七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Its raining Section A课件 人教新目标版

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1、 Unit 6 Its raining!Section ASection A1.描述并谈论天气描述并谈论天气2.描述正在发生的事情描述正在发生的事情学习现在学习现在 进行时的用法进行时的用法教学目标教学目标New words 点击查看点击查看动画词汇动画词汇rain 下雨下雨New words windy 有风的;多风的有风的;多风的New words cloudy 多云的;阴天的多云的;阴天的sunny 阳光充足的阳光充足的New words 点击查看点击查看动画词汇动画词汇snow 下雪下雪New words 点击查看点击查看动画词汇动画词汇Explanation rainy; windy

2、; cloudy; sunny rainy, windy, cloudy, sunny是由rain, wind, cloud, sun加后缀-y (sunny 双写n再加y)构成的形容词,用来表示天气状况,意思分别为 “下雨的;多雨的“、“有风的;多风的”、“多云的;阴天的”、“晴朗的;阳光充足的”。 以后我们还将会学到几组类似结构的词:snow (n. 雪) snowy (adj.下雪的;有雪的), fog (n. 雾) foggy (adj. 有雾的;多雾的), 等。 weather 天气;气候天气;气候New words 点击查看点击查看动画词汇动画词汇cook 烹调;煮烹调;煮New

3、words 点击查看点击查看动画词汇动画词汇study 学习学习New words 点击查看点击查看动画词汇动画词汇bad 坏的;劣质的坏的;劣质的New words 点击查看点击查看动画词汇动画词汇New words terrible 很糟的;极坏的;可怕的很糟的;极坏的;可怕的The weather is terrible. 天气很糟。天气很糟。pretty 相当;很;颇相当;很;颇What a pretty little garden! 多么漂亮的小花园!多么漂亮的小花园!1. raining _2. windy_3. cloudy _4. sunny _5. snowing_adebc

4、1aMatch the words with the pictures.这是谈论天气的常用表达法之一。询问天气这是谈论天气的常用表达法之一。询问天气状况,英语中常见的有两种句式:状况,英语中常见的有两种句式:How is the weather .? Whats the weather like .?其答语常用:其答语常用:Its sunny / rainy / cloudy / windy / snowy . 天气晴朗天气晴朗 / 有雨有雨 / 多云多云 / 有风有风 / 有雪有雪 Its warm / hot / cool / cold. 天暖和天暖和 / 炎热炎热 / 凉爽凉爽 / 寒冷

5、寒冷Hows the weather in Shanghai? Its cloudy.拓展英语中表示雨或风的大小英语中表示雨或风的大小,不用不用big或或small, 习惯上使用下列说法:习惯上使用下列说法:heavy rain大雨大雨 light rain小雨小雨strong wind大风大风 soft wind和风和风拓展1. raining _2. windy_3. cloudy _4. sunny _5. snowing_adebcMoscowTorontoShanghaiBostonBeijing1bListen and write these city names in the b

6、oxes.1bTapescriptConversation 1Tom: Hey, Peter. Happy New Year!Peter: Happy New Year, Tom!Tom: Hows the weather down there in Shanghai?Peter: Its cloudy. Hows the weather in Boston?Tom: Its windy.1bTapescriptConversation 2Peter: Hi, Aunt Sally. Happy New Year!Aunt Sally: Hello, Peter. Happy New Year

7、!Peter: Hows the weather in Moscow?Aunt Sally: Oh, its snowing right now.Conversation 3Peter: So, hows the weather there in Beijing?Girl: Its sunny.1bTapescriptConversation 4Peter: Happy New Year, Uncle Bill!Uncle Bill: Happy New Year, Peter!Peter: Hows the weather in Toronto?Tom: Its raining, as us

8、ual!A: Hows the weather in your city?B: Its.Hows the weather in?1cImagine you are in one of the places in the pictures above. Talk about the weather.Hows the weather in Beijing?Its sunny.Hows the weather in Shanghai?Its cloudy.Hows the weather in Toronto?Its raining.Hows the weather in Boston?Its wi

