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1、Unit 6 A Delighful VillageListening and SpeakingBook 1-Unit 1Part IListening 1Listen carefully and then complete the table on page 75Recording scriptA Beijing City Tour Information Services1 , May I help you?B Yes. This is Mr. Harris from Australia. Id like to visit some of the historic and scenic s

2、pots in Beijing. Could you suggest some and tell me their whereabouts?A Sure. But can you first tell me where you are staying and how long you plan to sightseeing in Beijing?B Im staying at Beijing Hotel. Ill be in the city for 2 days off for sightseeing .A Mr. Harris, your hotel is in Changan Stree

3、t near Tiananmen Square . So it would be a good idea if you visit Tiananmen Square4 first. Then, in the north of the square is the Palace Museum.B Palace Museum? Is it a new museum?A No. It used to be known as the Forbidden City.B I see. Then how long do you think I need to see the two places? Half

4、a day? Is that time enough?A Well, you need at least a half and a day to see both Tiananmen Square and the Palace Museum.B I see. Then what about tomorrow?A Id like to recommend the Summer Palace and Yuanmingyuan. Both of them are in the northwest suburbs of Beijing.B Whats interesting there?A The S

5、ummer Palace is famous for its beautiful scenery, large lake, and green hills dotted with colorful pavilions. Yuanmingyuan has plenty of historic ruins. They are well worth seeing, not to be missed.B How can I get there?A Its easy. You can either take No. 101 bus from your hotel, or walk for a few m

6、inutes to an underground station in Changan Street. Or to save a lot of time, you can take the shuttle bus. It is just around the corner from your hotel. The shuttle bus will take you directly to the Summer Palace. But its more expensive than taking the bus or the underground Listening 2Listen and t

7、hen answer the qutestions below1.Why is the street called Wall Street?2.Who built the wall ?and why?3.What was the original name of New York City?Recording script Ladies and gentlemen, attention please.Now,were on Wall Street.Its of the most famous streets in New York City. You know why its so named

8、? Its called Wall Street because a wooded wall was built here in the 1600s .Of course you cant see an part of the wooden wall on the street now .The early Dutch settlers built the wall to protect town because the American Indians and the English were often unfriendly to the lers .In the 1600s , New

9、York was a Dutch city inhabited mostly by people who had come from Holland in Europe. it was then called New Amsterdan .The wall is gone now .But wall steet reminds the people of New York of the Dutch who first steeled here.lead in introduction opening gambitemphasis on the current statehistorical f

10、actspast eventsa series of flashbackpresent tense for current relevanceevaluation of the situationPart 2 Reading and language Activities A delightful villageRead the text and divide the text into three parts Text Garrik is a delightful unspoiled village surrounded by fields and woods at the mouth if

11、 a river. Yet its only a short bus ride from the old city of Harbury with its factories, industry, and heavy traffic.格瑞克村庄位于河口处,被丛林和田野包围着,它是一方令人愉悦而尚未被破坏的净土。然而它离汉勃瑞古城乘车只需一小会儿,在那儿厂房林立、工业繁忙、交通拥挤。 Delightful: adj. causing delight; charming 可喜的,令人愉快的,迷人的 Eg: It was a delightful party. 这是一次愉快的聚会。 delightf

12、ul weather爽快的天气 上星期天我们在海滨玩得真痛快。 We had a delightful time by the seashore last Sunday. spoil: (spoilt或 spoiled)v. 1) diminish or destroy the value or quality of 损害;破坏;毁坏 2) harm the character of (a child) by being too lenient or indulgent 把(孩子)宠坏,溺爱 Eg: I wouldnt want to spoil your fun. 我不想扫你的兴。 She

13、was afraid of spoiling Christmas for the rest of the family. 她担心破坏家里人过圣诞节的兴致。 The last thing I want to do is spoil Thomas. 我最不想干的就是宠坏托马斯。 Unspoiled : not damaged未被破坏的 bus ride: journey by bus The countryside around the village is incredibly green, with fertile fields, olive groves, and tall trees. T

14、hrough the village flows a wide, clear river, along the banks of which are a fleet of fishing boats. Upstream the river is broader and shallower and is the home of a great variety of birds and other wildlife. Along the banks of the river you can glimpse wild ducks peeping shyly from the undergrowth.

