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1、句子成分句子成分 主语主语 谓语谓语 宾语宾语 定语定语 状语状语 补语补语 表表句子种类句子种类 简单句、简单句、并列句并列句和和复合句复合句。1.主语主语+谓语(谓语(不及物动词不及物动词)谓语一定是谓语一定是动词动词 Things change. Nobody went.2.主语主语+连系动词连系动词+表语表语Mr. Turner is an artist.The milk went sour. She became a lawyer. 3.主语主语+谓语谓语+宾语宾语We never beat children.My sister will fix everything.4主语主语+谓

2、语谓语+宾语宾语+宾语宾语He gave the interesting book to his sister.Ill write you a long letter.5.主语主语+谓语谓语+宾语宾语+宾补补充说明前面的宾语宾补补充说明前面的宾语 例:例: I found the book easy. Ill let him go. 注意:有时两个或更多的并列主语拥有一个共同的谓语,注意:有时两个或更多的并列主语拥有一个共同的谓语,甚至并列有两个主语和两个谓语,这样的句子仍然是简甚至并列有两个主语和两个谓语,这样的句子仍然是简单句,例:单句,例:China and other countrie

3、s in the east Asia are developing rapidly. Mr. Wang and I often work together and help each other. 句子成分:句子成分:1. America is one of the developed countries in the world.2. He often helps me with my English .3. Jack used to be a lazy boy4. The scientist is very famous in the world5. We met her yesterda

4、y.6. She lives in the house。7. I visited the Summer Palace on the day.8. He was late for the reason.9. Her name was Diane.10. The color of the coat is red.He is our teacher. I talked with the man and he is our teacher. The man who I talked with is our teacher.Though it did not look very beautiful wh

5、en it was finished,I still liked it very much.1.I think the best way to protect the environment is to plant more trees.2.Going to the park for a picnic at weekend sounds like a good idea.3.When I look back on my childhood, I still think of it as the happiest time in my life.4.The girl who used to be

6、 a model is now a famous actress.6. as it was getting dark, I decided to find a place to stay.7. Students who make good use of their time usually achieve high grades.8. Though it is difficult to improve your cooking skills in such a short time, you should still keep practicing.With so much free time

7、,students who do not make good use of their time may not pass their exams。(2011高高考考浙浙江江卷卷)The school isnt the one I really wanted to go to,but I suppose Ill just have to_it.Amake the best of Bget away fromCkeep an eye on Dcatch up withAttributive ClausesHarry Potteraboywithglassesaboywhoisbraveandwe

8、aringglassesabraveboyattributeAttributiveclauseQuestion:Whichisanattributiveclause?1.Theredteam2.Theteaminred3.Theteamwhoarewearingred.4.Hewhogetsupearlygetshisbread.prepositionalphraseattributiveclauseadjective 定语从句(一)定语从句(一)一、定语从句的概述一、定语从句的概述1.定义:什么是定语从句?定义:什么是定语从句?定语从句是指在句子中起定语从句是指在句子中起定语定语作用,修饰句



11、hat/brokethewindowiscalledTom.3.Theboywhoseparentsaredeadwasbroughtupbyhisgrandfather.4.TheschoolwhereIstudyisfarfrommyhome.the machine = that/whichthe boy =who/thatthe boys =whosein the school = where关系代词实际上是先行词的复指关系代词实际上是先行词的复指关系词关系词whose实际上是先行词的所有格实际上是先行词的所有格关系副词实际上是介词先行词关系副词实际上是介词先行词主语主语Idontkno

12、wthegirl.Thegirlisstandingthere.Idontknowthegirl_isstandingthere.宾语宾语Ilikethedictionary.Myfatherboughtthedictionary.Ilikethedictionary_myfatherbought.表语表语Jackusedtobealazyboy.Jackisnolongeralazyboy.Jackisnolongerthelazyboy_heusedtobe.who (that)that (which)that定语定语Shelivesinthehouse.Thewindowsoftheho

13、usefacesouth.Shelivesinthehouse_windowsfacesouth.状语状语Iwillneverforgettheday.IvisitedtheSummerPalaceontheday.Iwillneverforgettheday_IvisitedtheSummerPlace.Thisisnotthereason.Hewaslateforthereason.Thisisnotthereason_hewaslate.whoseWhen(on which)why(for which)Thescientist _wemetyesterdayisveryfamousint

