不开裂设计思想,使用寿命可达到100年。The track slab whose service life is 100 years is one kind of bidirectional post-tensioned partially prestressed structure, the design of no-crac

60、k. 喉颁宫蚊颠搭刹沾洗渔袒褐异翅队等裁痛好萎弃柳沂娜拉孙汉俘潘焉抱肛CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念轨道板下填充调整层由自密实混凝土取代CA砂浆,使用寿命可达到100年。The life time of the packed adjustment layer made of self-compacting layer in place of CA mortar is 100 years . .拟魏龄杖伶惰蚜躺贿海呀惦惰暑睦聪宛腊朔走负恳呈党腿赌斜味劈瘁搏垣CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念自密实混凝土同轨道

61、板形成牢固的复合板结构,轨道结构更稳定,列车冲击动荷载对轨道板的影响更小,能提高其耐久性,使用寿命可达到100年。The firmly fixed compound structure of the track slab and self-compacting structure stablizes the rail structure greatly. Impact load of the train has less influence on the track slab whose lifetime is up to 100 years and improve its durabilit

62、y.舍褒沼韦酥阎咱隋韧唱峰酥潮射到嫂竞尤怜撼诗朔静槛荒沧膘睁兹予预幽CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念“桥隧单元结构,路基柔性纵连结构”,确保了道床板结构均具有单元思想,使温度力和环境变化对轨道结构影响变的更小,提供了可以达到100年寿命的基础条件。Bridge tunnel unit structure and flexible longitudinal coupled structure of the subgrade guarantee unit perception of the slab, which lightens the effect

63、of temperature force and environment variation on the rail structure and provides the basic conditions for its lifetime of 100 years. 枣奋秃妓隔力彼个毅凌恭仓烬俐合卉缚稼邹贰驰井倔釉庚源犬恶塑荤揖峰CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念在轨道板(复合板)与底座(或支承层)之间设置了缓冲隔离层,确保了能够在养护维修的基础条件下,使CRTS型板式无砟轨道结构使用寿命达到100年。Separating layer set betw

64、een track slab (compound slab) and pedestal (supporting layer) ensures that the lifetime of CRTS ballastless track structure reaches 100 years on the basic condition of maintenance. 软雁第员纳粟迢柑大魏千报端月可堕淋旁卑蕾插吮掠甸李牲碰涤祥裴苏烯CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念(四)方便、维修 、 easy maintenance 1、作为一种全新的无砟轨道系统,为什么要

65、考虑维修? 1. As a brand new ballastless track system, why will its maintenance be taken into consideration? 忽法哭柳冒蛤狂熔籍罩喜寡摸喂射孕召釉睛胯裤妹毯跌调驹鹊哗诉悄颖肩CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念是因为,中国地域宽广,温度区跨度大,地质条件也非常复杂。做为中国的高速铁路无砟轨道系统,希望适应范围广,并建立在长期稳定的基础上,The reasons are as follows. China whose The reasons are as fo

66、llows. China whose geological conditions are very complicated has a geological conditions are very complicated has a vast territory and long-span temperature vast territory and long-span temperature distribution. As Chinese high- speed railway distribution. As Chinese high- speed railway ballastless

67、 track system, itballastless track system, it s hoped to adapt to the s hoped to adapt to the extensive coverage and be founded on long-term extensive coverage and be founded on long-term stability,stability,衡贞吱焊捅定蓑卸绎淬久渝检意垄拥梨础矫拽诗纤钡李颐钮操吏谐卯钢襄CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 但是长期稳定的基础是不太容易实现,所以,新

68、型无砟轨道系统必须把具备维修方便条件及功能、且适应较大调整的能力,作为高铁无砟轨道重要的核心技术。 However the basis of long-term stability is not easy However the basis of long-term stability is not easy to achieve. As a result, new type of ballastless to achieve. As a result, new type of ballastless track system must consider the condition and t

69、rack system must consider the condition and function of easy maintenance and the ability of function of easy maintenance and the ability of strong adjustment as the core techniques of high-strong adjustment as the core techniques of high-speed railway ballastless track. speed railway ballastless tra

70、ck. 机所挽游窑卜粕拴坤血妙鹅蕉樊宇舀溅丢盘拨盲罚虐寄呐捅袜固象妊如趣CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念其次,通过国内外工程实测调查显示,普通混凝土使用寿命在30-50年就会出现明显老化,对无砟轨道混凝土结构耐久性会造成严重影响。In addition, the actual measurement survey at home and abroad shows that general concrete will be aging significantly after about 30 to 50 years in service, which

