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1、v写文章的过程包括立主题、写提纲和动笔写三大阶段。短文应试写作分为五个步骤。v审清题目v看到写作题后,首先关键的一步是审清题目:认真分析题目所包含的内容和信息,判断出命题者的意图。v构思选材v构思时要注意:思路要开阔,想象力要丰富。v选材是在写作意图的驱动下,自觉地、有目的地搜集写作素材的过程。v草拟提纲v在正式写作之前,对文章从内容到结构有明确而清晰的筹划,才能保证作文既紧扣主题,又有条不紊。v初学者最好还是写提纲,应试写作更是如此。v三种常用的提纲:v潦草提纲v字迹潦草,只言片语。v以作文题“The Advantage of Travel”为例,这种提纲可能是:vSee place of

2、interestvMeet different people vKeep us healthy标题式提纲v简洁醒目,以短语(尤其是名词短语)列为标题。这类提纲有两个要求:标明段落层次,同一层次起码两个并列项。v.enjoy places of interestvEnjoy beautiful scenery in different placesvSee places read of in books vVisit famous cities and scenic spotsv. Know people and their customsvMeet people with different

3、interestvSee strange and different thingsvTaste different foodv. Benefit us both mentally and physicallyvGain knowledge of geography and historyvKeep us healthy句子式提纲v每一部分的内容用完整的句子列出,对议论性强的严密文章更为适合,这些句子实质上是各段的主题句。v. Travel is beneficial to us in at least three ways.(introduction)v. First, we can see

4、the beautiful scenery in different places.v. Second, we will meet different people.v. Third, by travelling we can keep healthy.v. Travel has now become more popular. (conclusion)v写作初稿v应力求一次性写作成功。考生既要写得快,又要写得准确、工整、美观。v正确使用句子结构、修辞和表达方式,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词、句型和表达方式。v检查修改v修改主要应着眼于内容。第二节 写作的基本方法v定义法v定义法(definitio

5、n)是用来说明的一种方法。用定义法在叙述某一事物或论证某一概念时,需要读它进行定义。vX is Y.(X代表被定义项,Y代表定义项,“is”是联项)vA letter is a written or printed message from one person to another.vX is Y + who(which或where)引起的定于从句vX refers to Y.(X applies to Y/X is applied to Y)vX is defined as Y.(X is called Y)vX means Y. / By X we mean Y. / X is mean

6、t Y.vBy civil rights we mean, politically, freedom.v主题句v主题句的概念v在英语篇章中,一致性原则通常体现在各段的主题句里。一个比较规范的段落通常由三部分组成:主题句,展开句或推展句和结论句。主题句是全段核心。主题句的位置v主题句在段中可以居首、居中,也可以居尾。v主题句在段首vProgress in science and the improvement of living conditions have led to the rapid growth of the world population. Modern science, for

7、 example, has made it possible for babies to grow up healthily and for people to live longer. With improved living conditions, particularly in the countryside, people tend to have larger families. As a result, the world population has increased so rapidly that it has now exceeded 6 billion.v主题句在段尾vT

8、hrowing criminals in jail is an ancient and widespread method of punishment, but is it a wise one? It does seem reasonable to keep wrongdoers in a place where they find fewer opportunities to hurt innocent people, and where they might discover that crime doesnt pay. The system has long been consider

9、ed fair and sound by those who want to see the guilty punished and society protected. Yet the value of this form of justice is now being questioned by the very men who have to apply it: the judges. The reason, they say, is that prison doesnt do anyone any good.v主题句在段中vJust as I settle down to read o

10、r watch television, he demands that I play with him. If I get a telephone call, he screams in the background or knocks something over. I always have to hang up to find out whats wrong with him, Baby-sitting with my little brother is no fun. He refuses to let me eat a snack in peace. Usually he wants

11、 half of whatever I have to eat. Then, when he finally grows tired, it takes about an hour for him to fall asleep.v主题句在段首与段尾vGood manners are important in all countries, but ways of expressing good manners are different from country to country. Americans eat with knives and forks; Japanese eat with

12、chopsticks. Americans say “Hi” when they meet;Japanese bow. Many American men open doors for women;Japanese men do not. On the surface, it appears that good manners in America are not good manners in Japan, and in a way this is true. vBut in any country, the only manners that are important are those

13、 involving one persons behavior toward another person. In all countries it is good manners to behave considerately toward others and bad manners not to. It is only the way of behaving politely that differs from country to country.怎样才能写好主题句v主题句首先应该是完整句。v主题句应有明显的导向。vGood health is very important to ev