9、ndy.Hows the weather in Moscow?Its snowing.CCTV Weather ReportHows the weather in?21432aListen. Number 1-4 the pictures as you hear them.2b1._ Uncle Joe a. is playing computer games.2._ Jeff b. is cooking.3._Mary c. is playing basketball.4. _ Aunt Sarah d. is watching TV.Listen again. Match the name

10、s with the activities.cadb2a,2bTapescriptScott: Hello, Lucy. This is Scott. Happy New Year!Lucy: Happy New Year, Scott!Scott: Is Uncle Joe there?Lucy: No, he isnt. hes outside.Scott: Oh? Whats he doing?Lucy: Hes playing basketball.Scott: Is Aunt Sarah there?Lucy: Yes, she is, but shes busy right now

11、.Scott: Whats she doing? Lucy: Shes cooking.Scott: How about Mary? Whats she doing?Lucy: Nothing much. Shes only watching TV. I can get her. Scott: Thanks. And can I say “Hi” to Jeff, too?Lucy: Sure. Hes playing computer games.Hows the weather? Its raining.What are you doing? I m watching TV.What ar

12、e they doing? Theyre studying.Whats he doing? Hes playing basketball.Whats she doing? Shes cooking.Hows it going? Great!Grammar Focus Its great.Hows it going? 是询问处境或事情现在的状是询问处境或事情现在的状况如何。况如何。great在口语中意为在口语中意为“妙;好妙;好”。如:。如: Hows everything? 一切都好吧?一切都好吧? Great!很好!很好! How is your study? 你的学习情况如何?你的学习情况

13、如何? Terrible! 糟透了。糟透了。 Hows the life? 日子过得如何?日子过得如何? Not bad!不错!不错! How is it going? Hows it going (with you)? Hows everything going?GreatPretty goodTerribleNot bad3aMatch the words with the faces in the box.一. 对于一个或多个事物提问,询问他们是什么 或属于什么,如: What are these on the table?二. 询问某人的职业身份,头衔相貌等,如: What does

14、your mother do? 三. 询问时间 价格 号码 距离 尺寸 体积 面积等 数字,如: Whats your telephone number, please?小结小结what与与how的用法的用法 what的用法的用法四. 询问数学中加 减 乘 除等运算结果是多少, 如: Whats eleven plus five?五. 询问对某人或某事的看法, 如: What do you think of our English teacher?六. What+名词,如: What sport do you like best?小结小结what与与how的用法的用法 what的用法的用法ho

15、w是疑问副词,主要询问方式 状态或程度,表示“如何”“怎么样”,在特殊疑问句中常作状语或表语。如:一. 询问某动作执行方式,如: How do you usually go to work?二. 询问某人或某事的状态,如: How is the computer ?小结小结what与与how的用法的用法 how的用法的用法三 .询问某人的品行或对某事物的评价,如: How do you like Chinese food?四. How+形容词用语询问年龄 身高或高度 体 积重量等,如: How tall is that tree behind the house? How old is you

16、r brother?小结小结what与与how的用法的用法 how的用法的用法五五 询问频率询问频率 常以how often 的形式出现,表示“多久, 多长时间”, 用于对动作发生的频率进行提问,如对once / twice / three times等等提问。如: I write to my parents once a month. How often do you write to your parents? how often 也可以对表示频度的副词如:sometimes,usually,always等进行提问。小结小结what与与how的用法的用法 how的用法的用法六六 询问数量询

17、问数量 how many 用于对可数名词前的数量进行提问。注意:how many后面必须接复数名词,涉及到数的变化时,前后要一致。如: I can see seven kites in the sky. How many kites can you see in the sky? There is only one bottle on the table. How many bottles are there on the table? 小结小结what与与how的用法的用法 how的用法的用法how(怎样怎样)HowHow oldHow aboutHow muchHow manyHow is it going?Hows the weather?拓展http:/ the new words and sentences in this period.Do activity 3b and 4 in Section A.Prepare the new words for the next period.



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