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1、Unit11Unit 11 Salvation1Unit1Salvation综合教程一Read the following sentences aloud, paying special attention to intonation. The symbol | indicates a division of tone units, while and nuclear tones.That night, | I was escorted to the front row .A great many old people came and knelt around us and prayed,

2、| old women with jet-black faces and braided hair, | old men with work-gnarled hands.So I decided that maybe to save further trouble, | Id better lie, too, | and say that Jesus has come, | and get up and be saved.1. 2.3.Reading aloudPre-reading Activities -Reading aloud1Reading aloudAudiovisual supp

3、lementCultural information2Unit1Salvation综合教程一Pre-reading Activities -Reading aloud2Reading aloudAudiovisual supplementCultural informationThat night, | for the last time in my life but one | for I was a big boy twelve years old | and I cried.4. 3Unit1Salvation综合教程一1. QuoteBible: Wisdom is the princ

4、ipal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Exalt her, and she shall promote thee: she shall bring thee to honour, when thou dost embrace her.Cultural informationCulturalinformationCulturalinformation1Reading aloudAudiovisual supplementCultural information4Unit1Salv

5、ation综合教程一 Christianity (from the Greek word XpIoTs, Khristos, “Christ”, literally “anointed one”) is a monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the New Testament. Christians believe Jesus is the son of God and God has become man and the savior of hu

6、manity. Christians, therefore, commonly refer to Jesus as Christ or Messiah. Adherents of the Christian faith, known as Christians, believe that Jesus is the Messiah prophesied in the Hebrew Bible (the part of scripture common to Christianity and Judaism, and referred to as the “Old Testament” in Ch

7、ristianity). 2. ChristianityCulturalinformationCulturalinformation2Reading aloudAudiovisual supplementCultural information5Unit1Salvation综合教程一CulturalinformationCulturalinformation3Reading aloudAudiovisual supplementCultural information Christianity began as a Jewish sect and is classified as an Abr

8、ahamic religion. Originating in the eastern Mediterranean, it quickly grew in size and influence over a few decades, and by the 4th century had become the dominant religion within the Roman Empire.6Unit1Salvation综合教程一Watch a video clip and answer the following question.Why is the nun so angry?Audiov

9、isual supplementPre-reading Activities-Audiovisual supplements1Reading aloudAudiovisual supplementCultural informationThe nun wanted the students to name all the apostles. But the girl gave the wrong answer in front of the whole class twice on purpose. Her answers were the names of the singers.7Unit

10、1Salvation综合教程一Pre-reading Activities-Audiovisual supplements3Reading aloudAudiovisual supplementCultural information8Unit1Salvation综合教程一Nun: Deloris: Nun: Deloris: Nun: Who can name all the apostles? Yes, Deloris.John, Paul, George and Ringo! (Beatles)Deloris Wilson, you are the most unruly, disobe

11、dient girl in this school! Now I want you to march right up to that blackboard and write the names of all apostles alphabetically.write “John, Paul. George Elvis”This is enough! You are hopeless, and I wash my hands of you. Mark my words, Deloris. If you continue on this disruptive track, it will le

12、ad straight to the devil. Have you any idea what girls like you become?Video Script1Reading aloudAudiovisual supplementCultural information9Unit1Salvation综合教程一What is the story narrated in the text about?Main ideaGlobal Reading-Text analysisMain ideaStructural analysis The story is the authors recal

13、l of an experience in his childhood. He had heard from old folks about the myth of Jesus saving , and as a child, held a sincere and nave in it. His attendance at the resulted in his total . He wants to tell his readers that there is no , and that only by can black people deliver themselves from mis

14、ery and suffering.relying on their own struggle _revival _ones soul_disillusionment_almighty Savior_belief _10Unit1Salvation综合教程一Structural analysisStructural analysis 1Text analysisStructural analysis1. How is the story organized? The story, which is told in the first person, is mainly organized in

15、 chronological order, with a flashback in the second paragraph and plenty of vivid and interesting descriptions in the whole text.11Unit1Salvation综合教程一2. Work out the structure of the text by completing the table.Paragraph(s)Main idea12-1415It introduces the background.It relates and describes the s

16、pecial meeting held for the “young lambs” to be saved.Structural analysis 2Text analysisStructural analysisIt reveals the writers psychological feelings with regard to what happened to him at the revival. 12Unit1Salvation综合教程一 I was saved from sin when I was going on thirteen. But not really saved.

17、It happened like this. There was a big revival at my Auntie Reeds church. Every night for weeks there had been much preaching, singing, praying, and shouting, and some very hardened sinners had been brought to Christ, and the membership of the church had grown by leaps and bounds. Then just before t

18、he revival ended, they held a special meeting for children, “to bring the young lambs to the fold.” My aunt spoke of it for days ahead. That night I was escorted to the front row and placed on the mourners bench with all the other young sinners, who had not yet been brought to Jesus.SalvationDetaile

19、dreading1Detailedreading1Detailed reading113Unit1Salvation综合教程一Detailedreading2Detailedreading2Detailed reading My aunt told me that when you were saved you saw a light, and something happened to you inside! And Jesus came into your life! And God was with you from then on! She said you could see and

20、 hear and feel Jesus in your soul. I believed her. I had heard a great many old people say the same thing and it seemed to me they ought to know. So I sat there calmly in the hot, crowded church, waiting for Jesus to come to me.214Unit1Salvation综合教程一Detailedreading3Detailedreading3Detailed reading T

21、he preacher preached a wonderful rhythmical sermon, all moans and shouts and lonely cries and dire pictures of hell, and then he sang a song about the ninety and nine safe in the fold, but one little lamb was left out in the cold. Then he said: “Wont you come? Wont you come to Jesus? Young lambs, wo

22、nt you come?” And he held out his arms to all us young sinners there on the mourners bench. And the little girls cried. And some of them jumped up and went to Jesus right away. But most of us just sat there.315Unit1Salvation综合教程一 Finally all the young people had gone to the altar and were saved, but

23、 one boy and me. He was a rounders son named Westley. Westley and I were surrounded by sisters and deacons praying. It was very hot in the church, and getting late now. Finally Westley said to me in a whisper: “God damn! Im tired of sitting here. Lets get up and be saved.” So he got up and was saved

24、.Detailedreading4-6Detailedreading4-6Detailed reading A great many old people came and knelt around us and prayed, old women with jet-black faces and braided hair, old men with work-gnarled hands. And the church sang a song about the lower lights are burning, some poor sinners to be saved. And the w

25、hole building rocked with prayer and song. Still I kept waiting to see Jesus.45616Unit1Salvation综合教程一Detailedreading7-9Detailedreading7-9Detailed reading Then I was left all alone on the mourners bench. My aunt came and knelt at my knees and cried, while prayers and song swirled all around me in the

26、 little church. The whole congregation prayed for me alone, in a mighty wail of moans and voices. And I kept waiting serenely for Jesus, waiting, waiting but he didnt come. I wanted to see him, but nothing happened to me. Nothing! I wanted something to happen to me, but nothing happened. I heard the

27、 songs and the minister saying: “Why dont you come? My dear child, why dont you come to Jesus? Jesus is waiting for you. He wants you. Why dont you come? Sister Reed, what is this childs name?” “Langston,” my aunt sobbed.78917Unit1Salvation综合教程一Detailedreading10-11Detailedreading10-11Detailed readin

28、g “Langston, why dont you come? Why dont you come and be saved? Oh, Lamb of God! Why dont you come?” Now it was really getting late. I began to be ashamed of myself, holding everything up so long. I began to wonder what God thought about Westley, who certainly hadnt seen Jesus either, but who was no

29、w sitting proudly on the platform, swinging his knickerbockered legs and grinning down at me, surrounded by deacons and old women on their knees praying. God had not struck Westley dead for taking his name in vain or for lying in the temple. So I decided that maybe to save further trouble, Id better

30、 lie, too, and say that Jesus had come, and get up and be saved.101118Unit1Salvation综合教程一Detailedreading12-14Detailedreading12-14Detailed reading So I got up. Suddenly the whole room broke into a sea of shouting, as they saw me rise. Waves of rejoicing swept the place. Women leaped in the air. My au

31、nt threw her arms around me. The minister took me by the hand and led me to the platform. When things quieted down, in a hushed silence, punctuated by a few ecstatic “Amens,” all the new young lambs were blessed in the name of God. Then joyous singing filled the room. 12131419Unit1Salvation综合教程一Deta

32、iledreading15Detailedreading15Detailed reading That night, for the last time in my life but one, for I was a big boy twelve years old I cried. I cried, in bed alone, and couldnt stop. I buried my head under the quilts, but my aunt heard me. She woke up and told my uncle I was crying because the Holy

33、 Ghost had come into my life, and because I had seen Jesus. But I was really crying because I couldnt bear to tell her that I had lied, that I had deceived everybody in the church, that I hadnt seen Jesus, and that now I didnt believe there was a Jesus anymore, since he didnt come to help me.1520Uni

34、t1Salvation综合教程一Paragraph 1Questions1) What was the special event that happened one night?Detailedreading1QuestionDetailedreading1QuestionJust before the revival ended, they held a special meeting for children, “to bring the young lambs to the fold.”Detailed reading2) Why was Langston placed on the

35、mourners bench?Because he had not yet been brought to Jesus.21Unit1Salvation综合教程一preach: v. deliver a religious speechDetailedreading1preach1Detailedreading1preach1e.g. Christ preached to large crowds.The priest preached a sermon on the need for charity.Detailed readingCollocations:preach at/to/abou

