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1、词词汇汇应应用用1. to 2. at 3. to 4. for 5. with 6. singing 7. about 8. to work 9. up 10. to help 11. from 12. to ; with 13. to1.This book must belong _ Carla.2. He said he is still _ his optometrist appointment now.3. Its crucial _ the development of our society.4.The earrings might be a present _ his moth

2、er.5. They saw a woman _ a camera.6.There must be someone _(sing) in the next room.7.He is very anxious _ his test.8. He is pretending _ (work) hard.9.Yesterday he used _ all his money.10.He always attempts _ (help) others.11. Last three killers escaped _ the prison.12.I like music that I can dance

3、_ and sing along _.13. I prefer apples _ bananas.(介词介词)(词的正确形式填空词的正确形式填空)词词汇汇应应用用14. of 15. has made 16. to see 17. on 18. musical 19. On 20. to visit 21. to win 22. to do 23. from 24. To ; healthy 25. in14.It reminded me _ my dog.15. He _ (make) many movies over the years.16.Be sure _ (see) the sho

4、w in Changyuan.17. Many good pictures are _ display.18. We have seen many _ (music) groups.19. _ a Monday morning I went to the zoo last year.20.It is a good place _ (visit) .21. I expect him _( win) in the football match.22. I dont know what _(do) next.23. We should stay away _ the sugar.24. _ be h

5、onest , I would like to stay _(health).25. Most people are _ agreement that fruit and vegetables are good for health.(介词介词)(词的正确形式填空词的正确形式填空)巧巧辨辨相相关关词词Because / because ofBecause / because ofbecause +从句从句because of +名词短语名词短语1.She is very tired _ he has several late nights.2. John cant go to school _

6、 his illness. be sure to do / be sure of be sure to do sth :务必做某事务必做某事,一定做某事一定做某事 be sure of sth: 确信确信,对对有把握有把握Be sure _ write and give me all the news.Are you sure _ these facts?1. 1.-Whose volleyball is this? -It must belong to-Whose volleyball is this? -It must belong to_. . A. Jack B. Jacks A. J

7、ack B. Jacks 2. -There is 2. -There is _ _ snow outside, and its snow outside, and its _ cold. cold. A. much too B. too much A. much too B. too much 3. The earring might be a present 3. The earring might be a present _ _ her mother. her mother. A. to B. for C. of A. to B. for C. of4 4. The book is o

8、n Lilys desk. . The book is on Lilys desk. _ _ it is hers. it is hers. A. Might B. May be C. Maybe A. Might B. May be C. Maybe5 5. The tiger may regard people as. The tiger may regard people as_ _ to eat. to eat. A. good something B. something delicious A. good something B. something deliciousEXERCI

9、SESEXERCISES 6. I didnt hear the phone. I _ asleep. A. must be B. must have ben C. should be D. should have been 7. Mary _ be in Paris. I saw her in town only a few minutes ago. A. mustnt B. shouldnt C. cant D. may notB. must have beenB. must have beenC. cantC. cant 8. Peter _ come with us tonight,

10、but he isnt very sure yet. A. must B. may C. can D. will 9. I thought you _ like something to read, so I have brought you some books. A. may B. might C. could D. mustB. mayB. mayB. mightB. might10.IlikemusicthatIcandance.A.with B.toC.alongD.on11.Someofherfamousphotosaredisplayinthisexhibition.A.onB.

11、inC.at D.about12.JoevisitLondonlastyear.A.didB.realC.wasD.goesto4.Mathsdoesntmeatall.interestingB.interestC.interestedD.interests13.Iwanttobuyabookradio.A.from B.toC.forD.aboutBAABD14.Isingingtodancing.A.likeB.enjoyC.loveD.prefer15.Hehasafriendwhothepianoverywell.A.play B.playingC.playsD.played16.It

12、stoolate.Igohomenow,ormyparentswillbeangrywithme.A.havetoB.haveC.mayD.can17.Thoughitwaslate,hewentonwithhiswork.A.butB.andC.soD.18.Wewillhaveaholidayaftertheexam.twomonthB.two-monthC.two-monthsD.twomonthsCDBDA19.Dontworry.Thereiswithyourbaby.A.somethingwrong B.nothingwrongC.anythingseriousD.somethin

13、gserious20.Hedidntgotothecinema.,hewenttothepark.A.WhileB.IfC.InsteadD.Either21.Ilikesweetfood.Icecreammeverywell.A.fitB.fitsC.suitD.suits22.TheboyTVallday,hedidnothing.keepwatchingB.kepttowatchC.keepswatchingD.keptwatchingBDDC单项选择单项选择1. - Can you swim in the river?- No, I _.A. mustnt B. may not C.

