高中英语 Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia Period One Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary课件 外研版必修3

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1、Book 3 Module 4Sandstorms in Asia话题语篇导读 Because of the development of agriculture,the area of land affected by sand has gradually increased.During the 1950s and 1960s the land affected by sand expanded on average into 1,600 square kilometers per year.By the 1990s,the area had reached 2,500 square ki

2、lometers per year.This kind of situation is particularly serious in many regions upwind from Beijing.Fengning City in Hebei Province and Duolun City in Inner Mongolia lie to the north of Beijing,and in the last 50 years the population of these two cities has grown by 2 to 3 times.In order to obtain

3、more resources,the inhabitants have been busy with heavy farming,treecutting and keeping animals.The result is that the soil which has sustained damage,and the sand layer below the earth is now exposed on the ground and the ground is rapidly being controlled by the spread of sand.China has already n

4、oticed this problem,and has taken measures to save the land.Nowadays,some land used for farming has returned to forestland and grassland.The Chinese government announced that it would invest more than RMB 600,000,000 to control Beijings sandstorms in the coming years.Only by decreasing the damage ca

5、used by man and restoring the natural environment will it be possible to well control the sources of the sand and dust.We hope in the notdistant future,we will solve the problem successfully and effectively.Notes 1.upwind adj.& adv.在在上风向的上风向的(地地)2.inhabitant n.居民居民3.sustain vt.遭受遭受,蒙受,经受,蒙受,经受4.rest

6、ore v.恢复恢复;还原;还原答案Task Answer the following questions1.Whats the main idea of the passage?_2.How to control the sources of the sand and dust?(1)_(2)_Its about sand expanded/desertification in China.Decrease the damage caused by man.Restore the natural environment.课前预习基础落实课堂讲义核心突破当堂达标检测巩固Period OnePe

7、riod OneIntroduction & Reading and VocabularyIntroduction & Reading and Vocabulary答案课前预习基础落实.单词检测单词检测1. adj.吓人吓人的;可怕的的;可怕的 vt.使使惊吓惊吓 adj.受惊受惊的;受恐吓的的;受恐吓的2. adj.大量大量的;大规模的的;大规模的3. n.战役战役;活动;活动4. n.(土地的土地的)沙漠化沙漠化 n.沙漠沙漠n词语识记frighteningfrightenfrightenedmasscampaigndesertificationdesert答案5. n.进程;过程进程;过

8、程6. n.公民;市民公民;市民7. n.沙尘;灰尘沙尘;灰尘8. vt.预报;预告预报;预告9. n.力量;力气力量;力气 adj.强大的,强壮的强大的,强壮的 vt.加强,巩固加强,巩固10. vi.骑自行车骑自行车processcitizendustforecaststrengthstrongstrengthencycle答案.短语检测短语检测1. 砍倒砍倒2. 突然突然遭遇遭遇(风暴等风暴等)3. 由于由于4. 醒来醒来时注意到;开始时注意到;开始觉察到觉察到(危险、想法等危险、想法等)5. 阻止阻止做某事做某事6. 一一个接一个地个接一个地cut downbe/get caught

9、inas a result ofwake up toprevent sb./sth.(from) doing sth.one after another答案.课文判断正课文判断正(T)误误(F)1.Sandstorms are strong,wet winds that carry sand. ( )2.Sandstorms come from the desert areas. ( )3.The land becomes desert mainly because of climate changes. ( )4.Sandstorms in China seem to have increa

10、sed in recent years. ( )5.Sandstorms usually continue several months in Beijing. ( )n课文预读FTFTF答案123.课文阅读理解课文阅读理解1.What is the best description about a sandstorm according to the passage?A.It is a major disaster for many Asian countries for centuries.B.Its strong,dry wind carrying sand.C.It is a way

11、to cause land to become desert.D.Its a kind of natural disaster that cant be treated.答案答案B45答案2.What is the main reason for the increase of sandstorm in China recently?A.To be close to many deserts.B.The worsening of the weather in China.C.The result of desertification.D.People cutting down trees an

12、d digging up grass.答案答案C12345答案3.What effects are sandstorms bringing to people living in cities?A.The whole city is usually covered in a thick and brownyellow dust.B.Traffic moves very slowly.C.People cant breathe well and the dust makes them ill.D.All of the above.答案答案D12345答案4.What is the good su

13、ggestion when people meet a sandstorm?A.Not going out.B.If you go out,just wear thick clothes.C.When going out,wear a mask.D.Never go out and just stay at home.答案答案C12345答案5.What is the best way to avoid the effects from the sandstorm?A.To live far away from deserts.B.To stay at home when a sandstor

