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1、Play a guessing game, what animal it is.It is a sea animal and looks like a large fish. It is very clever and often plays some games for us in the zoo.dolphinIt is a heavy wild animal with thick fur and sharp paws . It can walk upright(竖竖直地直地).bearIt is a the king of the animal world . It has yellow

2、 fur and black strips (条条纹纹) on his body.tiger We are beautiful black and white animals .We look like bears. We live only in China . Our favourite food is bamboo shoots and leaves . Who are we?giant pandasDiscussion: Which animal do you like best? Why? Which animal do you like least? Why?Part Two Wh

3、ile-reading The story of Xi WangMatch the main ideas:Para 1-3:Para4-6:Para 7-8:the growth of Xi Wangthe problems pandas meettake actions to protect pandasthe weight of Xi Wangthe things she eatsThe growth of Xi Wang:(Paragraph1-3)When she was born,she weighed just . 100 gramsAt four months,she weigh

4、ed about .10 kilogramsEight months later,She weighed .35 kilogramsThe weight of Xi WangAt the very beginning, Xi Wangdrank her mothers for upto a day.milk14 hoursWhen she was six months old, she started to eat , and .bamboo shoots leavesThings she eatsa. She started to look after herself.b. She was

5、about 10 kilograms and started to go outside her home.c. She looked like a white mouse.d. She began to eat bamboo shoots and leaves.e. She weighed 100 grams.f. She weighed 35 kilograms.1 day 10 days 4 months12 months20 months6 monthsecbdfaThe problems giant pandas meet: (read paragraph4-6 and answer

6、) What problems may giant pandas have in the future? 1.If giant pandas live in the wild, the other big animals will eat them.2.If farmers cut down trees and forests, they will have nowhere to live.3.If hunters catch a giant panda, they will kill it for its fur.4.If the weather is too hot, they will

7、have no food to eat.5.If people find baby pandas alone, they will often take them away. Giant pandas problems catch them for their . cut down forests and the pandas have to live.People take baby pandas if they are left alone.awayHuntersFarmers furnowhereMille is telling Amy about the dangers that gi

8、ant pandas are facing. Complete what she says. Part D on page 62选词填空选词填空 (danger, fur, helpful, reserves, survive, wild)v Giant pandas are in _ . We must help them _ . Hunters should not kill giant pandas for their _. Farmers should not work in panda _ . People should not take baby pandas away. This

9、 is not _ because baby pandas need to stay in the _ with their mothers.dangersurvivefurreserveshelpfulwildGiant pandas are in danger now. What actions can we take to protect the giant pandas?(read paragraph 7-8)Discuss with your partners:We can take the following actions to protect giant pandasvvMak

10、e giant panda reserves biggervvBuild more reservesvvEncourage farmers to leave the giant panda reservesvvWe should make friends with animals . To protect animals is just to protect ourselves.How much do you know about Xi Wang?A: How old was Xi Wang when the writer first saw her?B: She was _ days old

11、.A: What did Xi Wang look like?B: She looked like a _ .A: What did she eat when she was six months old?B: She ate _ and _.A: When did she start to look after herself?B: She started to look after herself when she was _ old.A: What will hunters do if they catch a giant panda?B: Theyll kill it for its_

12、 .tenwhite mousebamboo shootsleavestwenty monthsfurComplete the passage: Giant pandas live in China.They are lovely and quiet. Baby giant pandas spend a lot of time d_ their mums milk-up to 14 hours a day! Mother giant pandas have only one or two b_at a time. When they were born , they look like lit

13、tle white m_. rinkingabiesiceNow giant pandas are becoming fewer and fewer. If farmers cut down trees and f_ , giant pandas will have n_ to live. So we should take a_ to protect giant pandas. We can make their reserves b_. We can also write to newspapers and m_ to tell people all these p_. Then more

