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1、WhatisAPA?APA (American Psychological Association)在社会科学领域,APA是美国心理协会(xihu)最常用的论文格式。is the most commonly used format for manuscripts in the Social Sciences.第1页/共37页第一页,共38页。WhatdoesAPAregulate?APA regulates:StylisticsIn-text citationsReferences (a list of all sources used in the paper)APA规范的三大基本方面:文体

2、(wn t)、文内引用、参考书目第2页/共37页第二页,共38页。APAstylistics:Basics the third person point of view rather than using the first person point of view or the passive voice使用(shyng)第三人称,而不是第一人称The study showed that, NOT I found out that. the active voice rather than passive voice 使用(shyng)主动语态,而不是被动语态The participants

3、 responded, NOT The participants have been asked. Use:Point of view and voice in an APA paperAPA论文中观点(gundin)的陈述第3页/共37页第三页,共38页。 clear: be specific in descriptions and explanations清晰(qngx)/明了:具体的描述和解释 concise: condense information when you can简洁:必要时浓缩语言 plain: use simple, descriptive adjectives and

4、 minimize the figurative language简单:使用简单的、描述性的词语,尽量不用修辞Language in an APA paper is:APA论文中的语言(yyn)使用APAstylistics:Language第4页/共37页第四页,共38页。TypesofAPAPapersAPA论文(lnwn)的类型 The literature review:文学综述the summary of what the scientific literature says about the topic of your research includes title page,

5、introduction, list of references是本科学领域中对某一研究课题的科学论文的概括,包括标题页、介绍以及参考书目 The experimental report:实验报告the description of your experimental research-includes title page, abstract, introduction, method, results, discussion, references, appendices, tables & figures 实验研究的描述(mio sh),标题页、摘要、介绍、研究方式、结果、讨论、参考、附

6、录表格和数据第5页/共37页第五页,共38页。TypesofAPAPapers follow the general format遵循(zn xn)标准格式 consult the instructor向老师请教 consult Publication Manual参阅格式手册If your paper fits neither of the categories above, 如果你的论文(lnwn)不适合于上述类型第6页/共37页第六页,共38页。GeneralFormat标准(biozhn)格式 be typed, double-spaced, with two spaces after

7、 punctuation between sentences 双面打印,标点符号后空两格 on standard-sized paper (8.5”x11”) 纸张大小: with 1” margins on all sides 页边距:上下左右均为1cm in 10-12 pt. Times New Roman or a similar font 字体为Times New Roman,或者与其相似的字体,字号(z hao)10-12 include a page header (title) in the upper left- hand of every page and a page n

8、umber in the upper right-hand side of every page 每一页应有页眉(左上方),页码在每页右上方Your essay should:第7页/共37页第七页,共38页。ReferencesMain Body AbstractGeneralFormat(contd)摘要(zhiyo)、概述Title pageYour essay should include four major sections:论文包括四部分:标题(biot)页、摘要、主体以及参考书目第8页/共37页第八页,共38页。TitlePage标题(biot)页Page header:(us

9、e Insert Page Header)title flush left + page number flush right.页眉(使用内置页眉):标题左对齐,页码右对齐Title:(in the upper half of the page, centered)name (no title or degree) + affiliation (university, etc.)标题(左上方,居中):姓名(无头衔或学位),所属机构(大学等)第9页/共37页第九页,共38页。AbstractPage摘要(zhiyo)页Page header: do NOT include “Running he

10、ad:”页眉不包括栏外标题Abstract (centered, at the top of the page)摘要(页面顶端,居中)Write a brief (between 150 and 250 words) summary of your paper in an accurate, concise, and specific manner. Should contain: at research topic, research questions, participants, methods, results, data analysis, and conclusions. May

11、also include possible implications of your research and future work you see connected with your findings. May also include keywords.用准确、简洁、具体的语言概述论文内容(150-200字)。包括:研究课题、研究问题、参与者、研究方式、结果、数据分析、结论。也可以包括研究中可能存在的问题以及未来的发展、关键词。第10页/共37页第十页,共38页。MainBody(Text)主体(zht) The first text page is page number 3 主体

12、的第一页在总论文的第三页 Type the title of the paper centered, at the top of the page论文标题位于页面顶端,居中 Type the text double-spaced with all sections following each other without a break 段落首行缩进两格,段落中间不要空行 Identify the sources you use in the paper in parenthetical in-text citations文内引用至于括号内以便说明其来源 Format tables and f