14、m happens.C.To wear mask if you want to go out.D.To plant more trees.答案答案D12345答案.难句分析难句分析1.This is a process that happens when land becomes desert because of climate changes and because people cut down trees and dig up grass.句句式式分分析析:本本句句是是一一个个复复杂杂复复合合句句。主主句句是是This is a process;that happens.为为 从从句句

15、修修饰饰process;when land.为为 从从句句;because of climate changes和和because people cut down trees and dig up grass分别是分别是 和和 。自主翻译:自主翻译:_定语定语时间状语时间状语原因状语原因状语原因状语从句原因状语从句这是一个因气候变化和人类砍树挖草导致的土壤沙化的过程。这是一个因气候变化和人类砍树挖草导致的土壤沙化的过程。返回答案2.The Chinese Central Weather Station can forecast a sandstorm some weeks before it

16、arrives in Beijing,but the strength of the storm sometimes surprises people.句句式式分分析析:before it arrives in Beijing是是 从从句句,before是是 ;but是是 连词,连接两个并列句。连词,连接两个并列句。自主翻译:自主翻译:_时间状语时间状语连词连词并列并列中国气象局能在沙尘暴到北京前的几周做出预报,但是沙尘暴中国气象局能在沙尘暴到北京前的几周做出预报,但是沙尘暴的力量有时很惊人。的力量有时很惊人。 frightening 语境感悟语境感悟 课堂讲义核心突破n重点单词1(1)(教材

17、教材P31)It lasted for ten hours and was very frightening.它它(这场沙尘暴这场沙尘暴)持续了十个小时,非常可怕。持续了十个小时,非常可怕。(2)He frightened the old man into giving him all the money.他恐吓那位老人把所有的钱都给了他。他恐吓那位老人把所有的钱都给了他。(3)The frightened children were calling for their mothers.受惊的孩子们呼喊着找妈妈。受惊的孩子们呼喊着找妈妈。(4)She was frightened at the

18、 sight that the animal was drowned.她对那个动物被淹死的情景感到恐惧。她对那个动物被淹死的情景感到恐惧。 归纳拓展归纳拓展 (1)frightening adj.吓人的;可怕的;令人害怕的吓人的;可怕的;令人害怕的(2)frighten vt.(使使)惊恐;吓唬惊恐;吓唬frighten sb.to death使某人恐惧,吓得要命使某人恐惧,吓得要命frighten sb. into doing sth.吓唬某人做某事吓唬某人做某事frighten sb. out of doing sth.吓唬某人不做某事吓唬某人不做某事(3)frightened adj.感

19、到恐惧的;害怕的感到恐惧的;害怕的be frightened at/of.害怕害怕;对;对感到恐惧感到恐惧be frightened to do sth.害怕去做某事,吓得不敢做某事害怕去做某事,吓得不敢做某事答案 即时即时跟踪跟踪 (1)用用frighten的正确形式填空的正确形式填空She was at the thought of the examination.A sudden stop can be a very experience,especially if you are travelling at high speed.(2016浙江浙江)(2)完成句子完成句子当他在森林里看

20、见熊时,他要被吓死了。当他在森林里看见熊时,他要被吓死了。When he saw the bear in the forest he .他们恐吓他以使他说出秘密。他们恐吓他以使他说出秘密。They telling them the secret.frightenedfrighteningwas frightened to deathfrightened him into答案(3)单句改错单句改错It was supposed to be a horror film but it wasnt very frightened.frightening mass 语境感悟语境感悟 2(1)(教教材材P

21、32)Scientists have tried many ways to solve this problem and in China,a mass campaign has been started to help solve it.科科学学家家们们尝尝试试了了许许多多方方法法来来解解决决这这个个问问题题,而而且且在在中中国国也也发发动动了了群群众众运动来对付沙尘暴。运动来对付沙尘暴。(2)Their latest product is aimed at the mass market.他们的最新产品瞄准了大众市场他们的最新产品瞄准了大众市场。(3)In the yard lie a m

22、ass of stones.院子里有许多石头。院子里有许多石头。(4)The World War involved the mass of the population.第二次世界大战使大多数民众卷入其中。第二次世界大战使大多数民众卷入其中。 归纳拓展归纳拓展 mass adj.群众的,大众的;大量的,大规模的;群众的,大众的;大量的,大规模的;n.大量;众多;堆大量;众多;堆a mass of/masses of大量;许多大量;许多the mass of大多数;大部分大多数;大部分the masses 群众;平民群众;平民 温馨提醒温馨提醒 a mass of/masses of大大量量的的