15、incredibly: adv 1) to a great degree; extremely or unusually非常;极 其;异乎寻常地 2) used to introduce a statement that is hard to believe; strangely 难以置信地;奇怪地 adj: incredible inkredblIt seemed incredible that people would still want to play football during a war. 在战时人们仍然想踢足球,这似乎不可思议。fertile: f:tal (of soil

16、or land) producing or capable of producing abundant vegetation or crops (土壤,土地)肥沃的,多产的 Farmers rotate their crops so that the soil will remain fertile. 为保持土壤肥力,农民搞作物轮作。olive.liv: a small oval fruit with a hard stone and bitter flesh, green when unripe and bluish black when ripe, used as food and as

17、a source of oil橄榄 fleet: 1) (the fleet)a countrys navy(某国)海军 2) a group of ships sailing together舰队,船队 ( 3) fleet of sth : group of sth 一群,一队glimpse: v. see or perceive briefly or partially瞥见;看一看 n. a momentary or partial view一瞥,一看 peep: v. 1) look quickly and furtively at something, especially thro

18、ugh a narrow opening(尤指从缝隙中)偷看,窥探 2) be just visible; appear slowly or partly or through a small opening隐现;缓慢出现 3) make a high-pitched sound of this kind发出吱吱声;嘀咕 Now and then she peeped to see if he was noticing her 她时不时地偷眼看他是否在注意自己。 If you are a nature-lover, the walk through the country to Lake Ke

19、llymore is wonderful and as it takes less than an hour, it is well worth the effort. This big inland lake is lovely for swimming. The fishing is said to be excellent, through Ive no personal experience with it.it is well worth 很值得It was well worth waiting for.这件事倒是很值得等待。This film is well worth seein

20、g.这部电影很有看头。 In the center of Garrick is the village square. Like many of the “roads: in Garrick, the square is unpaved but rock hard from centuries of foot traffic. Dominating the square are a couple of silver-barked trees which in the spring are alive with nesting birds. Between the trees are a sta

21、tue and a fountain. Around the square are a few inexpensive restaurants, a couple of bars, and some little shops. Right in the middle of the square is a small store run by an old lady, who sells everything from sweets to T-shirts. Locals and visitors alike sit for hours over a drink in one of the ba

22、rs, watching nothing much happen.Pave: v. cover (a piece of ground) with flat stones or bricks; lay paving over用石(或砖)铺(路);铺砌,铺筑 be paved with : (路面等)以.铺成 pave the way for : create the circumstances to enable (something) to happen or be done为(某事物)创造条件, 为铺平道路Their economic policy pave the way for indu

23、strial expansion.他们的经济政策为工业发展铺平了道路。alive with 充满, 挤满 He is alive with enthusiasm.他热情奋发。The lake was alive with fish.这湖中有很多鱼。 alike: adj. of two or more subjects) similar to each other (两者或多者)彼此相似的 一般作表语 e.g The twin sisters are so much alike that it is almost impossible to know one from the other. 这

24、两个孪生姐妹长相极为相像,几乎无法把她们俩区分开。 Adv.1) in the same or a similar way相同地,相似地 2)used to show that something applies equally to a number of specified subjects同等对待地,一视同仁地 Eg: he talked in a friendly manner to staff and patients alike. 他对员工和病人都用同样的友好方式交谈。 over: expressing duration, while持续;在期间 Over a drink: whi

25、le drinking beer or coffee nothing much: very little, not a great amount; nothing of importance数量不多;没什么重要的From the village square a dirt track leads you down through tall trees to the beach in a few minutes. This is a magnificent stretch of pale yellow sand, overlooked by bamboos and a few trees, wh

26、ich stretches away to the horizon. There is just one bar on the beach which serves light lunches and drinks. 从村庄广场出发,沿着一条土路,穿过大树林,要不了几分钟,便可来到河滩。这儿有一片竹林和几棵绿树,脚下是一望无际的浅黄沙滩,很是壮丽。河滩上只有一家酒吧,供应清淡的午饭和饮料。dirt track: a course made of rolled cinders for motorcycle racing or of earth for flat racing(供摩托车比赛用的)煤