13、igures 规范(gufn)表格和数据第11页/共37页第十一页,共38页。ReferencesPage参考(cnko)页 Center the title References- at the top of the page参考(标题)顶端居中 Double-space reference entries首行缩进两格 Flush left the first line of the entry and indent subsequent lines条目左对齐,下面(xi mian)几行缩进 Order entries alphabetically by the authors surnam

14、es条目后括号内标注作者的姓名Do NOT include “Running head:” in the header after the title page!标题页后的标题中不包括栏外标题第12页/共37页第十二页,共38页。References:Basics参考书目要点(yodin) Invert authors names (last name first followed by initials).作者姓名,姓在前Alphabetize reference list entries the last name of the first author of each work.按照(n

15、zho)字母表的顺序来排列著作第一作者的姓名Capitalize only the first letter of the first word of a title and subtitle, the first word after a colon or a dash in the title, and proper nouns. Do not capitalize the first letter of the second word in a hyphenated compound word.只大写下列情况:标题、副标题的第一个字母,标题中冒号、破折号后的第一个词,专有名词。不要大写复

16、合词中第二个单词的首字母第13页/共37页第十三页,共38页。References:Basics(contd)概述(ish) Capitalize all major words in journal titles. 期刊所有的主要词汇大写 Italicize titles of longer works such as books and journals.较长作品(如书目、期刊等)的标题斜写 Do not italicize, underline, or put quotes around the titles of shorter works such as journal articl

17、es or essays in edited collections.较短作品(如期刊中的文章、资料汇编中的论文等)的标题,不要(byo)斜体、下划线、引号第14页/共37页第十四页,共38页。Makingthereferenceslist参考书目的(md)编写 Identify a type source: Is it a book? A journal article? A webpage? 确定资料(zlio)来源:书?期刊?还是网页? Find a sample of citing this type of source in the textbook or in the OWL AP

18、A Guide.在课本或者OWL APA 指南中找到引用这种资料(zlio)的例子 “Mirror” the sample. 参照样本 Make sure that the entries are listed in the alphabetical order and the subsequent lines are indented (Recall References: basics). 确保条目是按照字母表的顺序排列,下面几行缩进APA is a complex system of citation, which is difficult to keep in mind. When c

19、ompiling the reference list, the strategy below might be useful:APA 是一种复杂的引用系统,很难记忆。编制(binzh)参考书目时,记住以下几点:第15页/共37页第十五页,共38页。In-textCitations:Basics文内引用(ynyng)要点 the authors name and the date of publication作者的姓名,出版日期for quotations and close paraphrases, provide a page number as well引用语、释义、提供(tgng)页码

20、Whenever you use a source, provide in parenthesis: 不管什么时候,只要引用(ynyng)了相关信息,都要用括号,如:In-text citations help readers locate the cited source in the References section of the paper. 在论文参考书目部分,文内引用帮助读者确认文献来源第16页/共37页第十六页,共38页。In-textCitations:Formatforaquotation文内引用(ynyng):规范引用(ynyng)语 Caruth (1996) stat

21、es that a traumatic response frequently entails a “delayed, uncontrolled repetitive appearance of hallucinations and other intrusive phenomena” (p.11). A traumatic response frequently entails a “delayed, uncontrolled repetitive appearance of hallucinations and other intrusive phenomena” (Caruth, 199

22、6, p.11). When quoting, introduce the quotation with a signal phrase. Make sure to include the authors name, the year of publication, the page number, but keep the citation briefdo not repeat the information. 在引用时,用简单的词组介绍引用语。确保要包括作者的姓名、出版年份。要是语言(yyn)简洁,不要重复信息。(下面是例子)第17页/共37页第十七页,共38页。In-textCitati

23、ons:Formatforasummaryorparaphrase规范概述(ish)和释义 provide the authors last name and the year of publication in parenthesis after a summary or a paraphrase:在概述和释义后用括号标注(bio zh)作者的姓、出版年份(下面是例子) Though feminist studies focus solely on womens experiences, they err by collectively perpetuating the masculine-

24、centered impressions (Fussell, 1975).There are several formats for a summary or paraphrase:规范概述和释义有以下几种(j zhn)方式:第18页/共37页第十八页,共38页。In-textCitations:Formatforasummaryorparaphrase include the authors name in a signal phrase followed by the year of publication in parenthesis:在信号词后(作者的姓名),用括号标注出版年份(nin

