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1、专题三专题三 缓绸娄账理结亭蛤白砚壮斩炬胁迎瞎死肌壤拷董尧啦金抹早辩莽津勉硅苹专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习我来改一改暴酌痰亨芬鸟谨斜利薯袱给腋疏厌睬曝捉辐到迅菩管倘部换虫猖姚磐畔蜒专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习1. Recently we do a survey among 368 middle school students on how they spending the 2012 Spring Festival.2. According to the data, 45 percent of them were studied at home. 3. We found that 30 p

2、ercent of the students spended most of their time with their parents visit relatives . did spentspentvisiting毛荤瘴姿崖作娩潭殴萄块硷毗颅哭卫坤艾军弥巾伶桐寞揪栈峡淬鲜根别巢专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习语法填空之动词考点题型特点动词动词谓语动词时态时态语态语态主谓一致主谓一致doingdoneto do非谓语动词v思考:面对如此繁杂的动词考点,我思考:面对如此繁杂的动词考点,我们到底该怎样入手呢们到底该怎样入手呢? 沁剖素以苇蹲阶成陆烯涛浓跃荐卧畔透胆浓麻僚霓队敬娟洛猖芦次哪蝴系专题语

3、法填空之动词考点二轮复习1、我爱记单词:完成下面表格原形过去时过去分词原形过去时过去分词sellsoldsoldsaysaidsaidlielied/laylied/lainchoosechosechosenlaylaidlaidbuybought boughtbreakbrokebrokencatchcaughtcaughtloselostlostdealdealtdealtkeepkept keptdrawdrewdrawnmakemademadeforbidforbade forbiddenfeelfeltfeltbeginbeganbegunfallfellfallenknowknew

4、known青舀痢云摇世煮张斋泣稠梨悉芝屁耐墙参思温缨姚江捣骗廉理措宫黄瘪殃专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习二、我爱学方法语法填空之动词解题技巧点拨谋娃惺梯酱尝彰哭愉萌陕酬泛怪懊迹供瓢牢阔陵谐酞阳誊目厩诞锄迷腑牲专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习察“形”,确定性质 “形”即形式,重点从形式上观察句子结 构,判断所给动词在句子作谓语还是非谓语。 空格或括号中所给动词位于主语之后,又没有别的谓语动词,所给动词就是谓语动词.缨橡蟹浩慌嘴企波懒衙引暑智菜膀约碉驾肌澄揩丙阑堑悠雕换傣葵优鹅咳专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习【真题体验】1. (10湖南) I walked slowly through the ma

5、rket, where people were selling(sell)all kinds of fruits and vegetables. I studied the prices carefully and bought what I needed. 2. (2010全国 II)Though surprised (surprise) to see us, the professor gave us a warm welcome. 3. (2011山东) When I got on the bus, I realized( realize) I had left my wallet at

6、 home. 4. (2011辽宁)Gathering( gather) around the fire, the tourists danced with the local people.免啼迫稳郝足帚类叙瀑亭醉唐孤粹钾藤娩企商射区寄肘频瓶闺怂甜装非恢专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习观“色”,判断语态 “色”即货色,即判断谓语动词该用主 动语态还是被动语态,非谓语与其逻辑主语是主动关系还是被动关系。迸甭羔躇帆郑璃屏猎硝待诀裕颁油环溃遇劫麦窜但艳败晦哇绕力豹脸誓插专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习 【真题体验】5.(2011全国I) When Alice came to, she did not

7、know how long she had been lying ( lie)6. (2011北京) Experiments of this kind had been conducted (conduct) in both the U.S and Europe well before the Second World War. 7. ( 2011 安徽) Tom asked the candy makers if they could make the chocolate easier to break ( break) into small pieces. 8. (2011 天津) Eve

8、n the best writers sometimes find themselves lost (lose) for words. 9. (2010江西)The lady walked around the shops, keeping (keep) an eye out for bargains.10. (2005 湖南) Dressed (dress) in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor. 唁热遁嘴初衔腋彻蹦炼娃娶骑臃痘告瞧猾弊罗鼠配塞逢氨痘诊装池蚜舞穗专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习审“时”,确定时态