36、t: to offer unwanted advice on matters of right and wrong. Derivation: preach n. 22Unit1Salvation综合教程一Detailedreading1preach2Detailedreading1preach2Detailed readingTranslation:Christ preached that we should love each other.基督在布道中说人们应该互爱。My sister has been preaching at me again about my untidy habits

37、.我姐姐又对我唠叨,要我改掉不爱整洁的坏习惯。23Unit1Salvation综合教程一escort: v. go with and protect sb.Detailedreading1escort1Detailedreading1escort1e.g. The queen was escorted by the directors as she toured the factory.The police escorted her to the airport.Detailed readingCollocation:escort sb. (to sth.)24Unit1Salvation综合

38、教程一Detailedreading1escort2Detailedreading1escort2Detailed readingTranslation:May I escort you to the ball?我可以陪你去参加舞会吗?The drunken man was escorted firmly to the door.醉汉被强制送出门口。25Unit1Salvation综合教程一I was saved from sin Detailedreading1Detailedreading1IwassavedfromsinExplanation:The word “sin”, with a

39、n exclusively religious connotation, refers to any offence against God or a religious law.However, the word “crime” refers to an act committed in violation of a law prohibiting it.Detailed readingParaphrase: I was rescued from sin 26Unit1Salvation综合教程一将幼小的羔羊领回羊群(让儿童加入教会)To bring the young lambs to t

40、he foldDetailedreading1Detailedreading1tobringtheExplanation:According to Christianity, Jesus is the Lamb of God, any Christian is a lamb, and the preacher is a shepherd. In the text, “the young of lambs” refers to children. “Fold” literally means an enclosure for sheep. Here it means a group of peo

41、ple who are Christians. So “to bring the young lambs to the fold” means to bring the children into the Christian community.Translation:Detailed readingParaphrase: to bring the children to the Christ and into the membership of church27Unit1Salvation综合教程一Paragraph 2Questions1) What had Langston learne

42、d about the revival before he actually attended it? Detailedreading2Question1Detailedreading2Question1Langstons aunt had told him that when one was saved one saw a light, and something happened to him inside! She said one could see and hear and feel Jesus in his soul. He had heard a great many old p

43、eople say the same thing about the revival.Detailed reading28Unit1Salvation综合教程一Paragraph 2Questions2) Did Langston believe his aunts tale of Jesus? What did he do? Detailedreading2Question2Detailedreading2Question2Detailed readingYes, he did. So he sat there calmly in the hot, crowded church, waiti

44、ng eagerly and expectantly for Jesus to come into his life.29Unit1Salvation综合教程一Paragraph 3QuestionWhat was the reaction of the “young lambs” to the preacher?Detailedreading3QuestionDetailedreading3QuestionThe “young lambs” reacted to the preacher in different ways. The little girls cried. And some

45、of them jumped up and went to Jesus right away. But most of them just sat there.Detailed reading30Unit1Salvation综合教程一rhythmical: adj.having a regular repeated pattern of weak and strong stressesDetailedreading3rhythmicalDetailedreading3rhythmicale.g. The rhythmical sound of the train sent him to sle

46、ep.He could hear the rhythmical beating of his heart.Detailed readingDerivation: rhythm n. 31Unit1Salvation综合教程一moan: n.a soft low sound of pain or grief; a complaint, expressed in a suffering discontented voiceDetailedreading3moan1Detailedreading3moan1e.g. From time to time there was a moan of pain

47、 from the sick man.We had a good moan about the weather.Detailed readingCollocation:moan about: complain annoyinglyDerivations:moaner n. moan v.32Unit1Salvation综合教程一Detailedreading3moan2Detailedreading3moan2Detailed readingTranslation:Shes always moaning that she has too much work to do.她老是抱怨她的工作太多了

48、。The sick child moaned a little, and then fell asleep.生病的小孩呻吟了一会儿,然后就睡着了。33Unit1Salvation综合教程一leave over: postpone sth.leave off: stop sth./doing sth.leave behind: fail or forget to bring or take sb./sth.leave out: v. phr. 1) pay no attention to sb.Detailedreading3leaveoutDetailedreading3leaveout1e.

49、g. No one speaks to him; hes always left out.e.g. This word is wrongly spelt; youve left out a letter.Dont leave me out when youre giving out the invitations!2) fail to includeDetailed readingCollocations:34Unit1Salvation综合教程一Detailedreading3leaveout2Detailedreading3leaveout2Detailed readingTranslat

50、ion:Leave me out of this quarrel, please I dont want to get involved.请别把我拉入这场争吵中 我可不想牵连进去。你在这一句中漏掉了最重要的一个词。You have left out the most important word in this sentence.35Unit1Salvation综合教程一1)It wont rain: you can your umbrella . 2) Hasnt the rain yet? 3) These matters will have to be until the next me

51、eting. 4) I wish youd whistling like that. Detailedreading3leaveout3Detailedreading3leaveout3Detailed readingExercise: Choose the proper phrases in its appropriate form to fill each blank in the following sentences.leave off _left over_left off_leave_behind_leave off leave behind leave over36Unit1Sa

52、lvation综合教程一How much longer can our supplies hold out?The town was surrounded but the people held out until help came.hold out:1) stretch outDetailedreading3holdoutDetailedreading3holdout1e.g. He held out his hand to Mary.e.g. These plans hold out the prospect of new jobs for the area.Science may ho

53、ld out the prospect of feeding the hungry.2) offerDetailed readinge.g.3) last; remain37Unit1Salvation综合教程一hold back: make something stay in place; prevent from moving, esp. in spite of pressurehold down: control the freedom of sb.; oppress sb.hold off: (of rain, a storm, etc.) not occur; be delayedh

54、old on: wait or stopDetailedreading3holdout2Detailedreading3holdout2Detailed readingCollocations:38Unit1Salvation综合教程一Detailedreading3holeout3Detailedreading3holeout3Detailed readingTranslation:We can stay here for as long as our supplies hold out.我们的供应品能维持多久,我们就能在这里呆多久。医生帮助她康复的希望甚微。Doctors hold out

55、 little hope of her recovering.39Unit1Salvation综合教程一1) The dam was not strong enough to the flood waters. 2) The rain just long enough for us to have our picnic. 3) We can stay here for as long as our supplies . 4) The people are by a vicious and repressive military regime. 5) The forthcoming talks

56、the hope of real arms reductions. Detailedreading3holeout4Detailedreading3holeout4Detailed readingExercise: Choose the proper phrases in its appropriate form to fill each blank in the following sentences.hold out_held down_held off_hold out hold back hold down hold off hold out_hold back_40Unit1Salv

57、ation综合教程一The preacher preached a wonderful rhythmical sermon, all moans and shouts and lonely cries and dire pictures of hell, and then he sang a song about the ninety and safe in the fold, but one little lamb was left out in the cold.Detailedreading3Detailedreading3thepreacherpreachedExplanation:T

58、he preacher gave an excellent moralistic rebuke, describing the terrible image of hell, and then he sang a religious song about little lamb. Translation:牧师的布道跌宕起伏,精彩绝伦,通篇都是关于地狱里痛苦的呻吟和号叫,寂寞的哭泣和可怕的场景。接着,他吟咏了一篇祷文,说的是九十九只羊已安然归圈, 只剩下一只迷途的小羔羊在寒冷的天气中徘徊。Detailed reading41Unit1Salvation综合教程一And some of them

59、jumped up and went to Jesus right away. Detailedreading3Detailedreading3andsomeofParaphrase:Some of the people jumped up and went towards Jesus immediately. Translation:他们中的一些人跳了起来,立即朝耶稣走去。Detailed reading42Unit1Salvation综合教程一Paragraphs 46Questions1) What were many old people doing when the preacher

60、 was preaching?Detailedreading4-6-QuesionDetailedreading4-6-Quesion1Some old people were moaning, others were shouting, and still others were crying.Detailed reading2) Why did Westley get up and get saved?It was very hot in the church, and getting late. Finally, Westley felt tired of sitting there.

61、So he got up, went to the altar and was saved.43Unit1Salvation综合教程一Paragraphs 46Questions3) Why didnt Langston go to the altar with Westley?Detailedreading4-6-QuesionDetailedreading4-6-Quesion2Langston still kept waiting serenely for Jesus. He wanted to see Jesus and hoped something would happen to

62、him. That was why he didnt go to the altar with Westley.Detailed reading44Unit1Salvation综合教程一And the church sang a song about the lower lights are burning, some poor sinners to be saved. Detailedreading4-6Detailedreading4-6andthechurchExplanation:Here “the lower lights are burning, some poor sinners

63、 to be saved.” are the words in the song. “The church” means “all the people in the church.”Translation:教徒们唱着:“低矮的灯光在燃烧,可怜的罪人便被救赎了。”Detailed reading45Unit1Salvation综合教程一Finally all the young people had gone to the altar and were saved, but one boy and me.Detailedreading4-6Detailedreading4-6finallyal

64、ltheExplanation:Here “one” is used instead of “a” to emphasize that there was only one boy left on the mourners bench beside me.Detailed reading46Unit1Salvation综合教程一Paragraphs 79Questions1) Why wasnt Langston saved by the time he was left all alone on the mourners bench? Detailedreading7-9-QuesionDe

65、tailedreading7-9-Quesion1Because Langston neither got up nor went to the altar. He failed to do so because he did not want to lie that he had seen Jesus.Detailed reading47Unit1Salvation综合教程一Paragraphs 79Questions2) Why did Langstons aunt kneel at his knees and cry?Detailedreading7-9-QuesionDetailedr

66、eading7-9-Quesion2Langston was not saved and was left all alone on the mourners bench. Her aunt was making such extreme efforts because she was anxiously expecting him to rise and go to the altar and get saved.Detailed reading48Unit1Salvation综合教程一swirl: v. move round and round quicklyDetailedreading

67、7-9swirlDetailedreading7-9swirle.g. The water swirled about his feet.The leaves were swirled away on the wind.Detailed readingDerivation: swirl n. Translation:Smoke swirled up the chimney.烟气从烟囱里袅袅上升。The log was swirled away downstream by the current.水流载着原木盘旋而下。49Unit1Salvation综合教程一mighty: adj. very

68、great in forceDetailedreading7-9mightyDetailedreading7-9mightye.g. He raised the hammer and struck the rock a mighty blow.She gave him a mighty thump.Detailed readingIdioms:high and mighty: arrogant; haughtythe pen is mightier than the sword: poets, thinker, ect., affect human affairs more than sold

69、iers doDerivation: might n. 50Unit1Salvation综合教程一wail: v. cry or complain in a loud (usu. shrill) voiceDetailedreading7-9wail1Detailedreading7-9wail1e.g. The sick child was wailing miserably.There is no use wailing about/over mistakes made in the past.Detailed readingCollocation:wail about/over sth.