23、,许许多多的的,既既可可修修饰饰可可数数名名词词,也也可可修修饰饰不不可可数数名名词词。作作主主语语时时,a mass of谓谓语语动动词词的的单单复复数数与与其其后后的的名名词词保保持持一一致致;masses of谓语动词的单复数与谓语动词的单复数与mass保持一致。保持一致。答案 即时跟踪即时跟踪 用所给词的正确形式填空用所给词的正确形式填空(1)The (mass) are the true makers of history.(2)There (be) masses of students in the classroom and theyre waiting for Professo

24、r Li.(3)So far,a mass of books (have) been handed out.massesarehave strength 语境感悟语境感悟 3(1)(教材教材P32).,but the strength of the storm sometimes surprises people.,但是沙尘暴的力量有时很惊人。,但是沙尘暴的力量有时很惊人。(2)I dont have the strength to climb any further.我没有力气再往上爬了。我没有力气再往上爬了。(3)He knows about his strengths and weakn

25、esses.他了解自己的优缺点。他了解自己的优缺点。(4)At present America is taking some measures to strengthen the economy.目前美国正在采取措施以巩固经济。目前美国正在采取措施以巩固经济。 归纳拓展归纳拓展 (1)strength n.U,C力量;力气;长处,优势力量;力气;长处,优势have the strength to do有做有做的力气的力气/意志力意志力with all ones strength尽全力尽全力build up ones strength增强体力增强体力(2)strengthen v.加强,巩固加强

26、,巩固(3)strong adj.强壮的强壮的 易混辨析易混辨析 strength/force/power/energy(1)strength指指固固有有的的潜潜在在力力量量。指指人人时时,着着重重指指力力气气;就就物物而而言言,着着重重指强度、潜力等。指强度、潜力等。(2)force指物理学上的指物理学上的“力力”,也指为做某事而使用的力量,还可指武力。,也指为做某事而使用的力量,还可指武力。(3)power指行动所根据的职权或能力,有时也指有权力的人或强国。指行动所根据的职权或能力,有时也指有权力的人或强国。(4)energy指指物物理理学学上上的的“能能量量”的的概概念念或或生生理理上上

27、的的“精精力力”,也也可可指指“能源能源”。答案 即时跟踪即时跟踪 (1)选词填空选词填空strength,force,power,energyThe solar cell can turn the of sunlight into electric energy.If you drop something,the of gravity will pull it to the floor.He lifted the stone with all his .The party came to at the last election.(2)用所给词的正确形式填空用所给词的正确形式填空I had

28、hardly enough strength (move) my feet.She has always been encouraged to swim to build up the (strong) of her muscles.energyforcestrengthpowerto movestrength cut downn重点短语1 语境感悟语境感悟 (1)(教教材材P31)Deserts are also created because people cut down trees and dig up grass.由于人们砍树挖草,土地变成沙漠。由于人们砍树挖草,土地变成沙漠。(2)

29、You smoke too muchyou should try to cut down.你抽烟太凶了,该少抽点。你抽烟太凶了,该少抽点。(3)The floods cut off their supplies.洪水切断了他们的供给。洪水切断了他们的供给。(4)I cut this article out of the newspaper.我从报纸上剪下了这篇文章。我从报纸上剪下了这篇文章。(5)John was cut up about his failure to win Marys heart.约翰没有赢得玛丽的芳心,感到十分伤心。约翰没有赢得玛丽的芳心,感到十分伤心。 归纳拓展归纳拓展

30、 cut down砍倒;缩减;缩小砍倒;缩减;缩小( (尺寸、数量等尺寸、数量等) );降价;杀死;降价;杀死cut in插嘴,打断插嘴,打断cut off切断,阻断,隔绝切断,阻断,隔绝cut out剪除,切掉;删除;停止剪除,切掉;删除;停止cut up切碎;使受伤;使痛心切碎;使受伤;使痛心答案 即时跟踪即时跟踪 (1)写出下列句子中写出下列句子中cut down的汉语意思的汉语意思Dont cut down the tree that gives you shade. _The whistling bullets cut the enemy soldiers down like cor

31、n. _My mother cut down fathers trousers to fit me. _May I suggest that you cut down the quantity of your order by half?_砍伐,砍倒砍伐,砍倒杀死杀死缩小尺寸缩小尺寸削减削减答案(2)用适当的介、副词填空用适当的介、副词填空He cut the tree and cut it for firewood.The village was often cut by snow.While we were watching TV,an announcer cut to tell us a

