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1、The Dove and the Olive BranchLesson 39 Unit 7 Work for Peace 同学们,上一课学习的单词、短语和句型你们都掌同学们,上一课学习的单词、短语和句型你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的音频开始听握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的音频开始听写吧!写吧!From the three pictures above, what do we learn?Its about a story of Noah.THINKABOUTITDoyouknowthestoryofNoah?Whatarethesymbolsofpeace?Wherec

2、anyouseethem? A long,long time ago,there lived a man named Noah. He was a good man,and God loved him. Noah had a wife and three sons. He and his family were happy,but it wasnt a very happy time on the earth. There was a lot of fighting,lying and stealing. This made God very angry. One day,God said t

3、o Noah, “There are too manybad people in the world,so I will send a great flood. Everyone will dieall except you and your family.”To prepare for the flood,Noah made a large ship of wood. He put two animals of every kindelephants,giraffes,dogs,doves,snakes and even antson the ship and locked the door

4、. When the flood came,they floated for many days and nights. One day,the rain stopped,so Noah let a dove fly out of the ship. In the evening,the dove came back with a green olive branch in its mouth. This meant that land was near and the danger had passed. Since then ,people have always taken the do

5、ve and the olive branch as symbols of peace. They are used at many world events today. In most opening ceremonies of the Olympics,people fly doves to show their wish for peace and friendship.A dove with an olive branch in its mouthCulture Tip This story is adapted from the Bible. The Bible is a coll

6、ection of religious stories. It has greatly influenced literature and history in the West. make宾语宾语adj. 使某人使某人/某物某物知识点知识点1 1eg:We must make the river clean. 我们必须使这条河干净。考向一考向一make作使役动词的用法:作使役动词的用法:make宾语名词宾语名词“使某人使某人/某物成为某物成为”。eg:The president made him his special envoy. 总统任命他为特使。make sb.do sth.“使某人做

7、某事”,在被动语态中,省略的to要还原。eg:We are often made to retell the texts by the teacher. 老师经常让我们复述课文。make宾语过去分词 “使”eg:Can you make yourself understood in Russian? 你能用俄语表达你的意思吗?典例典例 Why do you speak in _ a loud voice?Because I want to make myself _ clearly. (烟台)Asuch;hearBso;heardCsuch;heard Dso;hear【点拨点拨】本题用本题用

8、词语应用法词语应用法。so和和such都可表示都可表示“如此如此”,so修饰形容词或副词,修饰形容词或副词,such修饰名词修饰名词(短语短语)。本句中的。本句中的a loud voice是一个名词短语,应用是一个名词短语,应用such修饰,故排除修饰,故排除B、D两项。两项。“make oneself过去分词过去分词”表示表示“使自己被使自己被”,再排除,再排除A项。故选项。故选C项。项。C except/ksept/prep. 除除之外之外知识点知识点2 2考向考向eg:We all pass the exam except Lucy. 除了露西,我们全通过了考试。except,besid

9、es,except for,but的辨析的辨析典例典例 All the people went home_Mr. Wang, for he had to finish his work.AwithBbesidesCexcept Dexcept for【点拨点拨】考查介词考查介词(短语短语)的辨析。根据后面王先生不得不完成的辨析。根据后面王先生不得不完成工作,可知王先生没有和人们一样回家,回家的不包括王先工作,可知王先生没有和人们一样回家,回家的不包括王先生。生。with 和,同;和,同;except除了,不包括在范围之内;除了,不包括在范围之内;besides除了除了还有还有,包括在范围之内;

10、,包括在范围之内;except for除了除了之之外,说明整体情况后,对细节加以纠正。结合句意可知选外,说明整体情况后,对细节加以纠正。结合句意可知选C。C 考向一考向一知识点知识点3 3 In the evening,the dove came back with a green olive branch in its mouth.晚上,晚上, 鸽子回来了,嘴里衔着一个绿色的橄榄枝。鸽子回来了,嘴里衔着一个绿色的橄榄枝。句中的句中的with a green olive branch in its mouth是是with的复合结构。的复合结构。“with名词介词短语名词介词短语”表示伴随表示伴

