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1、考研作文大作文评分标准评分标准A节应用文的评分侧重于信息点的覆盖和内容的组织、语言的准确性、格式和用语的恰当。可在文中使用提示语中的关键词,但使用其中的词组或句子则会被扣分。B节作文的评分重点在于内容的完整性、文章的组织连贯性、语法结构和词汇的多样性。高分作文A节(910分)、B节(1720分)的具体要求1很好地完成了试题规定的任务。2包含所有内容要点。3语法结构合理、词汇丰富。4语言自然流畅,语法错误极少。5有效采用多种衔接手法,文字连贯,层次清晰。6格式和用语恰当。大纲要求全国硕士研究生入学考试英语大纲要求考生在 40 分钟内完成 160-200 单词的英语大作文。所写的作文作应具备:1)

2、单词拼写正确,标点使用正确,语法准确无误,用词合理恰当;2) 作文结构合理,内容统一连贯,字数符合要求。计分标准第一档:2017 分:内容切题,包括提纲的全部要点;表达清楚,文字连贯;句式有变化,句子结构和用词正确。文章长度符合要求(160-200 单词)。第二档:1613分:内容切题,全部包括题目的要点;表达比较清楚,文字基本连贯;句式有一定变化,句子结构和用词无重大错误。文章长度符合要求(160-200 单词)。第三档:1210 分:内容切题,基本包括题目的要点;表达基本清楚;句子结构和用词有少量错误。文章长度符合要求(160-200 单词)。计分标准第四档:95 分:内容基本切题,基本包

3、括题目的要点;语句可以理解,但有较多的句子结构和用词错误。文章长度基本符合要求(120-160 单词)。第五档:41 分:基本按题写作,但只有少数句子可以理解。第六档:0 分:文不切题,语句混乱,无法理解。命题规律命题规律一、话题大 入口小,命题主旨总是趋向社会积极面,和国家“和谐”话题相一致,二、对语言要求超过对社会常识要求历年大作文题目提纲作文父母与孩子缺乏沟通 1992电视广告 1993交友 1994希望工程 1995健康 1996提纲作文分类A. 社会问题类 1. 表扬类:希望工程(1995) 2. 中性类:电视广告(1993) 3. 批判类:父母孩子缺乏沟通(1992) B. 自身素

4、质类: 1. 交友(1994) 2. 健康(1996)图表、图画作文吸烟与健康 1997虚假承诺 1998野生动物保护 1999渔业资源耗竭 2000爱心 2001文化交流 2002温室花朵经不起风雨 2003终点又是起点 2004图表、图画作文虐待老人 2005追星 2006缺乏信心 2007合作 2008网络对人际交往的影响 2009文化“火锅” 2010破坏自然环境 2011图表、图画作文分类A. 社会问题类 1. 表扬类 1)文化交流(2002) 2)文化“火锅”(2010) 2. 中性类 1)追星(2006) 2)网络对人际交往的影响(2009)图表、图画作文分类 3. 批判类 1)

5、吸烟与健康 (1997) 2) 虚假广告(1998) 3)野生动物保护(1999) 4)渔业资源耗竭(2000) 5)破坏自然环境(2011)B. 自身素质 1. 表扬类 1) 爱心(2001) 2)终点又是起点(2004) 3)合作 (2008) 2. 批判类 1)温室花朵经不起风雨(2003) 2)虐待老人(2005) 3) 缺乏信心(2007)高分必备三条件高分必备三条件1 单词脱俗 2 句式多样3 结构清晰1、单词脱俗如图所示As is shown in the picture We can see from the pictureShowdemonstratemanifestdepi

6、ctillustratePicture- cartoon 可加上一个词修饰showVividlysymbolicallyfiguratively 1、单词脱俗引出主题1. What the picture imply may be.Imply- reflectconveydeliver1、单词脱俗分析原因(很多原因可以解释这个问题)The reasons for this social phenomenon are.Many factors contribute to / bring about this social phenomenon.What may account for this