70、: cry or complain about sth. in a loud (usu. shrill) voice51Unit1Salvation综合教程一sob: draw in breath noisily and irregularly from sorrow, pain, etc., esp. while cryingDetailedreading7-9wail2Detailedreading7-9wail2Detailed readingTranslation:You can hear the wind wailing in the chimney.Comparison: wail

71、; sob你可以听到风穿过烟囱发出的尖叫声。Stop weeping and wailing and do something about it!别那么哭天喊地的了,还是做点什么吧!52Unit1Salvation综合教程一serenely: adv. calmly and peacefullyDetailedreading7-9-serenelyDetailedreading7-9-serenelye.g. She smiled serenely and said nothing.She just says what she thinks, serenely indifferent to w

72、hether it may offend people.Synonyms: peacefully; tranquillyDetailed readingDerivations: serene adj.serenity n.53Unit1Salvation综合教程一sob sth. out: tell sth. while sobbingsob: v.to cry while making short bursts of sound as one breathes in, because of sadness or fearDetailedreading7-9-sobDetailedreadin

73、g7-9-sob1e.g. A little girl was sitting sobbing in the corner.She sobbed into her handkerchief.Synonyms: cry; wailDetailed readingDerivations: sobbing adjsob n.Collocation:54Unit1Salvation综合教程一Detailedreading7-9sob2Detailedreading7-9sob2Detailed readingIdioms:sob oneself to sleep: sob until one fall

74、s asleepsob ones heart out: cry bitterly with great emotion55Unit1Salvation综合教程一Paragraphs 1011QuestionWhat prompted Langston to tell a lie?Detailedreading10-11-Detailedreading10-11-QuesionQuesionSince God had not struck Westley dead for taking his name in vain or for lying in the temple, Langston d

75、ecided that maybe to save further trouble, hed better lie, too.Detailed reading56Unit1Salvation综合教程一swing: v. move backwards and forwardsDetailedreading10-11swing1Detailedreading10-11swing1e.g. He walked briskly along the path, swinging his rolled-up umbrella.The sign was swinging in the wind.Detail

76、ed readingCollocations:swing around/round: turn suddenly to face the opposite wayswing (sb.) (from sth.) to sth.: (cause sb. to) change suddenly from one opinion or mood, etc. to another57Unit1Salvation综合教程一Detailedreading10-11swing2Detailedreading10-11swing2Detailed readingTranslation:He swung roun

77、d to confront his accusers.Idioms:swing into action: act swiftlyswing the lead: (try to) avoid work or a duty, usually by pretending to be ill他突然转过身来面对着那些指控他的人。He swings from wild optimism to total despair.他由极其乐观一变而为完全绝望。58Unit1Salvation综合教程一grin: v. smile broadlyDetailedreading10-11-grinDetailedrea

78、ding10-11-grin1e.g. A little girl was sitting sobbing in the corner.She sobbed into her handkerchief.Synonym: smileDetailed readinggrin at sb.: smile broadly, so as to show the teeth, expressing amusement, foolish satisfaction, etc.grin from ear to ear: smile very broadlyCollocations:59Unit1Salvatio

79、n综合教程一Detailedreading10-11grin2Detailedreading10-11grin2Detailed readingIdiom:grin and bear it: endure pain, disappointment, etc. without complaining60Unit1Salvation综合教程一I began to wonder what God thought about Westley, who certainly had not see Jesus either, but who was now sitting proudly on the p

80、latform, swinging his knickerbockered legs and grinning down on me, surrounded by deacons and old women on their knees praying. Detailedreading10-11Detailedreading10-11IbegantoTranslation:我开始感到好奇,上帝对威斯特利的举止会怎么想。他肯定也没看到耶稣,却洋洋自得地坐在讲台上,晃动着灯笼裤里的两条腿,得意地朝我笑,周围全是跪着祈祷的执事和老太太。Detailed reading61Unit1Salvation

81、综合教程一Paragraphs 1214QuestionWhat was the response of the people present at the meeting when Langston got up to go to the altar?Detailedreading12-14-Detailedreading12-14-QuesionQuesionAs soon as Langston got up to go to the altar, the whole room broke into a sea of shouting. Waves of rejoicing swept

82、the place. Women leaped in the air. His aunt threw her arms around him. The minister took him by the hand and led him to the platform.Detailed reading62Unit1Salvation综合教程一rejoice: v. show great joyDetailedreading12-14-rejoiceDetailedreading12-14-rejoice1e.g. She rejoiced in meeting the challenge of

83、her new job.I rejoiced to see that she had made such a quick recovery.Detailed readingDerivation: rejoicing n.rejoice at/over sth.: feel or show great joyrejoice in sth.: have or glory in (a title, etc.)Collocations:63Unit1Salvation综合教程一Detailedreading12-14rejoiceDetailedreading12-14rejoice2 2Detail

84、ed readingTranslation:I rejoice to hear that you are well again.得知你身体康复,我甚为欣慰。我们为战争结束而欢欣鼓舞。We rejoiced that the war was over.64Unit1Salvation综合教程一She was absolutely ecstatic when I told her the news.ecstatic: adj. showing great joyDetailedreading12-14ecstaticDetailedreading12-14ecstatice.g.I wasnt e

85、xactly ecstatic about being woken up at two oclock in the morning.The new president was greeted by an ecstatic crowd.Detailed readingDerivation: ecstasy n. Translation:当我把这个消息告诉她时,她兴奋极了。He was ecstatic at the news of his daughters birth.他获悉女儿出生不禁欣喜若狂。65Unit1Salvation综合教程一Paragraph 15Questions1) Why

86、was Langston crying that night?Detailedreading15Question1Detailedreading15Question1He was really crying because he couldnt bear to tell his aunt that he had lied and deceived everybody in the church that he hadnt seen Jesus, and now he didnt believe there was a Jesus anymore, since he didnt come to

87、help him.Detailed reading66Unit1Salvation综合教程一Paragraph 15Questions2) What did Langstons aunt think of his crying?Detailedreading15Question2Detailedreading15Question2Langstons aunt thought that he was crying because the Holy Ghost had come into his life, and because he had seen Jesus.Detailed readin

88、g67Unit1Salvation综合教程一I wouldnt deceive you about anything as important as this.deceive: vt.make someone believe something that is not trueDetailedreading15deceive1Detailedreading15deceive1e.g. He had been deceived by a young man claiming to be the son of a millionaire.Detailed readingdeceive sb. in

89、to doing sth.deceive sb. about sth.Collocations:e.g. He tried to deceive the public into thinking the war could still be won.e.g.68Unit1Salvation综合教程一Detailedreading15deceive2Detailedreading15deceive2e.g. I thought she loved me, but I was deceiving myself.Detailed readingDerivations: deception n. de

90、ceptive adj.deceive oneselfPhrase:Synonym:trick69Unit1Salvation综合教程一Activity: Facial-Expression MakingDirections: require one or two students to make different facial expressions of crying and have the rest of students guess, such as the facial expressions of “sob, wail, weep”.Activity7-9Activity7-9

91、Detailed reading70Unit1Salvation综合教程一Activity: Pyramid-climbing CompetitionDirections: The class is divided into two groups. The teacher will explain the words by using examples and paraphrase, and each student from each group will write down the words on the blanks one by one from the bottom to the

92、 top of the pyramid. Once one student cannot write down the word, another student from his/her group continues his job. The group which can reach the top of the pyramid first wins.Activity15.1Activity15.1Detailed reading71Unit1Salvation综合教程一Activity15.2Activity15.2Detailed readingecstaticrejoicesere

93、nelymightywailmoanescortecstaticrejoiceserenelymightywailmoanescort72Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -VocabularymainPhrase practice Word comparisonSynonym / AntonymSentence rephrasingVocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar73Uni

94、t1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Phrasepractice1rock with = move slowly and regularly in harmony with 与一同晃动e.g. Lets rock with the music. 让我们随着音乐一起摇摆吧。The moment when the new year bell rang, the whole house rocked with hails. 当新年的钟声响起时,房子里充满了欢呼声。VocabularyTranslation

95、Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar74Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Phrasepractice2take sbs name in vain = call ones name in an unfriendly way 轻蔑地(滥用)叫某人名字e.g. Never take the name of God in vain. 不得滥用上帝之名He always takes her name in vain. 他总是轻蔑

96、地叫她的名字。VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar75Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Phrasepractice3hold up = delay 拖延e.g. We had planned to finish the match before dark, but the heavy rain held us up. 我们原计划在天黑前完成比赛,但给大雨耽搁了。The con

