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1、Module 6 Unit 3 Language in useDo you know: re=againable=can be?renewable= can be new againcare collect done hope possible usual used wanted wasteAPositive: -able -ful Negative: im- -less re- un-Look at the boxesBMake new wordscan be collected _not done _full of hope _without any hope _not possible

2、_collectableundonehopefulhopelessimpossiblenot usual _ not used _used again _not wanted _making a lot of waste _unusualunusedreusedunwantedwasteful 1. Polluted water is not healthy.2. Its something we can use again.3.The water in the river was very dirty.a. reusableb. unhealthyc. uncleanMatch the wo

3、rds with their meanings.4. Its not true that we dont listen to students.5. It was not possible to clean up the whole river.6. The people on the mountain top were not comfortable.d. impossiblee. untruef.uncomfortableComplete the table in Activity 3.NounVerbAdjectiveAdverb_electric_energeticallyenviro

4、nment _hopelessly_nationalelectricityenergyhopenationenergeticenviron-mentalenviron-mentallyhopelessnationallyNounVerbAdjectiveAdverbpollute_seriousness_unusualness_unusuallywasteworrypollutionpollutedworriedlyseriouslyunusualwastewastefulwastefullyworryworriedserious1.They are working _to reduce wa

5、ste.2. The situation is _. We cant do anything to make it better.3. The factory _ the river, and the fish died.energetically hopelesspollutedComplete the sentences with the correct form of the words in Activity 3.4. We dont often walk in the country. Its a(n)_ activity for me.5. Dont _. Everything w

6、ill be all right.6. Dont use so much water. Its very _. worrywastefulunusualRead the ideas on protecting the environment. Put them in the correct column in the table.a. Dont buy anything made from endangered animals or plants.b. Glass bottles and newspapers can be taken to recycling centres and reus

7、ed.c. Dont boil more water than necessary.d. Dont take new plastic bags from the shop reuse your old ones.e. Turn off lights when you dont need them.f. Use a bicycle or walk instead of using the car.WastePollutionWildlifeb, dc,e,faListen again and answer the questions.1. Why should you reuse plastic

8、 bags?2. Name two advantages of using a bicycle or walking instead of using a car.Because they are hard to recycle.There is no pollution and its a good kind of exercise.3. Why did animals die out?4. How can we stop some people trying to kill or sell endangered animals and plants?Because people have

9、cut down a lot of trees and polluted the rivers.Never buy anything made from endangered animals.请根据请根据“Environmental groups”的内容的内容选择最佳答案。选择最佳答案。( )1. Many groups have formed in order to_. A. protect the environment B. make the world peaceful C. make the world more beautiful D. make new plans for peo

10、ples educationA( )2. What is Friends of the Earth?A. Its a government department. B. Its an international network of environmental groups. C. Its a company, which provides people with different information. D. Its a website where you can search for information about the environment.B( )3. Friends of

11、 the Earth is made up of _. A. 71 countries B. 4,828 groups C. 71 groups D. government and environmental groupsC( )4. Some major issues Friends of the Earth is involved with include_. A. laws on education, climate change and fair trade between countries B. climate change, forest management and fair

12、trade between countries C. climate change, forest research and education D. forest management, fair trade between countries and fire avoidanceB巩固练习巩固练习I. 请选择适当的词语,并用其正确形式填空请选择适当的词语,并用其正确形式填空(每词限用一次每词限用一次)。 polite, use, happy, instead, repair, like, believe, instead of, care, hope, mend 1. We should

13、buy things that can be _.2. In England, asking a womans age is _.3. He is too busy. Let me go with you _.insteadreusedimpolite4. The doctor said Anns illness was _. Her mother was very sad.5. You are too _. How can you make such a mistake?6. My mother _ the clothes for me last night.7. What he said

14、sounded _, so lets follow him.believablehopelesscarelessmended8. Ill stay at home _ going out because of the rain.9. My watch is broken. Can you help me _ it?10. I hate sweet food, so I _ eating cakes.11. The girl was very _ because the loud noise woke her up from time to time. unhappyinstead ofrepa

15、irdislikeII. 请根据汉语句子及括号中的提示写出请根据汉语句子及括号中的提示写出 英语句子。英语句子。1. 一个五岁的男孩会说两种外语,真是一个五岁的男孩会说两种外语,真是太令人惊奇了。太令人惊奇了。(surprising)2. 过马路时,一定要当心车辆。过马路时,一定要当心车辆。 (be careful of) Its surprising that a five-year-old boy can speak two foreign languages.Be careful of the cars when you go across the road.3. 昨天的乒乓球比赛我弟弟确实是获胜了。昨天的乒乓球比赛我弟弟确实是获胜了。(do) My brother did win the table tennis match yesterday.Module TaskMake a poster:What can you do about pollution?



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