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1、Never Judge by AppearancesUnit 52021/6/712021/6/722021/6/73 In her book Pride and Prejudice,Jane Austen, a well-know British author, alerts us to the fact that first impressions are usually wrong.2021/6/741. Who is he?(job)2. His physical description3. His clothing4. His personality5. ConclusionJudg

2、e from Para2-32021/6/751. Who is he?a merchant in Kobe (神户)2. His physical descriptionNot much more than five feet four (1.63m), very slender, with white hair, red face, blue eyes, small and frail3. His clothingNeatly and quietly dressed in accordance with his age and station2021/6/764. His personal

3、ityHe was popular at the club, because:generous, sensible; quiet, dry humor, Everyone liked him because:Kind: mild, gentle , benignRich:Small and frail: arouse your instincts of protection2021/6/775. Conclusion:.a small old clever, generous, kind, loving, humorous, who is successful in life and busi

4、ness2021/6/78Is Edward Burton a man all of a piece?Dont judge his personality with his appearance. 2021/6/79Text OrganizationText Organization 10Pre-reading questionsIEdward Hyde BurtonLenny BurtonPara2-3:First impression of Edward BurtonPara4-51:Learn more about Edward BurtonA Friend in need 2021/6

5、/7101. Who is he?(job)2. His physical description3. His clothing4. His personality5. Conclusion2021/6/7112021/6/712Judging from his appearance, Lenny Burton seems to be:Wild(放荡的)IrresponsibleIndependentDishonestLazy2021/6/713Text organizationPara 4-51:Para 4-51:The authorEdward BurtonLenny BurtonTel

6、l the storyThe story between them2021/6/714Text organization-Main ideasLenny Burton was _brokeSo he came to Edward Burton to_seek for a job2021/6/715 Burton found out that the young man could do nothing besides_swimmingswimming2021/6/716Edward Burton made a promise to the young man that_. if the you

7、ng man could swim through a dangerous water area, he would give him a job2021/6/717The final result is that _. the young Burton died in that final efforts he made in his lifeDid Edward Burton know the young man would be dead when he made him that promise?Yes! He knew.It is no easy job to judge peopl

8、e, for they arent always what they appear to be.2021/6/718Cultural backgroundThe AuthorWilliam Somerset Maugham威廉威廉萨默赛特萨默赛特毛姆毛姆English author, novels and short stories.1874, born in the British Embassy in ParisFirst novel: Liza of Lambeth (1897).1946,Somerset Maugham Award2021/6/719Of Human Bondage

9、人性的枷锁人性的枷锁 The Moon and Sixpence 月亮与六便士月亮与六便士Cakes and Ale 蛋糕与麦芽酒蛋糕与麦芽酒The Razors Edge 刀锋刀锋Main works2021/6/720Kobe: one of the leading Japanese ports;kubi a major industrial center and railway hub(铁路枢纽);神户 a cultural center; heavily bombed during World War II but was rebuilt and enlargedCultural ba

10、ckground2021/6/721Yokohama: Japans second largest city;横滨 one of the leading seaports in Japan; revived and prospered after the heavy bombardment during World War II;Cultural background2021/6/722 Bridge, card game played with 52 cards by four players in two partnerships. Bridge probably originated i

11、n the Middle East in the 19th century.Bridge 桥牌桥牌Cultural background2021/6/723Gin FizzesGin Fizzes 杜松子汽水酒杜松子汽水酒杜松子汽水酒杜松子汽水酒CocktailCocktail Cultural background2021/6/724Words and Expressions 1.affectionate2.broke3.candid4.capable5.constitutiona.充满爱的,亲切的a. 破产的,一文不值的a. 真诚的,坦率的a. 有能力的,能干的n. 体格,体质2021/6

12、/725Words and Expressions 6. current7. deceptive8. definite9. hitherto10. insanen. 水流;趋势a.靠不住的,容易上当的a. 明确的,不含糊的adv. 迄今a. 荒唐的,蠢钝的2021/6/726Words and Expressions 11.instinct12.mild13.oddly14.pawn15.rubn.本能a. 温和的,不严厉的a. 奇特的v. 典当;抵押v. 摩擦;搓澡2021/6/727Words and Expressions 16. sip17. spicy18. stroke19. tr

