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1、会计学1tpm全员生产管理专题教学全员生产管理专题教学(jio xu)英文英文讲座步骤讲座步骤第一页,共78页。 Total Productive Manufacturing is not just a program. It is a long term production efficiency improvement process to attain a predictable manufacturing environment. Through total involvement of the entire workforce, the quality of product and

2、machine uptime can be improved by continuously improving the equipment performance. TPM can also reduce total production and maintenance costs.What is Total Productive Manufacturing (TPM) ? TPM Total Productive ManufacturingTPM Total Productive Manufacturing第1页/共77页第二页,共78页。EQUIPMENT EFFECTIVENESSMA


4、共78页。I OPERATE - YOU FIX!I OPERATE AND I MAINTAIN IT! BREAKDOWN MAINTENANCE BREAKDOWN PREVENTIONTPM requires a change in culture to embrace new disciplines !Old ThinkingNew Thinking第3页/共77页第四页,共78页。TPM Goalsn nMaximize equipment effectiveness.Maximize equipment effectiveness.n nDevelop a system of p

5、roductive maintenance that plan, Develop a system of productive maintenance that plan, design, use or maintain equipment in implementing, use or maintain equipment in implementing TPM.n nActively involve manufacturing specialists.Actively involve manufacturing specialists.n nReduced waste

6、.Reduced waste.n nIncreased utilization of employeeIncreased utilization of employee knowledge and skills.knowledge and skills.n nImproved product quality and consistency.Improved product quality and consistency.第4页/共77页第五页,共78页。n nZero unplanned downtimen nZero speed lossesn nZero defectsn nZero ac

7、cidentsn nMinimum life cycle costZEROZEROZEROZEROZEROZERO第5页/共77页第六页,共78页。E .H. S.Continuous ImprovementAutonomous MaintenancePlanned MaintenanceTraining & EducationInitial Flow ControlQuality MaintenanceOffice TPMTPM 8 Pillars 8TPM 8 Pillars 8大支柱大支柱(zhzh)(zhzh)不断改进自觉性维护(wih)计划性维护(wih)质量维护新产品研究发展系统环

8、境健康安全系统行政管理培训与教育第6页/共77页第七页,共78页。第7页/共77页第八页,共78页。Work-hourshours elapsed EffectiveEnergy# of non-defectiveproduct or weightInput EnergyMaterials(weight)Die/Jig/fixture Energy lossesYield lossesDie/Jig/Fixture losses3 Losses that can impede effective use of production resourcesOperating workerhoursO

9、perating hoursLoading workerhoursLoading hoursNet workinghoursUtilization hoursEffectiveworker hrs.Net utilizationhoursValue-generating(output)worker hoursValue-generatinghoursManagementlossesMotion lossesArrangement lossesLosses resultingfrom lack ofauto systemMonitoring &Adjustment lossesDowntimel

10、ossesPerformancelossesDefectlossesScheduleddowntimeSD lossesFailure lossesSetting up &adjustment lossesCutting blade/Jigchange lossesStart -up lossesMinor stoppage/idling lossesSpeed lossesDefect/reworklosses7 majorlossesthat impedeequip.efficien-cyLosses thatcan impedeoperatingrate5 majorlossesthat

11、 canimpedehumanwork efficien-cy16 Major LossesOther D/T losses第8页/共77页第九页,共78页。TPMTPMContinuous Improvement (CI) Continuous Improvement (CI) 持续改进持续改进持续改进持续改进(g(g ijn)ijn)The 9-Steps CI MethodologyThe 9-Steps CI Methodology持续改进持续改进持续改进持续改进(g(g ijn)ijn)的九个步骤的九个步骤的九个步骤的九个步骤第9页/共77页第十页,共78页。CONTINUOUS I

12、MPROVEMENT PILLARCONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT PILLAR持续持续持续持续(chx)(chx)改进的要点改进的要点改进的要点改进的要点The primary aim of this pillar is to此 要 点 的 主 要 目 的 是determine the root cause of the problem 在 消 除 16 种 主 要 的 错 误 in eliminating the 16 major losses时 找 出 问 题 的 根 本 原 因第10页/共77页第十一页,共78页。SCOPE OF C.I.持续改进(gijn)的范围A.M.

13、T&EP.M.Q.M.C.I.16 16 lossesContinuous Improvement activities encompass all the 持续改进活动包括 :在消除16 种主要的错误过程 (guchng)中8 TPM pillars in eliminating the 16 Major Losses.的所有 8 个TPM要点IFCEHSOTPM第11页/共77页第十二页,共78页。Classification of Failures for AM/PM/CI Activities.AM/PM/CI活动(hu dng)失效分析Responsibility 责任(zrn)Lo

14、cations where failures occur 地点(ddin)Causes of failures 失效原因70 % of Failures that can be preventedthrough A.M.70 % 的失效可以通过防止发生Pneumatics 气体 Detector/sensor 探测器/传感器Driving system 操纵系统 Lubricating system 润滑系统Bolts and nuts 螺钉和螺母Jigs/tools 夹具/工具Electric systems 电子系统Electric/electronic equipment电动/电子设备O

15、riginal conditions are not materialized初始条件没有实现Leaving deterioration unattended(No AM activity)恶化情况没有解决Shortage of skills 缺乏技能Non-observance study ofoperating conditions缺乏对操作条件的研究30% of remaining Failures that cannot besolved except through P.M. & C.I.其余的失效只有30不能通过 P.M.和 C.I. 来解决Electric/electronic

16、equipment电动/电子设备Driving system 操纵系统Hydraulic system 水压系统Lubricating system 润滑系统Electric and air pressure systems电动和气压系统Detectors/jigs/tools探测器/夹具/工具Leaving deterioration uncertified恶化最后造成停止Inherent design shortcomings内在的设计缺陷Shortage of skills缺乏技能Basic and operatingconditions are not kept不能保持基本的操作条件第

17、12页/共77页第十三页,共78页。Collaboration with AM /PM/ T&E /QM和AM/PM/T&E/QM的合作(hzu)PM Pillar PM要点(yodin)AM Pillar AM要点CI/QM Pillar CI/QM要点(yodin)for Continuous Team spirit Enhancement through OPL of Every Information每一条信息的OPL能提高持续改进小组的团体精神T&E Pillar T&E要点Maintenance维护* Planned Maintenance Activities*维护行动计划的制定

18、- Periodic Maintenance-定期维护- Predictive Maintenance-预先性维护- Corrective Maintenance-纠正性维护-“Breakdown Maintenance Activities” -细分维护计划Manufacturing 制造 *AM Activity AM行动 -Correct Operation 正确的操作 -Oiling - Inspection 检查润滑油-Cleaning 清洁 -Tightening ?- AM data analysis AM数据分析-Restoring 复位-dealing with 处理.-Mi

19、nor Stoppages 不必要的停机 -Speed Loss 速度降低-Specification Review/Write ups-规范考评/报告-Zero Defect 零缺陷- 8 equipment & 5 manpower losses & Zero Defects-零丢失和缺陷的8种设备因素和5种人力因素- Dust free root cause analysis-分析根本原因- One stop defect free changeover- Fan In / Fan Out第13页/共77页第十四页,共78页。The 9-Steps CI Approach持续(chx)改

