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1、http:/http:/http:/http:/时间状语从句时间状语从句When I opened the window, I saw him come up.While we were talking, he came in.She was doing her homework as she was listening to the music.It was not until 1998 that he returned to his hometown.He ran off before I could stop him.I have never been there again since

2、 I graduated from the university.No sooner had he arrived than she went away again. 他一到,她就再次走开了。Hardly had I got to the bus stop when the bus started. 我刚到公车站,车就开动了。http:/http:/仿写练习仿写练习 1. 直到做完所有作业他才离开教室。(not.until)2. 自从我们到这已经有一周了。(It is/has been.since.)3. 她慢慢长大,才逐渐明白父母为她所做的一切。(as, come to understand

3、)4. 昨天,她妈妈让她练钢琴时她刚做完作业。(when) It is just a week since we arrived here.He didnt leave the classroom until he finished all his homework. As she grew older, she came to understand what her parents had done for her. She had just finished her homework when her mother asked her to practise playing the pia

4、no yesterday. http:/http:/5. 不久后我就把我们之间的误会全都忘了。(It was/will be.before.) 6. 他刚写完作业,灯就熄了。(hardly.when) 7. 地震一发生,政府就立即采取措施去帮助当地的人。(no soonerthan)No sooner had the earthquake happened than the government took some measures to help the local people. Hardly had he finished his homework when the light went

5、 out. It was not long before I forgot all the misunderstanding between us. http:/http:/原因状语从句原因状语从句实例展示实例展示Mr. Smith was very upset because he couldnt find his luggage.Since the coach didnt tell us what to do, we can relax.Now that you are here, you can join us.Seeing that it is eight oclock, well w

6、ait no longer.Considering that the speech was off the cuff, it was rather good. (off the cuff 即兴的)http:/http:/仿写练习仿写练习1. 他说他没法工作了,因为电脑坏了。(because, be out of order) 2. 由于他诚实又谦虚,他的朋友都很喜欢他。(as) 3. 既然大家都到了,我们就可以出发了。(since) 4. 既然做完工作了,你就应该好好休息一下了。(now that) He said that he couldnt work because the comput

7、er was out of order. As he is honest and modest, all his friends like him. Since everybody has arrived, we can set off. You ought to have a good rest now that youve finished the work. http:/http:/5. 既然有很多人缺席,我们决定将会议推迟。(seeing that) 6. 考虑到它是手工制作的,我觉得价钱还是很合理的。(considering that) Seeing (that) quite a f

8、ew people were absent, we decided to put the meeting off. Considering that it is handmade, I should say the price seems reasonable. http:/http:/7. 热带雨林有益于世界环境,因为它可以吸收太阳的热量,调节气候。(have a good effect on, take in, adjust)Rainforests _/have a good effect on/the world environment/because/they/take in the

9、heat/from the sun/and/adjust climate. http:/http:/条件状语从句条件状语从句实例展示实例展示If you dont hurry up, you will miss the plane.We cant get there on time unless we book the earliest flight.I will lend you the book on condition that you return it on Monday.Keep calm, whatever happens.I will cooperate as long as

10、I am notified on time. 只要及时通知我,我就会配合。Provided that circumstances permit, we shall hold the meeting next week. 如果情况允许的话,我们下周开会。http:/http:/仿写练习仿写练习1. 除非改变主意,不然他不会加入我们的。(unless) 2. 如果现在不努力,我们就一定会失去上大学的机会。(if, be sure to do)3. 我父母并不介意我做什么工作,只要我开心就行。(as long as) He will not join us unless he changes his

11、 mind. If we fail to work hard, we are sure to lose the chance of going to college. My parents wont mind what job I do as long as I am happy. http:/http:/4. 不管他说什么我都不信。(whatever/no matter what) (注:no matter后一定要跟引导词,才能跟句子,引导词有:when, where, why, what, how, whether, who, whom等) 5. 除非你10点前回来,否则不能出去。(on