13、ansparent20. trimv. 小口地喝;抿a. 刺激的;辛辣的v. 轻抚a. 透明的v. 击败;修剪2021/6/728Words and Expressions 21.vacancy22.vanity23.wrinkle24.(all) of a (all) to piecesn. 空缺n. 虚荣;自负vt. 使.起皱纹完全一致的;浑然一体的崩溃;垮掉2021/6/729Words and Expressions 26. down and out27. drive at28. for sbs (own) part29. go broke30. in a

14、way穷困潦倒意指;要说至于.;对.来说破产从某一点上看2021/6/730Words and Expressions 31. in accordance with32. in bad/good condition33. oddly speaking34. something of35. stick to符合;依据;与.一致身体状况不好/很好奇怪的是;说来奇怪在某种程度上坚持2021/6/731Words and Expressions 36. be taken aback37. turn up38. with (a) bad/good grace吃了一惊来到;出现勉强地/欣喜地2021/6/

15、732While-reading2021/6/733Appearances, however, can be deceptive. (the red part)deceptive: likely to deceive;misleadingeg: The company was charged with deceptive advertising for a number of products.deceptively adv.; a deceptively simple idea貌似简单的想法Translation:然而,外表可能具有欺骗性。2021/6/734I shrug my shoul

16、ders when (Para1,L2Para1,L2)shrugshrug: : v. e.g. She shrugged helplessly and said nothing.Practice:An actor has to learn to shrug off criticism. 演员必须得学会对批评不屑一顾。 He shrugged at my suggestion. 他对我的建议只是耸耸肩。 to express disapproval, indifference, ignorance, helplessness, contempt, etc2021/6/735ways to s

17、how your disagreement:shake headsfrown on2021/6/736These reflections have occurred to me(Para. 2,L1)1. Translate this sentence into Chinese.我产生这些想法我产生这些想法Similar expressions:It occurs to me that .It strikes me that.It comes to my mind thatIt clicks in my mind that2021/6/737D R _ word _definite1defin

18、ite: adj. clear; that cant be doubted.明确的,不含糊的我们要求给一个确切的答复。我们要求给一个确切的答复。We demand a definite answer.Its definite that hell come.Collocation:a definite success绝对的成功绝对的成功definite period of time确切的时间确切的时间 because both in appearance and manner he suggested a very definite type.(Para.2, L9)2021/6/

19、height, and very slender, with white hair, a red face much wrinkled, and blue eyes.(Para 2, L11)wrinkle: 使起皱纹eg: The woman was forty, but looked fifty. Her cheeks were sunken and her skin was wrinkled and yellow.Practice:他闻到怪味儿皱起了鼻子。He wrinkled (up) his nose at the bad smell.2021/6/739He was always

20、neatly and quietly dressed in accordance with his age and station.(Para 2, 13)in accordance with:与一致;按照,依据eg: Students will be criticized or punished if their behavior is not in accordance with school behavior. I sold your house, in accordance with your orders.Practice:这个商标是依据迄今有效的法律注册的。The trademar

21、k was registered in accordance with the laws hitherto in force. 2021/6/740.he could tell with point a good and spicy story, and in his youth he had been something of an athlete.(Para 3,L19)spicy:有刺激性的,有点下流的;(食品)辛辣的eg: People from Sichuan province like to eat spicy food.Practice:在一些地方报纸上你可以读到有关电影明星的下

22、流故事。 You can often read spicy stories about film stars in the local newspapers.2021/6/741something of (to some degree): 在某种程度上,有点儿,多多少少eg:Its something of a disadvantage nowadays if you cant use a computer.Practice:他们没能从银行贷到款,这对他们来说多多少少有点儿失望。They havent got a loan from the bank, which is something o

23、f disappointment.Translation:他还能很得要领地讲个动听的来劲儿的故事,他年轻时多少还是个运动员呢。2021/6/742.he aroused your instincts of protection.(Para 3, L23)instinct. n.a tendency that one is born with to behave in a certain way without reasoning or training (本能,直觉)eg: It is the mothers instinct to protect her children. Practice