14、eryone.v主题句应尽量具体。列举法/分类法v列举法通过举例,分类法将被说明的对象按照一定的标准划分成不同的类型。v次序关系词Afterward, eventually, finally, first, firstly, furthermore, lastly, moreover, next, second, secondary, then短语Above all, first and most important, in addition, in the end, in the second place, last but not least, to begin with, to conc

15、lude, to start with . Last but not least, our thanks should go to the technicians working behind the scenes.vI want to be a kindergarten teacher: to begin/start with, I have some kindergarten educational background, and secondary I am always very happy with those little kids.递进法v递进关系词Additionally, a

16、gain, also, besides, moreover, further, furthermore, likewise, similarly, meanwhile短语As well, equally important, in addition, in other words, last but not least, not onlybut also, onethe other, one the one handon the other hand, or rather, that is , in the same way, that is to say, whats more, what

17、is more similar.v例证法v例证法在确定段落的主题后,举出实例来说明观点。vHe is a very mean person, as an illustration, he is only willing to lend money to his son at high interest.vJust as fish cannot live without water, human beings cannot live without oxygen.vLike love, diamond becomes more precious with time.因果法v在议论文中使用因果法进

18、行论证具有较强的说服力。v表示因果关系常用如下方法:v用名词cause(后接of)或reason(后接for)表示原因。vOne of the causes of the accident was poor communication.v用连接词语therefore,so,thus,hence,accordingly,consequently,as a result,as a consequence等表示结果。vWe do not have enough money. Thus we cannot buy a new car.v用从属连词because,since,as,now(that),s

19、eeing that等引起从句表示原因。vSince weve got a few minutes to wait for the train, lets have a cup of coffee.v动词或动词短语cause,produce,effect,lead to,result in,bring about,be responsible for,give rise to等可以表示因果关系。vAn increase in demand often results in/leads to/causes/produces higher prices.v用介词短语because of,due t

20、o,owing to,on account of,as a result of,thanks to等表示原因。vOn account of the rise in prices, we must also charge more.比较与对比法v比较与对比是说明和论证的方法。引起比较与对比的常用词语有:v比较关系词Accordingly,although,but,conversely,correspondingly,despite,equally,however,instead,like,likewise,meanwhile,nevertheless,otherwise,similarly,st

21、ill,unlike,whereas,while,yet短语And yet,at the same time,but yet conversely,different from,equally important,even so,in comparison(with),in/by contrast(with/to),in spite of,in the same way,not onlybut,on the contrary,on the other handThe full coverage of their scandal could damage their reputation con

22、versely, it will give them a lot of free publicity.vThe teacher pronounced every new word as loudly as possible, and asked her students to do likewise.vMen must wear a jacket and tie; similarly, women must wear a skirt or dress, not pants.v类比法v用类比法进行论证必须注意两点:一是类体必须真实可靠,而是类体和本体必须有共同属性。vScience and te

23、chnology also play an important role in our socialist construction. We may say, our socialist construction is just like a skyscraper, while science and technology are its base. Without the base, the skyscraper cant be built. Therefore, we should try our best to contribute to the development of scien

24、ce and technology so as to provide a more solid base to build our country.v第二章 写作技巧v第一节 如何开篇vPattern 1:vWhen asked about_,the vast/overwhelming majority of (most/many/quite a few)people say/think/believe/answer that_. But other people regard/view/see/think of _ as _.vWhen asked about the biggest pro

25、blem today, many people say that it is the serious energy crisis. They are afraid that the world will soon run out of oil and run short of food. But other people hold optimistic views: they regard it as a natural result of the economic development and believe it will be only solved with further adva

26、nces in economy and technology.vPattern 2:vWhen it comes to_, some people think / believe that_. Others argue / claim that the opposite / reverse is true. There is probably some truth in both arguments / statements, but_.v例:When it comes to international sport such as the Olympic Games and the World

27、 Cup soccer game, some people believe that it creates goodwill between the nations and that if countries play games together they will learn to live together. Others say that the opposite is true: that international contests encourage false national pride and lead in misunderstanding and hatred. The

28、re is probably a little bit of truth in both arguments, but in recent years the Olympic Games have done little to support the view that sports encourage international brotherhood.(2)定义法v用一句话或几句话来说明题中的关键词,给出关键词的定义。vOn modesty(论谦虚)vHow to Use Our Brain(如何使用我们的智慧)vModesty is a virtue which means having