7、social phenomenon?1、单词脱俗坏现象导致不好结果It will have a bad impact on Bad-negative / undesirable/adverse/unfavorable Impact-consequence 1、单词脱俗我的态度认为:I hold the opinion thatcling to the idea, reckonI harbor the idea thatIt is universally acknowledged that.”1、单词脱俗引出解决措施 (为了解决这一问题)(是该做一些措施解决)1. In order to sol

8、ve the problem1. To eradicate the problem2. We should take some measures to solve.2. It is high time for us to take some countermeasures. It is imperative for us to take some countermeasures.1、单词脱俗 要解决一个问题, 各方的努力是必不可少的Effort from different aspects is necessaryA combined effort is of necessity 1、单词脱俗

9、对有害 do harm to / be harmful tobe detrimental toBe disastrous to 1、单词脱俗我们应该重视、强调We should pay attention to somethingAttach importance to lay emphasis onSomething should be given top priority.Its symbolic meaning subtly conveyed should be given profound consideration. 1、单词脱俗 提高公众意识We should improve pe

10、oples awareness.Public awareness should be popularized and upgraded1、单词脱俗 图画看似简单,却引起深深地思考The picture seems simple, but it makes us to think deeply.Simple as it is, it bring about profound consideration.1、单词脱俗越来越多的人、专家认为More and more people experts.Individual expert in increasing number.1、单词脱俗解决措施分两个

11、方面,对政府而言,就个人而言As for the government., for the individual.In terms of the government,., Whats more, B. 1、单词脱俗SearchBesidesAspectCommon ideaNecessaryGoogleAdditionallyRespectfacetShared ideaBe of necessityindispensableinevitable 1、单词脱俗VeryDisagree sthLead tobe able toimportantOverwhelmingexceedinglyFr

12、own on sthContribute to Be capable ofSignificantbe of importance1、单词脱俗Choosecome from Famous peopleOpinionprimarymake an alternative toStem / derive from/ arise from / originate fromCelebrityPerspectiveradical , fundamental1、单词脱俗SoIt is possible that.causeConsequently, accordinglyIt is feasible that

13、give rise to2、句式多样如图所示,描绘图画如图所示,引入主题左右图画: These two pictures demonstrate us a remarkable scene: In the picture on the left_. The picture, however, on the right, demonstrates _.上下图画: If one carefully studies the two cartoons above, it will find that they are closely related in meaning. In the upper p

14、icture, However, in the lower one2、句式多样一个令人愤怒的景象:An angry feeling arises in my mind when I look at this picture. As is illustrated in the picture 表扬类:The cartoon depicts an inspiring scene in the above drawing _.The scene depicted in the picture, I feel, should catch most viewers attention. As is vi

15、vidly illustrated in the black and white picture above, 描述图画。2、句式多样以物喻人,引入主题:This drawing, which is rendered in the form of a cartoon, is filled with profound meaning. 以物喻人,引入主题: The cartoon seem to pertain flowers, but actually they are referring to human beings.以物喻人,引入主题: As can be seen from the c

16、artoon, nowadays many people follow _某物(以物喻人)某物(以物喻人)_ and swarm into the tide of .2、句式多样简单图画,寓意深刻:The cartoon, simple yet carrying rich meaning, demonstrates that.简单图画,寓意深刻: There has been much discussion recently about a picture.主题Simple as it is, the symbolic meaning the picture conveys is profou

17、nd.2、句式多样 联系现实,引出主题: is known as one of the most serious problems in todays world. _can be seen everywhere . As is shown in the graph _.2、句式多样联系现实,引出主题:联系现实,引出主题:Through the artistic presentation, we can be easily reminded of a controversial issue in our daily life -the effect of the _on_. 2、句式多样关于野

18、生动物保护,给出建议To solve the problem of mentioned above, I suggest that the government should take some strong and effective measures such as heightening peoples awareness of wildlife protection, keeping population growth under reasonable control, and making as much effort as it can to restore and create