12、condition that.) 6. 如果条件允许,她的父母将会送她出国。(provided that)No matter what/he says, I wont believe. Provided that conditions permit, her parents will send her abroad. You can go out/on condition that/you come back/before 10:00. http:/http:/地点状语从句地点状语从句实例展示实例展示Put the medicine where you can easily get it.Th

13、e baby follows her mother wherever she goes.仿写练习仿写练习1这栋高楼的位置以前曾经是一些矮矮的废弃的房子。(where.stands,deserted houses) 2无论你在哪里,只要你用心了,就一定可以找到一份很好的工作。(wherever, as long as, set ones mind in.) 3有志者事竟成。(where)Where that high building stands, there used to be some low, deserted houses. Wherever you are, you are sur

14、e to find a good job as long as you set your mind in it. Where there is a will, there is a way. http:/http:/目的状语从句目的状语从句实例展示实例展示Speak louder please so that the people at the back can hear you.School was closed early in order that the children might go home ahead of the storm. (从句多用情态动词)He took the n

15、ame down for fear that he should forget it.Better take more clothes in case the weather is cold.注:注:so that, in order that引导的目的状语从句中多含有情态动词。http:/http:/仿写练习仿写练习1. 我父亲为了养家,工作很辛苦。(so that) 2. 他一心一意地学习,为了以后能够考取北京大学。(devote to, in order that, be admitted to被录取) My father works hard so that he can suppor

16、t the family. He devoted himself to his study in order that he may be admitted to Peking University. http:/http:/3. 你应该带一本词典,以防到时要用。(in case) 4. 老师把这个问题强调了三遍,生怕学生不够重视。(emphasize on the issue, for fear that)You should bring a dictionary in case you need it. The teacher emphasized on the issue three t

17、imes for fear that the students did not pay enough attention to the problem. http:/http:/结果状语从句结果状语从句实例展示实例展示The foreign visitor was such a fast speaker that nobody could understand him.The flight was scheduled so early that nobody wanted to look on it.It is so good a story that Ill never forget it.

18、 It is such a good story that Ill never forget it.http:/http:/仿写练习仿写练习1. 机会这么好,我们绝不能错过。(such.that.) 2. 他还太小,对他来说,一个人出国是一个极大的挑战。(so.that.) Its such a good chance that we cant miss it. He is so young that it is a great challenge for him to go abroad on his own. http:/http:/让步状语从句让步状语从句实例展示实例展示Though h

19、e worked hard, he couldnt pass the exam.I will go, whether you come with me or stay at home.Smart as he is, he doesnt study hard. 尽管他很聪明,但他不好好学习。Even though you say so, I do not believe it.However late he is, Mother will wait for him to have dinner together.It has the same result whichever way you d

20、o it.The old tower must be saved, whatever it costs.http:/http:/仿写练习仿写练习1. 他虽然生病了,但仍然继续工作。(though) 2. 此事虽难,但我们还是要做。(although) 3. 尽管他还只是个孩子,但他很明白家里的现状,并尽力减轻父母的负担。(.as sb. is) Although it is difficult, we shall do it. Child as he is, he knows well about his family and tries hard to ease the burden of

21、his parents. Though he was ill, he was still working. http:/http:/4. 作为父母,你应该多让孩子发表他们自己的观点,即使他们的观点跟你的不同。(even if, voice ones opinions) 5. 即使所有人都误解我,我也要按照自己的方式去做。(even though,go my way)Even though I might be misunderstood by all, I will go my way. As parents, you should allow children the space to vo

22、ice their opinions, even if they are different from your own. http:/http:/6. 如果我们意志坚强,不管困难有多大,我们都能克服。(however) 7. 无论遇到什么困难,我们都可以克服。(whatever)If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, however great it is. Whatever difficulties we meet, we can work them out. http:/http:/方式状语从句方式状语