11、随状态,表示一个动作发生的同时另一个动作也跟着状态,表示一个动作发生的同时另一个动作也跟着发生。发生。with复合结构中的宾补可以是介词短语,形复合结构中的宾补可以是介词短语,形容词,动词的容词,动词的ing形式,过去分词等。形式,过去分词等。eg:The doctor came into the room with a medicine box under his arm. 医生腋下夹着药箱进了房间。典例典例Why do you always sleep _?Because Im afraid of the dark.(烟台)Aby yourself Bwith the door open

12、Cwith the window open Dwith the light on【点拨点拨】本题可用本题可用正确把握语境法正确把握语境法。by yourself“独自独自”;with the door open“开着门开着门”;with the window open“开着开着窗户窗户”;with the light on“开着灯开着灯”。由答语。由答语“因为我怕因为我怕黑。黑。”可知应选可知应选D。D考向二考向二 with后跟名词,表示后跟名词,表示“具有,带有具有,带有”。eg:Do you know the girl with large eyes? 你认识那个大眼睛的女孩吗?【重点用法

13、重点用法】典例典例 Do you remember what she looked like when you first met her?Of course. She was tall and thin _ long hair. (福州)AinBwithCon【点拨点拨】运用运用词语应用法词语应用法。句意为:。句意为:你还记得当你第你还记得当你第一次遇到她时,她的样子吗?一次遇到她时,她的样子吗?当然了。她又高又瘦,当然了。她又高又瘦,还有一头长发。还有一头长发。A.在在里面;里面;B.带有;带有;C.在在上面。上面。根据句意可知,这里表示根据句意可知,这里表示“具有,带有具有,带有”,故选

14、,故选B。B除此之外,with还可表示和一道(在一起)eg:Im coming with you.我和你一起去。with后跟工具或手段eg:Tom drew a picture with a pencil. 汤姆用铅笔画了张画。在身上,在身边eg:Do you have any money with you ? 你身上带钱了吗? since then从那时起从那时起知识点知识点4 4考向一考向一since句子,常与现在完成时连用。句子,常与现在完成时连用。eg:I have studied English since I came here. 自从我来这儿我就学英语了。考向二考向二常用于现在完

15、成时中。常用于现在完成时中。eg:They have been good friends since then. 那时起他们就成了好朋友。典例典例 Miss Lin _ a lot of work for the poor area since 2010. (北京)Adoes BdidChas done Dwill do【点拨点拨】本题用本题用寻找题眼法寻找题眼法。由时间状语。由时间状语since 2010可知,可知,此处表示某个动作从过去开始一直持续到现在,故用现在此处表示某个动作从过去开始一直持续到现在,故用现在完成时。完成时。C考向三考向三since,连词,意为,连词,意为“既然,由于既

16、然,由于”。eg:Since you have free time,why not help me with the housework? 既然你有空,为什么不帮我做家务?考向四考向四It is时间段时间段since.指指“自从自从以来已经多长以来已经多长时间了。时间了。”eg:It is four years since she came here. 她来这儿已经4年了。1)Read the lesson and number the sentences in the correct order.Lets Do It !Lets Do It !Noah made a large ship o

17、f wood.Since then,people have always taken the dove and the olive branch as symbols of peace.Noah put two of every kind of animal on the ship and locked the door.The dove came back with a green olive branch in its mouth.God told Noah that he would send a great flood.Noah let a dove fly out of the sh

18、ip.They floated on the water for many days and nights.27361542)Circle the correct prepositions to complete the sentences. 1. The dove and the olive branch are symbols ( in / of ) peace. 2. Mother bought a lot of food to prepare ( with / for ) my birthday party. 3. Mr. Brown and his wife floated ( on

19、 / in ) the water for a week in the flood.Lets Do It !Lets Do It !【点拨点拨】prepare for.为为做准备,为固定短语。做准备,为固定短语。 4. Five minutes later,Miss Lee came back ( of / with ) some books in her hand.5. This is a desk made ( of / from ) wood.【点拨点拨】介词介词with在此作伴随状语,意为在此作伴随状语,意为“带有带有”。【点拨点拨】 be made of由由制成,从制成品中能看出原材