14、cant D. neednt 2. - ay I go swimming now? - No, you _. You must finish your homework first.A. mustnt B. may not C. couldnt D. neednt 3. - Excuse me. Where is the zoo?- Sorry, I dont know. Ask that policeman. He _ know.A. shall B. may C. need D. would 4. _ I finish the work today? No, you neednt.A. M

15、ust B. May C. Can D. Need CABA5. - Tom, where is your father? - Im not sure. He_ in his office.A. is B. may be C. maybe D. may 6. - Where is Tom?- He hasnt come to school today. I think he_ be ill.A. has to B. should C. might D. need 7. This book _ Lucys. Look! Her name is on the book cover.A. must

16、be B. might be C. cant be D. mustnt be8. There were three girls _after them. A.look B.to look C.looking D.lookedBACC1.IlikemusicthatIcandance.A.with B.toC.alongD.on2.Someofherfamousphotosaredisplayinthisexhibition.A.onB.inC.at D.about3.JoevisitLondonlastyear.A.didB.realC.wasD.goesto4.Mathsdoesntmeat

17、all.A.interestingB.interestC.interestedD.interests5.Iwanttobuyabookradio.A.from B.toC.forD.aboutBAABD6.Isingingtodancing.A.likeB.enjoyC.loveD.prefer7.Hehasafriendwhothepianoverywell.A.play B.playingC.playsD.played8.Itstoolate.Igohomenow,ormyparentswillbeangrywithme.A.havetoB.haveC.mayD.can9.Thoughit

18、waslate,hewentonwithhiswork.A.butB.andC.soD.10.Wewillhaveaholidayaftertheexam.twomonthB.two-monthC.two-monthsD.twomonthsCDBDA11.Dontworry.Thereiswithyourbaby.A.somethingwrong B.nothingwrongC.anythingseriousD.somethingserious12.Isawhimfootballontheplaygroundyesterday.A.playB.toplayC.playedD.plays13.H



21、:情态动词与其他动词是有区别的,它本身有一定的词义,表示说话人对某一动别的,它本身有一定的词义,表示说话人对某一动作的看法和态度,但:(作的看法和态度,但:(1)不能单独作谓语,必不能单独作谓语,必须和另一个动词原形一起构成谓语须和另一个动词原形一起构成谓语;(;(2)情态动情态动词没有人称和数的变化,(词没有人称和数的变化,(3)含有情态动词的句含有情态动词的句子改为问句和否定句时,无需添加助动词,可直接子改为问句和否定句时,无需添加助动词,可直接构成问句和否定句。构成问句和否定句。 考点揭密考点揭密3.掌握常用情态动词掌握常用情态动词can, could, may, might, must

22、, need等的等的用法。用法。(1)can 可表示能力、允许、可能性、怀疑猜测,意为可表示能力、允许、可能性、怀疑猜测,意为“能,会,能,会,可以可以”;cant意为意为“不会,不能,不可以不会,不能,不可以”,还有,还有“不可能不可能”之意。之意。could为为can的过去式,用法与的过去式,用法与can类似,常用于过去时类似,常用于过去时中;中;could还可用于现在时中表示委婉客气,相当于还可用于现在时中表示委婉客气,相当于can;could也可表示惊讶怀疑,不相信,也可表示惊讶怀疑,不相信,如:如:He couldnt be a thief.(2)may表示允许、也许,意为表示允许、

23、也许,意为“可以,也许,可能可以,也许,可能”。对。对may的一般问句的回答,肯定回答一般是:的一般问句的回答,肯定回答一般是:Yes,please./Certainly/Sure等,否定回答一般是:等,否定回答一般是:Please dont./No,you cant/mustnt.might是是may的过去式,与的过去式,与may用法类似,常用于过去用法类似,常用于过去时中;用在疑问句中,还可表示委婉客气。时中;用在疑问句中,还可表示委婉客气。考点揭密考点揭密(3)must 表示必须要做的事,意为表示必须要做的事,意为“必须,应该必须,应该”。must一般问一般问句的否定回答用句的否定回答用