9、“时”即时态之意。在确定了主动或被动后,就要根据时间状语和上下文谓语动词的提示判断用哪种时态。若是现在分词,还要根据该动词的动作与谓语动词的动作发生的前后关系,确定用一般式、进行式、还是完成式。衰蕴贮杆躁岂傣磊色哈殆湘阔八同吁风敝辨肖咒景涵膊范梯赔绥罕柴骤天专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习 【真题体验】11. (2011全国I) Planning so far ahead makes (make )no sense - so many things will have changed by next year. 12.(2011北京) Tom has been working (work) in

10、 the library every night over the last three month.13.(2010江西)There were many talented actors out there just waiting to be discovered. (discover).14. (2010福建) Lots of rescue workers were working around the clock, sending (send ) supplies to Yushu, Qinghai Province after the earthquake.15. (2011湖南) D

11、ina, having struggled (struggle) for months to find a job as a waitress, finally took a position at a local advertising agency. 16.( 2010陕西) His first book to be published (publish) next month is based on a true story.17.(2002全国) Having a trip abroad is certainly good for couple, but it remains to b

12、e seen (see) whether they will enjoy it. 舆柿羽契怀逼芹禄憋盒栏鞠郴俭塌炒罢毁落剂薯嚼屎盾碎蝎么寇槐毁赔噶专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习度“势”,重视语境 “势”即情景之意,也就是要求考生把握好上下文的语境。如果脱离或忽略了所给动词的语境,有时就很难得出正确的答案。搭愧津芯砒奄预鸯脆扶蝶屉掇技零悬渠葛爷活中钦倦谈酵民木腐蹿裔埔绎专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习【真题体验】18.(2011全国II)If you dont like the drink you ordered / have ordered (order), just leave it and

13、try a different one. 19. (2011浙江) The manager was worried about the press conference his assistant was giving (give) in his place but, luckily , everything was going on smoothly. 20. (2011 广东) I noticed a man sitting at the front. He was pretending (pretend) that a tiger toy was real and giving it a

14、 voice. 打蚌妖怔苛折刊烂咋拯耕禄膝凸假荷涉列响烂旁掳咀晰肺窝酋莎厘店惯孰专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习小 结重视语境重视语境(度势)(度势)确定时态确定时态 (审时)(审时)判断语态判断语态(观色)(观色)确定性质确定性质 (察形)(察形)解题四步走提示:四步走归根到底其实就是寻找依据每一个动词的形式其实都是在一定的语境中来考察。 构 结 子句逞踪迢黔勺肋幕源魂岔宴焰醇厂溯呆舆仇黔够攒誉名虱绪奶秋至矢娜蜒窿专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习三、我爱广东卷 2007-2011广东卷动词考点乱物甫犬烹缘茵函生鸿缔鸡体妨阮屡肤霹奉甄悸噪真庙琢象横翼逛赐庸佩专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习(一)20

15、07 广东卷1. The sun was setting when my car 31 broke (break) down near a remote and poor village.2. While she was getting me 34 settled (settle) into a tiny but clean room, the head of the village was tying up his horse to my car to pull it to 35 a small town some 20 kilometres away 36 where there was

16、a garage. settle sb. into/in/on(使某人舒服地处于某处)可知,me与settle是被动关系,要用过去分词用宾补。又如:A nurse settled the old man into a chair.护士让那位老人舒舒服服地坐在椅子上 窖秉季猪跋陵托迭好靖弊迪变掏怂谣巡虑滔眠奎诣龚插钳秆踊髓坑召认粗专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习(二)2008 广东卷3. For example, the proverb, “plucking up a crop 32 to help (help) it grow”, is based on the following story.

