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1、NativeSpeakerNativeSpeaker的英语中的英语中对同一主语制约下的多个对同一主语制约下的多个动作的处理动作的处理( (删减版删减版) )解读解读选题的由来选题的由来n 现实生活中,一个人做出几个连续动作的现象非常普遍,这是现实世界的常态之一。这种现象在语言中的识解(表达)是语言表达中的一个非常重要的问题。是语言表达中的一个非常重要的问题。对对 策策n汉语的一般做法是汉语的一般做法是:通过多个动词的连用或流水句形式,按照时间的先后顺序和事理推移的方式,把事情一件接一件交待清楚,呈现出“流水式”的结构。n英语的一般做法是英语的一般做法是:以主谓结构为主干,以谓语动词为中心,在此

2、基础上,借助于现在分词、过去分词、动词不定式、动名词、并列连词、从属连词、介词、副词、关系代词、关系副词等连接手段,将句子中的各个相对次要的成分连接起来,层层搭架,呈现出由中心向外围扩展的“分岔式”结构。现实情境中的动作在英语语言中的识解方式n在英语这种语言中,动作可以识解(处理)为:n1. 谓语动词n2. 非谓语动词现在分词、过去分词、动名词和动词不定式n3. 形容词短语n4. 名词短语n5. 介词短语nBeingveryshortofmoneyand wantingtodosomethinguseful,Iapplied,fearingasIdidso,that withoutadegre

3、eand withnoexperienceofteachingmychancesoflandingthejobwereslim.n当时因为急需用钱,又想做些有意义的事情,于是我就提出了申请。但是我这样做的时候,又担心,既没有学位又没有教学经验,所以获得这个职位的可能性非常小。n 注:注:8个动作均围绕个动作均围绕 I 展开展开nBecauseIwasveryshortofmoneyand wantedtodosomethinguseful,Iapplied. ButatthesametimeI fearedasIdidso, that mychancesoflandingthejobweres

4、limbeacuseIhadneitheradegreenorexperienceofteaching. n请比较请比较nBeingveryshortofmoneyand wantingtodosomethinguseful,Iapplied,fearingas Ididso,that withoutadegreeandwithnoexperienceofteachingmychancesoflandingthejobwereslim.nHowever, three days later a letter arrived, summoning me to Croydon for an inte

5、rview.n然而,三天以后来信了,通知我到Croydon参加面试。n注解注解:现实中的“来”和“通知”两个动作都围绕“信”展开。在汉语中,它们都识解为谓语动词;而在英语中, “来”识解为谓语动词,即arrived;而“通知” 则识解为现在分词,即summoning。请问,这是为什么?n可能 However, three days later a letter arrived and summoned me to Croydon for an interview.nIt proved an awkward journey: a train to Croydon station; a ten-m

6、inute bus ride and then a walk of at least a quarter of a mile.n路很不好走,先坐火车到Croydon车站,再坐十分钟的公交车,最后步行至少0.25英里才到达目的地。n注解注解:现实中的“坐”、“坐” 和“步行”三个动作都是围绕施事者“我”展开的。在汉语中,它们都识解为谓语动词;而在英语中,它们都识解为表示动作的名词词组。n可能可能 That was an awkward journey: I took a train to Croydon station; and I took a ten-minute bus ride and

7、finally I had a walk of at least a quarter of a mile. nShe gave Tom the case, and then bent over him, pushing his tie up to cover his collar-button and letting her lips come to within an inch of his ear. n妈妈把行李箱递给Tom,又俯身蹲在他身边,把他的领带往上推了推,直到遮盖住领扣,然后贴着他的耳朵喃喃地说 。 n注解:现实中的“递给”、“俯身蹲”、“推了推”和“贴着”这四个动作都是围绕“妈