14、heworld.(2)Thedressisnew.Sheiswearingit.Thedress_sheiswearingisnew.(1)Thescientistisveryfamousintheworld.Wemetheryesterday.Jointhesentences.who / whom /thatthat /which/x David is a kind person. He always helps others. David is a kind person who always helps others subjectFunction of relative words i

15、n the attributive clauses. I like the gift. He got the gift for me.I like the gift which he got for me. object(3)Heisthekindperson.Ihaveeverworkedwithhim.(4)Thisisthebestfilm.Ihaveeverseenthisfilm.Heisthekindperson_Ihaveeverworkedwith.Thisisthebestfilm _Ihaveeverseen.that/whom/xthat/x关系代词关系代词that,wh

16、ich,who,whom和和whose的用法的用法先行词成分人物主 语 宾 语所有格(定语)注 释Who/thatWhich/thatWhom/who/that Which/thatwhose/the+n.ofwhomWhose/the +n ofwhich关系代词做宾语可以省略关系代词做宾语可以省略Conclusion关系词的选择关系词的选择注意:注意:用用that而不用而不用which。(1)先行词为先行词为all,everything,nothing,something,anything,little,few,much等等不定代词时。不定代词时。Iamsureshehassomethin


18、nthestreet.(6)关系词在从句中做表语关系词在从句中做表语(4)先行词被先行词被theonly,thevery,thelast,just修饰时。修饰时。Thisistheverybookthatbelongstohim.Heistheonlyperson(that)Iwanttotalkto.Theboywasnottheonethat heusedtobe.Whoisthemanthatisstandingbythedoor?(5)先行词前面有先行词前面有who,which等疑问代词时。等疑问代词时。Whichisthedictionarythat youwant?Practice







25、hertellsusstories_.6.Ihaveagoodfriend_.7.Thelibraryisaplace_.that/whichareveryinterestingwhosenameisSallythat/whichisquietandcomfortablePracticeReadthearticleonpage9andunderlinetheattributiveclauses.1. For one thing,. besides/for another,. 一方面一方面;另一方面另一方面.常一起使用,表示相一致常一起使用,表示相一致的两个方面的两个方面 For one thi

26、ng, these shoes dont suit you. For another, they are too expensive. 如果要表示相矛盾的两个方面,常用如果要表示相矛盾的两个方面,常用on one hand.on the other hand(一方面一方面另一方面)另一方面) . 2. be independent of adj. 自主的;自主的; 独立独立的的孩子们应该学会部依靠父母孩子们应该学会部依靠父母Independentlydependent 依靠的;依赖的;取决于依靠的;依赖的;取决于的;的;be dependent on =depend on好的成绩要考努力学习好

27、的成绩要考努力学习 Children should learn to be independent of their parentsGood grades are dependent on hard work.Howoftendoyoueatout?_,butusuallyonceaweek.A.HavenoideaB.AsusualC.ItdependsD.GenerallyspeakingC3. make (good)use of (充充分分)利利用用:make the best of(2011高高考考浙浙江江卷卷)The school isnt the one I really want

28、ed to go to,but I suppose Ill just have to_it.Amake the best of Bget away fromCkeep an eye on Dcatch up with答案:答案:A4.require 及物动词,及物动词,“需求,要求需求,要求”。如:。如: 1) require sb to do经常用被动态经常用被动态be required to do2)require that 用用 should 型虚拟语气。型虚拟语气。The boss required that she (should) keep it a secret . 老板要求她对

29、老板要求她对此事保密。此事保密。He required the work not be done in a hurry . 3) sth + require + doing = sth + require + to be done 某物需要某物需要These temples require repairing next month . = These temples require to be repaired next month. 这些庙宇下个这些庙宇下个月需要修缮。月需要修缮。requirev.要求,命令要求,命令require+n.sthrequiresdoing=sthrequire

30、stobedonerequiresb.todosthrequirethatsb(should)dosthrequirementn.他们需要我们的帮助。他们需要我们的帮助。这墙需要修。这墙需要修。全部会员均应出席会议。全部会员均应出席会议。主任要求我们通宵工作。主任要求我们通宵工作。Theyrequireourhelp.Thewallrequires_.Allthemembers_themeeting.Thedirectorrequiredthat_repairing/toberepaired.arerequiredtoattendwe(should)workallnight _intheregulationsthatyoushouldnottellotherpeoplethepasswordofyoure-mailaccount.A.WhatisrequiredB.WhatrequiresB.C.ItisrequiredD.Itrequires



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