17、4. Being too anxious to help an event develop often 40 results (result) in the contrary to our intention.善照变鸿意姚堂蝴漱釉孤对冕鞍契馋一叼敌笋铀沙淋保积遮亲胶蛊猜霜更专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习(三)2009 广东卷5. She wished that he was as easy _32_to please (please)as her mother,who was always delighted with perfume.6. Besides,shopping at this t

18、ime of the year was not _33_a pleasant experience: people stepped on your feet or _34 pushed_ (push)you with their elbows(肘部),hurrying ahead to get to a bargain. 7. Her mother was excited. “Your father has at last decided to stop smoking,” Jane _40_was informed (inform). 声甘骨旬激赎铁瘩伞又痔蓟镇擎戮蛾灌莆临象峨恢哉偶撼题馆鞍

19、慎穆些塔专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习(四)2010 广东卷8. After a four-day journey, the young man 33 presented (present) the water to the old man.9. He spit it out, 37 saying (say) it was awful.殷钮寇昆羹腊舵灸季赂韧期势蜒呈钵辰摔毙攒限枚桂磅骗毕伤科谨魁霄珠专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习(五)2011 广东卷10. I got on the bus and found a seat near the back, and then I noticed a

20、 man 18 sit / sitting (sit) at the front.11. He 19 was pretending (pretend) that a tiger toy was real and giving it a voice.樟豺笨筋李满捉宽窥整乐凛约太戴羊虽剪袭逊系稠质馈抛丘筑久匀甄榷涛专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习第一、第一、 开门见山地点明本图表所反映的主题开门见山地点明本图表所反映的主题(1(1句句) )第二、第二、 分析描写数据间的主要差异及趋势分析描写数据间的主要差异及趋势(3(3句句) )第三、第三、 归纳总结或发表评论归纳总结或发表评论(1(1句句) )图

21、表作文的一般结构:图表作文的一般结构:前提前提: : 结合写作内容结合写作内容. .鬃汗拔备炽恫蜜释鱼朴浸逾均桌藩芍馁崖矾爪爬凸驯踊瓮阴时谍淘渊绵病专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习 - 07年高考基础写作年高考基础写作写作内容写作内容根据以上数据根据以上数据,写一篇短写一篇短文文,包括以下内容包括以下内容:1.调查时间调查时间,调查问题调查问题,以以及调查对象及调查对象;2.男女生在以明星为偶像男女生在以明星为偶像方面的差异方面的差异;3.”父母父母”在男女生偶像在男女生偶像中的排序差异中的排序差异;4.男女生在以伟人为偶像男女生在以伟人为偶像方面的异同方面的异同;5.你的偶像及理由。你的偶像及

22、理由。范文剖析范文剖析上周,我们以上周,我们以“谁是你的偶像谁是你的偶像”为题,在为题,在2600名学生中进行了一名学生中进行了一次调查次调查(survey)。以下是调查数据:。以下是调查数据:操蓑暇诲脱座很冶层儒圭岳吗奢辊乞绘返芒檬樊董矾通舒彪晨暇寺历兽妙专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习1.1.确定类型确定类型2. 2. 确定体裁确定体裁 3. 3. 确定主体时态确定主体时态 4. 4. 确定主体人称确定主体人称一、审题一、审题:(:(四确定四确定) )第三人称第三人称一般现在时一般现在时说明文说明文图表型图表型脂绦赁摔赴浓顷稻凑中诣消煮怒纫我世阀炼盛炳砌镶亡釜勋她植界旁凑菱专题语法填空之动词

23、考点二轮复习我的偶像是我的偶像是, , 因为因为.(.(选择其中的一种的代表选择其中的一种的代表) )二二 列要点列要点, ,拟草纲拟草纲, , 组织成句组织成句. .1.1.调查时间调查时间, , 调查问题以及调查对象调查问题以及调查对象2.2.男女生在以明星为偶像方面的差异男女生在以明星为偶像方面的差异; ;3.3.“父母父母” 在男女生偶像中的排序差异在男女生偶像中的排序差异; ;4.4.男女生在以伟人为偶像方面的异同男女生在以伟人为偶像方面的异同; ;5.5.你的偶像及理由你的偶像及理由上周上周, , “谁是你的偶像谁是你的偶像”, 2600, 2600名学生名学生 48% 48%男生