8、妈”展开。在汉语中,这四个动作都识解为谓语动词,而在英语中,前两个动作识解为谓语动词,后两个动作识解为现在分词,由and连接,作伴随状语。n妈妈把行李箱递给Tom,又俯身蹲在他身边,把他的领带往上推了推,直到遮盖住领扣,然后贴着Tom的耳朵喃喃地说 。n可能可能 She gave Tom the case, bent over him, pushed his tie up to cover his collar-button, and then let her lips come to within an inch of his ear. n原文原文 She gave Tom the case

9、, and then bent over him, pushing his tie up to cover his collar-button and letting her lips come to within an inch of his ear. nTom waved good-bye angrily to his mother, and then, careless even of the cost to others waved to an inflamed face pressed or flattened against a bedroom window.nTom很生气地向妈妈

10、挥手再见,然后甚至不顾及他人的感受,对着二楼卧室的窗户方向挥手。 n注解:现实中的“挥手再见”、“不顾及”和“挥手”等三个动作都是围绕Tom 展开。在汉语中,这三个动作都识解为谓语动词;而在英语中第二个动作识解为形容词短语,其他两个动作识解为谓语动词。nTom waved good-bye angrily to his mother, and then, didnt care even about the cost to others, and waved to an inflamed face pressed or flattened against a bedroom window.n英式

11、英语英式英语 Tom closed the car window and sat back in his seat, in hostile silence.n英式汉语英式汉语 Tom关上车窗,坐回到了自己的位置,处于有敌意的沉默中。n中式汉语中式汉语 Tom关上车窗,坐回到了自己的位置;他气得鼓鼓的,一句话也不说。 n注解:现实中的“关上”、“坐回”和“不说”三个动作都是围绕Tom展开。在中式汉语中,它们都识解为谓语动词,而在英语中,前两个识解为谓语动词,最后一个识解为介词短语,表示次要的伴随动作。n中式英语中式英语 Tom closed the car window and sat back

12、 in his seat; he said nothing because of hostility. nAt least nobody questions the fact that he can next be traced in 1592 in London, earning his living as a dramatist and generally getting well known in the theatre.n至少现在没有人怀疑莎士比亚1592年在伦敦,靠做编剧谋生,后来逐渐在戏剧界小有名气。 n注解:现实中的“在”、“靠”、“谋生”和“小有名气”等四个动作都是围绕he展开

13、。在汉语中, “在”、“谋生”和“小有名气”被识解为谓语动词,而“靠”被识解为方式状语。在英语中, “在”被识解为谓语动词,“谋生”和“小有名气”被识解为伴随状语,而“靠”和“做编剧”又被识解为“谋生”的方式状语。nWe know that as well as working on old plays he rapidly made a name for himself as an author of entirely new ones and also performed as an actor at court. n我们知道,莎士比亚除改编旧剧外,自己还创作了新剧本,很快就声誉鹊起;他还

14、在宫廷里演出过。 nWe know that he rapidly made a name for himself by working on old plays and producing entirely new ones; he also performed as an actor at court. n注解:现实中的“改编”、“创作” “声誉鹊起”和“演出”四个动作都是围绕“莎士比亚”展开,且呈自然顺序。在汉语中,它们都被识解为谓语,而在英语中,“声誉鹊起”和“演出”被识解为谓语动词,而“改编”和“创作”分别被识解为动名词和介词短语,均为“声誉鹊起”的方式状语。nThe childre

15、n soon spoilt its beauty by having snowball fights and leaving their footprints all over it.n但是,孩子们打雪仗,踩得雪地上满是脚印,很快就破坏了这种美景。 n注解:“打雪仗”、“踩脚印”和“破坏”三个动作都围绕“孩子们”展开。在汉语中,它们都识解为谓语动词,呈自然顺序;在英语中,“破坏”被识解为“谓语动词”,而“打雪仗”和“踩脚印”被识解为动名词,由and连接,和by一起构成“破坏”的方式状语。n可能可能The children had snowball fights and left their footprints all over it, and soon spoilt its beauty.n评价:次要部分和主要部分混为一谈,主次不明希望引起一点思考 这就是:不同文化中的人用不同的方式来识解(描写)现实。结束结束



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