25、fn)(下面是例子) Recently, the history of warfare has been significantly revised by Higonnet et al. (1987), Marcus (1989), and Raitt and Tate (1997) to include womens personal and cultural responses to battle and its resultant traumatic effects.Formats for a summary or paraphrase (contd):第19页/共37页第十九页,共38

26、页。In-textCitations:Formatforasummaryorparaphrase when including the quotation in a summary/paraphrase, also provide a page number in parenthesis after the quotation:若概述或释义中包含引用语,在引用语后用括号标注(bio zh)页码(下面是例子) According to feminist researchers Raitt and Tate (1997), “It is no longer true to claim that w

27、omens responses to the war have been ignored” (p. 2).Formats for a summary or paraphrase (contd):第20页/共37页第二十页,共38页。In-textCitations:Signalwords信号(xnho)词 Introduce quotations with signal phrases, e.g. 用信号(xnho)词介绍引用语,如:According to X. (2008), “.” (p. 3).X. (2008) argued that “” (p. 3).Use the past t

28、ense or the present perfect tense of verbs in signal phrases 信号词用过去时或现在(xinzi)完成时Use such signal verbs as:信号词,如下: acknowledged, contended, maintained, responded, reported, argued, concluded, etc.第21页/共37页第二十一页,共38页。In-textCitations:Twoormoreworks两部或两部以上(yshng)作品 When the parenthetical citation inclu

29、des two or more works, order them in the same way they appear in the reference listthe authors name, the year of publicationseparated by a semi-colon:当括号(kuho)内的引用语包括两部或两部以上作品时,将它们按照参考书目中的顺序排列作者姓名,出版年份,中间用分号隔开。如: (Kachru, 2005; Smith, 2008)第22页/共37页第二十二页,共38页。In-textCitations:Aworkwithtwoauthors一本书的

30、作者(zuzh)有俩个 When citing a work with two authors, use “and” in between authors name in the signal phrase yet “&” between their names in parenthesis:当引用(ynyng)的这本书有两个作者,文内用and连接两个作者的名字,括号内用“&” 连接。 According to feminist researchers Raitt and Tate (1997), “It is no longer true to claim that womens respo

31、nses to the war have been ignored” (p. 2). Some feminists researchers question that “womens responses to the war have been ignored” (Raitt & Tate, 1997, p. 2).第23页/共37页第二十三页,共38页。In-textCitations:Aworkwith3to5authors一本书的作者(zuzh)有3-5人 When citing a work with three to five authors, identify all author

32、s in the signal phrase or in parenthesis:当引用的这本书作者(zuzh)有3-5人,在括号内一一列举 (Harklau, Siegal, and Losey, 1999) In subsequent citations, only use the first authors last name followed by et al. in the signal phrase or in parentheses: 在之后的引用中,只需写出第一个作者(zuzh),然后加上et al. (Harklau et al., 1993)第24页/共37页第二十四页,共

33、38页。In-textCitations:aworkwith6andmoreauthors一本(ybn)的书的作者有六人或更多 When citing a work with six and more authors, identify the first authors name followed by “et al.”:当引用的这本的书的作者(zuzh)有六人或更多,写上第一位作者(zuzh)的姓名,后面加上“et al.” Smith et al. (2006) maintained that. (Smith et al., 2006) 第25页/共37页第二十五页,共38页。In-te

34、xtCitations:Aworkofunknownauthor书的作者(zuzh)未知 When citing a work of unknown author, use the the sources full title in the signal phrase and cite the first word of the title followed by the year of publication in parenthesis. Put titles of articles and chapters in quotation marks; italicize titles of

35、books and reports:当被引用的这本书,其作者未知时,在信号词组中标注原始(yunsh)资料的全部标题,在括号内标注标题的第一个单词、出版年份。用引号标注文章章节的标题,书籍报告的标题斜体。 According to “Indiana Joins Federal Accountability System” (2008), Or, (“Indiana,” 2008)第26页/共37页第二十六页,共38页。In-textCitations:Organization文内引用(ynyng)中的组织 When citing an organization, mention the org

36、anization the first time when you cite the source in the signal phrase or the parenthetical citation:当引用一个组织名称时,第一次提及时在信号词组或括号(kuho)内引用其来源。 The data collected by the Food and Drug Administration (2008) confirmed that If the organization has a well-known abbreviation, include the abbreviation in brac