32、 piece of latest news.The doctor advised him to cut on drinking,maybe cut it _entirely.downupoffindownout 语境感悟语境感悟 (1)(教教材材P32)“To have been caught in a sandstorm was a terrible experience,” he said.他说:他说:“遇上沙尘暴是一次可怕的经历。遇上沙尘暴是一次可怕的经历。”(2)Miss Perry caught hold of my sleeve and pulled me back.佩里小姐抓住我

33、的袖子,把我拉了回来。佩里小姐抓住我的袖子,把我拉了回来。(3)I suddenly caught sight of her in the crowd.我突然在人群中看见了她。我突然在人群中看见了她。(4)I caught Tom reading my private letters.汤姆在阅读我的私人信件时恰好让我撞见了。汤姆在阅读我的私人信件时恰好让我撞见了。 be caught in2 归纳拓展归纳拓展 be/get caught in突然遭遇突然遭遇( (风暴等风暴等) )catch up with赶上赶上catch hold of抓住,握住抓住,握住catch sight of看见看

34、见catch sb. doing sth.发现发现/抓住某人正在做某事抓住某人正在做某事答案 即时跟踪即时跟踪 (1)用用catch短语的正确形式填空短语的正确形式填空I often a heavy traffic on my way to school.At the moment our technology is more advanced,but other countries are us.The child his mothers hand tightly in the earthquake.(2)用所给动词的正确形式填空用所给动词的正确形式填空The salesman caught

35、 the girl (steal) and let her off. (catch) in a heavy snow,he didnt get there in time.amcaught incatching up withcaught hold ofstealingCaught prevent sb./ sth.(from) doing sth.3 语境感悟语境感悟 (1)(教教材材P32)To prevent it coming nearer,the government is planting trees.为阻止沙漠的逼近,政府一直在植树。为阻止沙漠的逼近,政府一直在植树。(2)Som

36、ething must have prevented her (from) coming.一定有什么事使她不能来。一定有什么事使她不能来。(3)The heavy rain prevented/stopped us (from) going out.We were prevented/stopped/kept from going out by the heavy rain.大雨使我们不能出去。大雨使我们不能出去。 归纳拓展归纳拓展 prevent sb./sth.( (from) ) doing sth.阻止阻止做某事做某事表示表示“阻止阻止做做某事某事”的词组还有:的词组还有:stop.(

37、 (from) ) doing sth.keep.from doing sth. 温馨提醒温馨提醒 主主动动句句中中prevent/stop.from.中中的的from 可可省省略略,在在被被动动句句中中from 不不可可省略,而省略,而keep.from.中的中的from无论在主动句还是被动句中都不能省略。无论在主动句还是被动句中都不能省略。答案 即时跟踪即时跟踪 (1)完成句子完成句子一旦下了决心,什么也不能阻止我完成任务。一旦下了决心,什么也不能阻止我完成任务。Once I have made up my mind,nothing can from finishing it.我们必须阻止

38、更多的树木被砍伐。我们必须阻止更多的树木被砍伐。We must prevent more trees .(2)单句改错单句改错The heavy rain didnt keep them watching the football match.prevent/keep/stop me(from) being cut downfrom so.that.语境感悟语境感悟(1)(教教材材P32)They are often so thick that you cannot see the sun,and the wind is sometimes strong enough to move sand

39、 dunes.沙沙尘尘暴暴夹夹带带的的沙沙尘尘含含量量常常常常很很大大,以以致致可可以以遮遮天天蔽蔽日日,有有时时风风力力大大得得足足以移动沙丘。以移动沙丘。(2)He is so excellent a student that we all want to make him our example.他是个如此优秀的学生,以至于我们都想以他为榜样。他是个如此优秀的学生,以至于我们都想以他为榜样。n经典句式1(3)So excited was he that he could not speak.他如此兴奋,以致说不出话来。他如此兴奋,以致说不出话来。(4)It is such a littl

40、e sheep that it doesnt run fast.这只绵羊如此小,以至于它跑不快。这只绵羊如此小,以至于它跑不快。 归纳拓展归纳拓展 so.that.意意为为“如如此此以以致致”,so是是副副词词,修修饰饰形形容容词词或或副副词词;that引导结果状语从句。引导结果状语从句。(1)soadj./adv.that 从句从句soadj.a/an可数名词单数可数名词单数that从句从句somany/few/much/little可数名词复数或不可数名词可数名词复数或不可数名词that从句从句(2)sucha/anadj.可数名词单数可数名词单数that从句从句suchadj.不可数名词

41、不可数名词that从句从句suchadj.可数名词复数可数名词复数that 从句从句 温馨提醒温馨提醒 (1)so和和such放到句首时,主句要部分倒装。放到句首时,主句要部分倒装。(2)当当little 表表示示“小小”时时,必必须须用用such,如如:such a little boy/such little boys;而当;而当little 表示表示“少少”时,用时,用so,如:,如:so little water。 即时跟踪即时跟踪 (1)用用so或或such填空填空I have little money that I cannot afford a car.They are inte