97、structing of the new bridge was held up by the heavy fog. 新桥的建造因为大雾而停了下来。VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar76Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Phrasepractice4break into = burst into, get in violently 爆发,闯入e.g. On hearing th

98、e news, he broke into laughter. 听到这个消息时,他忽然大笑起来。They broke into the office and kidnapped the manager. 他们闯入办公室,绑架了经理。VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar77Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Wordcomparison1.1membership: the stat

99、e of being a member of an organizatione.g. He is excluded from membership of the society.member: a person, animal or thing which is part of a groupe.g. The lion is a member of the cat family.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarGroup 178Unit1Salvation综合教程一Cons

100、olidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Wordcomparison1.2quantity: an amount that you can measure or count e.g. Cheap goods are available, but not in sufficient quantities to satisfy demand.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningnumber: a word or sign that represe

101、nts an amount or a quantity e.g. Five was her lucky number.GrammarGroup 179Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Wordcomparison2.1accompany: if one thing accompanies another, it happens or exists at the same time, or as a result of it e.g. Lightning usually accompanies

102、thunder.escort: to go with someone or a vehicle especially to make certain that they arrive safely or that they leave a place e.g. Several little boats escorted the sailing ship into the harbour.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarGroup 280Unit1Salvation综合教程一

103、ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Wordcomparison2.2Group 2convoy: to travel with a vehicle or a group of people to make certain that they arrive safely e.g. Two tanks convoyed the trucks across the border.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningattend: to

104、 go to an event such as a meeting or a class e.g. Please let us know if you are unable to attend.Grammar81Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Wordcomparison3.1Group 3calm: a calm person does not show or feel any worry, anger, or excitement e.g. Tom is usually a calm m

105、an.serene: peaceful and calm, worried by nothinge.g. She has a lovely serene face.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar82Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Wordcomparison3.2quiet: someone or something that is quiet makes only a

106、 small amount of noisee.g. The airlines have invested enormous sums in new, quieter aircraft.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningstill: quiet and calme.g. The castle was completely still GrammarGroup 383Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActiviti

107、es- -Wordcomparison4.1cry: to produce tears as the result of a strong emotion, such as unhappiness or pain e.g. I could hear someone crying in the next room.weep: to cry, especially because you feel very sad e.g. The little baby broke down and wept.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activit

108、iesWritingListeningGrammarGroup 484Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Wordcomparison4.2wail: if someone wails, they make long, loud, high-pitched cries which express sorrow or pain e.g. The women began to wail in mourning.shout: to express strong emotions, such as an

109、ger, fear or excitement, or to express strong opinions, in a loud voicee.g. He shouted at me when I broke the window.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarGroup 485Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Wordcomparison5.1revolve: if

110、one object revolves around another object, the first object turns in a circle around the second objecte.g. The satellite revolves around the Earth once every hundred minutes.swirl: to move quickly with a twisting circular movement e.g. Swirl a little oil around the flying pan.VocabularyTranslation I

111、ntegrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarGroup 586Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Wordcomparison5.2roll: to move somewhere by turning over and over or from side to side e.g. The dog rolled over onto its back.swing: to make regular movements forwards a

112、nd backwards or from one side to another while hanging from a particular point, or to make something do this e.g. Let your arms swing as you walk.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarGroup 587Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -

113、Wordcomparison6.1take place: to happen, especially in a controlled or organized way e.g. The concert takes place next Monday.happen: when something happens, there is an event, especially one that is not planned e.g. It is impossible to predict what will happen next.VocabularyTranslation Integrated s

114、killsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarGroup 688Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Wordcomparison6.2come: if a time or an event comes, it arrives or happense.g. At last the day came for us to set off.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingLi

115、steningbe present: in a particular place e.g. The whole family was present.GrammarGroup 689Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Wordcomparison7.1rise: when you rise, you stand up e.g. Amy rose slowly from the chair.raise: to lift something to a higher position e.g. He

116、raised the window and leaned out.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarGroup 790Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Wordcomparison7.2climb: to move up, down, or across something using your feet and hands, especially when this is

117、difficult to do so e.g. Tony climbed the stairs.mount: if you mount the stairs or a platform, you go up the stairs or go up onto the platform e.g. He mounted the platform and began to speak to the crowd.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarGroup 791Unit1Salvat

118、ion综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Wordcomparison8.1happy: someone who is happy has feelings of pleasure, usually because something nice has happened or because they feel satisfied with their lives e.g. Alice is a confident and happy baby.joyous: full of joy; very happy e.g. Th

119、e poem is a joyous affirmation of the power of love.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarGroup 892Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Wordcomparison8.2contented: happy and satisfied e.g. She smiled a contented smile.VocabularyTr

120、anslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningecstatic: feeling extremely happy and excited e.g. My daughters birth was ecstatic.GrammarGroup 893Unit1Salvation综合教程一 later, afterwardsConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Synonym/Antonym1Synonym/Antonym1Give synonyms or antonyms

121、 of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.1. Then just before the revival ended, they held a special meeting for children, “to bring the young lambs to the fold.”Synonyms: close, terminate, conclude2. My aunt spoke of it for days ahead.Antonyms:VocabularyTranslation Integrated

122、 skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar94Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Synonym/Antonym2Synonym/Antonym23. My aunt told me that when you were saved you saw a light, and something happened to you inside!Synonym: internally4. So I sat there calmly in the hot,

123、 crowded church, waiting for Jesus to come to me.Antonyms: excitedly, impatientlyVocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar95Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Synonym/Antonym3Synonym/Antonym35. The preacher preached a wonderful rhy

124、thmical sermon.Synonyms: marvelous, amazing, miraculous, terrific6. Finally all the young people had gone to the altar and were saved, but one boy and me.Antonyms: first, primarily, initiallyVocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar96Unit1Salvation综合教程一Consolidati

125、onActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Synonym/Antonym4Synonym/Antonym47. And I kept waiting serenely for Jesus, waiting, waiting but he didnt come.Synonyms: peacefully, quietly, calmly8. Then joyous singing filled the room.Antonyms: cheerless, joyless, sad, melancholyVocabularyTranslation Integrated

126、 skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar97Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Sentencerephrasing1Rephrase each of the following sentences with the word given in brackets.1. The murderer wiped the gun in case his fingerprints should betray him. (give)VocabularyTra

127、nslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar2. Its going to be awfully expensive. (cost)The murderer wiped the gun in case his fingerprints should give him away.Its going to cost an awful lot.98Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Sentencerephrasing

128、2VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarRephrase each of the following sentences with the word given in brackets.3. Who is responsible for all this mess? (blame)4. Unlike you, I dont have to retire when Im sixty. (difference)Who is to blame for all this mess?The

129、 difference between us is that I dont have to retire when Im sixty.99Unit1Salvation综合教程一5. Whats your preference for tonight, the theatre or the cinema? (rather)ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Sentencerephrasing3VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningG

130、rammarRephrase each of the following sentences with the word given in brackets.6. It would not be a waste of time to look at that house again. (worth)Where would you rather go tonight, the theatre or the cinema?That house is worth looking at again.100Unit1Salvation综合教程一8. Christina inherited a large

131、 fortune on her fathers death. (come)ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Sentencerephrasing4VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarRephrase each of the following sentences with the word given in brackets.7. Im not going to punish you this time. (let

132、)I m going to let you off this time.Christina came into a large fortune on her fathers death.101Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Sentencerephrasing-giveVocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammare.g. He doesnt want to give away his

133、 secret to you. 他不打算向你说出他的秘密。He gave away his books to his students. 他把自己的书送给了他的学生们。give v. offer, provide 给give away disclosure 泄露;make a gift of 赠送e.g. Thank you for giving me trust.102Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Sentencerephrasing-costVocabularyTranslation

134、Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarcost v. be priced at 花费e.g.The fancy car cost him a fortune. 103Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Sentencerephrasing-blameVocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarblame v. cri

135、ticize 责备e.g. The child was blamed for smashing the bottle.Who is to blame for the potential danger?104Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Sentencerephrasing-differenceVocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammardifference n. variation

136、, distinction 区别e.g. The differences between the twins are to be found by no one in the class.105Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Sentencerephrasing-ratherVocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarrather adv. to some extent 相当地e.g

137、. I would rather fail than cheat in the interview.Pork is rather cheap now.106Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Sentencerephrasing-worthVocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarworth adj. having a specific value 值得e.g. The mission

138、 is worth a lot of effort.107Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Sentencerephrasing-letVocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeninge.g. We were let off school today because of the flood.let v. allow 让,允许let off set free 允许(离开)e.g. The

139、teacher let the kids go home early yesterday.108Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Sentencerephrasing-comeVocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeninge.g. He came into a big fortune when his aunt e v. move toward 来come into acquire 获得

140、,得到e.g. Spring festival is coming.109Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -GrammarmainReported speechSubject-verb agreementVocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListening110Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities-

141、-Grammar1.11. Reported speechSaying exactly what someone has said is called direct speech (sometimes called quoted speech). VocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeninge.g. She said, “Todays lesson is on presentations.” Indirect speech (sometimes called reported spee

142、ch), doesnt use quotation marks to enclose what the person said and it doesnt have to be word for word.e.g. He says that he speaks English.111Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Grammar1.2Note: Backshift of Simple Present is optional if the situation is still unchange

143、d or if you agree with the original speaker.VocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeninge.g. “Canberra is the capital of Australia.”She said that Canberra is / was the capital of Australia. Advisory expressions with must, should and ought are usually reported using a

144、dvise/ urge.e.g. “You must read that book.”He advised / urged me to read that book.112Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Grammar1.3Note: The expression lets is usually reported using suggest. In this case, there are various possibilities for reported speech: gerund o