24、:我的直觉是亨利会设法参加这次探险,因为他有一点冒险家的气质。(something of; instinct)I have an instinct that Henry will seek to join the expedition, because he is something of an adventurer.2021/6/743Burton sipped his gin fizz.(Para 14,L1)sip v. drink (sth.), taking a very small amount each time小口地喝,抿pattern: sip sth. at/from (s

25、th.)eg: Jessica sipped her coffee, listening to music. She sipped politely at her drink. They sip cappuccino at Starbucks and spend a lovely afternoon there. 2021/6/744He was handsome in a way with curly hair and pink-and-white cheeks.(Para15, L3)in a way:to a certain extent but not entirelyeg:The w

26、ork is well done in a way.In a way, he was a typical Chinese scholar.I agree with you in a way, but there are still some areas on which I cant see eye to eye with you. 2021/6/745He stroked his shaven chin with his thin hand; the veins stood out on it and it was almost transparent.(Para 16, L3)stroke

27、 v.:pass the hand gently over (a surface), usu. several times 轻抚,抚摸,捋eg: At the sight of her husband getting off the train, the woman walked forward and embraced him and gently stroked his white hair.Practice:I reached out to stroke the babys cheek.n. 中风,笔画,轻抚2021/6/746transparent:adj. allowing ligh

28、t to pass through so that objects behind can be seen clearly 透明的eg:The cup is made of transparent colored plastic.Practice:她的真丝连衣裙几乎是透明的。Her silk dress was almost transparent.2021/6/747I suppose that is why he came to me when he went broke.(Para 17, L 1)go broke:eg:He invested all his money in stock

29、s; unfortunately he made one wrong choice after another and finally went broke. Practice:许多跨国公司在经济危机期间都破产了,更不用说小企业了。Many multinational companies went broke during the financial crisis, not to speak of /let alone small businesses.2021/6/748He hadnt been willing to stick to bridge.(Para 23, L3)stick t

30、o:refuse to abandon or change (sth.) 坚持eg: The old man stuck to jogging every morning although he was eighty years old. The mother asked her son just to tell the cops what he saw and stick to his story.即使置身于一个嘈杂的环境中,他也能坚持完成手头的工作。He is capable of sticking to the task at hand, even if he is exposed to

31、 noises.Collocation:stick to ones word遵守诺言遵守诺言stick to the point紧扣要点紧扣要点2021/6/749I got some glimmering of what he was driving at.(Para30, L1)drive at:be trying to sayeg:The teacher didnt mention the word “cheating” but I knew what he was driving at.Practice: I have no idea what youre driving at.我不知

32、道你到底什么意思。2021/6/750Its over three miles and its rather difficult on account of the currents round the beacon.(Para 36, L3)current: n. continuous flow of water or air in a particular direction 水流,潮流,趋势eg: Under normal conditions, the ocean currents of the tropical Pacific (热带太平洋) travel from east to

33、west. Swimming against the current is energy-consuming. adj. of the present time; happening now现在的,最近的Practice:他不喜欢现在的工作,正打算辞职。He doesnt like the current job, and is planning to quit it.2021/6/751I could see he was rather taken aback.(Para 37, L1)be taken aback:be shocked or surprised吃一惊e.g: She was

34、 taken aback when a man answered the phone.Practice:当我发现电脑不见了时我大吃一惊。I was taken aback when I found my computer was gone.2021/6/752Im not in very good condition.(Para 39, L1)in bad/good condition: in bad/good healtheg: In spite of the surgery he is still in bad condition.Practice:长假之后,他的身体状况又变好了。He i

35、s in good condition again after a long holiday.out of condition = in bad health2021/6/753But I neednt have hurried; he never turned up.(Para 45, L3)turn up: arrive; make ones appearanceeg:He didnt turn up until the end of the examination.Some students always turn up late for class.Practice:奇怪的是,许多人自

36、愿帮助组织会议,但是只有少数几人到场。Oddly enough, many people volunteered to help organize the meeting, but only a few turned up.2021/6/754But of course hed ruined his constitution by drink and dissipation. (Para 47, L2)constitution: n. condition of a persons body with regard to health, strength, boxer must

37、 have a strong constitution.Practice: 他病了好多年,身体十分虚弱。Having been ill for several years, he has a particularly fragile constitution.Collocation:an old man with a weak constitution一位体弱的老人一位体弱的老人build up a strong/tough constitution练出强健的体格练出强健的体格2021/6/755He rubbed his chin with his hand.(Para 50, L2)rub