20、制成,从制成品中能看出原材料。句意:这是一张由木头制成的书桌。应填料。句意:这是一张由木头制成的书桌。应填of。Lets Do It !Lets Do It !3)There is one mistake in each sentence. Can you find and correct it? 1. There are too much people in the park. 2. Noah let the giraffe come into the cage and lock the door.much变为变为many 【点拨点拨】too much用来修饰不可数名词,用来修饰不可数名词,

21、too many 用来修用来修饰可数名词复数。由句子中的饰可数名词复数。由句子中的people可知应用可知应用too many。lock变为变为locked 3. They use a pen draw on the paper. 4. The dove and the olive branch stand friendship and peace.draw前加前加to 【点拨点拨】use.to do sth.用用来做某事,为固定搭配。来做某事,为固定搭配。stand后加后加for【点拨点拨】stand for 代表。代表。4)Work in pairs. Create a symbol fo

22、r your class. The symbol can represent peace,love or friendship. You can look in books or search the Internet for help.Lets Do It !Lets Do It !一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1I see no light and hear no sound _ (除之外) the wind that far away. (扬州)2Be sure to _ (锁上) the door when you leave.3In 1998,the _

23、 (洪水) made many people leave their homes.4Did you _ (准备) any food?5There is not enough water to _ (使漂浮) the ship.except/butlockfloodprepare float二、单项选择二、单项选择6Daming sat on the side of the river cooking a meal, _ a bird on his head.(沈阳) Afrom Binto Cabout Dwith7Why are you so tired these days? Well,

24、I have _ homework to do. Atoo much Bmuch too Ctoo many Dmany tooDA【点拨点拨】这是这是with的复合结构。句意为:大明坐在河边做的复合结构。句意为:大明坐在河边做饭,头顶有只鸟。饭,头顶有只鸟。【点拨点拨】句意为:句意为:这些天你为什么这么累?这些天你为什么这么累?嗯,我嗯,我要做很多的家庭作业。要做很多的家庭作业。homework是不可数名词,故选是不可数名词,故选A。8Its a pity. I looked for him everywhere _ here. Aand Bbesides Cexcept Dexcept f

25、orC【点拨点拨】运用运用词语辨析法词语辨析法。 except意为意为“除了除了”,不包,不包括在范围之内;括在范围之内;besides意为意为“除了除了还有还有”,包括,包括在范围之内;在范围之内;except for“除了除了之外之外”,说明整体情况,说明整体情况后,对细节加以纠正;后,对细节加以纠正;and “和和”。句意为:太遗憾了。句意为:太遗憾了。为了找他,除了这儿,其他的地方我全找过了。根据句为了找他,除了这儿,其他的地方我全找过了。根据句意可知,找过的地方不包括意可知,找过的地方不包括“这儿这儿”,故选,故选C。来自来自点拨点拨9Betty _ hard since last

26、term. Thats why her exam results are so good!(广东) Ahas worked Bwill work Cworked Dwas working10Dont take me _ a child. Ive grown up. Ato Bas Cfor DofAB【点拨点拨】考查时态。根据关键词考查时态。根据关键词since可知此句用现在完成可知此句用现在完成时。故选时。故选A。【点拨点拨】本题考查介词辨析。本题考查介词辨析。takeas为固定短语,意为为固定短语,意为“把把当作当作”。句意:别把我当小孩看,我已经长大。句意:别把我当小孩看,我已经长大了。

27、故选了。故选B。来自来自点拨点拨三、连词成句三、连词成句11the, you, story, Huang Xuhua, know, of, do _?12symbols, what, peace, the, of, are _?13a, was, happy, it, time, very _.14show, respect, teachers, we, for, our _ _.15then, the, has, since, passed, danger _.Do you know the story of Huang XuhuaWhat are the symbols of peace

28、It was a very happy time We show our respect for teachers/We show respect for our teachers The danger has passed since then 本节课我们主要学习了以下重点内容:本节课我们主要学习了以下重点内容:(1)重点单词:)重点单词:make +宾语宾语+形容词形容词, except等等。(2)重点短语:)重点短语:since then等等。(3)重点句式:)重点句式:with +名词名词+介词短语介词短语.1.熟记本课时的词汇熟记本课时的词汇 2.完成本课时的课后作业完成本课时的课后作业(ppt+word)



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