42、resting books that we all enjoy reading them.There was much food that we couldnt eat it all.(2)句型转换句型转换It was so hot a day that nobody wanted to do anything.It was that nobody wanted to do anything.The teacher spoke so fast that I could not follow him. the teacher that I could not follow him.答案sosuc

43、hsosuch a hotdaySo fast didspeak(3)单句改错单句改错He liked it so very much that he quickly walked into the shop.(2015全国全国,短文改错,短文改错)答案 make itadj./n.(for sb.)to do.语境感悟语境感悟(1)(教教材材P32)The storms sometimes continue all day and traffic moves very slowly because the thick dust makes it difficult to see.沙沙尘尘暴暴

44、有有时时会会持持续续一一整整天天,并并且且由由于于浓浓浓浓的的尘尘埃埃使使能能见见度度变变低低,使使得得交通变得非常缓慢。交通变得非常缓慢。(2)He makes it a rule to recite a poem every morning.他养成了每天早晨背诵一首诗的习惯。他养成了每天早晨背诵一首诗的习惯。2(3)We found it difficult to get along with him.我们发现与他相处很难。我们发现与他相处很难。(4)I feel it hard to forecast earthquakes exactly.我觉得准确预报地震很难。我觉得准确预报地震很难

45、。 归纳拓展归纳拓展 教教材材原原句句中中的的makes it difficult to see中中的的make是是使使役役动动词词,意意为为“使使某某人人或或某某物物处处于于某某状状态态中中”,其其中中it为为形形式式宾宾语语,difficult为为宾宾语语补补足足语语,不不定定式式短短语语to see为为真真正正的的宾宾语语,其其结结构构为为:make itadj./n. ( (for sb.) ) to do.常常用用于于该该结结构构的的动动词词还还有有:feel,think,believe,find,consider等。等。 即时跟踪即时跟踪 (1)单句语法填空单句语法填空The tw

46、o girls are so alike that strangers find difficult to tell one from the other.(2)完成句子完成句子事实上,火山使得飞机无法作业事实上,火山使得飞机无法作业Actually,volcanic ashes .他感到被邀请来参加这个晚会是件很荣幸的事。他感到被邀请来参加这个晚会是件很荣幸的事。He be invited to the party.itmake it impossible for flights to workfelt it an hono(u)r to答案返回.单句语法填空单句语法填空1.Premier

47、Li Keqiang said it was an “important task” (find) jobs for all the university graduates.2.To make members of a team perform better,the trainer first of all has to know their (strong) and weaknesses.3.The rain prevented me from (go) there.4.New technologies have made possible to turn out new products

48、 faster and at a lower cost.5.He gave me some good advice how to drive a car on icy roads.答案当堂达标检测巩固 to findstrengthsgoingiton.选词填空选词填空答案dig up,be caught in,one after another,as a result of,cut down1.The ship a terrible storm and lost its control.2.There are many people who want to earn money by tre

49、es.3.Ill that plant and move it.4.It was time for a break and we came out of the classroom .5.She died her injuries was caught incutting downdig upone after anotheras a result of.句型转换句型转换1.The boy was so clever that he was able to work out the puzzle.The boy was clever work out the puzzle.2.She made

50、 such a good meal that we all ate far too much.She made so that we all ate far too much.3.Taking a walk in the morning is helpful to my health.Taking a walk in the morning to my health.4.It appeared that she had been kept waiting for a long time.She appeared waiting for a long time.5.The aeroplane h

51、ad to change course because there was a storm.The aeroplane had to change course a storm.答案 enoughtogooda mealis ofhelpto have beenkeptbecause of.课文语法填空课文语法填空Sandstorms,strong dry winds 1. carry sand,have struck some Asian countries for centuries.As a result of desertification,sandstorms in China se

52、em to 2. (increase) in recent years,3. is a process that happens when land becomes desert because of climate changes and 4. people cut down trees and dig up grass.Northwest China is part of the sandstorm centre in Central Asia.Sandstorms sometimes have 5._ very bad effect on Beijing,6. (especial) on

53、 its weather and traffic.7. (solve) the problem,many ways have been tried.答案 thathave increasedwhichbecauseaespeciallyTo solveFor example,in order to stop the desert,which is only 250km away to the west,8. (come) nearer to Beijing,the government is planting trees.So far,over 30 billion trees 9. (plant) and 10._(many) trees will be planted for the next five years.答案返回 cominghave been plantedmore



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