145、r statement with should.VocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeninge.g. “Lets go to the cinema.”He suggested going to the cinema.He suggested that we should go to the cinema.113Unit1Salvation综合教程一1. The earth moves around the sun.ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidation

146、Activities- -Grammar1.4PracticeRewrite the following sentences, starting with “Tom said / asked / suggested ”VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarTom said the earth moves around the sun.2. I want to go on holiday but I cant afford it.Tom said that he wanted to

147、 go on holiday but that he couldnt afford it.114Unit1Salvation综合教程一5. If I had more time, I would learn French.ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Grammar1.5VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar3. Will you bring them all up to the house?Tom sugges

148、ted that I (should) bring them all up to the house.4. I am a doctor and work in a hospital.Tom said that he was a doctor and worked in the hospital.Tom said that if he had more time, he would learn French. 115Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Grammar1.6VocabularyTra

149、nslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar6. Lets go out for a walk.Tom suggested that we (should) go out for a walk.116Unit1Salvation综合教程一The Supreme Court judge decides the appropriate penalty.ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Grammar2.12. Subject-verb agreemen

150、t The subject and verb must agree in number: both must be singular, or both must be plural. In order to find out if your subject and verb agree, you first need to be able to identify the subject of your sentence. Here are some helpful hints that will help you to decipher where your subject is and wh

151、ere it is not.e.g.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar1) Most likely, your verb will agree with the first noun to the left of the verb.117Unit1Salvation综合教程一Over the ripples glides a small canoe.ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Grammar2.2e.g.V

152、ocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar2) Occasionally, a sentence has the subject after the verb instead of before it. This strategy is often used for poetic effect.Either the actors or the director is at fault.e.g.3) If subjects are joined by or or nor, the ver

153、b should agree with the closer subject.118Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Grammar2.3VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarThe sales manager is a good researcher who spends a great amount of time surfing the Web for informatio

154、n.e.g.4) The relative pronouns (who, whom, which, and that) are either singular or plural, depending on the words they refer to.Anyone who wants to pursue higher education has to pass entrance exams.e.g.5) Indefinite pronouns (someone, somebody, each, either one, everyone, or anyone) are considered

155、singular and need singular verbs although they may convey plural meaning.119Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Grammar2.4VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarThe jury is sequestered.e.g.6) A few nouns can be either plural or si

156、ngular, depending on whether they mean a group or separate individuals. These words are rarely used as plurals in modern writing.The news of the discovery is spreading.The mass media have publicized the facts.e.g.7) A few subjects look plural but are really singular or vice versa.120Unit1Salvation综合

157、教程一1. All my belongings (have) been destroyed in a fire.2. Our company headquarters (be) in Boston.3. This species (have) green and white spots.4. Every man, woman, and child (be) asked to contribute.5. Neither of the girls (are) over eighteen.6. Ham and eggs (make) a hearty breakfast for a growing

158、boy.ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Grammar2.5PracticeComplete the following sentences with the appropriate form of the verbs given.have_has_VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammaris_is / are_makes_are_121Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActiviti

159、esConsolidationActivities- -Grammar1.4.41. When reporting, we dont need to change the present tense into the past tense if a general truth is being referred to.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar122Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActiv

160、ities- -Grammar1.5.33. When we report a suggestion, we can use a that-clause which contains the modal “should.” We can omit “should” in relatively formal languageVocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar123Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationAct

161、ivities- -Grammar1.5.55. Simple Past and Past Progressive do not normally change in sentences with “when/ if”.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar124Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Grammar1.6.66. Lets is usually reported by

162、 using “suggest”.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar125Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Grammar2.5.11.Most nouns ending in ing are treated as plural.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGram

163、mar126Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Grammar2.5.22. “Headquarters” is followed by a singular or plural verb.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar127Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Grammar

164、2.5.33. From the determiner “this”, we can tell that “species” here is used in the singular sense.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar128Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Grammar2.5.44. Indefinite pronouns are considered sing

165、ular and need singular verbs although they convey plural meaning.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar129Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Grammar2.5.55. The subjects are joined by neither, so the verb should agree with the cl

166、oser subject.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar130Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Grammar2.5.66. “Ham and eggs” refer to one instead of two kinds of food for breakfast, so the singular verb is used here.VocabularyTranslat

167、ion Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar131Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Translation11. 听众不时以掌声打断总统候选人的讲话。听众不时以掌声打断总统候选人的讲话。(punctuate) If something is punctuated by another one, it is interrupted at intervals. The presidential candidates spee

168、ch was often punctuated now and then by outbursts of applause from the audience. VocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningTranslate the following sentences into English.132Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Translation2Practice: Tr

169、anslate the following sentences into English.你应用正确的标点将整段文章点开,以使意思更明了。你应用正确的标点将整段文章点开,以使意思更明了。老太太的话不时被外面的吵闹声所打断。老太太的话不时被外面的吵闹声所打断。VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarYou should punctuate the whole passage with correct marks in order to make its meaning clear.

170、The old ladys word is punctuated by noise from outside. 133Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Translation42. 乐队突飞猛进地发展,已经开始接受真正的演出了。乐队突飞猛进地发展,已经开始接受真正的演出了。(by leaps and bounds) If sth./sb. moves by leaps and bounds, it moves very rapidly.VocabularyTranslation Integra

171、ted skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarThe band improved by leaps and bounds and started getting serious offers of work. 134Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Translation5Practice: Translate the following sentences into English. 你的琴技在最近突飞猛进,能与我们分享一下这方面的经验你的琴

172、技在最近突飞猛进,能与我们分享一下这方面的经验吗?吗?在城里其他地区,工商业正在突飞猛进地发展。在城里其他地区,工商业正在突飞猛进地发展。VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarYour skills of playing the piano have made progress by leaps and bounds recently. Could you share your experience with us how to achieve that? In the rest

173、 of the city industry and commerce grew by leaps and bounds. 135Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Translation6该公司持续飞速的发展并在六十年代首创真空包装,延长该公司持续飞速的发展并在六十年代首创真空包装,延长了咖啡保质期。了咖啡保质期。VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarThe firm contin

174、ued expanding by leaps and bounds, and introduced the first vacuum-packed coffee with a long shelf life in the sixties. 136Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Translation73. 胜利的喜讯传来,全国上下欢欣鼓舞。胜利的喜讯传来,全国上下欢欣鼓舞。(rejoicing) If you are rejoicing, you have the feeling or th

175、e expression of joy. VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarAs soon as the news of victory came, there was great rejoicing all over the country. 137Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Translation8Practice:Translate the following s

176、entences into English. 农民对这决定感到兴高采烈,自愿参加这项工程。农民对这决定感到兴高采烈,自愿参加这项工程。能有这样的好收成,我们怎能不高兴?能有这样的好收成,我们怎能不高兴?VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarRejoicing over the decision, the peasants rushed to volunteer for the work.How can we help rejoicing over such a good harv

177、est? 138Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Translation94. 这条新马路的修建因为天气恶劣而受阻了。这条新马路的修建因为天气恶劣而受阻了。(hold up) “Hold up” here means delay.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarThe building of the new road has been held up by bad weat

178、her. 139Unit1Salvation综合教程一Usually he felt proud of being a stout fellow with his feet on the ground, able to hold up the sky, free as the wind with no ties to anyone. ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Translation10VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListening

179、GrammarPractice: Translate the following sentences into English.在中国,在中国,“半边天半边天”成为全社会对妇女作用最形象的赞誉。成为全社会对妇女作用最形象的赞誉。平日,他觉得自己是头顶着天,脚踩着地,无牵无挂的一平日,他觉得自己是头顶着天,脚踩着地,无牵无挂的一条好汉。条好汉。In China, the expression “women hold up half the sky” has become the most vivid expression the entire society uses to praise the

180、 role played by women. 140Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -IntegratedskillsVocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarDictationCloze141Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Integratedskills1VocabularyT

181、ranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarDictationYou will hear a passage read three times. At the first reading, you should listen carefully for its general idea. At the second reading, you are required to write down the exact words you have just heard (with proper punctuat

182、ion). At the third reading, you should check what you have written down.142Unit1Salvation综合教程一Dictation After the war our church was in a very bad condition. / So we decided to build a modern one / at the top of a hill outside our town. / We raised a lot of money and bought all the necessary materia

183、ls. / We built the walls of stone and glass, / and the heavy doors of wood and metal. / It was one of the most attractive buildings in town / when it was completed. / From the top of the church there is a wonderful view. / You can see the entire town and countryside / for miles around. / People from

184、 all parts of the country / come and visit the church every day.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar143Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Integratedskills2Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropr

185、iate. At Jemes I came to the end of my childhood. There were no schools within easy reach. I had to go nearly thirty miles to (1) at Bernalillo, and one year I lived away in Albuquerque. My mother and father wanted me to have the benefit of a sound (2) for college, and so we read through may high sc

186、hool catalogues. (3) lone deliberation we decided that I (4) spend my last year of high school at a military academy in Virginia. The day before I was toschool _preparation _After _VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarshould _144Unit1Salvation综合教程一leave I went

187、 walking across the river to the red mesa, (5) many times before I had gone to be alone with my thoughts. And I had climbed several times to the top of the mesa and looked among the old ruins there (6) pottery. This time I chose to climb the north end, perhaps because I had not gone that way before

188、and wanted to see what it was. It was a difficult (7) , and when I got to the top I was spent. I lingered among the ruins for more than an hour, I judge, (8) for my strength to return. From there I could see the (9) valley below. It was all very beautiful, and the (10) of it filled me with longing.C

189、onsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Integratedskills3VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarwhere_for_climb_whole _waiting _sight _145Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities-Hints1-Hints1The previous sentence has mentioned “