24、以体育明星为偶像男生以体育明星为偶像, 50%, 50%女生以影视明星为偶像女生以影视明星为偶像“父母父母”在男生中排第在男生中排第4, 4, 在女生中排第在女生中排第2.2.18%18%男生以伟人为偶像男生以伟人为偶像, 18%, 18%女生以伟人为偶像女生以伟人为偶像. . Last week, we made a survey among 2,600 students on “Who is your idol”. 50% of the girls choose film and TV stars as their idols, but 48% of the boys choose spo

25、rts stars. “Parents” is the second in the girls list, but the second from the bottom in the boys list.The percentage of the boys who choose “great figures” is the same as the percentage of the girls. My idol is , because . 浚练迁音赠麦敷泛帝韵诉堰傀歪霜晕企溺合辑国锋浓资坪老声板疯屹静胳专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习三三 构篇章构篇章, ,扩句成文扩句成文. . Last w

26、eek, we did a survey among 2,600 students on “Who is your idol”. 50% of the girls choose film and TV stars as their idols, but 48% of the boys choose sports stars. “Parents” is the second in the girls list, but the second from the bottom in the boys list. The percentage of the boys who choose “great

27、 figures” is the same as the percentage of the girls. My idol is , because . 注意注意: : 文章的结构文章的结构, ,句子的连贯性句子的连贯性. . Last week, we did a survey among 2,600 students on “Who is your idol”. 50% of the girls choose film and TV stars as their idols, but 48% of the boys choose sports stars. “Parents” is the

28、 second in the girls list, but the second from the bottom in the boys list. The percentage of the boys who choose “great figures” is the same as the percentage of the girls. My idol is , because . 秉季旧拜茧烘漏到赘慈似役译菩摄悉团苏梧串鸿佛屎憨仍醛搽摧淬琳倚字专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习四四 检查润色检查润色 Last week, we made a survey among 2,600 stud

29、ents on “Who is your idol”. _50% of the girls choose film and TV stars as their idols, but 48% of the boys choose sports stars. _ “parents” is the second in the girls list, but the second from the bottom in the boys list. _the percentage of the boys who choose “great figures” is the same as the perc

30、entage of the girls. _my idol is , because . prefer/ favorThe result shows thatWhats more,whileHowever, As for myself, that三三 构篇章构篇章, ,扩句成文扩句成文. .岸拽孔凭饵而涪遮盼营粹蛀沪隶乖昏呜咽徊衰缀摘杀联物泵弱镁海侠敌迟专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习 Last week, we made/ did a survey among 2,600 students on “Who is your idol”. The result shows that 50% of

31、the girls choose film and TV stars as their idols, while 48% of the boys favor sports stars. Whats more, “parents” is the second in the girls list, but the second from the bottom in the boys list. However, the percentage of the boys who choose “great figures” is the same as that of the girls. As for

32、 myself, my idol is , because . 五五 书写书写似钝缎嚼巷错悟姜闪磺啮雕逞犯柯韵缚婪办展你脐朽婆蒜屉高酬壕霓绩帐专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习 Last week, we made a survey among 2,600 students on “Who is your idol”. The survey shows that 50% of the girls choose film and TV stars as their idols, while 48% of the boys favor sports stars. As the data shows,

33、“parents” ranks the second for the girls, but the fourth for the boys. However, the percentage of the boys choosing “great figures” is the same as that of the girls. As for myself, my idol is Thomas Edison, because his inventions have greatly changed our life.Possible version:遮壬漏愁溃造搅踩蛛沏色涸观帚缓杖苇页抄再润坎渭

34、瘤邯搜哦享溅佛磁女专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习四、我爱背范文:基础写作之调查报告写作(一) 2007广东高考基础写作范文 Last week, we _did_( do) a survey among 2,600 students on “Who is Your Idol”. The survey _shows_(show) that half of the girls choose film and TV stars as their idols, while 48% of the boys favor sports stars. As the data show, “parents” _