24、neednt或或dont have to,而不用而不用mustnt, mustnt意为意为“不可以,不能不可以,不能”,表禁止,不许可。另外,表禁止,不许可。另外,must还可表示有把握的推测,意为还可表示有把握的推测,意为“一定、肯定一定、肯定”。must的过的过去式还是去式还是must。(4)need 作情态动词主要用于问句和否定句中,意为作情态动词主要用于问句和否定句中,意为“必要必要”。need一般问句的肯定回答用一般问句的肯定回答用 must,否定回答用,否定回答用neednt,如:,如:Need I do it right now?肯定回答:肯定回答:Yes,you must。否定

25、回。否定回答:答:No, you neednt. need作行为动词,有人称、数和时态作行为动词,有人称、数和时态的变化,后接动词要加的变化,后接动词要加to do不定式。不定式。 本单元重点讲解本单元重点讲解:can / could / may / might /must /cant表示推测的用法:表示推测的用法:1、can :用于疑问句中用于疑问句中,表示可能性推测。(可能),表示可能性推测。(可能)2、could / may /might :用于用于肯定句中肯定句中,表示可能性推测。,表示可能性推测。 (可能)可能)3、must:用于用于肯定句肯定句中,表示有把握的推测中,表示有把握的推

26、测.(一定)(一定)4、cant:用于用于否定句否定句,表示不可能的推测,表示不可能的推测.(不可能(不可能)情态动词表示推测的两种情况情态动词表示推测的两种情况:1.对现在情况的推测对现在情况的推测: can/may /must/+ do(动词原形动词原形)2.对过去情况的推测对过去情况的推测: can /may /must /+have + done (过去分词过去分词) eg: He must be Lily. He must have gone to London yesterday.【例例1】Wheres Mr Li?I have something unusual to tell

27、him. You _ find him.He_Japan.2003,黑,黑龙江龙江 A.may not,has gone to B.may not, has been to C.cant,has gone to D.cant, has been to 典型例题解析典型例题解析【例例3】Where is Jack,please? He_be in the classroom.2003,杭州,杭州 A.can B.need C.would D.mustC【例例2】 Could I look at your pictures? Yes,of course you _.2003,武汉,武汉 A.cou

28、ld B.can C.will D.mightBD 【例例4】 The boy said he had to speak English in class, but he speak it after class.2003,广州,广州 A.could B.didnt have to C.might D.shouldnt 典型例题解析典型例题解析B 【例例5】These books_out of the reading room.You have to read,them here.2003,辽宁,辽宁 A.cant take B.must be taken C.can take D.mustn

29、t be taken D1._I open the window?Its hot here. A.Must B.Shall C.Will D.Would2.Go and ask Mr Liu.He _tell you. A.may B.can C.would D.could3._you please tell me the time please? A.Shall B.Will C.May D.Might4._I try out all the ideas? No,you _. A.Must,mustnt B.Need,need C.Must,dont have to D.Must,dont5

30、._I speak to Mr Green,please? A.Will B.Could C.Must D.Would 课时训练课时训练BABCB6.He said Kate _come to the party.But I dont think so. A.could B.might C.need D.must7.Need I do my lessons right now? Yes,you_. A.need B.can C.should D.must8.Would you like to go swimming with me this afternoon?Id love to.But I

31、m afraid I_.I have too much work to do. A.cant B.mustnt C.neednt D.may not9.To make our city more beautiful,rubbish_into the river. A.neednt be thrown B.mustnt be thrown C.cant throw D.may not throw10.Dont worry!We can get to the bus station in time and _the early bus. A.dont miss B.can miss C.will

32、miss D.wont miss课时训练课时训练(B)(D)(A)(B)(D)11.Please dont make any noise in the reading room. _ A.Sorry,I wont. B.Sorry,I cant. C.Yes, I wont. D.OK,I didnt.12.Must I return your digital camera tomorrow.Tina? No,you_. A.mustnt B.may not C.neednt D.wont13.Would you like some more? _Im full. A.Yes,please.

