高英精读6lesson9 the bluest eyeppt课件

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1、Members:Members:1They come from They come from MobileMobile, , Aiken Aiken. From . From Newport NewsNewport News. From . From MariettaMarietta. From. From MeridianMeridian. And the sounds of these places . And the sounds of these places in their mouth makes you think of love.in their mouth makes you

2、 think of love.All the places the author mentioned have one All the places the author mentioned have one thing in common: they are all towns thing in common: they are all towns in deep in deep south,south, where slavery and plantation existed where slavery and plantation existed before the civil war

3、.before the civil war.The setting of the novel is an industrial The setting of the novel is an industrial town, which is in the Midwest and different town, which is in the Midwest and different from the deep south. from the deep south. 22.And the sounds of these places in their mouths make you think

4、 of love.When the brown girls pronounce the names of these places, they are full of affection and make other people associate these places with love.33. They say 3. They say “AikenAiken” and you see a and you see a white butterfly glance off a fence white butterfly glance off a fence with a torn win

5、g.with a torn wing.1)glance off: to hit a surface at an angle and then move away from it in another direction 斜飞,擦过2)a white butterfly glance off a fence with a torn wing: Here the author uses a butterfly with a torn wing as a metaphor, meaning fragile beauty.3)The implied meaning is that life in th

6、e Deep South seemed romantic and filled them with sentimental nostalgia, although life there was not easy. 4but you love what happens to but you love what happens to the air when they open their the air when they open their lips and let the names ease lips and let the names ease outout. That means t

7、hey say those names in a very gentle and tender manner. They were proud of their origin.5Perhaps because they dont have home towns, just places where they were born.Why?(1)This perhaps because they only have (1)This perhaps because they only have places of birth, but not places they feel places of b

8、irth, but not places they feel at home and which they identify at home and which they identify themselves with.themselves with.(2)America is a moving society in which (2)America is a moving society in which people tend to move around instead of people tend to move around instead of staying in one pl

9、ace.staying in one place.6AmericaHometown may not be a place where one is born,It is a place of personal experience.A place where one feels most at home and which one identifies with most.Chinahometown is one place of birth or ones ancestral place with along with ones family and culture root.7But th

10、ese girls soak up the juice of their But these girls soak up the juice of their home towns, and it never leaves them.home towns, and it never leaves them.Juice: the essence of everything.Juice: the essence of everything. (slang) power and influence (slang) power and influenceSoakup:吸收,摄取吸收,摄取Butthes

11、egirlsarestronglyinfluencedbytheirhometownandtheinfluencestayswiththemforevereventheyleavetheirhometown.8Hollyhocksimile9They have the eyes of people who can tell what time it is by the color of the sky.他们的眼睛可以根据天空的颜色判断是什么时间了。10They have put in the window the cardboard sign that has a pound measure

12、printed on each of three edges-10 1bs., 251bs., 50 1bs.-and No ICE on the fourth.In those days, when refrigerators were not available, icebox were used for keeping food cool. Every day, the iceman would come to sell or deliver ice.11TheseparticularbrowngirlsfromMobileandAikenarenotlikesomeoftheirsis

13、ters.Inasmalltown,theblackpeopleusuallyliveclosetogetherwithinafewblocksinaneighborhood.Theyhaveastrongsenseoftheneighborhood,orthecommunity.Thewomencalloneanother“sister.”ThebrowngirlsfromplaceslikeMobileandAikenaredifferentfromandfeelsuperiortotheothergirlsoftheirownrace. 12They are not fretful, n

14、ervous, or shrill; they do not have lovely black necks that stretch as though against an invisible collar; their eyes do not bite. These sugar-brown Mobile girls move through the streets without a stir.她们既不烦躁,也不焦虑;她们也没有漂亮的黑脖子在无形的衣领里伸展;她们的眼神并不咄咄逼人。这些红糖肤色的女孩在街上行走时悄然无声。13They are as sweet and plain as