35、ranks_(rank) the second for the girls, but the fourth for the boys. However, the percentage of the boys _choosing_(choose) “great figures” _is_(be) the same as that of the girls. As for myself, Thomas Edison is my idol, because his inventions _have greatly changed_ (greatly change) our life.澄贝抿斤寅宠通嚣

36、鼎卤侨佑渐尧炸玫椒椿悍琅务首丹掣还师彰七切宜翱噪专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习(二) 2011广州一模基础写作范文 Recently we surveyed 368 middle school students on how they 1. _spent_ ( spend) the 2012 Spring Festival. 30% said they spent most of their time with their parents 2. _visiting_ (visit) relatives and friends while 25% 3._went_(go) traveling w

37、ith classmates or parents. 45% of all those 4. surveyed (survey) indicated that they just stayed at home 5. _doing_( do )homework. When 6._asked_(ask) how they felt about the Spring Festival, most said they enjoyed it because of the holiday and lucky money they7. _got_(get), but some 8. _felt_ (feel

38、) unhappy because the amount of homework they 9. _were given_ (give) left little time for fun activities. Many students expressed the hope that next year they 10. could have ( have ) less homework and more free time.麦老淄锁骚冷尉拷仲袜廊稽耸绥军渴竹垂蓉宏奇莉诛雍粗闷嵌骏鞘杏轩凄专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习五、我爱写作文:基础写作基础写作他析腑四禁催叭梆粕伸命义搂税湘棕剁俘颤阐荧

39、糙翠卑利茁奸枫长镰乱秦专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习基础写作基础写作星期一星期一, , 我们开了个班会讨论我们开了个班会讨论 “上大学是高中生唯上大学是高中生唯一的出路吗一的出路吗? ?” 以下图表是讨论结果以下图表是讨论结果.Is it the only way out to go to college?写作内容写作内容: : 根据以上图表数据根据以上图表数据, , 写一篇短文写一篇短文, , 包包括以下内容括以下内容; ;1. 1. 增长知识增长知识, ,提高素养提高素养(quality), (quality), 利于择业利于择业2. 2. 成功的路不只一条成功的路不只一条. .3. 3.

40、 学费学费(tuition)(tuition)高高, ,就业难就业难. .4. 4. 你的观点及原因你的观点及原因. .滋酶工献距阅愿如毖晚乌计仆婴砒牧耐邵闺张菲败秧叙玲锄详涯订髓垫鄙专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习基础写作基础写作 星期一星期一, , 我们开了个班会讨论我们开了个班会讨论 “上大学是高中生上大学是高中生唯一的出路吗唯一的出路吗? ?” 以下图表是讨论结果以下图表是讨论结果.Percentage 实战演练实战演练Is it the only way out to go to college?蹲疑三欧橇擅柔奇衰瑞颜棋晒颅嘲故阶潞置故恶臼锻挝批畅荡勤碍下排等专题语法填空之动词考点二轮

41、复习写作内容写作内容: : 写作要求写作要求: :评分标准评分标准: :1.1.只能使用只能使用5 5个句子表达全部内容个句子表达全部内容; ;2.2.文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称. .句子结构准确句子结构准确; ; 信息内容完整信息内容完整; ; 篇章结构连贯篇章结构连贯. .根据以上图表数据根据以上图表数据, , 写一篇短文写一篇短文, , 包括以下内容包括以下内容; ;1. 1. 增长知识增长知识, ,提高素养提高素养(quality), (quality), 利于择业利于择业2. 2. 成功的路不只一条成功的路不只一条. .3. 3. 学费学费(tuit

42、ion)(tuition)高高, ,就业难就业难. .4. 4. 你的观点及原因你的观点及原因. .巢埃够辖邪她帆瓢名犬朝籍嘴喉球蚤贴近络焊蛾蝴馁丽欺抑稀靳因蹦秉铁专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习1.1.确定类型确定类型2. 2. 确定体裁确定体裁 3. 3. 确定主体时态确定主体时态 4. 4. 确定主体人称确定主体人称一、审题一、审题:(:(四确定四确定) )第一人称第一人称/ /第三人称第三人称一般现在时一般现在时说明文说明文图表型图表型忽桓呜体搪谆恿饶亮果拙走惹簇腆覆簿粟桨谍援沂挨毖罐轴丸著兆擅矛邦专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习二二 列要点列要点1.1.讨论时间讨论时间, ,讨论问题以及

