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1、Interpretation of Education ExchangeCourse of Intermediate Oral English and Basic English InterpretationLecture 27EducationExchangeObjectives:1 Mastering useful vocabulary of education2 Learning some information about overseas study3 Confucius School IntroductionWarming-up ActivitiesIn-class Activit

2、iesAssignmentsTeaching ProceduresForms of Education ExchangeVocabulary-Vocabulary-教育教育1 1义务教育义务教育 compulsory education; free education 学前教育学前教育 preschool education kindergarten 幼儿园幼儿园 初等教育初等教育 elementary education junior /senior school 初初/高中高中 中等教育中等教育 secondary education 高等教育高等教育 higher/tertiary ed

3、ucation 成人教育成人教育 adult education 职业技术教育职业技术教育 vocational and technical education 综合性大学综合性大学 comprehensive university 文科大学文科大学 university of liberal arts 理工科大学理工科大学 university of science and engineering 师范大学师范大学 normal university; teachers university 工业大学工业大学 polytechnic university 农业大学农业大学 agricultu

4、ral university 医科大学医科大学 medical university 中医院中医院 institute of traditional Chinese medicine 音乐学院音乐学院 conservatory of music 美术学院美术学院 academy of fine arts 体育学院体育学院 physical culture institute 分校分校 branch school 重点学校重点学校 key school Secretary 书记书记President 校长校长vice-president 副校长副校长headmaster 中小学校长(女:中小学校

5、长(女:headmistress)Dean 院长院长 assistant dean 副院长副院长 academic dean 教务长教务长 department chairman 系主任系主任 professor 教授教授 associate professor 副教授副教授 guest professor 客座教授客座教授 lecturer 讲师讲师 teaching assistant 助教助教 research fellow 研究员研究员 research assistant 助理研究员助理研究员 supervisor 论文导师论文导师 dean of studies 教务长教务长 de

6、an of students 教导主任教导主任 Vocabulary-Vocabulary-教育教育2 2Freshman 大一新生大一新生 Sophomore 大二学生大二学生Junior 大三学生大三学生 Senior 大四学生大四学生 Academic year 学年学年Compulsory /required course 必修课必修课Optional/selective course 选修课选修课Specialized course 专业课专业课 major Postgraduate Entrance Examination 研究生考试研究生考试Open/Close-book Exa

7、m 开开/闭卷考试闭卷考试Make up Exam 补考补考Thesis dissertation 毕业论文毕业论文Diploma/graduation certificate 毕业证书毕业证书Bachelor/Master/Doctors degree 学士学士/硕士、博士学位硕士、博士学位 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) 文学士文学士 B.S. 理学士理学士M.B.A. 工商管理硕士工商管理硕士Doctor of Philosophy (PH.D.) 哲学博士哲学博士 Doctor of Literature 文学博士文学博士 Vocabulary-Vocabulary-教

8、育教育3 3commissary in charge of studies 学习委员学习委员 commissary in charge of entertainment 文娱委员文娱委员 commissary in charge of sports 体育委员体育委员 commissary in charge of physical labor 劳动委员劳动委员 Party branch secretary 党支部书记党支部书记 League branch secretary 团支部书记团支部书记 commissary in charge of organization 组织委员组织委员 com

9、missary in charge of publicity 宣传委员宣传委员 scholarship 奖学金奖学金 Three Goods student 三好学生三好学生 excellent League member 优秀团员优秀团员 excellent leader 优秀干部优秀干部 social practice 社会实践社会实践Practical training 实习实习Alma Mater 母校母校 alumnus; alumna 校友校友 Vocabulary-Vocabulary-教育教育4 4I. Introduction to WZU1. How much do you

10、 know about WZU? Discuss and share with your partner whatever you know about WZU.School of BusinessCollege of Law and PoliticsCollege of Physical Education College of Humanity College of Foreign Languages College of Music Institute of Art & Design College of Mathematics & Information Science College

11、 of Physics and Electric Information College of Chemistry and Materials Science College of Life & Environmental Science College of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering College of Computer Science & Engineering College of Architecture & Civil Engineering Fashion Institute College of Adult & Further Ed

12、ucation Ou Jiang College College of International Cooperation City College Wenzhou UniversityWenzhou UniversityKeep learning and seeking truth with robust pioneering spirits Motto of Wenzhou University2. Sentence Interpretation1温州大学是一所地方综合性大学,由温州师范学院和原温州大学合并而成。温州大学是一所地方综合性大学,由温州师范学院和原温州大学合并而成。 2温州大学