20、进的九步曲123456789Theme / Reason For Selection主题(zht)/原因选择Understanding Current Situation了解目前(mqin)状况Goal Setting & Plan目标设定和制订计划Outline Of Equipment & Process Flow设备和工艺流程的概要Clarification Of Phenomenon / Problem识别现象/问题Root Cause Analysis分析根本原因Countermeasures对策Effectiveness Verification效果评估Prevent Recurr

21、ence & Standardization防止再发生和标准化第14页/共77页第十五页,共78页。Step 1 of CI Approach CI步骤(bzhu)一Theme / Reason For SelectionTheme / Reason For Selection主题主题(zht)/(zht)/原因选择原因选择11.Theme 主题 * Key point 1: Linkage to factory metric* 要点1: 连接工厂的尺度 * Hints: How does it affect factory performance ? % impact to bottom l

22、ine ? * 提示:它是如何影响工厂的绩效的?* Key point 2: How do you select the project ? * 要点2:如何选择方案? * Hints: Line Balance Chart, Bottleneck Area, Work needed in the bottleneck operation * 提示:描出对比图,瓶颈区,* Key point 3: Evidence as Proof, Correlation, Mutual & Future Understanding *要点3:验证的根据(gnj),相互关系,共同的和将来的理解 * Hint

23、s: Visual Sample of Good product with relevant dimension (Valid for VM defect) * 提示:标注有相关尺寸的优良产品的样图(对VA 缺陷尤其有效) 第15页/共77页第十六页,共78页。1. Theme/reason for Selection 1. Theme/reason for Selection Situation: We faced Open/Short Defect in past three years, andthis issue often reduced our Test Yield and inc

24、rease cost.F/T Open/Short Loss Trend ChartF/T Open/Short Loss Trend Chart第16页/共77页第十七页,共78页。Step 2 of CI Approach CI步骤(bzhu)2Understanding Current SituationUnderstanding Current Situation了解目前状况了解目前状况122.Understand Current Situation 了解目前状况* Key point 1: Start with a Big Picture - Overall Trend*要点1:从一

25、幅(y f)大图片开始总的趋势 * Performance or Defect Trend Charts by Months or Weeks * 绩效或缺陷走向图以月或周计* Key point 2: Paretorise as detail as possible* 要点2: Paretorise 尽可能详细 * Ex1: Lifted bonds - 1. No bonding impression on pad 2. With bonding impression on pad 3. With bonding impression on die (which part of die f

26、rom pad?) 4. With damaged post on previous wire 5. With discolored bond pad (what discoloration: yellow, black?) * Ex2: Bent leads - 1. Leads bent sideways (left or right ?) 2. Leads bent downwards 3. Leads bent upwards 4. Leads bent inwards第17页/共77页第十八页,共78页。2. Understanding Current Situation2. Und

27、erstanding Current SituationOpen/Short Reason mappingOpen/Short Reason mappingOpen UnitOpen Unit returned from F/T Quantity Trend Chart returned from F/T Quantity Trend Chart 第18页/共77页第十九页,共78页。Step 3 of CI Approach CI 步骤(bzhu)3Goal Setting & PlanGoal Setting & Plan目标目标(mbio)(mbio)设定和制定计划设定和制定计划1233

28、.Goal Setting & Plan 目标设定和制定(zhdng)计划3.1 Goal: Zero within 3 months 目标:(三个月)之内达到(零)3.2 Time Frame: From month to month 时间制定(zhdng):从月到月3.3 The various items paretorized Ex: Activities GoalTime Frame 1. No bonding impression Zero in 1 mth1999 Sep 1 starts 2. With bonding impressionZero in 1 mth1999 O

29、ct 1 starts 3. Bond impression on die Zero in 1 mth1999 Nov 1st starts 4. Damaged post Zero in 1 mth 1999 Dec 1st starts 5. Discolored pad 50% reduction in 2 mth2000 Jan 1st starts第19页/共77页第二十页,共78页。3. Goal Setting and Plan3. Goal Setting and Plan To Reduce F/T Open Defect Loss from 0.25% in April i

30、n 2000 to 0.14% by Apr. 2001.GOAL: :第20页/共77页第二十一页,共78页。Step 4 of CI Approach CI步骤(bzhu)四Outline Of Equipment & Process FlowOutline Of Equipment & Process Flow设备设备(shbi)(shbi)和工艺流程的概要和工艺流程的概要12344.Equipment & Process Flow (Genba Starts here till Step 8)设备和工艺流程(Genba 由此至步骤八) Genba=现场观察 * Key point: O

31、utline major equipment/ process steps related to the problem *要点:描述出与问题相关的主要的设备/工艺步骤4.1List the Equipment and/or the process flow of the likely operations that may give rise to the problem. 列出那些能帮助(bngzh)解决问题的合适的操作中的设备和/或工艺流程Ex1: Lifted bonds - Type 1 to 4 defect Pareto modes Auto Index In - PR Reco

32、gnition - Bond - Auto Index Out Lifted wire - Type 5 defect Incoming Wfr - Saw - Die bond - Auto Index In - PR - Bond - Index Out Ex2: Bent Lead Manual Index In - Trim & Form - Manual Index Out to Tube第21页/共77页第二十二页,共78页。 Use Five Genes For Data Collection利用数据收集的五个因素Go to the shop floor, observe act

33、ual conditions, collect/verify data and confirm Losses.亲临现场,实地观察,收集核实数据和确认(qurn)损失 Do not depend on second-source data. 不依赖于二手资料JapaneseDefinitionGenbaOn-SiteGenbutsuActual ObjectGenshoPhenomenonGenriTheory / PrincipleGensokuRules & Standards第22页/共77页第二十三页,共78页。PHENOMENON = an OCCURRENCE or FACT tha

34、t can be OBSERVED现象能观察(gunch)到的事件或事实To avoid action on assumptions, observe Phenomenon live on the shop floor.为了消除(xioch)猜测,请亲临现场去观察“Clear understanding of problem = Half the problem solved”.“彻底地理解(lji)问题解决问题的一半”To help clarify the Phenomenon statement, ask为了阐明对现象的陈述,请问以下问题1) During what specific ma

35、chine operation does the phenomenon occur? 现象出现在机器运行的哪一个环节?2) Does it always occur under the same circumstances? 在同样的环境下此现象是否经常发生?3) Does it occur at regular or irregular intervals? 此现象发生的时间间隔是否有规律?4) Does it get better or worse over time? 此现象朝着好的方向还是坏的方向发展?5) Does it occur on more than one machine?