37、kets the first time the source is cited and then use only the abbreviation in later citations:如果该组织有较广为认知的缩写,在第一次提及时标注来源,此后可直接用缩写形式。 Food and Drug Administration (FDA) confirmed FDAs experts tested第27页/共37页第二十七页,共38页。In-textCitations:Thesamelastname/thesameauthor作者(zuzh)的姓相同 When citing authors with

38、 the same last names, use first initials with the last names:当作者的姓相同(xin tn)时,使用名的首字母 (B. Kachru, 2005; Y. Kachru, 2008) When citing two or more works by the same author published in the same year, use lower-case letters (a, b, c) with the year of publication to order the references:当两部及以上作品出自同一个作者时

39、, 为规定参考文献应用小写字母标注出版年份 Smiths (1998 a) study of adolescent immigrants第28页/共37页第二十八页,共38页。In-textCitations:Personalcommunication When citing interviews, letters, e-mails, etc., include the communicators name, the fact that it was personal communication, and the date of the communication. Do not includ

40、e personal communication in the reference list:当引用采访、信件、邮件(yujin)、通讯员姓名等私人信息时,不要在参考文献中涉及这些。 A. P. Smith also claimed that many of her students had difficulties with APA style (personal communication, November 3, 2002).Or, (E. Robbins, personal communication, January 4, 2001).第29页/共37页第二十九页,共38页。In-t

41、extCitations:Electronicsources电子信息 When citing an electronic document, whenever possible, cite it in the author-date style. If electronic source lacks page numbers, locate and identify paragraph number/paragraph heading:不管什么时候只要引用电子文件,就要标注作者所标明的日期。如果电子文件没有页码(ym),标上段落号。 According to Smith (1997), . (

42、Mind over Matter section, para. 6).第30页/共37页第三十页,共38页。APAHeadingsAPA uses a system of five heading levelsAPA所使用(shyng)的五大标题层次系统APA标题层次格式1居中,粗体,标题区分大小写2左对齐,粗体,标题区分大小写3缩进,粗体,标题小写4缩进,粗体,斜体,标题小写4缩进,斜体,标题小写第31页/共37页第三十一页,共38页。APAHeadingsAPA uses a system of five heading levels方式层次1学习场所层次2参与人员总数层次2老师层次3学生

43、层次3结果层次1空间想象力层次2测试1 有经验的老师培训中的老师测试2动手能力层次3层次4层次4层次3层次2第32页/共37页第三十二页,共38页。APATables 表格(biog) Label a table with an Arabic numeral and provide a title. The label and the title appear on separate lines above the table, flush-left and single-spaced. 用阿拉伯数字给表格编号,需要有标题(biot)。标签和标题(biot)分行(表格上方),左对齐,空一行。

44、Cite a source in a note below the table:CountryRegular usersFrance9 mlTable 1Internet users in EuropeNote. The data are adapted from “The European Union and Russia”(2007). Retrieved from第33页/共37页第三十三页,共38页。APAFigures数据(shj) Label a figure with an Arabic numeral and provide a title. The label and the

45、 title appear on the same line below the figure, flush-left .用阿拉伯数字给数据编号,需要有标题。标签个标题在同一(tngy)行(数据下方),左对齐。 Cite the source below the label and the title:Figure 1. Internet users in EuropeNote: Eurostat Statistical books. (2007) The European Union and Russia: Statistical comparison You might provide a

46、n additional title centered above the figure. 也可以添上额外的标题(biot),数据上方,居中。第34页/共37页第三十四页,共38页。IfyouneedhelpwithAPAThere are several reference sources There are several reference sources toto get an answer get an answer toto your specific your specific question about APA:question about APA:下列途径可以下列途径可以获

47、获得得(hud)APA(hud)APA的具体信息的具体信息OWL website: Purdue Writing Lab HEAV 226 composition textbooks Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed. 第35页/共37页第三十五页,共38页。The End第36页/共37页第三十六页,共38页。感谢您的观看(gunkn)!第37页/共37页第三十七页,共38页。内容(nirng)总结What is APA。是本科学领域中对某一研究课题的科学论文的概括,包括标题页、介绍以及参考书目。也可以包括研究中可能存在的问题以及未来的发展(fzhn)、关键词。段落首行缩进两格,段落中间不要空行。按照字母表的顺序来排列著作第一作者的姓名。感谢您的观看第三十八页,共38页。



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