高一英语(Unit 2 Using language)教案教案

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1、Unit 2 Using languageUnit 2 Using language教材分析(教材分析(analysis of teaching materialanalysis of teaching material)The passage is the second part of the story e and Eat Here. We can see theclimax and ending of the whole story. The words and sentences are simply,students can understand the meaning easily

2、. We hope students can learn that thebalanced diet is important for everyone.学情分析(学情分析(analysis of the studentsanalysis of the students)For the words and sentences are simple, students can understand the whole storyeasily. In this period, students should know how to use the words andexpressions corr

3、ectly and learn how important the balanced diet is.教学目标教学目标(Teaching aims)(Teaching aims)知识目标知识目标 (Knowledge aims)(Knowledge aims)1. Get students to learn some useful new words and expression in this part.A. Words and expressions: earn ones living; in debt; glare at; spy on; limit;benefit; breast; g

4、arlic; sigh; bine; cut down; before long; put on weight.B. Sentences:a Perhaps he would be able to earn his living after all and nothave to close his restaurant.b I found your menu so limited that I stopped worrying and started advertisingthe benefits of my food.c We ought to bine our ideas and prov

5、ide a balanced menu with food full ofenergy and fibre.2. Get students to read the story e and Eat Here (2).3. Let students know about McDonalds.能力目标能力目标 (Ability aims):(Ability aims):1 / 91. Develop students reading skills by extensive reading and enable them tolearn how to use different reading ski

6、lls to read different readingmaterials.2. Have students tell the whole story of Wang Peng and Yong Hui.3. Enable students to understand two opposite opinions and give their ownpoints of view.情感目标(情感目标( Emotional aimsEmotional aims )1. Let students know more about western and Chinese food to form goo

7、d eatinghabit.2. Let students know how important the balanced diet is.3. Develop students sense of group cooperation and teamwork.教学重点和难点(教学重点和难点(teaching important points and difficult pointsteaching important points and difficult points)#Teaching important points: 1. Develop students reading skill

8、s by extensivereading. 2. Let students read and understand the story and the two passages.#Teaching difficult points:1. Enable students to learn to use readingstrategies such as skimming, scanning.2. Get students to understand and discuss the two opposite opinions and givetheir own points of view.教学

9、过程教学过程(Teaching procedures)(Teaching procedures)Step 1 PredictingStep 1 PredictingLook at the picture on page 15 and answer the following questions:1. Who is the man and woman in the picture?2. What are they doing?3. Can you guess what happen before?2 / 9wordStep 2 ListeningStep 2 Listening1. Listen

10、 to the taps and then fill in the charts.2. Check the answers:energy-giving foodsrice, noodles, nuts,butterowner of restaurantproblems with foodsofferedWang Pengtoo much fatYong Huinot enough fatmore protective foodsmore body-building andenergy-giving foodsStep 2 PredictionStep 2 PredictionCan you g

11、uess what will happen to Wang Peng and Yong Hui?Step 3 Fast readingStep 3 Fast readingFinish the exercise on page 31-32 in the Exercise Book, then check the answers.Choose the best answers according to the passage on p14-15.1. When Wang Peng saw Yong Hui walking into his restaurant_.A he was angryB

12、he pretended not to have seen herD he warmly weled her at the doodfoods to be offeredbody-building foodsprotective foodsmeat, fish, tofufruit and vegetablesC his smile was away3 / 9word2. How did Wang Peng win his customers back?A He spied on Yong Huis menu and copied it.B He started to advertised t

13、he benefits of his food.C He worked harder than everD He weled his customers warmly at the door3. _ is a balanced died they believe at last.A Enough body-building and energy-giving foodB The food full of enough fibreC The food full of both energy an fibreD Raw vegetables with the hamburgers and frie

14、d potatoes4. Whats the end of the story?A Wang Peng put on more weight.B They two run their own business quite well.C They bined their ideas and provided a balanced menu.D Wang Peng married Yong Hui and lived happily.Keys: CBCDKeys: CBCDStep 4 Detail readingStep 4 Detail readingRead the text fast, t

15、hen answer the following questions:1. Why did Yong Hui e to Wang Pengs restaurant the next day?Because she was angry with what Wang Peng did, and wanted to ask him tomake an apology to her.2. How did Yong Hui feel when she had the meal in Wang Pengs restaurant?4 / 9She felt sick with all that fat an