23、从句实例展示实例展示You can do it as I just did.He sounds as if hes got a sore throat.I couldnt move my legs. It was as if they were stuck to the floor.仿写练习仿写练习1. 你必须像我刚才做的那样尽力去做这件事。(as) 2. 你应该完全按照医生所说的去做。(as, be supposed to) 3. 入乡随俗。(as,Roman) You must try to do it as I did just now. You are supposed to do e

24、xactly as your doctor says. When in Rome do as Romans do. http:/http:/4. 老师把我们当成自己的孩子对待。(as if) 5. 他看上去好像根本不在乎。(as if) 6. 他张开嘴好像要说什么。(as if) 7. 那孩子跟我们谈起话来,像个成年人似的。(as if) He looked as if he didnt care at all. He opened his mouth as if he would say something. The child talked to us as if he were a gr

25、own-up. Our teacher treats us as if we were her children. http:/http:/比较状语从句比较状语从句实例展示实例展示He runs as fast as I do. That book is more interesting than this one.The more I see him, the less I like him.仿写练习仿写练习1. 他没有你那么努力。(not.so.) 2. 她这次的考试成绩比预期的差。(worse.than.) 3. 你越担心,越难成功。(the more.the less.) 4. 形体美

26、胜过外貌美,行为美胜过形体美。(be better than, form) He doesnt work so hard as you do. She did worse in the test than she expected. The more you worry, the less youll succeed. A beautiful form is better than a beautiful face; a beautiful behavior (is better) than a beautiful form. http:/http:/强化练习强化练习I. 用状语从句引导词填空

27、,不限词数用状语从句引导词填空,不限词数1. It is known to all that you exercise regularly,you wont keep healthy.2. Leave your key with a neighbor you lock yourself out one day.3. Many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice, _they knew it to be valuable.4. he has limited technical knowledge,the old worker has a lot of

28、experience.5. It is five years we saw each other last time.6. You will be successful in the interview you have confidence.7. It will be two or three years China sends a spaceship to the Mars.unless in case Although even though since once before http:/http:/8. I dont mind where we go theres the sun,t

29、he sea and the beach.9. the Internet is of great help,I dont think its a good idea to spend too much time on it.10. Pop music is such an important part of society it has even influenced our language.11. He tried his best to solve the problem, difficult it was.12. We were swimming in the lake suddenl

30、y the rain started.13. Roses need special care they can live through winter.14. In time of serious accidents, we know some basic things about first aid, we can save lives.15. The meeting was expected to start at 9 oclock but the manager didnt turn up twenty minutes later.16. the day went on, the wea

31、ther got worse.as long as While that however when so that if until As http:/http:/II. 翻译下列句子翻译下列句子1. 我还没来得及记下车牌号码,汽车就开走了。(before)2. 他边沿着街往前走,边高声地唱着歌。(as) 3. 我一看见这个女孩就认出她了。(the moment) 4. 我一到飞机场,飞机就起飞了。(hardly.when.) Before I could write down the number of the car, it had run away. I recognized the g

32、irl the moment I saw her. I had hardly got to the airport when the plane took off. He sang loudly as he walked along the street. http:/http:/5. 一旦你理解了这一点,理解别的内容就没有困难了。(once) 6. 你可以赢得他们的尊敬,条件是你要真诚地对待他们。(on condition that) 7. 你应该带点钱在身上以防不时之需。(in case)Once you understand this, you will have no difficul

33、ty in understanding the others. You can win their respect on condition that you treat them honestly. You should take some money with you in case you may need it. http:/http:/8. 雨下得很大,结果运动会被推迟了。(sothat) 9. 尽管互联网对我们有益,但它也能给我们带来危害。(while) 10. 尽管她很富有,但从来不帮助处于困境中的人。(as)It rained so heavily that the sport meeting was put off.While the Internet can greatly benefit us, it can also bring us much harm. Rich as she is, she never helps those in need.



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