36、 此现象是否在一台以上的机器发生?6) Does it occur only for certain operators? 此现象是否只在某些员工身上发生?Step 5 of CI Approach CI步骤五Clarification Of Phenomenon / ProblemClarification Of Phenomenon / Problem认清现象认清现象/ /问题问题12345第23页/共77页第二十四页,共78页。Step 5 of CI Approach CI步骤(bzhu)五Clarification Of Phenomenon / Problem - contClar

37、ification Of Phenomenon / Problem - cont认清认清(rn qn)(rn qn)现象现象/ /问题问题( (续续) )Flow Validation Results123455.Clarification of Phenomenon/ Problem认清现象/问题* Key point: Matching “signature” of problem to the Equipment/ Process flow *要点:问题“信号(xnho)”与设备/工艺流程的匹配5.1Post Mortem on Defective units: 在有缺陷的管子上 找出真

38、正原因a) Examine units for clue leading to root cause of problem 检查管子以找到根本原因的线索b) Items checked are: Scratch or Chip on Surface of package/ leads/ 检查项目:封装/管脚表面的划痕或碎裂 5.2Defect Mapping or Multi-Vari Study:a) Check Pattern/ Trend / Location for which defects occur 缺陷出现时检查图案/趋势/位置b) Draw conclusion 下结论5.3

39、Prepare Table for Validation 准备确认表格a) List Equipment/ Process Flow in Column 1 第一栏列出设备/工艺流程b) List Content for Validation in Column 2 第二栏列出确认项c) List Validation Result in Column 3 第三项列出确认结果第24页/共77页第二十五页,共78页。Step 5 of CI Approach CI步骤(bzhu)五 Clarification Of Phenomenon / Problem - contClarification

40、 Of Phenomenon / Problem - cont认清认清(rn qn)(rn qn)现象现象/ /问题问题( (续续) )Flow Validation ResultsManual Lead does not touch OKIndex in any part of the indexerTrim & Unit is pushed off the NGForm floater after trimEtc.123455.4Equipment/ Process Flow Validation:确认设备工艺流程 a) Validate evidence from 5.1 and 5.2

41、 against each equipment/ process flow in Step 4 b) Enter result in Column 3 of which 在第三栏输入结果对应于 OK = No problem from this Equipment/ Process Step or Flow OK = 此设备/流程无任何问题 NG = Not Good, Problematic Area, To identify differences NG = 不好(b ho),有问题的地方,发现异样 P = Potential, To include as item for further

42、 validation in Step 6 P = 潜在的,有待在步骤六中进一步确认后作结论5.5Zoom in on problematic step/ flow缩小有问题的范围第25页/共77页第二十六页,共78页。Activity 1 - 60 mins1-60分种的活动(hu dng)Divide into groups of 5 to 8 people按每组5至8人分组Select one current issue, and perform CI 9-Steps approach for Step 2, 3, 4 and 5.选择一个当前的问题,实践CI 九步法的第2,3,4和第5

43、步After 45 mins, be prepared to share your teams result.45分钟后,做好与大家分享(fn xin)结果的准备第26页/共77页第二十七页,共78页。Step 6 of CI Approach CI步骤(bzhu)六Root Cause Analysis Root Cause Analysis 根本原因分析根本原因分析(fnx)(fnx)1234566.Root Cause Analysis6.1Sub-Process Analysis: 附属步骤分析a) Zoom in on the problematic sub-processes 缩小

44、有疑问的附属步骤范围b) Identify all failure modes 识别所有的失效模式c) Perform Restoration for obvious failure modes detected during Genba 在Genba中,如发现明显的失效模式时采取恢复 行动6.2Perform Why-Why Analysis (or other analysis tools) for each Failure modeRefer Why-Why Analysis Training Package进行 Why-Why 分析(或别的分析方法)-根据每一个(y )失效模式参考相应

45、的 Why-Why 分析材料6.3Restoration needed only when需复位的情况a) This is the Spec 它是一种规格b) This is what we found (not per spec) 它为我们所发现(不一定是每种规格)c) Corrective action: Restoration per spec (all dimension shall be quantified!) 纠正行动:复位每一种规格(所有的尺度都应量化)d) Identify permanent corrective action to prevent recurrence 确

46、定长期纠正行动以防止再发生第27页/共77页第二十八页,共78页。1Step 6 of CI Approach CI步骤(bzhu)六Root Cause Analysis - cont Root Cause Analysis - cont 根本原因分析根本原因分析(fnx)(fnx)( (续续) )234566.4Result of Restoration: Validate result of restoration复位的结果:验证复位的结果a) Result 1 is the physical outcome of the restoration 结果1是复位的物理结果 a1) The

47、restoration will bring back Accuracy to within +- 0.5 mil or force within +- 10 kg / cm square . mil或 每平方厘米小于10kg的压力 a2) Validate that the above is obtained 以上的复位是可行的 a3) If not obtainable, then identify “What has Changed?” before proceeding to Counter-Measures 如果(rgu)不可行,在执行对策之前确定“什么发生了变化”b) Result

48、 2 is the final outcome on defect elimination 结果2是缺陷排除的最后结果 b1) If (a) is fully characterized, the result is GIVEN and we will definitely see the improvement. 如果(rgu)(a)显示所有的特征,结果是特定的而且我们可以明确的看出其重要性 b2) If not, then identify “What has Changed ?” before Repeating Restoration 否则,则在重复复位之前明确“什么发生了变”第28页

49、/共77页第二十九页,共78页。Understand operating functions and principles of the equipment / process熟悉设备程序的操作功能和方法- perform step-by-step functional sequencing mapping of the equipment /process绘制(huzh)设备程序的出按部就班的功能顺序图- perform detailed process mapping of the equipment / process 完成设备程序的详细的流程图Step 6 of CI Approach

50、 CI步骤(bzhu)六Root Cause Analysis - cont Root Cause Analysis - cont 根本原因分析根本原因分析(fnx)(fnx)( (续续) )123456Press IndexbuttonSend signalto CPUEnergizesZ-motorMotor turnsclockwiseTurns beltclockwiseTurns leadscrew c.wSlider assymoves upEXAMPLE第29页/共77页第三十页,共78页。Open/Short CI TeamOpen/Short CI Team6. Root C

51、ause Analysis (F/E)6. Root Cause Analysis (F/E)Why-Why Analysis in Why-Why Analysis in Front EndFront End Area Area(Level 1)(Level 1)第30页/共77页第三十一页,共78页。Open/Short CI TeamOpen/Short CI TeamNote:Note:NVD-NVD-No visual defect.No visual defect.Including:- F/T contact.- Wafer Open(N/A).- Wafer Short.(N/

52、A)D/B& W/B problemF/T Open Defect Units Mapping第31页/共77页第三十二页,共78页。Why-Why Analysis Why-Why分析法分析法 This is one tool that JIPM encourages This is one tool that JIPM encourages toto use for use for determination of root causes. determination of root causes. 这是这是 JIPM JIPM鼓励使用的决定根本原因的一种方法鼓励使用的决定根本原因的一种方

53、法Please refer Please refer toto Why-Why Analysis training package for Why-Why Analysis training package for guidelines and steps in conducting this analysis.guidelines and steps in conducting this analysis.在传授此方法时请参考在传授此方法时请参考(cnk(cnk o) Why-Why o) Why-Why 分析法培训材分析法培训材料中的指导方针和步骤。料中的指导方针和步骤。第32页/共77页

54、第三十三页,共78页。1Step 7 of CI Approach CI步骤(bzhu)七CountermeasuresCountermeasures对策对策(duc)(duc)2345677.Counter-Measures对策7.1Improvement Proposals & Implementation改进建议和执行a) Define Problem Statement from “What has Changed?” 根据“什么发生了改变”详细(xingx)说明问题b) Put up proposal to overcome the above problem 提出建议以克服以上问题

55、c) Implement Proposal 执行建议7.2Results of Improvement 改进的结果a) Validate result of implemented action with respect to quantifiable data that is, Accuracy within +- 0.5 mil or force within +- 10 kg / cm square. mil或 每平方厘米小于10kg的压力第33页/共77页第三十四页,共78页。Open/Short CI TeamOpen/Short CI Team7. Countermeasures7