190、school”.VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar At Jemes I came to the end of my childhood. There were no schools within easy reach. I had to go nearly thirty miles to (1) at Bernalillo, and one year I lived away in Albuquerque. My mother and father wanted me to

191、 have the benefit of a sound (2) for college, and so we read through may high school catalogues. (3) lone deliberation we decided that I (4) spend my last year of high school at a military academy in Virginia. The day before I was toschool _preparation _After _should _146Unit1Salvation综合教程一Consolida

192、tionActivitiesConsolidationActivities-Hints2-Hints2VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar At Jemes I came to the end of my childhood. There were no schools within easy reach. I had to go nearly thirty miles to (1) at Bernalillo, and one year I lived away in Alb

193、uquerque. My mother and father wanted me to have the benefit of a sound (2) for college, and so we read through may high school catalogues. (3) lone deliberation we decided that I (4) spend my last year of high school at a military academy in Virginia. The day before I was toschool _preparation _Aft

194、er _should _The parents want me to prepare myself for the college.147Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities-Hints3-Hints3VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar At Jemes I came to the end of my childhood. There were no schools within e

195、asy reach. I had to go nearly thirty miles to (1) at Bernalillo, and one year I lived away in Albuquerque. My mother and father wanted me to have the benefit of a sound (2) for college, and so we read through may high school catalogues. (3) lone deliberation we decided that I (4) spend my last year

196、of high school at a military academy in Virginia. The day before I was toschool _preparation _After _should _“We” thought long before the decision was made.148Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities-Hints4-Hints4VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingL

197、isteningGrammar At Jemes I came to the end of my childhood. There were no schools within easy reach. I had to go nearly thirty miles to (1) at Bernalillo, and one year I lived away in Albuquerque. My mother and father wanted me to have the benefit of a sound (2) for college, and so we read through m

198、ay high school catalogues. (3) lone deliberation we decided that I (4) spend my last year of high school at a military academy in Virginia. The day before I was toschool _preparation _After _should _Here you can use a word meaning “had better”.149Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidati

199、onActivities-Hints5-Hints5VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarHere you can use a word to lead the attributive clause.leave I went walking across the river to the red mesa, (5) many times before I had gone to be alone with my thoughts. And I had climbed severa

200、l times to the top of the mesa and looked among the old ruins there (6) pottery. This time I chose to climb the north end, perhaps because I had not gone that way before and wanted to see what it was. It was a difficult (7) , and when I got to the top I was spent. I lingered among the ruins for more

201、 than an hour, I judge, (8) for my strength where_for_climb_waiting _150Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities-Hints6-Hints6VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarHere you can use a word meaning “with the purpose of”.leave I went walki

202、ng across the river to the red mesa, (5) many times before I had gone to be alone with my thoughts. And I had climbed several times to the top of the mesa and looked among the old ruins there (6) pottery. This time I chose to climb the north end, perhaps because I had not gone that way before and wa

203、nted to see what it was. It was a difficult (7) , and when I got to the top I was spent. I lingered among the ruins for more than an hour, I judge, (8) for my strength where_for_climb_waiting _151Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities-Hints7-Hints7VocabularyTranslation Int

204、egrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarHere you can use a word meaning “getting to the top”.leave I went walking across the river to the red mesa, (5) many times before I had gone to be alone with my thoughts. And I had climbed several times to the top of the mesa and looked among the o

205、ld ruins there (6) pottery. This time I chose to climb the north end, perhaps because I had not gone that way before and wanted to see what it was. It was a difficult (7) , and when I got to the top I was spent. I lingered among the ruins for more than an hour, I judge, (8) for my strength where_for

206、_climb_waiting _152Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities-Hints8-Hints8VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar“I” took a rest before “my” strength regained.leave I went walking across the river to the red mesa, (5) many times before I

207、had gone to be alone with my thoughts. And I had climbed several times to the top of the mesa and looked among the old ruins there (6) pottery. This time I chose to climb the north end, perhaps because I had not gone that way before and wanted to see what it was. It was a difficult (7) , and when I

208、got to the top I was spent. I lingered among the ruins for more than an hour, I judge, (8) for my strength where_for_climb_waiting _153Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities-Hints9-Hints9VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarFrom abov

209、e, a birdview of the valley is seen.to return. From there I could see the (9) valley below. It was all very beautiful, and the (10) of it filled me with longing.whole _sight _154Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities-Hints10-Hints10VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOr

210、al activitiesWritingListeningGrammarHere you can use a word meaning “scene”.my strength to return. From there I could see the (9) valley below. It was all very beautiful, and the (10) of it filled me with longing.whole _sight _155Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Or

211、alactivitiesVocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarGiving a talkHaving a discussion156Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Oralactivities1Giving a talkSuppose you were Auntie Reed. Tell the story about Langstons salvation in the fi

212、rst person.Probably you could begin your talk with “Langston, my nephew, is a good boy. The other day our church held a mass to bring the lambs to the fold. Alas, I dont know why he was the last to come to Jesus.”VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar157Unit1Sa

213、lvation综合教程一1)You may use the following words or expressions in your talk:ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities-For-Foryourreferenceyourreference1For your referenceVocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarsalvation, save from, Christ, bring the lambs to t

214、he fold, church, revival, preach, soul, escort, mourner, sinner, sermon, prayer, altar, congregation, wail, sob, hold up, rejoice, ecstatic, bless158Unit1Salvation综合教程一When the ritual began, I was quite exciting. My nephew Langston was going to be saved from sin! I had told him days ahead When the p

215、reaching was over, almost all the young people had gone to the altar and were saved, except one boy called Westley and my nephew. I was quite doubtful, wondering Now, Westley got up and was saved. Langston was left alone on the mourners bench. I was so worried and anxious. I knelt at my knees and cr

216、ied When it didnt work, I sobbed, “Langton, why dont you come?” ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities-For-Foryourreferenceyourreference2VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar2) You may find the following outline helpful for your recounting:159Unit1Salv

217、ation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities-For-Foryourreferenceyourreference3VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarFinally, he got up. Oh, thank God! We all broke into a sea of shouting 160Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationAct

218、ivities- -Oralactivities2Having a discussion The constitution of our state entitles all Chinese citizens to the right to have a religious belief. And it seems that in recent years a growing number of people, including some young people, are more ready to go to a Buddhist temple to burn incense stick

219、s or draw divination sticks, or to a Christian church to observe a religious service. Are they doing this just out of curiosity or for fun, or out of sincere belief? Have a discussion in a group of five or six and air your views concerning the causes of this social phenomenon.VocabularyTranslation I

220、ntegrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar161Unit1Salvation综合教程一They do it just for fun, without special purpose. When they burn incense sticks or draw divination sticks, they are only following the crowd instead of knowing the deep meaning of religion.They do it out of sincere religious

221、 belief. They believe religion has a great power which can guide them to remove hardship or ones sin, with an aim to live a better life. Those people are very sure they can get help, comfort and strength from God.ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities-For-ForyourreferenceyourreferenceFor you

222、r referenceVocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningYou may want to mention the possible reasons as follows:l 162Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -WritingmainVocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGr

223、ammarShiftsPractice163Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Writing1Shifts Shifts are sudden changes within a sentence that make the sentence confusing or illogical. Students should avoid shifts in tense, mood, voice, subject, person, number and discourse, etc.Vocabular

224、yTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammar164Unit1Salvation综合教程一ExampleFaulty shift: As he turned the corner, he became aware that someone is following him.Revised: As he turned the corner, he became aware that someone was following him.Change is following to was following

225、so as to achieve consistency in tense.ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Writing2VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarA. Shifts in tense Tense refers to the time of an action indicated by the verbs in a sentence. A change in tense usually signals

226、 a change in time, so be sure not to give readers a false signal by switching tenses unnecessarily. 165Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Writing3.1VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarB. Shifts in mood The mood of a verb can b

227、e indicative, imperative, or subjunctive. Statements and questions are in the indicative mood, commands are in the imperative mood, and statements contrary to fact are in the subjective mood. Shifts in the mood of verbs occur most frequently in directions when the writer moves between the imperative

228、 mood and the indicative mood. Directions are usually clearer and more concise in the imperative, as long as its use is consistent.166Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Writing3.2VocabularyTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningGrammarExampleFaul

229、ty shift: If I were a bird, I will be able to fly freely in the air.Revised: If I were a bird, I would be able to fly freely in the air.Change the mood in the main clause from real to subjunctive condition.167Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Writing4.1VocabularyGra

230、mmarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningC. Shifts in subject and voice When a verb is in the active voice, the subject names the actor. When a verb is in the passive voice, the subject names the receiver of the action; the doer may or may not be mentioned in a prepositional p

231、hrase. A shift in voice may sometimes help focus the readers attention on a single subject. However, most shifts in subject and voice not only are unnecessary but also may create confusion and error.168Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Writing4.2VocabularyGrammarTra

232、nslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningExampleFaulty shift: As we looked out over the ocean, ships could be seen in the distance. Revised: As we looked out over the ocean, we could see ships in the distance.Name the doer in the main clause so that reader can be sure who saw the shi

233、ps.169Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Writing5.1VocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningD. Shift in person Person in grammar refers to the distinction among the person talking, the person spoken to, and the person, object, or c

234、oncept being talked about. The most common faulty shifts in person are shifts from second to third and from third to second persons. They occur because we can refer to people in general either in the third person or in the second person.170Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActiv

235、ities- -Writing5.2VocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningExampleFaulty shift: If you coach basketball, one should avoid taking yourself too seriously.Revised: If you coach basketball, you should avoid taking yourself too seriously.Change the third person in the

236、main clause into the second person to achieve consistency.171Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Writing6.1VocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningE. Shifts in number Number refers to the distinction between one and more than one.