33、B.Id love to. C.No,I wouldnt. D.No,thanks.14.You_swim in this part of the lake. Its dangerous. A.mustnt B.may not C.neednt D.wont15.Your email address again? I_quite catch it. Hr Zhou . A.dont B.cant C.wont D.didnt 课时训练课时训练ACADD( )1.-Must I put my bike here ? No, you .You should put it over there .A

34、. couldnt B. neednt C. mustnt D. wont( )2.- I fill in the check-in form right now ,sir ?-No ,you neednt ,you can complete it this afternoon .A.May B. Can C. Would D. Must ( )3. we swim in that river ? No,you its dangerous to swim there.A.Must ,cant B.Can, may not C.Shall ,dont D.May ,mustnt ( )4.-Mu

35、st we put up a sigh by the river ? . Its very dangerous here.A.Yes ,you must B. No, you neednt C. Yes ,you can D. No, you mustnt BDD A定语从句定语从句考点揭密考点揭密典型例题解析典型例题解析课时训练课时训练考点揭密考点揭密 在复合句中修饰名词、代词,并由关系代词在复合句中修饰名词、代词,并由关系代词或关系副词引导的从句称为定语从句。定语从句或关系副词引导的从句称为定语从句。定语从句所修饰的词所修饰的词(词组成句子词组成句子)称为先行词,初中教材称为先行词,初中教

36、材着重介绍了关系代词着重介绍了关系代词that,which,who所引导的定所引导的定语从句。语从句。 中考考点设置中考考点设置1.定语从句为新教材着重要求掌握的内容,从定语从句为新教材着重要求掌握的内容,从2003年考题来看,年考题来看,全国均未作为重点考查项目,但定语从句的学习在阅读理解全国均未作为重点考查项目,但定语从句的学习在阅读理解内容中出现频率较多。内容中出现频率较多。2.着重掌握引导词的选用,特别是一定的特定境况下只能用着重掌握引导词的选用,特别是一定的特定境况下只能用that,不能用不能用which的情况:的情况:(1)先行词为先行词为all,little,much,every

37、thing,anything,nothing 等不定代词时;等不定代词时;(2)先行词被先行词被the only,序数词,形容词最高级所修饰时;序数词,形容词最高级所修饰时;(3)先行词为数词时。先行词为数词时。 3.先行词若为地点或时间时,后面的关系词用关系代词还先行词若为地点或时间时,后面的关系词用关系代词还是关系副词,要看关系词在定语从句中作什么成分。若关是关系副词,要看关系词在定语从句中作什么成分。若关系词作定语从句的主语、宾语或定语,用关系代词;若关系词作定语从句的主语、宾语或定语,用关系代词;若关系词作状语,则用关系副词。系词作状语,则用关系副词。【例例1】 The necklac

38、e _ you gave me for my birthday. A.who B.where C.which D.what 典型例题解析典型例题解析C【例例2】 Polly was the thief _stole Mums necklace. A.who B.where C.which D.what A【例例3】 The one _ he gave me is lack. A.who B.that C.which D.what B 【例例6】This is the most interesting story I have heard of. A.which B.that C.who D.w

39、hat 【例例4】 The one _ one a thousand dollars. A.which cost B.which spend C.that cost D.that spend 典型例题解析典型例题解析C 【例例5】 This is the first article he has written in English. A.which B.that C.who D.what BB1.There is nothing _ I can do.A.that B.whichC.who D.what2.Do you know the man _ is wearing glasses?A.

40、who B.whichC.what D.where3.The boy _ is playing football is my brother.A.which B.whoC.what D.where4.Ill never forget the day _ I first met her.A.what B.who C.which D.when5.I cant find the book _ my mother bought me.A.who B.when C.which D.what课时训练课时训练(A)(A)(B)(D)(C)课时训练课时训练6.The film _I saw yesterday

41、 was very interesting.A.who B.whenC.what D.that7.This is the pan _ I heat the milk.A.which B.whereC.with which D.in which8.Is there anything _ I can help you?A.that B.whichC.who D.what9.All _ is needed is a few hands to help with the work.A.what B.thatC.which D.things10.Is this the factory _you wish

42、 to visit?A.that B.whereC.when D.what (D)(D)(A)(B)(A)11.Im reading a book _ is written by Luxun.A.which B.whoC.what D.when12.I like the teacher _ gave us a talk last week.A.who B.whichC.when D.where13.This is one of the beautiful mountains _ I have seen before.A.which B.whoC.what D.that14.After 20 y