56、. Countermeasures2. Standardize Touch Sensor wire setup method, standardize Touch Sensor wire spare parts make method. Resp: Guo Zhi Status: Done.3. Made some standard Touch sensor wire spare parts and issue to 4 shifts. Resp: Guo Zhi Status: Done.4. Train related technicians in 4 shifts. Resp: Guo

57、Zhi Status: Done.Upper Touch BlockLower Touch BlockSpringTouch Sensor WireLEDJPG(PCB)第34页/共77页第三十五页,共78页。Open/Short CI TeamOpen/Short CI Team7. Countermeasures7. Countermeasures5. Report Touch Sensor Audit Report every night shift. Related shift repair ASAP. Resp: Night shift supervisor Status: Done

58、Upper Touch BlockLower Touch BlockSpringTouch Sensor WireLEDJPG(PCB)Touch Sensor AssignmentA Shift: Module 0, 1, 2; 3AB shift: Module 4, 5; 3B, 3X, 3Y, 3ZC shift: Module 6,7; 8A, 8B, 8CD shift: Module 9,10, 8X, 8Y, 8Z6. Related shift repair Touch Sensor ASAP according to above report. Resp: Night sh

59、ift supervisor Status: Done第35页/共77页第三十六页,共78页。1Step 8 of CI Approach CI步骤(bzhu)八2345678Effectiveness VerificationEffectiveness Verification效果效果(xiogu)(xiogu)的确认的确认8.Effectiveness Verification效果的确认8.1Validate improvement in defect/ problem elimination 确认缺陷的改进(gijn)/问题的解决8.2Validate impact of improve

60、ment to factory indices 确认改进(gijn)对工厂带来的影响8.3Calculate Cost Saving or Avoidance计算节约或节省的成本第36页/共77页第三十七页,共78页。Open/Short CI TeamOpen/Short CI TeamHigh Open lot reductionHigh Open lot reductionReduce by halfCannot Find happened:Cannot Find happened:One shift 55.2*64=One shift 55.2*64=35323532One Day 3

61、532*3=One Day 3532*3=1059610596If we can If we can Reduce by halfReduce by half Cannot Find times Cannot Find times10596/2=529810596/2=5298To reduce 0.04% ( 10 Module loading)To reduce 0.04% ( 10 Module loading)F/T Open rate vs F/E W/B PRS detect Error8. Effectiveness Verification 8. Effectiveness V

62、erification Effectiveness Verification of W/B PRS detect Error ControlEffectiveness Verification of W/B PRS detect Error Control第37页/共77页第三十八页,共78页。Returning High Open rate decrease from 1.0% to 0.08%Charge W/B PRS detect error Returning High Open rate decrease from 0.08% to 0.05%Open/Short CI TeamO

63、pen/Short CI Team8. Effectiveness Verification 8. Effectiveness Verification Standard D/B touch sensorinstall method and train techniciansReturn the sample and informationof High Open lot (1.0%) to F/end daily.Charge it into performance.Send out touch sensor report everynight shift. Related shift re

64、pair it.MetMetGoalGoal第38页/共77页第三十九页,共78页。1Step 9 of CI Approach CI步骤(bzhu)九2345678Prevent Recurrence & StandardizationPrevent Recurrence & Standardization防止防止(fngzh)(fngzh)再发生和标准化再发生和标准化99.Prevent Recurrence & Standardization 防止再发生和标准化9.1 Fan-In/ Fan-Out through QM pillar 通过QM输入/输出(shch) a) all mac

65、hines within the departments/ sites部门/场所的所有机器 b) similar machines within departments/ sites 部门/场所相似的机器9.2 Maintenance Prevention Data to IFC PM数据 交给IFC 9.3 Sharing in Engineering Showcase/ Symposium/ CFM/ QER在工程橱窗/讨论会/ CFM/ QER 展示 9.4 Recognition through TEA通过TEA得到公认第39页/共77页第四十页,共78页。Why?WHY-WHY AN

66、ALYSISTRAININGPACKAGE- Rev A- Rev AWhy?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Developed by :KA LimTraining DeptOrg. rel. date : Apr 1999第40页/共77页第四十一页,共78页。What Is Why-Why Analysis?What Is Why-Why Analysis?什么什么什么什么(shn me)(shn me)是是是是 Why-Why Why-Why 分析法分析法分析法分析法It is a TOOL to determine all PROBABLE CAUSES fo

67、r each PHENOMENON.它是一种对现象发生的可能原因进行分析的方法。It is a refined variation of Cause & Effect analysis, that considers all factors instead of trying to decide the most influential factors.它是一种更进一步的因果分析法,它考虑了所有(suyu)的因素而不是只找出最具影响的因素。In short, it is a .总而言之(zngrynzh) ,它是.Problem问题Solving解决Tool工具PHENOMENON = an

68、OCCURRENCE or FACT that can be OBSERVED现象一种能观察到事件或事实第41页/共77页第四十二页,共78页。Why Use Why-Why Analysis?Why Use Why-Why Analysis?为什么使用为什么使用为什么使用为什么使用(shyng) Why-Why (shyng) Why-Why 分析法分析法分析法分析法Why?It is another tool that can help us determine root causes.它是一种寻找根本原因的分析方法It is not a complicated tool, anyone

69、can use it.more users, more benefits.它不是一个复杂的工具,人人都可能 (knng)使用它,它带来更大的进步From JIPMs long experience, it has been proven to be EFFECTIVE!JIPM长期的经验已经证明它是有效的!第42页/共77页第四十三页,共78页。When Should It Be Used?When Should It Be Used?什么时候什么时候什么时候什么时候(sh hou)(sh hou)使用?使用?使用?使用?JIPM recommended methods to determin

70、e root causes JIPM 提倡(tchng)找到根本原因的方法Defect Rate5 - 1%=/ 1%10 - 5%Cause & EffectAnalysis因果分析法Why-WhyAnalysisPhenomena -Mechanism (P-M)AnalysisTraditionaltools (7 QCCtools)Note : It SHOULD NOT be used when the cause is apparent. Do not wasteNote : It SHOULD NOT be used when the cause is apparent. Do

71、not waste resources resources toto “reverse engineer” a Why-Why analysis from a known cause. “reverse engineer” a Why-Why analysis from a known cause.注:当原因很明显注:当原因很明显(mngxin)(mngxin)时不需要使用它,不要浪费资源去做时不需要使用它,不要浪费资源去做“ “反向工程反向工程” ”。第43页/共77页第四十四页,共78页。“ “Is” And “Is Not”Is” And “Is Not”n n1 phenomenon

72、= many causes.1 phenomenon = many causes.n nToTo permanently fix the phenomenon, all causes must be addressed. permanently fix the phenomenon, all causes must be addressed.n n要永久地解决问题,就要找出所有要永久地解决问题,就要找出所有(su(su y y u)u)的原因。的原因。Why-Why AnalysisISISIS NOTIS NOTa tool to determine all root causes.寻找所有

73、原因的分析工具based on actual physical facts.建立在所有事实上a tool that requires thorough knowledge of the part/unit/equipment being analyzed.需要对被分析部件/管子/设备充分了解的分析方法a tool to address problems with relatively low levels of failure rate - 5 to 1%.找到在-5到1%部分相对失败率较低的问题(wnt)done after “on-site” observations/fact findi