14、 people will help giant pandas.orestsowherectionsiggeragazinesroblems_A. bamboo shoots and leaves.B. fishC. fruitD. grassE. insectsF. smaller animalsG. tree leavesH. vegetableD GAll the animals may be thehuntersfood.GC HACThey live a happy life.No TreesNo AnimalsNo peopleDiscussion : Animals are our

15、 friends . We should try our best to protect them. But many wild animals are endangered(频于灭绝频于灭绝) and some of them have died out (死绝)(死绝)because of people. What can we do to protect them? Discuss in groups and show your opinions to others.Lets do everything We can to help wild animals!Can you repeat

16、 now? I first saw the when she was .She looks like a .We call her. It means. When Xi Wang was born,she .At 4,she weighedand she started to .Eight months later,she was .She grew into and weighed.Please discuss:1.Why are giant pandas becoming fewer and fewer?2.What can we do to protect the fewest anim

17、als?/e/Read P 60Can you repeat now? Sadly,it is forto.usually .Here are some that Xi Wang may have if. If hunters they will If farmers ,giant panda will (Mothers often ) If people find ,they will They think . Listen to the tape,then do T/F questions1.The baby panda looked like a white sheep.2.Xi Wan

18、g is the name of a baby giant panda.3.When Xi Wang was born,she weighed 100 kilograms.4.When she was eight months old,she started to eat bamboo shoots and leaves.5.Hunters kill giant pandas and sell their fur.6.If people find baby pandas alone,they will kill them.mousegramssixtake them awayRead the

19、passage:1.bamboo shoots a.keep someone/something safe from danger2.survive b.thick hair of animals3.fur c.support4.forests d.giant pandas favourite food5.protect e.large areas of land with trees6.reserves f.special areas for wild animals7.encourage g.stay alive/ik/ai/ai/i/:/How to protect giant pand

20、asGiant pandas are in .we must help them . Hunters should not kill giant pandas for their .Farmers should not work in panda .We should encourage farmers to the panda reserves.And people should not take pandas away.dangerbabysurvivefurreservesleaveCan you repeat now? Giant pandas are What can we do?W

21、e can to : 1.make bigger; 2.Build 3.encourageto leave If we ,soon there will be nobamboo shootsbamboo leaves/ /u:/u:/ Read the passage after the tape.Can you repeat now? At the beginning ,Xi Wang drank .When she was ,she started to eat When Xi Wang was ,she had to because her mother. The growth of X

22、i Wang1 day10 days 20 months12 months6 months4 monthsa She started to look after herself. b She was about 10 kilograms and started to go outside her home.c She looked like a white mouse.d She began to eat bamboo shoots and leaves.e She weighed 100 grams.f She weighed 35 kilograms. eafdbcNote-making

23、1The growth of Xi WangAge WeightFood1 day10 days /4 months8 months12 months/20 months/100g10kg35kgher mothers milkbamboo shoots and leavesNote-making 2Having some of the problemsTaking the following actions If hunters catch a giant panda, they will kill it for its fur. If farmers cut down trees and

24、forests, giant pandas will have nowhere to live. If people find baby pandas, they will often take them away. make giant panda reserves bigger build more new reserves encourage farmers to leave the giant panda reservesnew-born babylike a mouse100 grams4 months old, drink mothers milk, 10 kilograms6 m

25、onths old, eat bamboo shoots and leaves20 months oldlook after herself 12 months olda healthy young pandaweigh 35 kilogramsTheyre terrific! Giant pandas are in danger now. What actions can we take?Discuss with your partners:How much do you know about Xi Wang?A: How old was Xi Wang when the writer fi

26、rst saw her?B: She was _ days old.A: What did Xi Wang look like?B: She looked like a _ .A: What did she eat when she was six months old?B: She ate _ and _.A: When did she start to look after herself?B: She started to look after herself when she was _ old.A: What will hunters do if they catch a giant panda?B: Theyll kill it for its_ .tenwhite mousebamboo shootsleavestwenty monthsfur Thank you for listening! Goodbye!



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