19、more suitable reserves for the survival and development of wildlife. In a word, if the government and the whole society really realize the problem, pay more attention to it, and work together on it, there is certain to be an encouraging prospect in wildlife protection.2、句式多样 给出例子:Since many of the p

20、hilosophic principles we adhere to are abstracted from daily life, it is easy to find examples in the world around us. The idea illustrated in this picture is no exception. For instance, _. This problem is not limited to the situation here illustrated, but can be found almost everywhere. A typical e

21、xample is in the case of 2、句式多样中性类,有利有弊类中性类,有利有弊类_ cannot simply be considered a negative behavior. Sometimes it seems that_, but everything should be done in moderation, and this is no exception In spite ofdespite the disadvantagesside effect, it has its compensating beneficial effect.通过谚语、电影台词引入主题

22、考研英语写作高分句式1.适当使用被动语态2. 短句稍微拉长3. 适当使用插入4. 擅长使用非限定性定语从句5. 要有亮点句型考研英语写作高分句式适当用被动代替主动(贝克汉姆,追星)We can often see this phenomenon among young generation in society today. The phenomenon of “” can often be seen among young generation in society today. 适当用被动代替主动贝克汉姆,追星People think that we should not always c

23、onsider “Celebrity worship” a negative behavior. Celebrity worship can not simply be considered a negative behavior. 适当用被动代替主动人们应当谴责不赡养老人的行为(虐待老人) We should criticize and condemn such behavior.Such behavior should be strongly criticized and condemned.适当用被动代替主动政府应当实施法律和规则来阻止虚假承诺(母鸡卖蛋)The government s

24、hould enact and enforce more rigid laws and regulations to prevent these promises.More rigid laws and regulations established by the government should be enacted and enforced to hinder these ridiculous commitmentsuperficial promise.适当用被动代替主动我们应该尽最大努力告诉年轻人污染环境的可怕后果。We should try our best to tell the

25、young people the bad consequence of environmental damaging. Great efforts should be made to inform young people (teenagersadolescentjuvenile ) especially the dreadful consequences of environmental pollution and destruction .适当用被动代替主动举例子:We can find such examples everywhere.Such examples can be found

26、 in every corner of the world. 短句拉长短句拉长贝克汉姆(什么原因导致年轻人追星)年轻人好奇、不成熟、天真等The under-aged are curious, immature and naveThe under-aged are curious, immature and nave, and can neither resist the temptation around nor make a sound judgment. 短句拉长短句拉长贝克汉姆(追星导致分心学习)The attention of the adolescent could be dist

27、racted away from study.The attention of the adolescent could be distracted away from study, which is their sole task, and some of them may go unreasonable. 短句拉长短句拉长 过度捕捞(国家应该执行严格的法律)The government should enact and enforce more rigid laws and regulations.The government should enact and enforce more r

28、igid laws and regulations, such as the ban on fishing during some periods of the year and the prevention of profit-oriented commercial behaviors.短句拉长短句拉长母鸡卖蛋(本应是职责,却当成承诺)We may observe that some of the promises are their duties.But we may observe that some of the promises are nothing but duties thes

29、e people should fulfill , just like the most common eggs laid by the hen短句拉长短句拉长Factories have discharged gas and liquid.The newly-built chemical factories have discharged harmful and even poisonous gases and liquids which have had a seriously negative impact on the surrounding environment.插入语插入语坦率地

30、说,文化交流可以促进国家之间的相互了解。To be frank, cultural communication may promote mutual understanding among nations.Cultural communication, frankly, may promote mutual understanding among nations.插入语插入语在我看来,文化融合对全球化有深远影响。According to me, cultural integration has a far-reaching influence on globalization and econ