16、d heavy food, and she missed hervegetables and fruit.3. What did they find after their chat?They found they didnt offer balanced diets. Because Wang Pengs didntoffer enough fibre and Yong Hui didnt offer enough body-building orenergy-giving foods.4. How did they bine their menus and provide a balanc

17、ed menu?They served raw vegetables with the hamburgers and boiled the potatoesrather than fried them ,and served fresh fruit with ice cream.Step 5 DiscussionStep 5 DiscussionWhat can we learn from the passage?We can learn that it is never too late to change bad eating habits and beginafresh.板书设计板书设计

18、e and Eat Here (2)1. Words and expressions2. predictinglisteningpredictionfast reading detailed reading3. main idea: the petition between WangPengs restaurant and Yong Huisrestaurant.4.4. discussion问题研讨问题研讨(Problem study)(Problem study):课堂提问课堂提问: :Questions:Chart:Energy-givingfoodsBody-Protectivebui

19、ldingfoodsfoods5 / 91. Who is the man and woman in the picture?2. What is he doing?3. Can you guess what happen before?4. Can you guess what will happen to Wang Peng and Yong Hui?练习练习Translate the sentences below and read them aloud, then try to recite them.1. 人如其食。2. 健康就是人生的第一财富。3. 一天一个苹果,医生不来找。4.

20、健康的精神源于健康的身体。Keys: 1. You are what you eat.2. First wealth is health.3. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.4. A sound mind dwells in a sound body.作业作业Part 1 (A level)1. The experts consulted _ each other _ how to reduce theloss caused by the earthquake.A with; aboutB to; onC for; atD with; with2.

21、Have you _ everything that is important in the book?6 / 9A dietedB looked intoC digestedD finished3. Ididnt know how to get to the bus stop, so I went to _ a map.A seeB look intoC look throughD consult4. Harry has been out of work for six months, so he hasdifficulty_.A earning livinglivingD to earn

22、his living5. The passenger was tired and walked more slowly but he got home_.A after allin all6. After ten years of hard work, they at last got _.A out of debtB into debtdebt7. The mother was trembling with anger. She _ her son and saidnothing.A looked atB stared atC glared atD glanced atC in debtD

23、out of theB at allC above allDB earning his livingC to earn8. Why are you spying _ me all the time? What do you want tospy_?A on; outB for; forC on; forD on; on9. There are _ many people in _ a small room that itis crowded now.A such; soB so; suchC such; suchD too; so7 / 910. Ive limited myself _ 1,

24、000 calories a day to try to loseweight.A inB forACABCACABCC toD onKeys: ACDBAKeys: ACDBAPart 2 (B level)单词拼写1. We are going to _(结合) the three departments soon.2. As we all know, _ (胡萝卜) is rich in many kinds of vitamin.3. Your speed must be reduced to the city speed _ (限度) as soon asyou cross the

25、border.4. The new hospital will be a great _ (利益) to the town.5. She _ (叹息) when she saw the hole in her blouse.6. Well run into d_ if you spend more than our ine.7. She died of b_ cancer this spring.8. The success of the match depended on the c_ of all theplayers.9. Dont give the baby meat to eat,

26、because he cant d_ it.10. The smell of g_ is terrible, so youd better brush your teethafter eating it.Keys: 1 bine; 2 carrot; 3 limit ; 4 benefit; 5 sighed; 6 debt; 7 breast;Keys: 1 bine; 2 carrot; 3 limit ; 4 benefit; 5 sighed; 6 debt; 7 breast;8 cooperation ; 9 digest; 10 garlic8 cooperation ; 9 d

27、igest; 10 garlicPart 3 (C level)短语翻译谋生 earn ones living / make ones (a) living欠债 (be) in debt8 / 9暗中监视,侦察 spy on不久以后 before long不再 no longer削减,删除 cut down向医生咨询 consult a doctor瞪着,怒目而视 glare at而不是 rather than几天前,那天 the other day油腻的难消化的食物 fat and heavy food第二盘饺子 a second plate of dumpling把 A 和 B 结合起来 bine A with / and B尾随某人 follow sb.查找出 find out惊讶地发现 be surprised to感到悲伤和绝望 feel sad and觉得恶心 feel sickfind 脂肪含量太高 far too much fathopeless 心平气和的解释 calmly explain我的研究表明 according to my research既不也不 neither nor9 / 9



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