237、Both nouns and personal pronouns change form to show differences in number, but only personal pronouns have distinctive forms for the three persons. Inconsistency in number occurs mot often between a pronoun and its antecedent.172Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Wr

238、iting6.2VocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningExampleFaulty shift: Almost any child will quickly surprise observers with their capabilities.Revised: Almost all children will quickly surprise observers with their capabilities.Change the singular subject in the s

239、entence into the plural subject to achieve consistency.173Unit1Salvation综合教程一ExampleFaulty shift: My instructor asked whether I was prepared for the course and have I bought myself a laptop.Revised: My instructor asked whether I was prepared for the course and whether I have bought myself a laptop.C

240、hange the singular subject in the first clause into the plural subject to achieve consistency.ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Writing7VocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningF. Shifts in discourse A shift in discourse occurs when, within a senten

241、ce. The writer uses the format of one form and shifts some part to the format of the other.174Unit1Salvation综合教程一Revised: If you work hard, you can accomplish a great deal.ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Writing8.11. Heat the soup for ten minutes, and then you should remove it. (Shi

242、ft in mood)VocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningRevised: Heat the soup for ten minutes, and then remove it.PracticeRevise the following sentences to eliminate all faulty shifts.2. If one works hard, you can accomplish a great deal. (Shift in person)175Unit1Sal

243、vation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Writing8.2VocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningRevised: At the reunion they ate hot dogs and drank coffee.3. If a student does not understand a problem, they should consult the instructor. (Shift in n

244、umber)Revised: If students do not understand a problem, they should consult the instructor.4. At the reunion they ate hot dogs and coffee was drunk. (Shift in subject and voice)176Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Writing8.3VocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated sk

245、illsOral activitiesWritingListeningRevised: I wonder if they got home safely and if they went to sleep that night.5. The main character in the novel suffers psychologically because he had a clubfoot, but he eventually triumphed over his handicap. (Shift in tense)Revised: The main character in the no

246、vel suffered psychologically because he had a clubfoot, but he eventually triumphed over his handicap.6. I wonder if they got home safely, and did they go to sleep that night? (Shift in discourse)177Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Listening1Our SingingYou are goin

247、g to hear an American woman talking about how her mother taught her music, how she used to sing with her family, and how that became a service to the community.VocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListening178Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActiv

248、ities- -Listening2A. Listen carefully and answer the following questions.1. Where did she live?2. What does she think about the musical education she received?3. How did their singing develop into a community service?VocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningShe li

249、ved out in the country, somewhere in the Midwest.She seems to think that her mother provided her with a very good musical education.They used to sing at funerals for people in their community.179Unit1Salvation综合教程一B. Listen again, then complete the following outline.OutlineI. Background of my parent

250、sA. Musical background1. Mothera. playedb. majored in in college2. Fathera. playedb. had a beautifulc. sang in mensConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Listening3bass voice _VocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningthe piano and organ _music _the violi

251、n and mandolin _glee club _180Unit1Salvation综合教程一B. Religious background1. Mother was a daughter2. Father had studied to be a before he went into educationConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Listening4VocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningministers

252、_minister _II. My education in musicA. Mother teaching1.gave us a good education in all kinds of music from to2. to us what the music was all about while playing3. was veryexplained _classical _pop_patient _181Unit1Salvation综合教程一III. Church serviceA. put on in churchB. harmonized on hymn-singingIV.

253、Community servicesang music forConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Listening5VocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningspecial musical programs _B. We practicingsang alto or sopranofunerals _182Unit1Salvation综合教程一Our Singing Music has always been very

254、much a part of my life, of my family life. My mother played the piano and the organ. And she was a music major in college and my father played the violin and the mandolin. And he had a beautiful bass voice and he sang in the mens glee club in college. And then we were always very much involved with

255、the church as we were growing up. Because my father had studied to be a minister before he went into education. And then my mother was a ministers daughter and of course there wasnt a lot of social life around that part of the country out in the Midwest at that time. We sort of lived in what you cal

256、l a Bible Belt.ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Script2.1Script2.1VocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListening183Unit1Salvation综合教程一 We had family music sessions around the piano at home. Whenever someone felt like having music, my mother would play a

257、nything from classical to pop. She would play opera and anything that, you know, that we were interested in hearing. As a matter of fact this was how we got a good education in music just from the different types of music. She would play and explain to us what it was all about. She was very patient.

258、 She was a teacher also. So one of us would sing alto or a couple sing alto a couple soprano and we would get involved in singing in church putting on special musical programs. Or wed be sitting in our pew at church and whoever was in charge of the music would call on my sisters and myself to sing a

259、 whole verse of a hymn. Just harmonized on it.ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Script2.2Script2.2VocabularyGrammarTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListening184Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Script2.3Script2.3VocabularyGrammarTran

260、slation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListening And then one of the amusing aspects of this musical ability was the fact that back in those days and out in the country there was very little music for funeral services. So whenever there was a funeral and there was no music available we were

261、called out of class to come and sing music for the funerals. So we became very adept at just picking up anything whatever we could and doing what we had to do. But it was a very interesting time. And then it was interesting in later years when members of the family would die. It just seemed to be so

262、rt of symbolic for us all to gather at the church and gather round the piano or the organ and the organist would play anything that favored hymns of whoever happened to be deceased at that time. 185Unit1Salvation综合教程一ConsolidationActivitiesConsolidationActivities- -Script2.4Script2.4VocabularyGramma

263、rTranslation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWritingListeningAnd everybody gathered round and we would harmonize and just have a jolly time. It was just like a celebration of the life of this person.186Unit1Salvation综合教程一SectionFiveFurtherSectionFiveFurtherEnhancementEnhancementText IIMemorable quot

264、esLead-in questionTextQuestions for discussion187Unit1Salvation综合教程一Lead-in questionWhat do you know about the life and history of the black slaves? Lead-inquestionsLead-inquestionsText IIMemorable quotes188Unit1Salvation综合教程一The Capture of Kunta Kinte Alex Haley As he always did whenever he felt so

265、me need to come here after a nights lookout duty, Kunta stood awhile at the edge of the bolong, today watching a gray heron trailing its long, thin legs as it flew at about a spears height above the pale green water, rippling the surface with each downbeat of its wings. Though the heron was looking

266、for smaller game, he knew that it was the best spot along the bolong for kujalo, a big, powerful fish that Kunta loved to catch for Binta, who would stew it for him with onions, rice, and bitter tomatoes. With his stomach already rumbling for breakfast, it made him hungry just to think of it.Text1Te

267、xt IIMemorable quotes1189Unit1Salvation综合教程一Text2Text IIMemorable quotes A little farther downstream, Kunta turned away from the waters edge along a path he himself had made to an ancient mangrove tree that he thought must know him, after countless visits, as well as he knew it. Pulling himself up i

268、nto the lowest branch, he climbed all the way to his favorite perch near the top. From here, in the clear morning, with the sun warm on his back, he could see all the way to the next bend in the bolong, still carpeted with sleeping waterfowl, and beyond them to the womens rice plots, dotted with the

269、ir bamboo shelters for the nursing babies. In which of them, he wondered, had his mother put him when he was little? This place in the early morning would always fill Kunta with a greater sense of calm, 2190Unit1Salvation综合教程一Text3Text IIMemorable quotesand wonder, than anywhere else he knew of. Eve

270、n more than in the village mosque, he felt here how totally were everyone and everything in the hands of Allah; and how everything he could see and hear and smell from the top of this tree had been here for longer than mens memories, and would be here long after he and his sons and his sons sons had

271、 joined their ancestors. Trotting away from the bolong toward the sun for a little while, Kunta finally reached the head-high grass surrounding the grove where he was going to pick out and chop a section of tree trunk just the right size for the body of his drum. If the green wood started drying and

272、 curing today, 3191Unit1Salvation综合教程一Text4Text IIMemorable quoteshe figured it would be ready to hollow out and work on in a moon and a half, about the time he and Lamin would be returning from their trip to Mali. As he stepped into the grove, Kunta saw a sudden movement out of the corner of his ey

273、e. It was a hare, and the wuolo dog was after it in a flash as it raced for cover in the tall grass. He was obviously chasing it for sport rather than for food, since he was barking furiously; Kunta knew that a hunting wuolo never made noise if he was really hungry. The two of them were soon out of

274、earshot, but Kunta knew that his dog would come back when he lost interest in the chase.192Unit1Salvation综合教程一 Kunta headed forward to the center of the grove, where he would find more trees from which to choose a trunk of the size, smoothness, and roundness that hewanted. The soft, mossy earth felt

275、 good under his feet as he walked deeper into the dark grove, but the air here was damp and cold, he noticed, the sun not being high enough or hot enough yet to penetrate the thick foliage overhead. Leaning his weapons and ax against a warped tree, he wandered here and there, occasionally stooping,

276、his eyes and fingers examining for just the right trunk, one just a little bit larger to allow for drying shrinkage than he wanted his drum to be.Text5Text IIMemorable quotes4193Unit1Salvation综合教程一 He was bending over a likely prospect when he heard the sharp crack of a twig, followed quickly by the

277、 squawk of a parrot overhead. It was probably the dog returning, he thought in the back of his mind. But no grown dog ever cracked a twig, he flashed, whirling in the same instant. In a blur, rushing at him, he saw a white face, a club upraised; heard heavy footfalls behind him. Toubob! His foot las

278、hed up and caught the man in the belly it was soft and he heard a grunt just as something hard and heavy grazed the back of Kuntas head and landed like a tree trunk on his shoulder. Sagging under the pain, Kunta spun turning his feet and pounded with his fists on the faces of two black men who were