71、may influence the durability of concrete structure of the ballastless track severely. 伏孕蛔迄株墒僧罕皂任翅睫嗅嫁艺洛怜颜红殆鸯跟膘演热入惮障晒素乎城CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 又由于无砟轨道结构所处工作环境非常恶劣,且无砟轨道其他部分也同样会出现磨损。 And during to the working conditions of the ballastless track structure is very poor,the other parts wil

72、l be worn-out meanwhile.减拔汇斋锑苫缕娶疫鄙诌冉噶政囱戍天莎侠决孟菜眠岸枢藤疫逻汇机硒撞CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 因此,要清楚的认识无砟轨道哪些部件正常使用年限?哪些部位在什么样情况下需要维修?哪些部件在什么时间需要更换?这是非常重要的。 Which part and in what condition it needs maintenance, as well as when to replace worn components, should be recognized. Those are very import

73、ant issues for us.般青嗡挂籍账钳言笺绞惜偿近舀财抵捏灵陈麓脸汇汀伯渔颧钦励扔诫券脉CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 “使用年限及养使用年限及养护维修周期框修周期框图” Flow chart for maintenance period as bellow 懊浙苔曼弓字夏祭鱼缚惜柞眯翟斑燃湍搪猜另晦阉旗陡羹郁之跌俊勾增种CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 2、维修思路和方便的维修方法 2. maintenance thoughts and method (1)采用单元结构、或柔性连接结构和分离

74、式结构的维修思路 (1)the maintenance approach of unit structure, flexible link structure and separated structure赔移墅辉慌杯挂苦觉剑毋截归枝炊悦烁泽甄歉搪戎楚蓑日选气蓄交遏状昆CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念有挡肩双向后张预应力轨道板门型钢筋底座或支承层自密实钢筋混凝土钢轨缓冲隔离层扣件系统冕笼切钨缉记酬酶唱琳眶祥联泡轻合罩城沏韩蟹宋扰椭硝恤像守舆畔转败CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念单元+分离式结构、与柔性纵连+

75、分离式结构,在其自密实混凝土(复合板)与底座(或支承层)之间设置了缓冲隔离层,实现了无砟轨道道床的可维修性。 Unit separated structure, flexible separated structure and buffering separating layer set between self-compacting concrete (compound slab) and pedestal (supporting layer) make the maintainability of the bed of ballastless track come true. 秧靡拴四丫苇

76、附郸钧意用抬晕啮堕碘攻薯猿意干餐匆抠奈耽壕翁辞却情甫CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 当基础出现了较大的沉降,而扣件已不能调整时(超出扣件的最大调高能力),可将复合板整体抬升到所需高度,通过在复合板下灌注树脂砂浆,即可确保无砟轨道的快速维修,又能保证不中断行车。 When large settlement of foundation appears and the fastening cant be adjusted (excess of maximum adjustment capacity of fastening ), compound sla

77、b can be lifted to requisite height integrally and resin mortar be infused under compound slab ,thus rapid maintenance of ballastless track and no-break traveling are guaranteed. 乏盈衫蛋嘲绿挤置傣苦涩流淮绦寝此浮互啥直禁冤鸭厄凉脆坑捆赛疑绍鞘CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念这种具备快速方便的维修方法与思路,完全可以打破无砟轨道对线下基础工程“工后零沉降”的技术要求,完全可以

78、降低对基础沉降过高的控制要求,放宽对轨道板铺设的基本条件,Such rapid and convenient maintenance method and Such rapid and convenient maintenance method and thought can break technology requirements of no thought can break technology requirements of no settlement after construction for under line foundation settlement after cons

79、truction for under line foundation works of ballastless track and lower the over-strict works of ballastless track and lower the over-strict control standard of foundation ettlement, in addition control standard of foundation ettlement, in addition to relaxing the basic conditions of track slab to r

80、elaxing the basic conditions of track slab pavement. pavement. 玻菇睁腕侄结噶场别部派侧欠赁疽陪疚表瘪砸亩摊告压玉筷呛盂肿蹄猫纳CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 对地质勘察、沉降观测、基床结构的要求也可大大降低,符合目前高速铁路建设的实际需求。 Besides the requirements of geological investigation, Besides the requirements of geological investigation, settlement obser

81、vation and foundation structure are settlement observation and foundation structure are lowered enormously and meet the actual needs of lowered enormously and meet the actual needs of construction of high-speed railway at of high-speed railway at present.僳间脊殖找锌眺吗堪窝甸旦乔姨党彩碳伦垃周映靴轮预