15、a buttercake.Irony, Comparisonbatter cake: a plain cake made of flour,sugar and butter.The author compares these brown girls to a battercake, describing them as being sweet but plain and ordinary, lacking special qualities.14Lifebuoysoap,CashmereBouquettalc,JergensLotion,Thesearealltoiletarticlestha

16、tcostmoreandrepresentprestige,andareusedbythemiddle-classwhitepeople.Thesebrowngirlstrytoimitatethemiddle-classwhitepeopleaccordingthestandardsofbeautysetbythedominantculture.1516CASHMERE BOUQUET TALC DIXIE PEACH POMADA(润发油油)17TheystraightentheirhairwithDixiePeach,andpartitontheside.Someblackpeoplet

17、rytoaltertheirappearanceandlookmorelikewhitepeoplebecausetheyaretoldthatwhiteisbeautifulwhileblackisugly.So,theywhitentheskin,orhavesurgerythatmakesthenosenarrowerandhigherorstraightentheirhairandmaybedyeitblond. 18Theydonotdrink,smoke,orswear,andtheystillcallsex“nookey.”Drinking,smokingandswearinga

18、reconsideredtobebadbehavior.Thereforethesebrowngirlsdontdrink,smokeorswear.Theystillthinksexisvulgarvlga.粗野的,下流的;粗野的,下流的;andindecentindi:snta.不适当的;猥亵不适当的;猥亵的的.Thisisanotherexampleshowinghowthebrowngirlstrytomeettheconventionalpuritanicalcodesofmoralconduct. 19Theysingsecondsopranointhechoir,andaltho


20、mer,whoplaystheleadingroleinthechoir,shouldhavenotonlyagoodvoice,butalsogreatpassion.Thebrowngirlsmayhavetheformerbutnotthelatter.20They go to land-grant colleges, normal schools, and learn how to do the white mans work with refinementCollege:1.Thebodyoffacultyandstudentsofacollege2.Aninstitutionofh

21、ighereducationcreatedtoeducateandgrantdegrees;oftenapartofauniversity3.Britishslangforprison4.AcomplexofbuildingsinwhichacollegeishousedNormalSchool:Tobrownpeople,thenormalschoolissimilartothevocationalschoolwheretheylearntheskillsnottheknowledgeschool.The history of education develoment of black pe

22、ople Para.321During the slavery , it is committing a crime when black people are reading and writing .After the civil war , there are some primary school in the sourth , but the white people take the action of racial segregation and persecute the black people .After the right movememt of black in 50

23、s-60s , the racial segregation is canceled. In the law , every black people have the right to gain the education.Still now, there is no chance for black people to get education equally.In the public school, the equipment is worse . The teacher is worse . The enviroment is worse. Because most black s

24、tudents are here 22Acrooding to a report, in America, there are 12.7 % black people, but only 2.7 %, 1.1 %, 1.8 % who had the master, professor and doctor are black people .It seems that in the area of science and technology, black engineer and scientist is very few.Another report, in America, 84% y

25、outh have the diploma of secondary school, but in black people, 40% have not finish the primary school. The rate of illiterycy is up to 30%.Racial prejudice make the black and the mixed- blood stay in the original place, making those people who are stuggling hard lose the dream and moral . Thus the

26、morbidity come into being in their heart. Thus they are in depression. When in depression, it is possible for everything to happen.23home economics to prepare his food; teacher education to instruct black children in obedience; music to soothe the weary master and entertain his blunted soulParallel

27、constructionellipsisFunction *Strength the momentum and sense of rhythm of language*make the writing more logic*express the strong feelings 242)homeeconomics:ascienceandartofhomemaking,includingnutrition,clothing,budgeting,andchildcareAsthesebrowngirlsarefromrelativelybetter-offfamilies,theyreceivem

28、oreeducationthantheworse-offblacks.Theyusuallygotoland-grantcollegesornormalschoolswhereteachersaretrained.Thepurposeoftheireducationistopreparethemtoservethewhitemanwithrefinement.Theymajorinhomeeconomicstodohousekeepingfortheirmasters.They areeducatedtobeteacherssothattheywillteachtheblackchildren