74、ngs.“现场”观察/找到事实之后开始做 a tool to work on 80/20 principle. 一种按照80/20原理进行的分析法 same as Cause & Effect analysis. 与因果分析法一样based on“feeling”,voting,experiences. 建立于“感觉”,选择,经验上 a tool that one can use without prior knowledge of the part/unit/equipment and the failure conditions.对部件/管子/设备以及失败原因没有充分了解就能开展的分析方法

75、(fngf) a tool that can directly provide countermeasures. 能直接提供对策的方法(fngf) an intellectual exercise done by “armchair” experts in isolation from the phenomenon.一种脱离于现象的智力游戏第44页/共77页第四十五页,共78页。Pareto Diagram-Step柏拉图的步骤柏拉图的步骤(bzhu)3 3 用累计(li j)数据,画出累计(li j)曲线Y YX X累计累计(li j)(li j)曲线曲线第45页/共77页第四十六页,共78

76、页。Pareto Diagram柏拉图柏拉图80%20% 原则“ 少而重要的,多而琐碎的”的概念举例(j l):80的产值可能由20的产品创造80的生产线废品可能由20的员工产生产生Bent lead的原因可能有10种,但80%的Bent lead可能由2种原因产生. 第46页/共77页第四十七页,共78页。How To Be An Expert?NO!Initial training is important, butthe most important thing isPRACTICE!初始的培训(pixn)很重要,但最重要的是实践!How do I become anExpert in

77、using Why-Why?. Attend a lot of training? 参加(cnji)大量的培训?One should also use theWhy-Why approach in everyday activities, instead of limiting it to problems only.应该在每天的工作中使用分析法,而不只限于问题(wnt)本身第47页/共77页第四十八页,共78页。Why-Why Versus P-M AnalysisWhy-Why Versus P-M Analysis Why-Why Why-Why 分析法与分析法与分析法与分析法与 P-M

78、 P-M 分析法分析法分析法分析法Why cant I use P-M Analysis straightway? P-M is a better tool.为什么不能直接(zhji)使用PM分析法At the moment, there are many opportunities forimprovements by just using Why-Why analysis. 现在,只要使用分析法就会有许多(xdu)可以改进的机会。P-M analysis is more suitable for low level failures . P-M 分析法更适用于低级失效的分析An analo

79、gy is that if you have to paint a house, would you use a fine 1/2 wide brush to paint the whole house?就如当你粉刷房子是你会从头到尾用小的刷子吗?A more effective method would be to use a wide roller topaint most of the flat surfaces and use the fine 1/2 brush for the remaining hard to paint areas.一个更有效的方法是用一个更宽的滚筒去刷绝大部分

80、的 平面,然后用小刷子去刷剩下的部分。第48页/共77页第四十九页,共78页。Concept Of Why-WhyConcept Of Why-Why Why-Why Why-Why 的概念的概念的概念的概念(ginin)(ginin)It is a technique to determine root causes to a phenomenon by repeatedly asking “Why”.它是一种(y zhn)用不断问“为什么”来找现象的根本原因的方法。It is a variant of the “5 Why Analysis” used at Toyota Motor co

81、mpany for discovering true causes by repeating the question “Why” five times.它是一种(y zhn)在 Toyota Motor 公司适用的5 Why 分析法,在重复问五次 “Why” 来找到真正原因。In the case of Why-Why Analysis, there is no limit to the number of “Why” asked.而在 Why-Why 分析法中,没有问多少次“Why” 的限制Why?.Why?.Why?.Why?.Why?Why?.Why?.Why?.Why?.Why?.W

82、hy?.Why?.Stop!第49页/共77页第五十页,共78页。Why does phenomenon 1.2 arise?Concept Of Why-WhyPhenomenon 1 2 Why does Phenomenonarise(发生(fshng)?Why does phenomenon 2 arise?Last “why” (Source of phenomenon)Why does phenomenon 1.1 arise?Why does phenomenon 1 arise?Why does phenomenon 2.1 arise?Note : Why-Why can a

83、lso be done in Pictorial(图示的) form - drawing out the parts can help the team to fully visualize the problem.第50页/共77页第五十一页,共78页。Steer Last Why Steer Last Why ToTo Countermeasures Countermeasures最后一个最后一个最后一个最后一个(y ) Why (y ) Why 的对策的对策的对策的对策Last WHYExamples of CountermeasuresNo lubrication(润滑油) stand

84、ardsPrepare lubrication standardsLow rigidity(刚度(n d) of materialsRaise rigidity of materialsUnclear setting positionMark on setting position第51页/共77页第五十二页,共78页。Important Points In Why-WhyImportant Points In Why-Why Why-Why Why-Why 分析法的要点分析法的要点分析法的要点分析法的要点(yodin)(yodin)ProblemPhenomenaWhyWhyWhyWhyWh

85、yWhyWhyThings to do before Why-Why analysis -a) understand problem (stratification) and have full grasp of facts.b) understand structure and function of problem partPoint 1 - For “Phenomenon” and all “Why”, write short, simple sentences based on the pattern “XX did YY”.Point 4 - Check whether all fa

86、ctors have been considered by working back - if that factor did not occur, would the previous factor not occur either ? Point 3 -Upon completion of Why-Why analysis, always check for logical correctness bytracing back from each last “Why”.Point 2 - Continue Why-Why until factor leading to countermea

87、sureto prevent recurrence is found.第52页/共77页第五十三页,共78页。Facts, Not AssumptionsFacts, Not Assumptions事实事实事实事实(shsh)(shsh),而不是猜测,而不是猜测,而不是猜测,而不是猜测In deriving the Probable Cause(s) for each “Why” 为找到每个Why的可能(knng)成因-must be Actual & Factual, do not assume or guess. 必须是实际的,而不是假设的或推测的 -requires 5 factors.

88、 需要知道5个事实2. Site (Genba) 现场(xinchng)- Go to the problem area.4. Object (Genbutsu)对象- Observe the actual part/unit/ equipment.1. Phenomenon 现象 (Gensho)- Clearly understand the problem.3. Principle (Genri)原理- Understand the operating principle of the process/ equipment5. Rules/Standards (Gensoku)规则/标准

89、- Understand the operating specifications/limits第53页/共77页第五十四页,共78页。Understand Operating PrinciplesUnderstand Operating Principles了解操作了解操作了解操作了解操作(cozu)(cozu)原理原理原理原理To aid the teams understanding of the operating functions and principles of the machine / process, perform a step-by-step functional s

90、equencing of the machine / process. 一步步地演示机器程序来帮助(bngzh)Team 机器的功能和原。This is covered in the PM Step 1 workshop. Example :Press IndexbuttonSend signalto CPUEnergizesZ-motorMotor turnsclockwiseTurns beltclockwiseTurns leadscrew c.wSlider assymoves up第54页/共77页第五十五页,共78页。Clear Description Of Phenomenon

91、Is CriticalClear Description Of Phenomenon Is Critical对现象明确的定义对现象明确的定义对现象明确的定义对现象明确的定义(dngy)(dngy)非常关键非常关键非常关键非常关键Grasp of facts is vague 不明确(mngqu)的事实Grasp of facts is clear 明确(mngqu)的事实Temperature inside furnace does not rise to prescribed value 炉内温度没达到规定值Temperature inside furnace does not rise a