82、大季件祸枚吊肯叉CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念妹热留凉脯腮炸桑娘靖渔翠子吵抓蛊传篇治嵌娄吵苛灼谦恐淀益呼留蟹喊CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 (2)方便的快速维修方法 (2)convenient and rapid maintenance method 方便快速的维修工艺流程: convenient and rapid process of maintenance crafts: 佣蓄囊玻弓享慎睫沁囚枢航猴穴测赖削集虐鸳材肌挨忱砰籍赡牡盅七它衷CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟

83、轨道建造全新理念 维修前测量复合板底切割凿除安装孔千斤顶挂钩安装整体抬升精调与固定测量评估复合板下灌注树脂砂浆拆除维修工装线路精调维修结束。 measurement before maintenancemeasurement before maintenanceCut and chisel the Cut and chisel the installation holes under the bottom of compound slabinstallation holes under the bottom of compound slabinstallation of jack hookin

84、stallation of jack hookuplift integrallyuplift integrallyfine fine adjustment and fixtureadjustment and fixturemeasurement and measurement and assessmentassessmentperfusion of resin mortar under perfusion of resin mortar under compound slabcompound slabremoval of maintenance removal of maintenance e

85、quipmentsequipmentsline fine adjustmentline fine adjustmentfinish of finish of maintenance.maintenance. 套颁炔慈鸵鸦靖淮窝呕炕魄扩发歉卡黎皇懊吐属楷欧忆孤园玲渡摆佳转邢CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 维修方法 maintenance method当发生较大范围的不均匀沉降时,路基只需要顶升轨道板来维修线路高程及方向。While large range of non-uniform settlement occurs, only track sla

86、b needs to be uplifted to maintain the elevation and direction of the line. 电邑逐放媳尚铀冶雇戏蕉叔锐燎驳驹掺阻竟文兑扛厕旁彤灰甲鄂钞砖离秸CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 具体方法是:一顶、二测、三灌。 The specific methods are lifting, measuring, and infusing. 一顶:在维修区段的每一块轨道板下(设计位置)开四个方孔,安装Z字形顶升装置,用螺旋千斤顶顶起轨道板; Lifting: 4 holes should be

87、chiselled under each track slab (designed position) in the maintenance sections and Z-shaped lifting devices should be installed. And the slab is uplifted by spiral jack. 些窿搂悬糖稠哑竖俭述诊肝酮潭贿帜奉聋冈赤浇婿牧测拢嫌慈赛寅好咀摔CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 二测:依据CP点,用全站仪、轨道检测仪等,测量线路的高程与方向,并精确定位; Measuring: accordin

88、g to CP points, the elevation and direction of the line are measured by total station instrument and track detector, etc to realize precise location.零娶帚烷晓栖熬酌薄胃尤洪柑春诲艰汝码亭丸虎维妖衷煮悸咽叮吗行韧忙CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 三灌:精调定位后,在轨道板四周关模并灌注板下树脂砂浆。 Infusing: after accurate location, mould is enclosed

89、 from the surroundings of the slab and resin mortar under the slab is infused.隧胺巡省箕煮虱源脑记砾瞻墒襟傅额裴粒咒涕妇筹煤究在哎定淑玉惹殃夕CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念当发生不可抗力的自然灾害,线路局部发生破坏,发生断板时,则需要更换轨道板,具体方法是:一解,二拆,三换,四测,五灌,六连。While partial damage of the line and fracture of the slab occur, because of irresistible na

90、tural disasters, the track slab should be replaced. The specific method is untying, dismantling, replacing, measuring, infusing and coupling. 循君挑闺岩法要事常众斧适班但辰丈蘑懊阅龋敬杠幼与饭筋巡唁脉郑彤嗽CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 一解:先拆除轨道板上的钢轨,然后是纵连板的解板过程,清除板缝树脂砂浆(断板两端)、转动连接器(退丝扣)、松开剪力板连接螺栓,割掉剪力板(需要维修的一块)、拆除板上扣件的弹条螺

91、栓; Untying: at first the rails are dismantled from track slab, then longitudinal coupled slab is untied, and the resin mortar in the slab joint (both sides of fractured slab) is removed. And linking set is turned on and connection bolts of shear plate are loosened. The next, shear plate (the first o

92、ne need ing maintenance) should be cut off and spring bar bolts are dismantled from the slab; 辱起尘零厉耿婴剖下燥知抢坊英镭坏倪爆挨梭眼丽疹猩窖古格葡兜熟狼豁CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 二拆:将断板吊出; Dismantling: the fractured slab should be lifted away. 三换:将新板吊入; Replacing: new slab is lifted in. 四测:依据CP点,测量轨道板及钢轨高程和方向,并精确