31、omic cooperation.Environment, as I see it, has a far-reaching influence on globalization and economic cooperation.插入语插入语事实证明,碰坏环境是要付出昂贵的代价。Environmental destruction, it turns out, is a high-priced option.插入语插入语其他人虽然不酗酒吸毒 ,精神也正 常,但就是缺乏让自己生活好转的基本能力。Many others, while not addicted or mentally ill, simp

32、ly lack the everyday survival skills needed to turn their lives better. 善用定语从句(图画描述时起解释作用) 善用定语从句 A family football match, which is totally different from a regular one. Without strikers, only 4 goalkeepers, who are sons and daughter of the old father, are guarding 4 goals respectively. Besides, the

33、 old father acts as a ball to replace the real one. 善用定语从句善用定语从句As is displayed in the drawing, a flower blossoms well in a green house, which can resist storm. In comparison, once the green house is removed, the flower can not withstand any more and withers soon. 善用定语从句善用定语从句As is demonstrated in t

34、he cartoon, a hen is making her commitment and claiming to have round and complete eggs, which are without edges and corners and contain all essential parts.善用定语从句善用定语从句As we can see from the picture, a heating system, who has won 3 medals, is claiming: providing heat in accordance with weather and

35、temperature 亮点句型虐待老人(1) 再怎么强调.的重要性也不为过。_ cannot emphasize the importance of _ too much.我们再怎么强调保护老人的重要性也不为过。 We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting the senior too much.亮点句型碰坏环境 (不可否认不可否认.)There is no denying that + S + V .不可否认的,我们的环境已经每况愈下There is no denying that the qualities of our enviro

36、nment have gone from bad to worse.亮点句型过度捕杀鱼类全世界都知道全世界都知道.It is universally acknowledged that + 句句子子全世界都知道自然资源对我们是不可或缺的。例句:It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us.亮点句型环境碰坏、滥杀鱼类毫无疑问毫无疑问.There is no doubt that + 句子句子毫无疑问的我们的监管制度制度令人不满意 There is no doubt that our governmental s

37、upervision system leaves something to be desired.亮点句型 虐待老人.的原因是的原因是.The reason why + 句子句子 is that + 句子句子 我们 照顾老人的原因是因为尊敬老人是中国的传统美德。The reason why we must take care of the elderly is that respecting the aged is a virtue of Chinese tradition.亮点句型如此如此.以致于以致于.So + 形容词形容词 + be + 主词主词 + that + 句子句子自然资源是如此

38、珍贵,我们经不起浪费它。So precious is natural resources that we cant afford to waste it.亮点句型我们绝对不能我们绝对不能.On no account can we + V 我们绝对不能忽略食品安全的价值。On no account can we ignore the value of food safety.亮点句型It is time + S + 过去式过去式 (该是该是.的时候了的时候了)该是有关当局采取适当的措施来解决交通问题的时候了。It is time the authorities concerned took pr

39、oper steps to solve the traffic problems.亮点句型没有人不没有人不.There is no one but 没有人不渴望获得好的环境。 There is no one but longs to obtain a super environment.亮点句型可想而知的可想而知的 It is conceivable that + 句子句子可想而知,乐观在我们的一生中扮演一个重要的角色。It is conceivable that optimism plays an important role in our life.亮点句型不遗余力的不遗余力的Spare

40、no effort to + V 我们应该不遗余力的美化我们的环境。 We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.倒装句只有这样,我们才能积极地促进文化的发展并且是我们的世界丰富多彩,充满活力Only in this way can we promote our cultural development positively and make our world dimensional, colorful, and vigorous.虚拟语气根据以上论点,政府应该采取有效措施来控制这种趋势。Given all the above arguments, it is high time that the authorities adopted and effectively measures to curb this disturbing trend.结构清晰化框架结构(批判类)描述图画 加以评论 1. 引出主题 2. 分析原因 3. 给出后果) 得出结论 1. 你的态度 2.提出对策 3.进行总结结构清晰化框架结构(表扬类)描述图画 加以评论(引入主题 举例 / 解释好的结果) 得出结论(态度 展望)



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