279、lunging at him with a big sack, and at another toubob swinging a short, thick club, which missed him this time as he sprang aside.Text6Text IIMemorable quotes5194Unit1Salvation综合教程一Text7Text IIMemorable quotes His brain screaming for any weapon, Kunta leaped into them clawing, butting, kneeing, goug

280、ing hardlyfeeling the club that was pounding against his back. As three of them went down with him, sinking to the ground under their combined weight, a knee smashed into Kuntas lower back, rocking him with such pain that he gasped. His open mouth meeting flesh, his teeth clamped, cut, tore. His num

281、b fingers finding a face, he clawed deeply into an eye, hearing its owner howl as again the heavy club met Kuntas head. Dazed, he heard a dogs snarling, a toubob screaming, then a sudden piteous yelp. Scrambling to his feet, wildly twisting, dodging, ducking to escape more clubbing, 76195Unit1Salvat

282、ion综合教程一Text8Text IIMemorable quoteswith blood streaming from his split head, he saw one black cupping his eye, one of the toubob holding a bloody arm, standing over the body of the dog, and remaining pair circling him with raised club. Screaming his rage, Kunta went for the second toubob, his fists

283、 meeting and breaking the force of the descending club. Almost choking with the awful toubob stink, he tried desperately to wrench away the club. Why had he not heard them, sensed them, smelled them? Just then the blacks club smashed into Kunta once again, staggering him to his knees, and the toubob

284、 sprang loose. His head ready to explode, his body reeling, 8196Unit1Salvation综合教程一Text9Text IIMemorable quotesraging at his own weakness, Kunta reared up and roared, flailing blindly at the air, everything blurred with tears and blood and sweat. He was fighting for more than his life now. Omoro! Bi

285、nta! Lamin! Suwadu! Madi! The toubobs heavy club crashed against his temple. And all went black.197Unit1Salvation综合教程一Alex Haley (1921- 1992): was a native of Tennessee who dropped out of college after two years to join the Coast Guard. He began writing to pass the time at sea, and after eight years

286、 of trying and hundreds of rejection slips, finally began selling occasionally articles. He eventually became Chief Journalist in the Coast Guard, but he retired in 1959 after serving twenty years. He continued working as a writer. In 1965, he began to make a travel of approximately 50,000 miles, sp

287、ending twelve years researching his bestseller, Roots. As an excerpt from Roots, this text tells of the capture in Africa of Haleys ancestor, Kunta Kinte, by white slave traders and their black collaborators.Text2alexhaleyText IIMemorable quotes198Unit1Salvation综合教程一bolong (Paragraph 1): an African

288、word, meaning “river”Text2bolongText IIMemorable quotes199Unit1Salvation综合教程一game (Paragraph 1): wild animals, birds, or fish hunted for foodText3 gameText IIMemorable quotes200Unit1Salvation综合教程一perch (Paragraph 2): a rather high place or positionText4 perchText IIMemorable quotese.g. From my perch

289、 on the crosstrees, I had nothing below me but the surface of the bay.201Unit1Salvation综合教程一waterfowl (Paragraph 2): any of various birds that swim on waterText4 waterfowlText IIMemorable quotes202Unit1Salvation综合教程一mosque (Paragraph 2): a place of public worship for MoslemsText4 mosqueText IIMemora

290、ble quotes203Unit1Salvation综合教程一in the hands of Allah (Paragraph 2): in Allahs careAllah: the Arabic name for the Supreme Being of the religion of Islam. The word is a compound of al (the) and ilah (god). 阿拉,真主Text5-5-inthehandsofallahText IIMemorable quotes204Unit1Salvation综合教程一trotting (Paragraph

291、3): moving fairly quicklyText6-6-trottingText IIMemorable quotese.g. I must be trotting along now or Ill miss the bus.205Unit1Salvation综合教程一a moon and a half (Paragraph 3): about a month and a halfmoon: a period of 28 or 29 days counted from one new moon to the next. The Indians countedtime by moons

292、.Text7-7-amoonandahalfText IIMemorable quotes206Unit1Salvation综合教程一Mali (Paragraph 3): a large country in western Africa. The Sahara, Africas great desert, covers the northern half of the country. Rolling grassland spreads across most of the rest of Mali.Text8maliText IIMemorable quotes207Unit1Salva

293、tion综合教程一wuolo (Paragraph 3): an African word, meaning “hunting dog”Text8wuoloText IIMemorable quotes208Unit1Salvation综合教程一for sport (Paragraph 3): for funText9forsportText IIMemorable quotese.g. Hunting for sport is something that many people think is wrong.209Unit1Salvation综合教程一Text10outofearshotT

294、ext IIMemorable quotesout of earshot (Paragraph 3): beyond the distance at which a sound can be hearde.g. We shouted, but he was out of earshot and could not hear our voices.210Unit1Salvation综合教程一foliage (Paragraph 4): the leaves of plantsText10-foliageText IIMemorable quotes211Unit1Salvation综合教程一sh

295、rinkage (Paragraph 4): the process of shrinkingText10shrinkageText IIMemorable quotese.g. As a result of shrinkage, the shirt is now too small to wear.212Unit1Salvation综合教程一He was bending over a likely prospect . (Paragraph 5): He was bending over a tree trunk which might be of the right size, smoot

296、hness, and roundness for the body of his drum .Text11hewasbendingoveralikelyprospectText IIMemorable quotes213Unit1Salvation综合教程一in the back of his mind (Paragraph 5): If something is in the back of your mind, you intend to do it, but are not actively thinking about it.Text11inthebackofhismindText I

297、IMemorable quotese.g. It was in the back of my mind that I had to phone you, but I completely forgot.214Unit1Salvation综合教程一In a blur (Paragraph 5): Not clearly seenText11inablurText IIMemorable quotes215Unit1Salvation综合教程一Toubob (Paragraph 5): an African word, meaning “white man”Text11toubobText IIM

298、emorable quotes216Unit1Salvation综合教程一Sagging under the pain, Kunta spun . (Paragraph 5): Bending down under the pain, Kunta turned round rapidly .Text11saggingunderthepainText IIMemorable quotes217Unit1Salvation综合教程一His brain screaming for any weapon, . (Paragraph 6): He immediately thought of any w

299、eapon he could find .Text11hisbrainscreamingforanyweaponText IIMemorable quotes218Unit1Salvation综合教程一 remaining pair circling him with raised club. (Paragraph 7): one black and one of the white men joined together, going around him with raised club. Text11remainingpaircirclingText IIMemorable quotes

300、219Unit1Salvation综合教程一He was fighting for more than his life now. (Paragraph 8): He was fighting not for his life but for his hatred of white slave traders and their black collaborators. Text11hewasfightingformorethanhislifenowText IIMemorable quotes220Unit1Salvation综合教程一Questions for discussionQues

301、tionsfordiscussionQuestionsfordiscussion11.What did Kunta enjoy for breakfast?Kujalo, a big, powerful fish, cooked with onions, rice, and bitter tomatoes.Text IIMemorable quotes2. What was the dominant religion?Islam. A person who submits to Allah and follows the teachings of Islam is called a Musli

302、m.221Unit1Salvation综合教程一QuestionsfordiscussionQuestionsfordiscussion2While they were working, their nursing babies were put in the bamboo shelters nearby.3. How were nursing babies taken care of by their farming mothers?Text IIMemorable quotesThe dog fiercely attacked the kidnappers to protect his m

303、aster.4. What part did Kunta dog play in the action?Questions for discussion222Unit1Salvation综合教程一QuestionsfordiscussionQuestionsfordiscussion35. How many attackers did Kunta attempt to fight off?Four.Text IIMemorable quotes6. Why does Haley use African words like kujalo, bolong and toubob?Haley use

304、s African words like kujalo, bolong and toubob to give the narrative an authentic flavor.Questions for discussion223Unit1Salvation综合教程一QuestionsfordiscussionQuestionsfordiscussion47. The narrative begins in a quiet, slow, almost dreamlike way, but it concludes in frantic action.Where exactly does th

305、e turning point occur?He was bending over a tree trunk when he heard the sharp crack of a twig.Text IIMemorable quotes8. What effect does the passage have on you?(Open to discussion.)Questions for discussion224Unit1Salvation综合教程一Memorable QuotesMemorableQuotes1MemorableQuotes1Read the following quot

306、es and find out whether the two speakers believe in God or not. Text IIMemorable quotes225Unit1Salvation综合教程一MemorableQuotes2MemorableQuotes2Text IIMemorable quotesGuidance: Every culture throughout history has been convinced that there is a higher power that watches over them. This desire to reach

307、for that higher power is mans search to get reconnected to God.Socrates (469 BC399 BC) was a classical Greek philosopher credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy.Francis Joseph Spellman (18891967) was an American prelate of the Roman Catholic Church. He was the sixth Archbishop of New Y

308、ork from 1939 to 1967. He was created a cardinal in 1946.226Unit1Salvation综合教程一Memorable QuotesMemorableQuotes3MemorableQuotes31. Our prayers should be for blessings in general, for God knows best what is good for us. SocratesText IIMemorable quotesWhen we pray for blessings from God, we only need t

309、o pray for blessings in general, for God knows best what specific blessing is good for us. 227Unit1Salvation综合教程一We should pray devotionally as if God could decide everything when praying; while when working, we should work hard as if everything was determined by ourselves rather than God. 2. Pray as if everything depended on God, and work as if everything depended upon man. Francis Cardinal SpellmanMemorableQuotes4MemorableQuotes4Text IIMemorable quotes228Unit1Salvation综合教程一



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