29、 a lower opinion than is probably deserved,of ones own ability,knowledge,skill,and success.vHuman brain is the most complex and intelligent mechanism in the world. It is the major factor that distinguishes man from animals.v(3)背景导入法v标题:Housing Problem v开篇:With the development of industry and increas

30、e of employment in cities, more people are swarming into cities. As a result,accommodations have become very difficult.vPattern 1:vRecently the problem/issue/question/phenomenon of _has drawn/aroused public/popular/grave/world-wide attention. vcaused/aroused wide/general/considerable/international c

31、oncern. vbeen in the limelight.vThe problem of development vs. environment has now been in the limelight(aroused wide/general/considerable/international concern).Nowhere is the clash more visible than in China, where the worlds largest population faces pollution, deforestation and acid rain on a lar

32、ge scale.(4)设问法vPattern 1:v“Why do/have_?”Many people often ask/pose the question like this.vWhy does the idea of progress loom so large in the modern world? Many people often ask the question like this. Surely because progress of a particular kind is actually taking place around us and is becoming

33、more and more manifest. Although mankind has undergone no general improvement in intelligence or morality, it has made extraordinary progress the accumulation of knowledge.vPattern 2:v“Why_?/Can_?”of all the complaints/questions/discussion/debate I have heard from_,this is the one most frequently ut

34、tered/voiced.v“Why do we have to learn all this dumb stuff?”Of all the complaints and questions I have heard from my classmates during my college life,this was the one most frequently uttered. I would answer that it can widen your mind and prepare you for your future life.(5)引语法vPattern 1:vOne of th

35、e great early men /writers /philosophers /scientists said /wrote /remarked that_. If this is true/the case, then the present/current view/value/attitude/situation should make us wonder whether_.(ponder over_.)vOne of the great early socialists said that the status of women in a society is a pretty r

36、eliable index of the degree of civilization of that society. If it is true, then the present low status of women in management should make us ponder about whether our management is civilized at all.Pattern 2:vKnowledge is power. /Genius is 2 percent inspiration and 98 Percent perspiration. Such is t

37、he opinion of /remark made by Bacon /one of the great men. This view /remark has been shared /confirmed now /time and again by more and more people /many historical events.vEducation is not complete with graduation. Such is the opinion of Mortimer J. Adler, a great American philosopher. Now more and

38、 more people share his opinion. No college or university can educate its students by the time they graduate; and no one should be content to simply end his education with high school education or college education. Education is a lifetime study.v第三节 议论文、说明文写作技巧v英语短文可以分为四种类型:对立观点型;问题解决型;说明利弊型;阐述主题型。v

39、对立观点型v实用模板一:vX is Y that/which_. However, there is no consensus of opinions among people as to how to face X.vSome people consider that_, on the contrary, some other people argue that_.vAs far as I concerned, Im for the latter and against the former. For one thing,_ _. Just like people say, _.For an

40、other thing, _实用模板二:vA and B has become a hot topic among people, especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way. Many people are inclined to competition. In their opinion, A_. They believe that, to some extent, A_.vBy contrast, there are still many people who wont agree. They

41、argue that B_.vFor my part, I think it reasonable that we advocate A. but we cant ignore B. _.Only together with B will A_.问题解决型vPeople are now facing with a big problemX, which is becoming more and more serious. In the first place,_. In the second place,_. What makes things worse is that_, taking _

42、 for a shining example.vConfronted with X, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing,_. For another thing, _. A case in point is that_.vIn conclusion, we should know about the problem of X, and object to_. Only in this way can we_ in the future.v(84words

43、)v阐述主题型vThere is an old famous saying, “_”. Which means_. It is the experience of our forefathers, however, it is correct in many cases even today.vA case in point is_. Similarly, _.vWhen it comes to_, it is also the case. _.vFrom what has been discussed above, we should understand the meaning of “_

44、”more clearly. On the one hand,_. On the other hand, _. The best way is to_.说明利弊型vX now plays such an important part in so many peoples lives that it is essential for us to try to decide whether it is a blessing or a curse. Obviously, X has both advantages and disadvantages.vAs if often pointed out,

45、 X_. However, (if not managed properly), others (who strongly object to) maintain that X can create many problems too. _.vFor my part, whether the ultimate effect of X is good or not, one thing is certain that X in itself is neither good nor bad. It is the uses to which it is put that determine its value to society. (94words)



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