13、位于浙江省南部美丽的沿海城市温州,分茶山校区和学院路校区。温州大学位于浙江省南部美丽的沿海城市温州,分茶山校区和学院路校区。 3温州大学现有温州大学现有20个学院,全日制在校生个学院,全日制在校生28161人,教职工人,教职工2437人,其中专任人,其中专任教师教师1293人。专任教师中,有教授人。专任教师中,有教授182人、副教授人、副教授400人人。WZU has established cooperative relationships with many foreign educational institutions and scientific research institute

14、s , in the form of joint educational programs, student exchanges, visiting scholar schemes, and the like. 4温大与国际多个高等院校、科研机构建立了良好合作交流关系,开展联合办学、温大与国际多个高等院校、科研机构建立了良好合作交流关系,开展联合办学、学生交流和互派访问学者等各种形式的合作学生交流和互派访问学者等各种形式的合作. WenzhouUniversity(WZU)isacomprehensiveregionaluniversity,whichwasfoundedthroughthem

15、ergerofWenzhouNormalCollegeandtheFormerWenzhouUniversity WZU, made up of Chashan campus and Xueyuan Road campus, is located in the beautifully coastal city-Wenzhou, in the south-east of Zhejiang Province. Currently there are 20 colleges in WZU, with a full-time student population of 28161 . The numb

16、er of faculty members is 2437 , among whom 1293 are full-time teachers,including 182 professors, 400 associate professors.II. Watch and Interpret-Student Visa Video IStep One: Watch the video twice and fill in the missing words Words Bank designate 指定指定 passport visa curriculum 课程课程approval 批准批准off-

17、campus 校外校外UCLA 南加州大学南加州大学 Immigration Counter 移民局柜台移民局柜台 INS (Immigration and Naturalization Services ) 移民局移民局R:hello, U.S Citizens, right here. Visitors, over there.Ian: good morning. 1 ?S: yes, here they are.Ian: I see you have an F-1 student visa. 2 ? S:I have a 3 _ for my masters degree at UCLA

18、.Ian: how will you 4 yourself as you are a student?S:I will live with 5 _and work on school part time.Ian: if your designated school official approves it, you may work 6 _ or in a job that provides training related to their curriculum.F-1 students must 7 INS approval for off-campus 8 _or practical t

19、raining 9_ their curriculum. However, you may not work off-campus for the 10 _as a foreign student.S: okay.Video1 may I see your passport and visa?2What school would you be attending?3scholarship4 support 5my aunt 6 on campus 7apply for 8employment 9related to 10 first 9 months KEYSKEYSR:hello, U.S

20、Citizens, right here. Visitors, over there.Ian: good morning. 1may I see your passport and visa?S: yes, here they are.Ian: I see you have an F-1 student visa. 2What school would you be attending?S:I have a 3scholarship for my masters degree at UCLA.Ian: how will you 4 support yourself as you are a s

21、tudent?S:I will live with 5my aunt and work on school part time.Ian: if your designated school official approves it, you may work 6 on campus or in a job that provides training related to their curriculum.F-1 students must 7apply for INS approval for off-campus 8employment or practical training 9rel

22、ated to their curriculum. However, you may not work off-campus for the 10 first 9 months as a foreign student.S: okay. STEP TWO: Video InterpretationscriptsWatch the video again, take notes and interpret it.Note: Take roles respectively and interpret.IV. Listening and Notetaking Listen and take note

23、s and reproduceTips of Studying AbroadTips of Studying Abroad1、学历要求学历要求:对于中国学生来说,申读美国大学本科课对于中国学生来说,申读美国大学本科课程须至少高中毕业,申读硕士课程须本科毕业,拥有学士程须至少高中毕业,申读硕士课程须本科毕业,拥有学士学位。申请学校和专业时应尽量符合个人的教育背景、工学位。申请学校和专业时应尽量符合个人的教育背景、工作经历及兴趣爱好,但某些特殊专业也可考虑转换,如国作经历及兴趣爱好,但某些特殊专业也可考虑转换,如国内英语专业毕业的学生可转读美国的工商管理硕士内英语专业毕业的学生可转读美国的工商管理


25、绩。英国、加拿大要求英国、加拿大要求TOEFL成绩在成绩在550分以上。分以上。IELTS分数分数在在6分以上(满分分以上(满分9分)。留学新加坡也要考分)。留学新加坡也要考TOEFL,报,报考新加坡国立大学或南洋理工大学的研究生,惟一的途径考新加坡国立大学或南洋理工大学的研究生,惟一的途径就是考就是考TOEFL,并且成绩在,并且成绩在580分以上。分以上。 Listen and take notes and reproduce陪同口译:情境:美国加州大学一学生被安排到你们学院或者班级参观,你陪同他/她做随同翻译。小组可以选择学院情况、特色及发展或者班级构成、班级特色及明星人物等。ROLEPLAYTIME



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