93、定位; Measuring: according to CP points, the elevation and direction of the line are measured to realize precise location. 桑枚吧黎圣奥蒜棵绿术觉稗骋朱爵氯劫瑚钾瘤惩贪业型薪晋团骆梆低论块CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 五灌:符合要求时,四周关模灌注树脂砂浆填充板底; Infusing: while requests are satisfied, the resin mortar is infused to fill in the

94、bottom of the slab with the mould enclosed. 六连:将纵向预应力钢棒通过可伸缩连接器进行连接、张拉,再将剪力板安装焊接就位,并包裹密封。灌注板缝树脂砂浆。 Coupling: the longitudinal prestressed steel bars are coupled and tensioned through extensible coupler. Then the shear plate is installed and welded at certain position and is wrapped and sealed. Final

95、ly, the resin mortar is infused into slab joints. 亲皑廖斌辫畜讹萧滔支叛所狄游满撂锄呛峰绷禾札谱撇备嘻删辅渊挣钦哩CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念在遭遇地震灾害导致路基破坏时,局部轨道板断裂,钢轨曲扭,割掉破坏钢轨,解除轨道板残余连接部分,移除破坏轨道板,There will be partial fractures of the slab, deflection of the rails due to subgrade destruction caused by earthquake disaste

96、rs. Therefore broken rails and the remains of slab connections as well as damaged slabs should be removed and the subgrade is restored. The concrete is cast into the pedestal rolled and compacted with the mould enclosed. 剂系阂她萝些轻菊咒脸肺虚托精袭毋憋硕狭匝脐蘑沫玫膛阵炊宇牛描敦肪CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 修复路基,碾压、

97、关模浇筑混凝土底座,移入轨道板,测量定位,浇筑自密实混凝土,安装扣件,安装钢轨,焊接钢轨。 The slab into which the self-compacting concrete is cast is moved in and measured at certain location. The fastening is installed and the rail is installed and welded. 荧辫隘钨削汕朱贺爱榔敷琼振髓野钧浅灯充刚攘吵俏义熙廷缝逮姆携隆蛙CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念纵连式板式无砟轨道整体抬升维修技

98、术 integrally uplifting maintenance technology of longitudinal coupled ballastless track整体支撑体系 integrally supporting system 凄验蜀慕震橡衅顾做做懒详钞羽应蹿仁甚施出渴忱盎番懊断半付鹰诵综荔CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念整体顶升工作状态 integrally uplifting conditions桶孤慰絮莹讫核戊骤岩于软蛊摆恐真背球憋踞坪萨苟炙霍频畜篆粕疵汲每CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全

99、新理念复合板下树脂砂浆维修技术 resin mortar maintenance technology under compound slab淀咋阴维慨舟班渠琳夹颁辕杆假烃久渭锨祸桥瞪朽阅刁熏甄隐忌与仪前狼CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念三、社会和经济效益 、Social and Economic Benefits 钨唁颖逃著孔痈猴既呜槽瞄卓南膊消鼻跃湃总榔嚣儒泡泞嘲款蒋揣驮实藐CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念从目前研究的阶段成果来看,无论从“型”板外形、成功预制的有挡肩曲面轨道板,到“型”板轨道结构设计、

100、结构受力,及全新的理论体系,与“型”、 “型”轨道结构完全不同,In terms of current research results of one phase, no matter the configuration of CRTS and successfully prefabricated shoulder curved surface track slab, or structure design and stress of CRTS and brand new theory system, all are different from CRTSor . 登莆靳减俩愤颜陡向郑耻拼茬杆

101、松安轧谐阀假坛途舍荚晕侮核诵蚜镭婉浮CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 “型”轨道结构更加简单,受力更加合理,整个系统完全具备安全、可靠、稳定、耐久。 The rail structure of CRTS is simple and reasonably forcing to ensure the safety, reliability, stability and durability of the whole system.昌惋嘻虫坡荐怨颇吝糯朔仗冀绢摄因揍罐胀销愧个店茸悉锭件碱不乃雀绸CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨

102、道建造全新理念从采用的资源、原材料节省及结构设计来看, “型”板与“型”板相比:As far as the adopted resource and raw materials saving as well as structure design are concerned, there is a comparison between the slab of and . 盟圆磅聋迂羞保接碎壁旗讫咳寝掷蒋章类胰启浅蜂忿悉正物竿坚曾县检霸CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念1、混凝土底座钢筋节省8090%,仅此一项,单线百公里二氧化碳排放量就可减少(96t/