43、ears he went back to the city _ he used to live.A.where B.whenC.what D.how15.Mr Green is only one of those foreigners _is working in China.A.that B.whichC.whom D.whose课时训练课时训练(A)(A)(D)(A)(A)16.My necklace is not the only thing _is missing.A.which B.thatC.what D.where17.I hate people _ talked much bu

44、t do A.who,few B.that,fewC.which,little D.who,little18.Ill shoot anyone _ moves.A.which B.whenC.where D.who19.I dont know the reason _he was late this morning.A.what B.whenC.why D.who20.We are looking for a thief _ parrots and necklaces.A.who like stealingB.who likes stealingC.that like to stealD.wh

45、ich likes to steal 课时训练课时训练(B)(D)(D)(B)(C)I.单项选择单项选择1.There is nothing _ I can do.A. that B. whichC. who D. what2.Do you know the man _ is wearing glasses? A. who B. which C. what D. where3.Ill never forget the day _ I first met her.A. what B. whoC. which D. when4.I cant find the book _ my mother bo

46、ught me. A. who B. when C. which D. what5.The film _ I saw yesterday was very interesting. A. who B. whenC. what D. that6.This is the pan _ I heat the milk.A. which B. where C. with which D. in which7.Is there anything _ I can help you?A. that B. which C. who D. what8.All _ is needed is a few hands

47、to help with the work.A. what B. that C. which D. things9.Is this the factory _you wish to visit?A. that B. whereC. when D. what A A D D C D C A B A10. This is one of the beautiful mountains _ I have seen before.A. which B. whoC. what D. that11. After 20 years he went back to the city _ he used to l

48、ive.A. where B. when C. what D. how12.My necklace is not the only thing _ is missing. A. which B. that C. what D. where13. I hate people _ talked much but do _. A. who, few B. that, fewC. which, little D. who, little14. Ill shoot anyone _ moves. A. which B. whenC. where D. who15. I dont know the rea

49、son _ he was late this morning. A. what B. whenC. why D. who16. We are looking for a thief _ parrots and necklaces. who like stealing B. who likes stealingC. that like to steal D. which likes to steal 17).YaoMing is a famous basketball star _is playing in the NBA. A.whose B.who C. what D.which18).He

50、 likes music_he could dance to. A. who B.that C. whom D.what19)._have finished the work can leave. A. Those who B. Anyone C.The one whoD A B D D C B B B A.句型转换句型转换1.Do you know the man?The man is picking up the waste paper.(改为含有定语从句的句子改为含有定语从句的句子)Do you know the man _ _up the waste paper.2.I like bo

51、oks.The books are written by Charles Dickens. (改为含有定语从句的句子改为含有定语从句的句子)I like books _ _written by Charles Dickens.3.I want to make friends with the people are kind to old people.(改为含有定语从句的句子改为含有定语从句的句子)I want to make friends with people _ _ _to old people.4.The novel is very instructive.I read it yes

52、terday.(合并为一句合并为一句)The novel _I _yesterday is very instructive.课时训练课时训练whos pickingwhich arewho are kindwhich read5.The girl is very beautiful.The girl is wearing red skirt. (合并为一句合并为一句)The girl _ _ _red skirt is very beautiful.6.Li Lei is the Young Pioneer.He helped the old man find his home.(合并为一句

53、合并为一句)Li Lei is the Young Pioneer _ _the old man find his home.7.Do you like the animal?The animal looks like a big house.(合并为一句合并为一句)Do you like the animal _ _like a big house.8.China is a great country that has long history.(改为同义句改为同义句)China is a great country_ long history.课时训练课时训练who is wearingw

54、ho helpedwhich/that looks with 9.The girl in red hat is my sister.(改为同义句改为同义句)The girl_ _ _red haf is my sister.10.I dont like bikes which have big wheels.(对划线部分提问对划线部分提问)_bikes dont you like?11.The man who is wearing glasses stole Mrs.Greens necklace.(对划线部分提问对划线部分提问)_ _stole Mrs Greens necklace?12.Its a pretty city that doesnt have any motobikes. (改为同义句改为同义句)Its a pretty city _ _motobikes.课时训练课时训练who is wearing Which which manwithout any



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