92、t all 炉内温度根本没有上升ORCharacters on screen looked blurred屏幕显示模糊Projected part is dark 投影部分黑暗 ORThe feeder at output elevator does not push the strip into the magazineElevator problem XOHP sheet projected on screen cannot be seen clearlyXTemperature inside furnace does not rise X火炉的内部温度没有上升OHP 第55页/共77页第

93、五十六页,共78页。Clarify The PhenomenonClarify The Phenomenon阐明阐明阐明阐明(chnmng)(chnmng)现象现象现象现象PHENOMENON = an OCCURRENCE or FACT that can be OBSERVED现象能观察到的事件(shjin)或事实Need to GRASP the entirety of its PHYSICAL APPEARANCE.需要掌握物理(wl)表现的各方面To avoid action on assumptions, observe Phenomenon live on the shop fl

94、oor.为避免猜测,需到现场去察看现象“Clear understanding of problem = Half the problem solved”.To help clarify the Phenomenon statement, ask为综合阐明现象,要问:1) During what specific machine operation does the phenomenon occur? 现象出现在机器运行的哪一个环节 2) Does it always occur under the same circumstances? 在同样的环境下此现象是否经常发生3) Does it

95、occur at regular or irregular intervals? 此现象发生的时间间隔是否有规律4) Does it get better or worse over time? 此现象朝着好的方向还是坏的方向发展5) Does it occur on more than one machine? 此现象是否在一台以上的机器发生6) Does it occur only for certain operators? 此现象是否只在某些员工身上发生第56页/共77页第五十七页,共78页。Wafer Positioning System (WPS) doesnt move when

96、 “Pick” or “Bond” cycle is initiated.Moving force is weaker than resisting force.Punch-up jammed.Punch-up didnt clear WPS.WPS blocked punch-up.WPS is in wrong position.Pitfall To Avoid - Leading Questions最主要的问题(wnt) 避免陷阱Why WPSdoes notmove?Why ismoving force weaker than resistingforce?Why isthe punc

97、h-upjammed?Why didthe punch-upnot clearthe WPS?Why didthe WPSblockthe punch-up?Why wasthe WPSin thewrongposition?Why WPSdoes notmove?Why dontyou use abigger motor toincreasemovingforce?Machineis notdesignedto mounta biggermotorWhy cantyou redesignthe motormounting?This willresult inhaving toredesign

98、the powersupplysectionOFF OFF TARGET!TARGET!Key Point :Ask OPEN questions, not LEADING questions (do not try to suggest solutions in your questions)ONONTARGET!TARGET!第57页/共77页第五十八页,共78页。Example Of Why-Why AnalysisExample Of Why-Why Analysis- Why Did Pencil Lead(- Why Did Pencil Lead(铅笔芯铅笔芯铅笔芯铅笔芯) )

99、Break?Break?PhenomenonWhy 1Why 2Pencil leadbroke 2mmfrom tipForce exceedingstrength of leadwas appliedLoad exceeding strengthof lead was applied momentarilyStrength of lead became lowerStrength of lead was weak fromthe start JIPM EXAMPLEJIPM EXAMPLE第58页/共77页第五十九页,共78页。Example - Why Doesnt The Torch

100、Turn On?PhenomenonEven ifswitch is setto ON, lightdoes notturn onRequired amountof electricity does not flowin the bulbLight bulb hasburnt outCurrent does notflow between bulband batteriesBatteries are weakCurrent does not flow bet.bulb and switchCurrent does not flow bet.switch and batteriesCurrent

101、 does not flow bet.battery and batteryCurrent does not flow bet.batteries and bulbWhy 1Why 2Why 3End capContact springBatteriesOn-Off switchBulbReflectorSwitch contact strip JIPM EXAMPLEJIPM EXAMPLE第59页/共77页第六十页,共78页。Activity 1 - 45 minsActivity 1 - 45 mins1 14545分钟的活动分钟的活动分钟的活动分钟的活动(hu dng)(hu dng)

102、Collect a blank Why-Why Analysis form.准备一张空白的 Why-Why 分析表Take 5 minutes to study the drawing from the previous page on “Why Doesnt The Torch Turn On?” and 25 minutes to discuss/analyze the problem and document findings on the format.用5分钟研究前页的“为什么手电筒不亮”的图表,用 25 分钟讨论(toln)/分析在 format 中分析的问题。At the end

103、 of 30 minutes, be prepared to share your teams result.30分钟后, 做好与大家分享结果的准备。第60页/共77页第六十一页,共78页。Example - Damaged Chain Cover损坏损坏(snhui)的的Chain coverSprocketChainChaincoverChain coverboltChain coverChain cover DamagedChain coverRoller conveyer滚筒(gntng)传送带MotorBearings轴承(zhuchng) JIPM EXAMPLEJIPM EXAM

104、PLE第61页/共77页第六十二页,共78页。Is The Flow Logical ?流程流程(lichng)符合逻辑吗?符合逻辑吗?Phenomenon Why 1 Why 2 Why 3 Why 4 Why 5Chain coverdamagedChain cover 损坏(snhui)Fasteningbolt of coverbecame loose螺丝(lu s)盖变松Forkliftknockedagainstthecover升降机阻碍CoverDue tovibrations震动Cover bolts nottightenedproperlyafterrepair螺丝盖修理后没

105、有很好的上紧Worker wasnot paying attention工人不注意Forklift was unableto avoid cover升降机不能避开CoverRollerbearingbecameloose滚筒轴承变松Bearingwaswornout轴承用坏Foreignobjectenteredbearing外来物进入轴承Bearinggreaseran out轴承油脂用完Unbalancedload wasapplied tobearing使用不平衡的Load在轴承上 JIPM EXAMPLEJIPM EXAMPLE第62页/共77页第六十三页,共78页。Tracing B

106、ack From Last WhyTracing Back From Last Why回到上一个回到上一个回到上一个回到上一个(y )Why(y )WhyToTo check for correctness of logic in the flow, trace back from the last Why check for correctness of logic in the flow, trace back from the last Whytowards the Phenomenon.towards the Phenomenon.为确认在流程中的逻辑是否正确,从最后一个为确认在流程中

107、的逻辑是否正确,从最后一个(y (y )why)why回到现象回到现象Foreign object in bearing (caused) Bearing was worn out.Foreign object in bearing (caused) Bearing was worn out.轴承中有外来物轴承中有外来物 。Bearing was worn out (caused) Roller bearing became loose.Bearing was worn out (caused) Roller bearing became loose.轴承烧坏,滚筒变松。轴承烧坏,滚筒变松。R

108、oller bearing became loose (caused) Due Roller bearing became loose (caused) Due toto vibration. vibration.滚筒轴承由于震动变松滚筒轴承由于震动变松 Due Due toto vibration (caused) Fastening bolt of cover became loose. vibration (caused) Fastening bolt of cover became loose.由于震动,扣钮盖变松。由于震动,扣钮盖变松。Fastening bolt of cover

109、became loose (caused) Chain cover damaged.Fastening bolt of cover became loose (caused) Chain cover damaged.扣钮盖变松,扣钮盖变松,Chain cover Chain cover 损坏。损坏。Discussion : Is the flow and relationship logical?Discussion : Is the flow and relationship logical?讨论:流程和关系符合逻辑吗?讨论:流程和关系符合逻辑吗?Chain coverdamagedChai