29、tobeobedient.Theyaretrainedinmusicinordertoentertainthewhitemasters.25她们就读于政府拨地建造的大学以及师范学她们就读于政府拨地建造的大学以及师范学院。他们学习如何把为白人服务的工作做得院。他们学习如何把为白人服务的工作做得更细致:学家政是为了给他们烧饭做菜;学更细致:学家政是为了给他们烧饭做菜;学当老师是为了教育黑人孩子顺从;学音乐是当老师是为了教育黑人孩子顺从;学音乐是为了让疲惫的主人身心放松,为他那已麻木为了让疲惫的主人身心放松,为他那已麻木的灵魂提供消遣。的灵魂提供消遣。26Here they learn the re

30、st of the lesson begun in those soft houses with porch swings and pots of bleeding heart: how to behave. The careful development of thrift, patience ,high morals, and good manners.其余的课程是在摆放摇椅和盆栽荷包牡丹的温暖的家其余的课程是在摆放摇椅和盆栽荷包牡丹的温暖的家中完成的,即学习如何做到举止得当。她们认真培养中完成的,即学习如何做到举止得当。她们认真培养节俭,耐心,高贵的道德品质和良好的礼貌举止。节俭,耐心,

31、高贵的道德品质和良好的礼貌举止。Postposition attribute ellipsisTheeducationtheyreceiveathomeandatschoolhelpsthemwithacarefuldevelopmentofpatience,highmorals,andgoodmanners.Para.327Inshort,howtogetridofthefunkiness.Thedreadfulfunkinessofpassion,thefunkinessofnature,thefunkinessofthewiderangeofhumanemotions. Inshort,


33、termsmaybeappliedtodescribefunky: :自然原始的,朴自然原始的,朴实的,本性的,的,本性的,感官的,非感官的,非传统的,奇特的,无拘束的,非正式的,奇特的,无拘束的,非正式的,即的,即兴的,随意的的,随意的.29dreadful:intheeyesofthemiddle-classwhitepeopleandintheeyesofthebrowngirls,thefunkinessofpassion,natureandawiderangeofhumanemotionsisdreadful.Therefore,“whereveriterupts”they“wipe

34、itaway.”3031It is not dreadful , in fact , it is normal and beautiful as the charact er of human being s. Without that , black people are not human beings . More exactly, we can call them the mechine just like the robot without the expression such as happy and angry.It is the crafty plot made by whi

35、te . The aim is to destroy the humanity of black people to seveice them forever. 32Wherever it erupts, this Funk, they wipe it away; where it crusts, they dissolve it; wherever it drips, flowers, or clings, they find it and fight it until it dies.all the way to the grave.Funk: a state of nervous dep

36、ression There is a anthropopathic effect, let reader consider it as the enemy who is real exist in the world .The brown girls try hard to repress their emotions and passions. However, these natural human emotions cannot be wiped out totally. Sometimes they will emerge and burst out. And they will de

37、velop, become stronger and stay with them. So whenever and wherever this funk bursts out, the brown girls will do their best to stifle it. Then it emerges again, and they will kill it again. The brown girls have to fight the battle constantly all their lives because funkiness comes back naturally. P

38、ara.433无论这种低俗在哪里显现,她们都有去处它;无论在哪刚出现,她们都要将其化为乌有;无论它在哪里显露、发展、依附,她们都会找到它并一直战斗到它不复存在。她们终身都要与之奋斗。34Thelaughthatistooloud;theenunciationalittletooround;thegesturealittletoogenerous.They make sure that they dont laugh too loudly, dont speak with their mouths opened too round, and dont make too generous gest

39、ures.Theyholdtheirbehindinforfearofaswaytoofree;1)behind: (Informal) bottom, buttocks2) for fear of a sway too free: If a woman walks with a free sway, moving her buttocks from side to side too much, she will be considered to be sexy. 35whentheywearlipstick,theynevercovertheentiremouthforfearoflipst

40、oothick,andtheyworry,worry,worryabouttheedgesoftheirhair.As they have thick lips, the brown girls try to make their lips appear not so thick by covering only part of their lips with lipstick.What worries them most is their hair, which curls up at the edges. In Paragraph 2, we see the brown girls str