38、: vt. move ones hand, an object, etc. backwards and forwards repeatedly on a surface while pressing摩擦,揉搓eg: He looked tired and sat rubbing his eyes.practice:她弯腰去揉疼痛的脚踝。She bent over and rubbed her sore ankle.2021/6/756Post-reading2021/6/757Useful Expressions 1.耸耸肩耸耸肩2.自大自大3.让某人大吃一惊让某人大吃一惊4.听某人亲口讲述听

39、某人亲口讲述5.衣着整洁素雅衣着整洁素雅shrug ones shouldersgreat vanitygive sb. a great surprisefrom ones own lipsbe neatly and quietly dressed2021/6/758 6.合乎某人的年龄和身份合乎某人的年龄和身份 7.玩桥牌玩桥牌 8.和睦恩爱的一家人和睦恩爱的一家人 9.年轻时年轻时in accordance with ones age and stationplay bridgea united and affectionate familyin ones youthnod a greet

40、ing10. 点头致意点头致意2021/6/75911.对对有一种本能有一种本能12.两颊白里透红两颊白里透红13.和善地咯咯一笑和善地咯咯一笑14.勉强地勉强地/欣然地欣然地15.一文不名一文不名have an instinct about pink-and-white cheeksgive a kindly chucklewith a bad/good gracego broke2021/6/76016.穷困潦倒穷困潦倒17.自杀自杀18.由于由于19.吃一惊吃一惊20.身体状况不好身体状况不好/好好be down and outcommit suicideon account ofbe

41、taken abackin bad/good condition2021/6/76121.祝某人好运祝某人好运22.临阵脱逃临阵脱逃23.喝酒作乐把身体搞垮喝酒作乐把身体搞垮24.对付不了对付不了wish sb. good luckfunk it at the last momentruin ones constitution by drink and dissipationmore than one can manage25.拿我自己来说拿我自己来说26.红红的脸上布满皱纹红红的脸上布满皱纹for my own parta red face much wrinkled2021/6/762Ex

42、ercisesP150 Vocabulary 1 1) In a way/For my own part 2) in accordance 3) vacancy 4) in good condition 5) transparent 6) rub 7) spicy 8) hitherto 9) with (a) bad grace 10) instinct 11) pawned 12) current2021/6/763P152-3.Rewrite each sentence1) has a very weak constitution - she may not be able to sur

43、vive the operation.2) was taken aback by the insurance companys rejection of my compensation claim2021/6/7643) was something of a surprise when we ran into each other in a place like that.4) needs trimming/ to be trimmed -its getting too long.5) are often seceptive2021/6/765P152-4. Complete the sent

44、ences1) Oddly enough /went broke /wrinkled / he had gone all to pieces2) definite / is capable of /her vanity3) too mild / sipping / stroke2021/6/766P156-II Translation 11.I have an instinct that Henry will seek to join the expedition, because he is something of an adventurer.2.He is capable of stic

45、king to the task at hand, even if he is exposed to noises.3.The trademark was registered in accordance with the laws hitherto in force.4.Oddly enough, many people volunteered to help organize the meeting, but only a few turned up.5.The teachers affectionate words, along with his candid comments, cha

46、nged the way Mike perceived the society and himself.2021/6/767P157-2. Translate the passageFor my own part, I find that appearances are all too often deceptive. For instance, you might be wrong if you judged by appearances only people like Edward Hyde Burton. In appearance, he seemed a man all of a

47、piece. 2021/6/768He was a tiny little fellow with white hair and mild blue eyes, gentle and candid. Nevertheless, he turned out to be very cruel. He insulted and fooled Lenny who was down and out and made him commit himself to an insane venture. 2021/6/769What was still more surprising was that he w

48、as completely indifferent to Lennys death. Without doubt, Burton was a man with a heart of stone.2021/6/770ExercisesDirections: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on the harm of smoking. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 2021/6/771AssignmentReview the content and language points that we learn in class.Complete exercises on the textbook: P7150-157.Finish Home Reading Task: Text B on Page 158.2021/6/772部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!



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