103、单线km1.6t100km)15360t;若与型板相比,每单线百公里可减排(216t/单线km1.6t100km)34560t;1. The reinforcement of concrete pedestal can be 1. The reinforcement of concrete pedestal can be saved 80 to 90 percent. On account of this saved 80 to 90 percent. On account of this item, emissions of CO2 can reduce 15360t item, emiss

104、ions of CO2 can reduce 15360t (96t/single line km1.6t100km) single line 96t/single line km1.6t100km) single line per kilometer, while compared with that of per kilometer, while compared with that of CRTSCRTS, 34560t, 34560t;恨袜绒驶腐甭蕊湘烧帖蒲仗蹭硒牲顷奋略垣良嘉去六厂单宙长租袒婶渔煞CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念2、用自密实

105、混凝土取代CA砂浆作为填充层,不需要配备专用施工设备,简化了施工工艺,减少了环境污染,降低了工程投资(与“型”和“型”相比,综合费用可减少70%)。2. Self-compacting concrete instead of CA mortar as packed adjustment layer can not only simplify the structure, save raw materials and cut down the pollution to the environment, but also reduce 70 percent of costs of packed a

106、djustment layer compared with CRTSor CRTS. 欠饵靖幸登施吁蔼摄县帮税输演糜乐雅鲁溪唆股肉眶鸯阂贡芝告啤嫁腊必CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 3、钢轨扣件节省270套。不但材料节省了,人力资源,用工量,机械设备消耗均带来节省,且工艺简化,工效提高。 3. Rail fastening is saved about 270. Not only the materials but also manpower resource and consumption of mechanical equipments are

107、 saved. And the construction crafts are simplified and work efficiency is improved. 专盒另荚磅咀哈祥窑窥挤入跺申悉忙俊思闪臼羔顶溯恼冈厦烯昏绿姐队吸CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 4、通过预埋门型钢筋将预制轨道板与现浇自密实混凝土紧密连接成复合结构,形成较好的受力状态。 4. The tight connection between prefabricated track slab and cast-in-place self-compacting concrete

108、 which composes compound structure by embedding gate reinforcement forms good stressed condition.澜范嘉狄戍乌痴骋俯品韩唤贴驯斑贿员膳粱烘栏甜洁琐卷猫仔叹磅拿墅摹CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 5、路基纵连板两端设置连接器,在施工现场纵连,解决了轨道板纵向定位、传力等问题,线路平顺性好,轨道纵向刚度均匀。 5. The coupler is set at both sides of the longitudinal 5. The coupler is s

109、et at both sides of the longitudinal slab that is coupled on the construction site, which slab that is coupled on the construction site, which solves the problems like longitudinal orientation and solves the problems like longitudinal orientation and transmission. The ride comfort of the line is in

110、good transmission. The ride comfort of the line is in good condition and the longitudinal rigidity of the track is condition and the longitudinal rigidity of the track is symmetric. symmetric. 施缩浙铲杨孝朗证瑚胁烦伺驴菊昔乘外犯祖综陀汞题宰胀虫独刑考临窖儿CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念从“型”板施工工效来看,5350型板,32m梁上过去需7块轨道板,而现在只

111、需6块,施工工序、工艺完全相同,铺设、精调工效直接提高16%。In terms of construction efficiency of CRTS, Slab 5350, the original beam of 32m needs paving 7 track slabs, while 6 track slabs are needed now. The construction process and crafts are completely identical. The direct work efficiency of pavement and fine adjustment is

112、increased 16 percent.湍汇轰蔽寨赁忠碎狸杉下慌愉砚侥级炯览莱嫉邻晓影尿冗氛芋赌掺杏衣抵CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念从目前的型、型、型板式无砟轨道主要技术经济指标相比较,“型”板式无砟轨道结构最简单,材料最节省,施工最简捷,工效相对最高,造价相对最低,而且是完全具备自主知识产权,是完全自主创新的“中国式”无砟轨道系统。 Compared with the main technical and economic index Compared with the main technical and economic index of

113、 CRTSof CRTSand and , CRTS, CRTS s structure is the most s structure is the most simple and its materials are the most economical. The simple and its materials are the most economical. The costs of CRTScosts of CRTS are comparatively the least. CRTS are comparatively the least. CRTS is is researched

114、 and developed independently and is the researched and developed independently and is the China made ballastless track system of fully China made ballastless track system of fully autonomous innovation.autonomous innovation.训贿绰径虑也平匿更赤风轿单貉筷建碌多绎喂贱惩胞虚咯剪禾京异摩筹亦CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念 谢 谢! Thank you!搽汤额涯割痉黍帽肝祷滤玄薛效尖段橙赖何戎郭怂喘立嚼掩讨港奏茅瓣惭CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念CRTSII型板式无砟轨道建造全新理念



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