41、aighten their hair with Dixie Peach, and part it on the side like white girls. 36笑声不能太大;说话时嘴不能张的太圆;举止不能太夸张;走路时要收紧臀部,以免过于招摇;涂口红时不能涂满整个嘴唇,以免显得过厚;她们还要非常非常担心自己的发际。37Fromthispicture,wecanseethisdressobviouslylimitedthefreedomofmovement.Thehairrequireyoutostayquite.Infact,thisisalsothestandardforchinesela






47、让孩子顺利出生。谷粒。她的臀部使他们确信她可以让孩子顺利出生。他们是对的。他们是对的。4243What does the author tell us in Paragraphs 6Whatmendonotknowisthatthebrown girlwillmakeherhomeherowninviolable worldagainstanyoutsider,evenagainstherhusband.Sherunsthehouseinherown way.Althoughshekeepsthehouseclean andtidy,shedoesnotgiveitanywarmthPara.

48、644Para.61.What they do not know is that this plain brown girl will build her nest stick by stick, - and stand guard over its every plant, weed, and doily, even against him. Visible Invisible The brown girl can keep the house clean and tidy and bear children easily.The brown girl will build her nest

49、 bit by bit and defend it as her own fortress world without any warmth.45(1)Whattheydonotknowislinkedwiththelastsenten-ceofthepreviousparagraph.Althoughtheyarerightinthi-nkingthatthebrowngirlcankeepthehousewellandbearchildreneasily,theydonotknowthebrowngirlwillbuildhernestbitbybitanddefenditasherown


51、h(2)她只需斜眼看他一下,他就知道该到房后的走廊上去抽烟.47PARA.62.Nor do they know that she will give her body sparingly and partially.Cause and effectDefine sex as vulgar and indecent.Not enjoy normal sexual life thoroughly and wholly but restrain herself in making love with her husband.Cause Effect 48Para.7Inthisparagraph,


53、ordliving:living: InParagraphs5and6weseetheInParagraphs5and6weseethebrowngirltakesgoodcareofeverythinginthebrowngirltakesgoodcareofeverythinginthehouse.Shestandsguardoveritseveryplant,house.Shestandsguardoveritseveryplant,weed,anddoily.Butnoneofthemarewarmandweed,anddoily.Butnoneofthemarewarmandaliv


55、eascleanansquietassheis.precision:precision:thequalityorstateofbeingthequalityorstateofbeingprecise,exactnessprecise,exactnessconstancy:constancy: astateofbeingconstantorunchangingastateofbeingconstantorunchangingfeminist(notonlypertinentwithconflictionbetweenBlackfeminist(notonlypertinentwithconfli



58、iseyes.caress:treatwithtokensoffondness,affection,orkindnessHis:His:gender-malesympothy:sympothy:cannotgainaffectionfromtherealhumanbeinginsteadoftransformingsuchaffectiontoananimal.52She can hold him in her arms, letting his back paws struggle for footing on her breast and his forepaws cling to her

59、 shoulser.struggle for and cling to :it seems that she is the only anchor for the cat.The women have a sense of being needed while such kind of feeling is favored by human beings.53Shecanrubthesmoothfurandfeeltheunresistingfleshunderneath.unresisting:showobediencealliterationNowthecatisonthebody,qui

60、etandpeaceful,allowingthewomentoembraceamomentofescapingfromthereality.54At her gentlest touch he will preen, stretch, and open his mouth.preen:to clean itself or make its feathers smooth with its beak55And she will accept the strangely pleasant sensation that comes when he writhes beneath her hand

61、and flattens his eyes with a surfeit of sensual delight.writhe:twistormoveyourbodywithoutstoppingsurfeit:toogreatanamount;excessTosomeextend,thescenecanbequiteofsorrow.Assheoughttosharethesensualdelightwithherhusbandratherthantananimal.Sheacceptsthemastheycomewhensheisplayingwiththecat.Bydescribingh




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