110、n cover 损坏(snhui)Fasteningbolt of coverbecame loose螺丝盖变松Due tovibrations震动Rollerbearingbecameloose滚筒轴承变松Bearingwaswornout 轴承用旧Foreignobjectenteredbearing 外来物进入轴承第63页/共77页第六十四页,共78页。Example Of A More Complete AnalysisExample Of A More Complete Analysis更完整更完整更完整更完整(wnzhng)(wnzhng)的分析的分析的分析的分析Phenomeno

111、n Why 1 Why 2 Why 3 Why 4 Why 5 Why 6 Why 7Chain coverdamagedChain cover损坏(snhui)Fasteningbolt of coverbecame loose螺丝(lu s)盖变松Forkliftknockedagainstthecover升降机与盖子接触Due tovibrations震动Cover bolts nottightenedproperlyafterrepairWorker wasnot payingattention 工人不注意Forklift was unableto avoid cover升降机不能避开

112、CoverRollerbearingbecameloose滚筒轴承变松Bearingwaswornout 轴承用坏Foreignobjectenteredbearing 外来物进入轴承Bearinggreaseran out轴承油脂用完Unbalancedload wasapplied tobearing不平衡的LoadForcewasappliedfrominside内部受力Coverwas incontactwithchainCover与链条接触Forcewasappliedfromoutside外部受力Chainwas incontactwithcover 链条与cover接触Chain

113、 saggedChain 下陷Chain became extendedChain 扩展Sprocketsbecame loose 链轮齿变松Sprocketswas wornout链轮齿用旧 JIPM EXAMPLEJIPM EXAMPLEMissing frompreviousanalysis第64页/共77页第六十五页,共78页。Tips To Reduce # Of FactorsPhenomenon Why 1 Why 2 Why 3 Why 4 Why 5 Why 6 Why 7Chain coverdamagedFastening bolt of cover became loo

114、seForcewasappliedfrominsideCoverwas incontactwithchainForcewasappliedfromoutsideChainwas incontactwithcoverChain saggedUsing the “Facts, Not Assumptions” principle 用“事实,而不是假设”原则- Understanding the Phenomenon, - Going to the Site of problem - Observe the actual object we can reduce the number of fact

115、ors by eliminating obvious wrong answers.我们通过排除显而易见的错误答案来减少因素(yn s)的数量。(Example) Not true.Evidence on chain cover showed force was applied from inside.Stop further questioning along this line.迹象(jxing)表明链条盖被内部力量损坏,但停止在此线索上进一步探讨。Stop!链条(lintio)盖损坏内部受力外部受力链条盖与链条接触链条与链条盖接触拧紧链条盖松了的螺钉链条下垂第65页/共77页第六十六页,共

116、78页。How How ToTo Ensure I Dont Go Off-Target? Ensure I Dont Go Off-Target?如何如何如何如何(rh)(rh)保证不偏离目标保证不偏离目标保证不偏离目标保证不偏离目标Ensure that you have the 5 “Gens”保证你有5个 “Gens”Understand the Phenomenon了解现象Observe the object观察目标See phenomenon on site到现场察看Understand the functional sequencing了解功能序列Understand the o

117、perating rules/standards了解操作章程(zhngchng)/标准Do the backward check for logic from the last why逻辑上从最后一个 why 往前追溯核查Do not use leading questions.不使用问题来引导Stay focused.保持聚焦第66页/共77页第六十七页,共78页。Figural RepresentationPhenomenonEnsure 5 “Gens”Check forlogicAvoid suggesting solutions & stay focused.5 “Gens”not

118、clear- lot of gapsin understandingNot focused - made assumptions - asked leading questionsDid not checkfor logicWHY?WHY?WHY?WHY?WHY?WHY?WHY?WHY?WHY?WHY?WHY?ONONTARGET!TARGET!Desired SituationUndesired Situation第67页/共77页第六十八页,共78页。Steps Steps ToTo Perform Why-Why Analysis Perform Why-Why Analysis完成完成

119、完成完成(wn chng) Why-Why (wn chng) Why-Why 分析法的步骤分析法的步骤分析法的步骤分析法的步骤1)1)Clarify Phenomenon. Clarify Phenomenon. 澄清现象澄清现象(xinxing)(xinxing)2)2)Go Go toto failure site, observe actual situations/conditions. failure site, observe actual situations/conditions.到失效现场观察实际情况到失效现场观察实际情况/ /情形情形3)3)Thoroughly unde

120、rstand equipment operation & sequence, component Thoroughly understand equipment operation & sequence, component function and specification conditions/limits.function and specification conditions/limits.充分了解设备的操作规程,结构功能,规范条件充分了解设备的操作规程,结构功能,规范条件/ /限制限制4)4)Ask why - start by focusing on physical aspe

121、ct.Ask why - start by focusing on physical aspect.提出提出whywhy从关注物理现象从关注物理现象(xinxing)(xinxing)开始开始5)5)Stay focused and do not divert. Stay focused and do not divert. 不转移地保持聚焦不转移地保持聚焦 6)6)Use backward check for logic. Use backward check for logic. 逻辑上用追溯查找逻辑上用追溯查找7)7)Verify on site anytime the team is

122、not 100% sure.Verify on site anytime the team is not 100% sure.当小组不是当小组不是 100% 100% 明确时到现场去确认明确时到现场去确认why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why whywhy why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why

123、 why why why why why why why why why why why whywhy why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why whywhy why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why第68页/共77页第六十九页,共78页。What Is And ?What Is And ?n nWhen you reach the last Why, observe actual condition

124、 When you reach the last Why, observe actual condition toto see if that last Why is a problem see if that last Why is a problem 当当你到达最后一个你到达最后一个 Why Why 时,观察实际情况看它是否同样是个问题时,观察实际情况看它是否同样是个问题n nif it is not a contributing factor, it is . if it is not a contributing factor, it is . 如果不是如果不是(b shi)(b sh

125、i),就,就OKOKn nif it is a contributing factor, it is (Not Good), take Countermeasures.if it is a contributing factor, it is (Not Good), take Countermeasures.n n如果是,那就不行,必须采取对策如果是,那就不行,必须采取对策n nFor example, refer For example, refer toto the “Overflowing Glue” analysis the “Overflowing Glue” analysisn n

126、例如,例如,“ “胶水溢出胶水溢出” ”分析分析n nRow #Row #Last Why InvestigationLast Why InvestigationActionActionn n 1 1Actual verificationActual verificationNone needed.None needed.n nshowed gauge switchshowed gauge switchn nwas on. was on. 事实证明其开关事实证明其开关n n是闭合的是闭合的n n n n 2 2Actual verificationActual verificationProv

127、ide Provide indicationindicationn nshowed no indicationshowed no indicationof correct position.of correct position.n nof correct position.of correct position.指示正确放置法指示正确放置法n n事实证明如此事实证明如此OKNGOKNGLevel gaugeswitch was notflicked onCorrectposition is not displayedNGOK水平开关(kigun)没打开放置(fngzh)不正确第69页/共77

128、页第七十页,共78页。Date Recorded: 11/3/99Team Leader: HG YeoDept #: 283PhenomenonCountermeasures Resp Due dateWHY-WHY ANALYSISWhy 1Why 2Why 3Why 4Why 5Prevention of Recurrence :Method of Detection :Form : OPL SpecsPg : 1 of 2Wafer Positioning System (WPS) doesnt move when “Pick” or “Bond” cycle is initiated