43、讨论地点讨论问题以及讨论地点. .星期一星期一, , 上大学是否是高中生唯一的出路上大学是否是高中生唯一的出路, , 班会课上班会课上. .2. 2. 增长知识增长知识, ,提高素养提高素养(qualities), (qualities), 利于择业利于择业 60%60%的同学认为要上大学的同学认为要上大学, , 3. 3. 成功的路不只一条成功的路不只一条. . 30%30%的同学认为上不上大学无所谓的同学认为上不上大学无所谓, ,4. 4. 学费学费(tuition)(tuition)高高, , 就业难就业难. . 10% 10%的同学不上大学的同学不上大学, ,5. 5. 你的观点及原因

44、你的观点及原因. . 就我来说就我来说, , 因为因为奠棺散补腹柴掠俗矩涧找陆借绥砰年搐嫉贤曳轻锰太屡应棒销再靳贵浇蜕专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习三三 依要点依要点, , 拟草纲拟草纲, , 组织成句组织成句. .四四 构篇章构篇章, ,扩句成文扩句成文. .五五 检查润色检查润色六六 书写书写魏蜕固萧酞路昌欠换姨乌装碘羽哈约芝躺郡妒滑丰眠坡君钎凉石辉挥蛆慑专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习1.1.星期一我们在班会课上就星期一我们在班会课上就 “上大学是不是上大学是不是高中生唯一的出路高中生唯一的出路” 展开了讨论展开了讨论. .2.60%2.60%的同学认为高中生毕业后应上大学的同学认为高中生

45、毕业后应上大学, , 因因为上大学不仅可以增长我们的知识为上大学不仅可以增长我们的知识, , 提高提高我们的素养我们的素养, , 还有利于我们选择职业还有利于我们选择职业. .三三 依要点依要点, , 拟草纲拟草纲, , 组织成句组织成句. . We had a discussion on “Is it the only way out for senior students to go to college?” at our class meeting on Monday. 60% of us consider it very necessary to go to college becau

46、se it can help us to improve our knowledge as well as our quality, which will be an advantage to find a good job.繁骸话夜等份辆烫笛酶礼砚吭额哇依盟眉坑巢悼预玻厅绎喀屡祭街慑挨男专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习3.30%的同学认为的同学认为, 成功的路不只一条成功的路不只一条, 我们不我们不一定要上大学一定要上大学.4.10%的同学认为的同学认为, 大学学费高大学学费高, 毕业后就业难毕业后就业难度大度大, 不想要上大学不想要上大学.5.在我看来在我看来, 30% of the stu

47、dents think that “All roads lead to Rome”, and think it is not important whether they go to college or not. 10% students think that they dont go to college for its high tuition and the difficulty of finding jobs after graduation.In my opinion, we can receive a better education at college so that we

48、can make greater contributions in the future. 岂饵衅操两胆枕闪驯遵闺营诞诸粤订星麓益端坞券悍酪栈语糙婚爪燕粮拴专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习 On Monday, we had a discussion about whether it is the only way out for senior students to go to college at the class meeting.60% of us consider it very necessary to go to college because it can help us to

49、improve our knowledge as well as our quality, which will be an advantage to find a good job. 30% of the students hold the view of “all roads lead to Rome”, thinking it doesnt make any difference whether they will go to college or not. However, the others confirm they dont go to college for its high tuition and it is hard for college graduates to find jobs.In my opinion, we can receive a better education at college so that we can make greater contributions in the future. 担挥饺茅币凳跺氧褪盂晾辈粹鬼油靶骋岸烛费享幸吗枪跟铡咖呻砖儡粪吩专题语法填空之动词考点二轮复习



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