27、渣道;(无障碍赛跑用的)泥土跑道 magnificent: adj. 1) impressively beautiful, elaborate, or extravagant; striking壮丽的,华丽的;豪华的;宏伟的 2) very good; excellent极好的;卓越的 These magnificent ancient buildings demonstrate the great intelligence of the labouring people.这些壮丽的古代建筑显示了劳动人民的高度智慧。 stretch: v. extend, be made or be capa

28、ble of being made longer or wider without tearing or breaking伸展,延伸;延展;被拉长;被拉宽 The procession stretched for several miles.游行队伍延伸了数英里。 n. a continuous area or expanse of land or water(陆地,水域)连绵,连绵的一片,连续的一段 Its a very dangerous stretch of road.这是一段非常危险的路。The local people are farmers or fishermen, though

29、 more and more are now building extra rooms on their property, which they let as bed-and breakfast rooms to visitors in the summer. However, so far there are no large hotels and the village has avoided the effects of mass tourism and kept its character and charm.let(V-T)If you let your house or land

30、 to someone, you allow them to use it in exchange for money that they pay you regularly. 出租英国英语- rent她把房间租给大学生。e.g.She let rooms to university students.so far 迄今为止,到目前为止So far, so good.迄今为止, 一切顺利。、Do you remember how the writer expresses the following ideas in italics? If not, find them in the text.

31、 Answers1. delightfully, unspoiled2. bus ride, heavy3. glimpse, peeping, shyly4. unpaved, rock hard, from centuries of foot traffic5. silver-barked, dominate, alive with, nesting6. runs, everything from to 7. locals and visitors alike, over a drink8. stretch, magnificent, stretches, overlooked by9.

32、serves, light10. extra, property, let11. so far, avoided the effects of mass tourismGuess the meaning of the following words and phrases according to the text. Then, try to rewrite the following sentences with them. 1. Professional writers and free-lance writers alike are thought to lead a life of g

33、lamour. 2. Her brother is capable of running a large company. 3. The building under construction will dominate this city. 4. The lake is alive with goldfish, which are an attraction to tourists.5. In order to make money, the old man lets one of his rooms to a businessman. 6. The field of wheat stret

34、ches as far as we can see. 7. As for nutrients, we need everything from iron to vitamins. 8. Dinner is served from six to ten in the evening at this hotel. Read the following pair of sentences and say why the second one is preferred over the first. A wide, clear river along the banks of which are a

35、fleet of fishing boats flows through the village.Through the village flows a wide, clear river, along the banks of which are a fleet of fishing boats.Sentence b is preferred over a for two reasons. For balance in the structure: The noun phrase of the subject has a large modifying structure (i.e., th

36、e attributive clause: along the banks of which are a fleet of fishing boats). For improved organization of information: As the previous sentences are talking about the village, therefore the topic village serves as old information in the new sentence and hence is not appropriate to be placed at the

37、end of the sentence. For more information about the organization of information in a sentence, check the English grammar about the concept of end weight. In the spirit of the above discussion, rewrite the following sentences.Answers for reference1. On the table are two books, one on physics and the

38、other on geometry.2. In the river is a boat and in the boat is a man. 3. Through the park winds a river, along the banks of which stand a great number of olive trees.4. At the foot of the hill stands a temple, in which live nine old monks. Dictation scriptI live in a large village in the countryside

39、 by the beach . Around my village lie fertile fields, in which grow a variety of crops throughout the year . In such a lovely environment you can avoid many urban troubles such as noise , pollution ,and heavy traffic. I love to walk into the open country form time to time in the early morning, to en

40、joy the fresh air and watch the sun rise above the horizon. Through my village stretches a wide road, along the sides of which stand tall silver-barked trees. On fixed dates ,the road serves as a free market. It is alive with local people who come to sell their farm produce and buy things for their

41、households.Put the following sentences into English.1. West Lake in Hangzhou attracts tourists from home and abroad alike. 2. Through our campus flows a small river, along the banks of which stand many willow trees.3. The field of wheat stretches to the small hill.4. This restaurant serves delicious food.5. So far, we are satisfied with his work. 6. It is said that some foreign guests will come to visit our campus. 7. This supermarket sells everything from household electric appliances to matches. 8. This building is let to a businessperson.



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