129、.Resisting force on WPS is stronger than moving force.Moving force is weaker than resisting force.WPS is jammed.MC4000 power switch is OFF.Driver failure.Safety door sensor OFF.Punch-up jammed.Bonder sensor OFF.Bonder sensor limit O1&O2 OFF.Ejector sensor malfunctioned.Wafer set-up problems.PRS prob

130、lem.OKOKOKOKOKNo 6V supply.Driver board problem.OKOKPunch-up didnt clear WPS.WPS blocked punch-up.WPS is in wrong position.Camera calibration problem.Lighting problem.OKOKContinued on page 2Team name: 2X4uDocument calibration procedure Include calibration training in multichip equipment training.6 m

131、onthly assessment of technicians skill in performing calibration.12MSRXXXXXASEREMBAN EXAMPLESEREMBAN EXAMPLE第70页/共77页第七十一页,共78页。Activity 2 - 45 minsn nCollect a blank Why-Why Analysis form.Collect a blank Why-Why Analysis form.n nTake 5 minutes to study the drawing below and 25 minutes to Take 5 min

132、utes to study the drawing below and 25 minutes to discuss/analyze the problem and document your analysis.discuss/analyze the problem and document your analysis.n nCheck for Logical flow.Check for Logical flow.n nAfter 30 min, be prepared to share your teams result.After 30 min, be prepared to share

133、your teams result.Level gaugeCylinder valveAir pipeSolenoid valveGlue supplyTankOverflowing gluePhenomenon :Glue overflowfrom tankOilerFilterRegulator第71页/共77页第七十二页,共78页。Tips - What If Phenomenon Recurs?Tips - What If Phenomenon Recurs?技巧技巧技巧技巧(jqio)(jqio)现象重现时怎么办现象重现时怎么办现象重现时怎么办现象重现时怎么办n nIf the Ph

134、enomenon recurs, before starting a new analysis If the Phenomenon recurs, before starting a new analysis immediately, review :immediately, review :n n当现象重现时,立即开始新一轮分析,但先回顾:当现象重现时,立即开始新一轮分析,但先回顾:n nif existing controls are in compliance if existing controls are in compliance toto standards standardsn

135、 n已经进行的调整是否已达标已经进行的调整是否已达标n nthe existing Why-Why analysis and look for any changes in factors, the existing Why-Why analysis and look for any changes in factors, conditions, parameters etc.conditions, parameters etc.n n 已经进行的分析法,并找出事实,条件和参数已经进行的分析法,并找出事实,条件和参数(cnsh)(cnsh)的变化的变化n n 第72页/共77页第七十三页,共7

136、8页。What Are Good Countermeasures?What Are Good Countermeasures?什么什么什么什么(shn me)(shn me)是好的对策是好的对策是好的对策是好的对策More human-dependent inspections?更多依靠(yko)人的检查Give more pressure to MS/Techs/Engineers to reduce mistakes?为减少(jinsho)错误给经理技术员工程师施加更大的压力Error-Proof the process?错误防范的步骤ERROR第73页/共77页第七十四页,共78页。Go

137、od CountermeasuresGood Countermeasures好的对策好的对策好的对策好的对策(duc)(duc)n nWhenever possible, Error-Proofing is the best Countermeasure.Whenever possible, Error-Proofing is the best Countermeasure.n n任何时候,防范错误是最好的对策。任何时候,防范错误是最好的对策。n nWhy?Why?n nit is not human dependent for is not human de

138、pendent for effectiveness.n n不是单依赖人就能保证有效不是单依赖人就能保证有效n nit can be designed it can be designed toto catch a simple mistake before it causes a catch a simple mistake before it causes a defect/problem.defect/problem.n n在缺陷在缺陷/ /问题问题(wnt)(wnt)发生之前,肯定会有某个细微的错误发生之前,肯定会有某个细微的错误n nit free up MS/Tech/Enginee

139、r time for other productive free up MS/Tech/Engineer time for other productive work.n n 它能让经理技术员工程师从中解放出来,以从事它能让经理技术员工程师从中解放出来,以从事别的生产性工作别的生产性工作ERRORERROR第74页/共77页第七十五页,共78页。 Error-Proof MethodsError-Proof Methods错误错误错误错误(cuw)(cuw)防范的方法防范的方法防范的方法防范的方法n nExamples of Error-Proofing methods -Ex

140、amples of Error-Proofing methods -n n防范错误的方法的例子防范错误的方法的例子 n nUsing Limit/Micro Switches Using Limit/Micro Switches toto check for correct positioning. check for correct positioning.n n用用 Limit/Micro Limit/Micro 开关检查出正确开关检查出正确(zhngqu)(zhngqu)的位置的位置n nUsing asymmetrical design of parts Using asymmetri

141、cal design of parts toto ensure correct positioning. ensure correct positioning.n n用不对称的设计方案确保正确用不对称的设计方案确保正确(zhngqu)(zhngqu)安放安放n nUsing counters Using counters toto ensure complete cycle of operation. ensure complete cycle of operation.n n使用计数器完整的运行周期使用计数器完整的运行周期n nUsing light sensors Using light

142、sensors toto check for positioning/size. check for positioning/size. n n使用光导感应器检查位置使用光导感应器检查位置/ /尺寸尺寸n nUsing guide pins/blocks Using guide pins/blocks toto ensure correct positioning. ensure correct positioning.n n使用引导使用引导 pins/blocks pins/blocks 保证准确位置保证准确位置n nFor more examples of Error-Proofing,

143、additional reference materials For more examples of Error-Proofing, additional reference materials are available in the Library - e.g. Poka-Yoke, Shigeo Shingos Zero are available in the Library - e.g. Poka-Yoke, Shigeo Shingos Zero Quality Controls etc.Quality Controls etc.n n可以查阅相关的资料,如:可以查阅相关的资料,

144、如:Poka-Yoke, Shigeo Shingos Zero Poka-Yoke, Shigeo Shingos Zero Quality Controls Quality Controls ,以得到更多防范错误的实例。,以得到更多防范错误的实例。第75页/共77页第七十六页,共78页。Activity 3 - 60 minsActivity 3 - 60 mins3 36060分钟的活动分钟的活动分钟的活动分钟的活动(hu dng)(hu dng)n nCollect a Why-Why format.Collect a Why-Why format.n n收集一份收集一份 Why-Wh

145、y Why-Why 表格表格n nSelect one unresolved failure, and perform Why-Why analysis.Select one unresolved failure, and perform Why-Why analysis.n n选择一个未解决的失效,进行选择一个未解决的失效,进行 Why-Why Why-Why 分析分析n nCheck for Logical flow.Check for Logical flow.n n寻找合理的流程寻找合理的流程n nAfter 45 mins, be prepared After 45 mins, be

146、 prepared toto share your teams result. share your teams result.n n4545分钟后,做好与大家分钟后,做好与大家(dji)(dji)分享结果的准备分享结果的准备第76页/共77页第七十七页,共78页。内容(nirng)总结会计学。Ex: Activities GoalTime Frame。4. Damaged post Zero in 1 mth 1999 Dec 1st starts。JapaneseDefinition。GenriTheory / Principle。PhenomenonWhy 1Why 2第七十八页,共78页。



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